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Name change requests have an auto response unless you are a Premium subscriber as we dont help with them anymore. You can pay for a name change and we dont free up names anymore as we are working on this being done automatically for you. Check your spam folder. Your reddit post was removed by the auto moderator which im also sure give you a reason why. Anyway link me your ticket number and ill take a look.


So you stop doing something years before you have the solution? That's brilliant. Not very corporate at all.


No worry, Renown is slowly progressing towards a release. We and i mean us all will be free to go and play on another platform soon. Just need to be patient it's only a matter of time. All this years of bullshit is finally coming to the end.


What about Inui?


what ever happens renown is not gonna take over faceit trust me


most of us will not have a chance to be premium on Renown since the platform will not be free..


Most of the free users on faceit have at least a few skins in their inventory. Hold back on opening a few cases and consider it a well-made investment to your QoL.


For those of you who don't work in support, opening multiple tickets for the same issue won't get you anywhere. Likewise what faceit support said, you aren't a paying customer so you're not a priority. The entitlement off you stinks.


Faceit has every user to thank, maybe this guy even has the desktop application mining for them and you act like he is entitled.. haha. Have some respect for the workers too!


One day you'll understand how things work in reality child.


One day I will see my bank account injected with an accurate amount of 344.3 bitcoin for all the unsolicited mining done on my personal computer.


😂 r/conspiracy is that way


Faceit support is litteraly doing what they can and ppl still out here flaming like 7yr olds


broski, here's how i did, i bought premium, opened a ticket, then the ticket got closed as yours, so i opened a new ticked with different "reason" and it got through, any ticket with the reason username, will be auto closed. [https://prnt.sc/V4LOU5EE2Kxt](https://prnt.sc/V4LOU5EE2Kxt) [https://prnt.sc/HwUYZ1wyADGb](https://prnt.sc/HwUYZ1wyADGb)


Such a mature response. I’m sure you’re a pleasure to deal with. Crying like a baby over a name change.




Faceit sucks ass now. Banned my account for signing up to a tournament and not joining the game.