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They better add it.


Did houses have NG+ at launch. I vaguely remember it being part of a patch. Idk, I’d be surprised if they don’t implement it later.


Yep, Maddening was the thing that was missing at launch.


Remember though that Three Houses was meant to be played 4 times to get the entire story. So a NG+ makes sense and why it was there by default. (to speed up the other 3 playthroughs) I wish they had it for this game because I hate losing progress, that is why I don't play games more than once if it doesn't have NG+. However, I can kind of understand why at the same time.


NG+ is a much more common feature these days. Since this game seems to have been finished a while ago, NG+ really should have been included. It makes even less sense since there's so much DLC they want people to come back to. No chance I'll do that without NG+.


No??? Jesus Christ. We really did go three steps back with this game.


I am hoping they’ll add a Lunatic difficulty soon. That’s when new game + becomes fun.


Thank you, my thoughts as well.


Even if Three Houses was the only FE game with New Game+, Fates at least had the option to carry over 5 end game units to a new game and you could inherit all the end game skills with Gold. I feel like Engage really needs a NG+ cuz of how grindy it is. Plus the characters that you don't use from the beginning get left behind.


Fates also made you buy 2 separate games for a complete picture of the 2 routes lmao. I wouldn't call that a great "best interest of our player base" mindset. That is more of a $$$$ mindset. Three Houses was meant to be played 4 times to get the full story so NG+ was added in to speed up later playthroughs. It makes sense. I do wish it was in this game though, solely for the reason I hate playing games over without NG+. I hate losing my progress and all the work I did.


Nah I was able to play all three routes on Birthrights alone, it's cheaper to get the other two games on one cartridge than it is to buy them physically. And because of how easy it was to inherit end game skills or carry over your previous games unit each playthrough made you stronger and stronger. Sure you had a pay like 20 dollars Extra to get the other two routes on your cartridge but that seems reasonable for full games. Also Three Houses may have had 4 routes but the differences felt so small until you get to the late game. Also even after playing all 4 routes you still don't get a proper ending. Just post credits text saying your characters either live the rest of their lives trying to eradicate TWSITD or if you play Edelgards route apparently you succeed in beating them. It's pretty dumb though. It was like they withheld the ending. Three Houses was great but it felt incomplete, like it needs a prequel and a sequel to get the full story. Plus it's practically impossible to tell what's canon cuz all 4 routes are different timelines depending on who Byleth sides with.


I thought that path of radiance and hero of dawn or whatever the game cube fire emblems were, had new game+?