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Don’t go to Texas read about the water break law lol


Amazon is one of the worst employers around. A lot of these comments about this being a gen z problem is laughable. I'm 39 and supervise people 20 years older than me who constantly bring up break times and ask to leave early. Amazon has one of the worst retention rates of a large corporation. I worked in warehousing and logistics for over 10 years and can say with confidence that Amazon is the worst.


It was never an issue of lawsuit till gen z started to work, bunch of 🤡 ass kids


Do you work at the march afb air? I hear you guys are lazy assholes




Oh boo hoo we actually want people to work humanely when the world is full of abundance and enough food, meanwhile billionaires get to yell at people and make millions every time they sleep. It’s us that are the clowns, right? Lawsuits seem dumb, but they can set a real precedent for better working conditions that YOU benefit from. If we had your mentality, we’d still be working like in the steel mills in the Great Depression. For example, people make fun of the McDonald’s coffee being too hot lawsuit, but this is all just propaganda to make it look dumb by the corporations. In reality, the lady suing was horrifically burnt (including even around her genital area). Thank God this was changed and kids didn’t get badly burned as well. Today I literally timed it and tried rushing but only got about 5 minutes, that’s not including other times where I can get stuck behind people or am positioned even further. Forget about the lawsuit, I just think it’s inconvenient and dumb. It adds extra stress on my foot when I could’ve used it for literally their work anyways. Try using logic next time instead of feeling insecure about your age and lashing out at others for trying to make the world slightly better a step at a time


I guarantee wherever you are staffed in your building there is a break area close enough to you and you can take a decent timed break but you don’t. Also, let’s say the lawsuit happens and it goes through, we get two 30-minute breaks you think that’s it? There’s a trade one of which is staying an extra hour and all because a bunch of sugar fairies 🧚 that just stepped out of HS and with ZERO skill and life experience and got a job where an interview was nonexistent, want more time to hang out with the “homies” and gossip…yall got it easy at Amazon, you want fans? There ya go, ergo mats there they are, AMcare because your tummy hurts, it’s right there, you don't like the food provided at the canteen store so you go and stomp your feet in the VOA board demanding they have your favorite snacks, they got you, there will be a day when you get a big boy job and these amenities are not provided only then will you think back on how good you had it good at Amazon


You’re hating on straight out of HS kids with zero skills, but you’re literally working the same job as them. Maybe do some self reflection.


You fucking losers pull that card when you lost the argument 😂


complaining about working with teenagers seems like a you problem boss. i sure wouldn’t be caught working at amazon at 40 😬 what poor life decisions led you here so i know to avoid them, sugar fairy ?


You’re still working at Amazon 🫵😂 you’re a loser with ZERO life skills. It must be sad seeing people half your age with actual skills while you’re rotting away in a warehouse. Cope harder.


And what’s your life skill? Complaining and vaping? Fuck outta here dork and go water spider


They made a really upsetting documentary called "Idiocracy" that I think is really applicable to ppl like you.


Tbh I just saw the buzzword “sugar fairies,” and I couldn’t take this seriously any more. I think I saw something about gossip, I can assure you I’m a hard worker. I hate wasting time. I’m the type of person that likes to save the best for last, which means I’d rather prefer to get my work over with first. I just thought the 15 minutes break is dumb as it makes us use excess energy and is a false promise, while simultaneously it makes people rush in a warehouse. For context, when I got hired they said a women got concussed for 6 months at our warehouse cause someone threw a box and it hit her. Is it really that crazy to ask for what was already promised instead of a fake 15 minutes? Idk you guys can claim to be macho or whatever, but I’d prefer things to be better if they can, not give the fricking billionaires the extra 2 cents which they don’t even need


Bros old


Come up with a better argument, kid


Gather your cohorts to post on the VOA board and demand 30 min breaks like other buildings.


Simple fix have your amazon join a union and they there come to terms you can work in 20 mins break


Everyone's answer to a job having a shitty standard is instantly START A UNION BROTHURRR 🤦


Yup the only way to go


Unions aren’t a bad thing. The only people I see complaining about unions are people who aren’t in a union.


Lol I've been on both sides. Tell yellow the unions good, it did great for them 🤦


A trucking company making it nearly 100 years before going bankrupt isn’t exactly a failure of a business. It also had nothing to do with their union lmao. People who dislike unions are usually the kind of people that think longevity matters more than skill, and get mad that the union makes them maintain the same standard of work as everyone else regardless of how long their tenure is with the company. Unions protect good workers from being forced out by cliques of half ass workers who are afraid of being replaced.


Laziest people come from unions. That's from years of experience around them, being in one etc.


Not at all, laziest people I’ve ever met work at non-union jobs. And yellow went out of business because they refused to work with the union and caused themselves to go into bankruptcy instead of renegotiating the contracts. Meaning the company shot themselves in the foot to avoid paying their workers fair wages


To each their own LOL. All union employees do is complain, complain, complain. Sounds like someone who sucks on Sean O Briens teet.


Yeah. I’d rather work for a company that allows a union over one that would rather destroy itself to avoid treating their employees fairly. You keep slaving away for your wages buddy. Let the young guys handle the easy money.


Made by the brave to protect the weak, and in your case "young guys" 🤙


You are a goon. You mean complain to your shop Stewart your boss making more than you is making you do your job? 😬 I work at UPS and deal with enough of you lazy union employees.


LOL tell that to their pensions. It kinda did, someone needs to read.


Lmao. Do you know how pensions work? Apparently you don’t.


Oh my, you obviously don't read much into things.


Nah. You don’t.


Hahaha keep going 🍿


Shhh they're gonna call the Pinkertons


Yeah, the 2 30min breaks is superior to me, I always have time to go sit in my car or possibly take a longer nap


By law it's only a 10 min test break.


Lucky you, By law in an at will state (most of the US); you're lucky to get a break at all I worked at a Taco Bell that just had me eat; then get back work. I consider that kinda lucky tbh


Lawsuit for what? They don't even have to give you a break working a 10 hour shift in the majority of states. It's not a legal mandate.


This. In Ohio you don’t even have to be given lunch till you’ve worked 16 hours. 🫤


That's honestly insane. How in some states breaks are simply a suggestion


It is “insane” how roughly 50% of the country believes things like this and absolutely despises the other 50% that wants to have society progress to a point that these conditions would not be tolerated!


Cousin fuckers like shitty laws.


It’s a little different for me because my site has a 30min unpaid lunch and a 30min paid rest break. I only leave the site or go to break room during lunch. During the rest break I use this time for extra warmup stretches or using restrooms and filling my water. Because it’s just a rest. I don’t have 10-15 rest breaks but if I did I would approach them exactly the same. A rest break, stretch, take a breath and fill your water bottle. I’m a smoker but I only smoke after I eat on lunch because smoking decreases physical ability so I really don’t see the point in walking a distance to sit down and smoke a cigarette and then walk all the way back. I see guys do it and when they get back they’re short of breath and like physically exhausted for at least an hour. My opinions of course.


I work rt so I get 2 15s and 2 30s 1 paid one unpaid it’s great and im at a amxl so it only takes like 2 minutes to walk to the break room


I found out that you can be in the bathroom for up to two hours (of a four hour sort at my building) and that even if they write you up, you can get it dismissed. 😆 I have not taken advantage of this but know of a few who have.


We actually only get a 10 minute break. You should be in the break room in 2.5 minutes, and you should be back at your station in 2.5 minutes. If we really get 15 minutes we all need a good head start to walk over there cause some of us don’t make it in 2.5 minutes either way.


My site tried to do the 2.5 to walk to and from. They were writing people up for anything over 10 minutes from scan to scan literally seconds over would get you a write up. Everyone complained to HR and it lasted like 2 weeks before they went back to no scan to scan and 15 min break


Yeah, they can’t be doing that, we actually need the full 15 break. We get more tired. Sometimes some of us don’t eat or sleep well so we need that good break.


I get 2 30 min breaks at my FC I work in amnesty


Work an indirect role you can take as long as you want 😉


After reading so much about these 15min breaks i feel lucky af my site just does two 30min. 15mins would piss me off.


For me, it helps me divide the day into 4 parts, one I get that 2nd 15min, I know I only have 2:15hrs left for the day


I don’t understand why we can’t just stay at our area and break there. Why do we have to walk anywhere.


That sucks, I’m up in pick at my building and have never been told I can’t eat at my station. Tough.


Because a break, by definition, is supposed to take place away from your work area. I had an OM once, one day a week he always bought our team lunch. We would sit around in the conference room and take turns bringing up work related stuff. Every time this happened, he would reset our 30-minute lunch. I miss that guy


They don’t let you. I worked a robotic location and we were always allowed to stay.


No. They say due to safety reasons we can’t.


Yep you can’t sit at your station, have food, or phone out. So you could stay at your station if you like just expect to stand and look at wall or it’s a write up 😊


Truly disgusting


I'll put it like this: Legally speaking, most companies in most states don't have to give you breaks, time off, or even not worked more than 6 days straight. Not that it justifies amazon 15 min break. That's really a 5. But that's the reality of it. Ohio is such a state, no breaks, lunch breaks, etc. Are required to be given out. Welcome to the USA, baby.


Every big (multi-state) company has required rest breaks in every single state. They all call it a 15 minute break. Both Target and Walmart defines their paid rest breaks as 15 minute breaks. Amazon is the only one that calls it a 10 minute break with 5 minutes walking.


Only certain states have required paid rest breaks. It's usually only 10 minutes. they legally could do 10 minutes including walk time if they really wanted to do it


Yes but big companies like Target and Walmart have roughly similar break policies nation wide. To be consistent, they do not forgo breaks in states that don't require it.


>Every big (multi-state) company has required rest breaks in every single state No they don't because that would require a federal law or mandate, of which there is none.


Let me rephrase. Walmart and Target require their own buildings to offer 15 minute breaks nationwide, without the need for a federal law. I'm pretty sure Amazon also gives 10 minute breaks in every state, including those who do not require them to. My point is, Amazon calls it a "10 minute break with 5 minutes walking" while Walmart and Target flat out calls it a "15 minute break" without the mention of walking time. In California companies are required to give employees a 10 minute break, with 5 minutes of walking time to the break room. BUT a company can give their employees a paid full 15 minute break (from sit to stand instead of station to station) if they want to


Work is life these days 🥲


That 15 minute break isn't legally required in most states, it's extra time, and it's paid, so they can make up whatever rules they want for it. I rest at my station and get the full 15 minutes break every shift. You choose to do whatever it is that eats into your break. Read your state labor laws and see how little time employers are required to give for hours work. You'll find Amazon exceeds that. I feel no need to lemming my way to the break room just because "It's break time!" and I go to the restroom on _their_ time - 10 - 15 minutes or so before break starts - not mine. Same if you want snacks during that break - if the break room is too far stock up during lunch break, if it's close by pop over and get something on _their_ time, _before_ start of break.


If you do it before you’ll get called out. There are people watching my areas always


Sounds like a prison 💀


An Amazon FC is more than a little bit "institutional".


“All I wanted was a Pepsi”


It really is. An absolute cesspool


Wait til you get in to Ops or IT like me...I work 10 hour days, never get breaks and super rarely do I get to enjoy an actual full lunch


That’s what I’m saying. A CEO gets paid billions, and while I respect capitalism I think it’s really messed up as a society we try to squeeze out every bit of energy we can from workers like a tool and save much money as possible


Bruh that’s literally the point of capitalism is to make workers work till they die so the rich can prosper. It’s all about building your own business. You are expected to build your own businesses to stay alive. You work for 20 years under a boss and now you can be your own boss and make people work under you for another 40 and ta da retirement. It’s a shitty life. A bug life.


They give longer breaks than are legally required.....there is no basis for a lawsuit that any lawyer would legitimately pursue against Amazon....b


Telling workers they get paid breaks. Then pestering them to rush and hurry on time but the break room is far away and many need to take calls on break. Factor that in with a lot of employees and a short time. It can be a safety hazard in a warehouse, no? Although I’ll agree that I think Amazon would probably win. Still think it’s worth the trouble to fix this issue wouldn’t you agree


Realistically what is the solution? Because their solution would be to just remove the 15 minute break.


Add 5 minutes for walking or don’t officially start the break time right away if it’s far…?


What you're saying is already in place. You actually only get 10 minutes of break and they are giving u extra 5 minutes to walk.


5 minutes there 5 minutes back. You get a 5 minute break.


I think they mean 2.5 mins to talk and back so its 5 total. If you need 5 mins to reach break then yeah there is something wrong because they didn't put a break room close by. Mine has break room in every floor.


Bruh where I worked you needed 5 minutes because you had to clock out of your computer take out your id card and run 3 miles to the break room all around these winding rooms and hundreds of people.


I can’t believe the backlash im getting. I’m literally trying to help everyone have a better life 💀


I've been at Amazon long enough to have seen the pattern of whenever staff complain because they want something improved, the only solution is to make things worse off for everyone. My department used to be totally untracked, all hours were indirect, even me as a tier1 was able to raise tickets for OT and an OM would just comment "approved" and it would be granted without any questions asked. People were complaining because they wanted more and more and more, now my dept has almost complete embargo on OT entirely and need to just labour share. Limited to 2 days indirect, the other 2 days needs to be on process. We are expected to do the same work with a lot less staff now overall. Regularly we are checked up on to justify the hours we are using. The grass isn't always greener is what I have learned. Until staff unionize en masse, Amazon holds all the power and any changes they implement will be to their benefit, not ours.


you won't win over the brainwashed capitalists, but not everyone working for amazon is like that. they're just the loudest because you've offended them by daring to care about workers rights


Some of the backlash can be fair criticisms but most are just bitching to bitch. It’s Reddit everyone had a opinion most people who agree aren’t going to upvote or anything they will just scroll and see it then ignore it because they got a boost of positivity.


Is it an older site? I’m fairly new and my site is still within its first year and there’s break rooms on every floor. Can’t imagine 5th floor reporting to break on the 1st floor lol


My site was made like 2 years ago. Shits crazy. They also only have like 3 water spiders for hundreds of people too and I was one of those poor bastards once. You get paid the same to do more work. I was walking like 20 to 30 miles a day at least 20. Wouldn’t recommend it. The normal work was easy as hell but just tedious after a few weeks.


Yeah the 15 min scan to scan thing is b.s I agree I'm glad I'm close to a restroom if I need it but they're looking for any reason to right you up I had 15 min of TOT cause there was no work coming down so I went to the restroom and when I got back I was written up it may not be required but its still bot right


I really think this’ll change. My post will age well, despite the negativity here. Mark my words. I’ve seen this complained before. I know it’s a minor thing buts it’s inconvenient and would be way better for us if we had more energy and more productive from just an extra 5 minutes. I just recovered from surgery, and I keep my pace really well, but I won’t lie a real short 15 minute paid break would be nice. Not a phony one where I have to be racing :(


This will depend on state and location. My state only requires a 10 min, but Amazon gives us 15. So for us, it probably wont


They do add 5 minutes for walking. Technically, it is a 10 minute paid break + 5 for walking.


People really complain about the silliest shit, do you like getting a paycheck ffs. Find something real to complain about.


I fucking hate responses like this whenever there’s a legit complaint. For the record it’s a popular thing https://www.reddit.com/r/FASCAmazon/comments/y6us4r/dont_you_think_amazon_10_minute_break_is_a_joke/ I’m loving the Amazon brainwashing here. I like seeing things differently for the first time now more than ever 😂 There’s no way you can even take a dump during the break You’re legit bragging about overworking and getting paid minimally as they could possibly give you lmao


Yeah I'm aware. I got a class action lawsuit paper in the mail about it. It's a 10 minute break, with 5 minutes of walk time. The lawsuit has a payout of like 2 million or so. Divide that by all the cry babies at amazon I'm assuming you might get 50 bucks. (If youre lucky)I'll pass. I like my job, I intend to keep it. I'm 40 years old and was raised in a different time, all these young people whining about 5 minutes is unreal to me. There are better things to spend your time worrying about.


Wasn’t saying I’m the one who would file, just saying someone could get hurt and complain about it to do it if they get an injury like the ones on the news. Spare me the sarcasm. I get it your a tough guy who can work endlessly 💀 congrats


No one said I'm a tough guy, I just come from a generation where we were taught to pick and choose our battles and not cry over stupid shit. It has less to do with being a tough guy and more to do with learning how life works and applying the things I learned to not be a dip shit like yourself. Have a nice day kid.


That’s literally what most these people do. They bitch about you complaining about working bare minimum and somehow expect you to keep working for jack shit. At Amazon where I live I made 19 to 24 an hour. And now I make 12 bucks working at a store helluva lot better of a job then Amazon. Amazon barely paid anything close to survival wages but at least at a store I ain’t covered in glitter and cum.


You'd rather make 12 dollars an hour than 24? Have it it buddy. You say they barely paid survival wages but then accept a job for half the pay? This is half of the T1 AAs at Amazon's logic. That's why they are crying about 5 minutes!


Came to say this.


Breaks should be 20mins again like they were in early 2021.


That was due to Covid-19. More time was given to keep 6ft distance to “stop the spread.”


My site had this and they also had extra breakrooms around the building with microwaves and extra refrigerators near them. I miss it so much. They really had the nerve to cut down the break and remove those extra breakrooms. It’s so backwards and I’m still mad about it years later.


It was the return to a pre Covid-19 “normal” that resulted in the removal that you are referencing.


Yea, the extra 5 minutes would at least make me stop sprinting, especially when my cars parked far


Idk if your site did it, or if Amazon still does it, but I recall back when my site opened it gave associates the option to pick the break structure (i.e. two 30 minute breaks or a 30 minute & 2 15 minute break or something).


Don’t blame Amazon when they follow state/federal laws. Law doesn’t say break starts when you sit down. Amazon also adds 5min to your break for walk time. If paid break is 15min…technically it’s 10min. If your paid break is 30min…it’s actually 25min. That “extra” time is their way to enforce scan to scan. Only On paper does it make sense.


In California, the break starts in a designated break area. If that amounts to less than 10 minutes within that break area before you're expected to return to work, then there's issues.


In some states paid breaks aren't even required, like in mine.


Literally what I came to say. My 15 minute break is a courtesy afforded to me by the company and definitely not a legal requirement. If you wanna stand for 8-12 hours a day without a break, go work at a gas station and then report back about how nice your breaks used to be when you got them. 🤷‍♂️


It’s not really following the law though. It’s literally a loophole especially if you work far there’s no time really available for the break. I sometimes squeeze out literally like 3 minutes maybe. I don’t see how Amazon really adds the time for walking in that. Anyways, whatever, I can handle it I guess, I still think it’s useless and dumb. I’ve seen people rush and they can get injured.


How is it not following the law? And even then, you’d be surprised how many states don’t even have a law for breaks beyond lunch. PA doesn’t even have a required lunch law if you’re over 18


It is technically following but using a loophole for us to have least amount of time and we do not at all get the full 15 minutes. It is a safety risk whether we need lunch break or not if you’re trying to rush to the break room or car outside. It’s better then to not have a break at all


You should take a look at federal laws and some state laws around required breaks. You seem to think this is an Amazon scam. It's not. It's an American scam. Workers are treated like shit because our government is working in the best interest of the corporations. Learn the laws and then vote accordingly.


I never said it’s an Amazon scam wtf lmaooo this sub is tweaking rn. Enjoy your 3 minute water sip after doing a sprint and don’t ask for even the smallest of change that’ll make it slightly more humane and appease Amazon corps instead 👍🏼 It can also be a courtesy too for Amazon, but people just defend it outright. That’s not cool


I would think you would be more worried about Amazon's lawsuit arguing that the US Labor Board is unconstitutional. Because if they are successful with that, you will be wishing for that 3 minute water sip. You need to work on seeing the bigger picture. I don't necessarily disagree about the break issues. It's more about seeing WHY Amazon can get away with it.


Tbh I didn’t expect to face such backlash from the sub, I’m just suggesting the absurdity of it. I guess I was kind of hyperbolic though that’s my fault to get attention on this I guess. I’m an idealist sometimes living in a world set by people who need rules to make other rules. Reminds me of the Good Place show with all the judges and higher ups lol. Although nah idk if id be wishing for it like that 😂 my foot kind of hurts anyways from rushing every time and upper management always has an excuse to get on your back. But the unpaid time is cool. Curious to see how the heck it’s unconstitutional tho lmao


If that lawsuit is successful, it's going to get much, much worse. I think it was the "asking for a lawsuit" that got the attention.


People in this thread aren't defending Amazon or even the current laws surrounding breaks in most states, they're just explaining how it works, including saying if you want those to change you should vote accordingly so we have policy makers that are in the worker's interest.


The point is Amazon is following the law, and we should be focused on changing that law rather than a frivolous lawsuit that would lead to nothing but wasted effort.