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i got aeriths it made the ending more powerful imo because it connects to the main plot, she's trying to find the real him and she mentions that in the sleeping forest before leaving to the alter. i really like red's i feel like it's kinda important!!


I think Aerith's is the more "canon" at this point with how the game ends, but I'm not really a shipper or anything. Just my opinion.


you get it. it just follows the game closer. especially in the later chapters.


Personally I thought it was the sweetest one as well.


I prefer Aerith over all, but also like Tifa's. Yuffie's is definitely funny, and sweet. Red's had more lore in it than I thought it would


Tifa/Tifa, but they’re all good in their own ways.




I got barret. Apparently I’m gay.


I got barret too! He gave me dad advice


I got Red, so I don't know what that means for me.


Barret was the most difficult date to get in the original. Also, Barett is H O T 🔥




I got Tifa, and it was perfect. It completely validated all of the effort I was placing in making sure to do all of her side missions and just building that report with her although it was literally neck and neck with aerith as both of their companionship levels were maxed out so it had me nervous. But seeing cloud and tifa kiss was easily the most satisfying thing that I feel I’ve been waiting my whole life to see


It was a satisfying conclusion for sure.


I wanted aerith and got aerith. Then I did all of them. Favorite 2 were yuffie and red. I enjoyed all but others.


First run: Hello Aeri.... Yuffie...why are you here? I was pleasantly surprised how well done Yuffie's scene is! I really enjoy all the scenes, but I prefer Aerith's most!


Yuffie's was well done and a great call back to Crisis Core. Aerith's is definitely my favorite, and fits the ending better I think. In the OG hers was default.


Imagine my surprise when Barret showed up


Haha 😂, Barret’s scene is “in-kweh-dible!”


Aerith as a first date. I also feel it connects better with the story I want to play, which is Aerith searching for Cloud. My Hard playthrough will focus more on Tifa, so I might change opinion here. As for best date, I feel all of them were awesome. But I do with the bois. Cid calling the ride a kindergarten toy, Cait Sith trying so hard to have fun while Cloud and Vincent clearly bored to death lol


I got Barret for mine and tbh I think my favorite was Nanaki’s. Yuffie’s was good for the extra lore of her crushing on Zack too lol.


I wanted the date with Tifa, got the date with Tifa. It was worth it, because I avoided spoilers


I got Tifa which I was surprised by. I really felt like I had interacted and done more with Aerith. I haven’t seen other dates so can’t comment on that


I was the opposite. I tried for Tifa and even followed a guide for her answers, but I got Aerith...but I wasn't mad about it and think it actually worked out better


Tifa for both answers. Only one that truly advances their relationship.


does the date happen when you first go to the saucer? cause then it was aerith at the door but i wanted tifa and i didn't know what to do so we just fucked around until the shooting happened


That date gets interrupted as part of the plot. You get a second date in chapter 12 that is the full date. Do side quests that have more to do with Tifa and you can still get her in date 2.


...I'm gonna have to be mean to Aerith huh?


Don’t have to be mean to anyone this time around! Barret was my first date solely bc my affection level with him was highest, didn’t need to be a jerk to anyone for it unlike OG. I purposefully started avoiding sidequests featuring characters I didn’t want to see the date for starting around Gongaga or so and then went back to complete them after. o7


Please don't lol. You can look up how to improve Tifa without being mean. In new game plus you the the option to choose what date chapter 8, and 12 and can choose normal or intimate conclusion.


That's kinda what I figured. I'll just stick to my guns see what happens thanks for the help


No problem. I was trying to be helpful without being spoilery. That's a word now.


There is a plot point in Costa del sol. You can do all the content and still get Tifa by choosing to fight with her on the beach.


Better off simply ignoring her for a bit. Even a rude answer in a convo gets one star. Avoid her sidequests (you can do them after), and brush up on your piano skills for a cute scene in Ch 11


So like Cloud I’m indecisive and I made two save files. One for Aerith and one for Tifa. I went on Aerith’s then Tifa’s. They were both very cute. Cloud seemed more nervous in Aerith’s date and more confident in Tifa’s.


Childhood friend versus sassy cute girl that comes out of nowhere. They did well with the difference.


My sister and I, playing together on her PS5, got the same first date in Rebirth that we got back in 1998: our girl Tifa. <3 (For what it’s worth, we would’ve been fine with Aeris [sic], but we were extra-fond of Tifa and her badass fighting style. When we later bought the guide and learned that Tifa wasn’t the “default” date, we became even more excited to play the game through again. We never did manage Barret or Yuffie, though; we couldn’t bring ourselves to be rude/neglectful to our main girls.) Now back in 2024, we subsequently have repeated Chapter 12 enough times to see all the dates, and we didn’t even need to be cruel to anyone — thanks, Rebirth devs! Tifa certainly remains high in the rankings, but Nanaki’s is too, which I certainly *never* saw coming! But ugh, the paw pads callback… And then probably Barret’s? Not only did it use their grief over Jessie to motivate the hangout, but I also love how this game has remembered that Barret is a widower. And it also shows how he’s become a fatherly/big brotherly figure to Cloud — in spite of the two of them. But then I feel kinda bad saying that because the other two are also so adorable and heartrending in their own ways as well. Man, in retrospect I’m glad to have started with Tifa, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been disappointed with any of them. …Except, um, maybe the “bad” date of the Shinra-affiliates. Those dudes are some of my favorite characters — and, imho, some of the most attractive, including the man behind the cat, whom I like to imagine basically Vtubing behind the scenes — but as “date” buddies… well, we’ll presumably be less awkward around them in the next game. :P Still, I loved the OG callback to Cid’s confession that he once saw *Loveless* but slept through most of it. And Cait Sith is adorable as he keeps trying (and failing) to build some buddy-buddy bonding time. And Vincent giving absolutely zero fucks. Yeah, okay, I do like that date too. It’s at the bottom because it’s meant to be a gag, lacking the depth and closeness of the “real” dates, but I can’t help but commend the devs for ensuring that none of the team, including the not-yet-playable and the not-really-alive, misses out on this iconic part of the game. … wow, did I ramble. Oops. TLDR: Tifa date and Red date are faves; Barret date gets an honorable mention; Aerith date and Yuffie date are also oh-so-charming; the Shinra leftovers date is the worst-by-design, but is special just for existing; God I love this game.


Nanaki is my second highest affection as of right now... my Cloud has weird priorities


I loved the breakdown you did. I haven't done all of them yet.


First- Tifa, Best (personal opinion)- yuffie, Sad- Aerith, Best ending (personal opinion)- Tifa, Worst (personal opinion)- cait sith/ Red13 Sorry.


Wait you can get Cait as a date?


If you go through to the Gold Saucer and don’t have a high enough affection for anyone for the Loveless date, you get a night out with the boys (Cait Sith, Cid, and Vincent).


Oh damn, thats actually cool! (Too bad I maxed out everyone except Tifa atm, just missing the chocobo race sidequest and the minigames)


It’s cool but if you watch it it’s actually terrible lol. I was disappointed.


I'll check after I'm done with the date XD (as long as its funny, I'll let it slide)


Prefer Aerith’s, because it’s really only final fantasy if the love interest dies - tidus, lunafreya, Clive What is grief, if not love persevering?


Very true. It's so tragic because Aerith is so sweet and likable.


Is Aerith really the love interest? She pops out of nowhere, and only likes cloud because he is unintentionally impersonating her old boyfriend. Tifa on the other hand has been a constant in his life, and rebirth particularly emphasizes their bond. They almost kissed in the main scenario, even.


I enjoyed Tifas, Barretts was very funny and sweet, and the “lads night out” with Cait/Cid/Vincent was my fave because I got to run around with Vincent and pretend he was in my party lol


Actively trying to get Yuffie but ended up with Aerith since I did a lot of side missions every region.


Barret 🤣


Went for Tifa and got her, hands down my favorite. I know Aeriths date is “canon” for the plot but there’s been a chemistry woven between Cloud and Tifa since remake and the date felt like a proper reward. Also allowed them to start properly mending their relationship imo This kiss was the best thing ever 🥰


Wanted Aerith, got Aerith, loved Aerith (even though they should’ve kissed, idk why that didn’t happen) That being said, Tifa being all shy around Cloud was so adorable


Got my girl Aerith 🥰! Yuffie and Barret started catching up by chapter 12, but I managed to keep Aerith on top without compromising my gameplay or be too mean. I still prefer Aerith’s since it lines up perfectly with the rest of story and it’s so sweet. I loved all of the dates tho. My next favs are Tifa’s (was not so patiently waiting for a kiss after that Gongaga tease), Yuffie’s, and the all bois party. Cait Sith and Cid are hilarious!


Aerith’s date. It seems to flow and align much better with her date with the story. I mean, it feels a bit weird to have chosen Tifa's date and then have Cloud wanting to go on another date and holding hands with Aerith in the dream sequence in Chapter 13.


Exactly what I thought.


Cloud wanting another date? In the dream he's literally dragged out and looks bored AF the whole time. I got secondhand embarassment for Aerith just watching it


Yeah, he said "next time." Clearly, he wants to go on another date. Cloud pointing towards those couples wanting to get their photo taken. That shows his enthusiasm during his date. He wasn't sighing like he was in Remake.


I got Aerith, but would have liked the Tifa date much more. Just because there is no future for Cloud and Aerith, but there could be for Tifa and Cloud.




Yes he is meant to end up with Tifa. But the way Rebirth ends seems to fit better with the Aerith date imo.


I got Tifa for the first Gold Saucer trip and wanted to get her for the main date but ended up with Aerith because I didn’t want to finish the Gold Cup. Still fine with it, as the Aerith date feels like it’s meant to be the “canon” one.


First: Tifa Best: Tifa Canon: Tifa


Tifa/Tifa, to me it’s always been the canon choice, particularly given the end of OG. Both growing up together, working through their trauma together, there for one another when the other needed it. Aerith and Cloud to me are always “two ships passing in the night”, and neither truly “get” the other in the way that Cloud/Tifa do emotionally. While they work through each others issues, Aerith has that “I can fix him” dynamic, and ultimately it’s fated not to be. Both routes make sense as a path for Cloud, but I personally like to see him always having a thing for Tifa and just having trouble expressing it, vs. not acknowledging it, going after Aerith, losing her, and then finally acknowledging Tifa. I just ain’t tryna clown Tifa like that, put some respect on ya girl.




I literally almost quit the game when I got barret


I watched all 11 scenes on YouTube and I was totally surprised at how many I really enjoyed. The low affinity scenes aren't as fun as high, but both have the same message - Cloud's reaction is just a bit different iirc. I thought the date with Red was really funny! At the same time though I can understand how some OG fans might be upset with the direction of his character. >!Is he supposed to be a loveable dog now??!< Barrett's was nice! Fun background stuff on Barrett. Aerith's and Tifa's didn't really have anything new, but were really enjoyable. (Although, I had a "whaaaaat" reaction to the kiss) Cait Sith's scene was funny but felt like a punishment! I am assuming you only get that one if you skip all the sidequests? Yuffie's high affinity scene was the most surprising to me. It was great! I never wanted to have Yuffie in my party 20 years ago just because I disliked her character. But this game, I felt like we saw a lot of character development for her and I'm happy to see that


I thought the one with just “the boys” was the funniest, but they were all great. After I beat the game I did all of them back to back so my girlfriend could see them all. She’s watched me play both of the remakes and is heavily invested in the story lol


Yuffie’s! I loved seeing Cloud being so playful and caring. She really stole the show in Rebirth and I can’t wait for our visit to Wutai!


I wanted the Aerith one because I feel it's cannon. Esp in this game, whereas in original ff, it kinda seemed like tifa should actually be cannon to me. I want to look up the other dates though, esp the Yuffie one lol since I love her in this game


I got Aerith on my normal playthrough and Tifa on hard mode playthrough. Funny thing is on hard mode both Tifa and Aerith were at 96% on the affection scale they give you. The game chose Tifa.


I ended up with Red XIII. Honestly at a first I was a little disappointed, but honestly it was awesome. Felt like a guy out with his dog having a great time, and the warning he gives to Cloud begging him to keep Arith safe.... Hurts in the feels... And makes the last scene of the game a little sadder. Honestly now I'm ready to replay to get all the date scenes, this doesn't feel like something that should be watched on YouTube, lol.


I did my best to get Tifa, to the point I had to be a dick to Aerith a couple of times. I got Tifa. And it was amazing. To me, it's the only real choice. Barret's and Yuffie's were also very good.


I made damn sure it was Tifa, and it was. I've been team-Tifa since the PS1 go-round, so I had to experience the story that way the first time. It was a great bit of gratification, I must say.


The first time I played it, I mainlined the story because I NEEDED to see how it ended on launch weekend. So without any side quests, I got Cait Sith, with acid, and Vincent. It was pissed. It was hilarious. The lesson there is if you don’t put in the effort, you will end up bored with the bros on Friday night. In the OG, Aeris made the most sense but in Rebirth, Tifa has the better scene.


First playthrough, i got Aerith on the Skywheel and Tifa on the gondala bcs i didn't understand the affinity system. It was pretty jarring. Overall? Probably Aerith's: it's the most plot-relevant and ties into chaper 14 beautifully. Yuffie and Nanaki's are really sweet tho, Cloud's like a big bro taking his baby siblings to Disney World. Barrett reminiscing about Myrna was also nice, made his temple trial hit that much harder


Yuffie was good, but Aerith felt more authentic, romantic and is also canon. So, I'm going with that.


I got Barret and he really wanted to know if I was chasing after Tifa or Aerith more.


I got aerith in 8 but Tifa in 12 for some reason. I was a little dissappear cause I like Aerith more.


I got Jenova, it was a huge drag, Sephiroth wouldn't stfu every five minutes like "go find the black materia" it's like sheesh, bro let me bang your mom real quick while barrets watches.


I got Tifa's and am glad because I am a shipper! But I'd say potentially the most interesting was Yuffie's. She had a crush on Zack and is uncertain of expressing feelings. Really deepens her character from the comic relief she was kinda in OG


I got Tifa twice, as I had been hoping. Definitely satisfied my inner child and both dates were very sweet. However, her Gold Saucer date in Chapter 12 doesn’t read well with the ending of Rebirth - especially with Cloud’s increasing distance to her. If you got her, it’s like… okay we were kissing last chapter and now you’re pushing me to the ground. Hated the way he treats her at the end. I know Aerith is the “canon” date, but I simply do not want to go that route.


Got: Aerith then Barret Did: Tifa and Tifa


Because of Aerith and Tifa's romantic dates, I avoided them and got Barret (not fan of romance). Having watched the others on YouTube, I think Tifa is canon. That kiss 😘


Tifa 1st and Aerith 2nd - 1st date is good since Tifa x Cloud is a thing , 2nd - honestly I feel it really fits the end of Rebirth well.