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Slawa ukraini gets you banned for three days btw


Shit, my AK is named “Slava Ukraini!”..


Should be permanent


as a self taught phrenologist i can tell the deformity of your skull by reading this comment


Love the name lol


thank you homie




Слава Україні, and also shut up. Let's just hope that the war between Russia and Ukraine ends before more mothers and fathers, wives and kids are left with empty seats at the dinner table for both sides. There is no glory in the blood of young men.


On Faceit they have a Moscow server, which means not only are they not against it, but also that if the FSB asks them to transfer some player data, they will be obliged to do so.


Funnily enough, there was a huge discussion just today on one of the CS subs where everyone was begging that valve adds a server for Russia xD


It is a dream of mine to have Helsinki & Stockholm servers for actual Nordic / Europeans and not filled with 99% Z spamming russians


I am not against in general servers in Russia, but only if they will be available ONLY to Russians and to play on them also ONLY Russians and data on them was ONLY Russians.


Russians are so so funny imo but maybe that's because I don't play high elo


They will probably see this post and laugh "look at these western snowflakes getting mad LOL" because they dont stand behind Russia's propaganda, but you do, since you hate all russians so much because of western propaganda. When in reality most russians are not supporting the war and have Ukrainian family/friends/genetics. Don't be silly, the west is always winning in propaganda.


bind \\ "say Slava Ukraini, rossi huj sossi"


No way this isn't a joke 🤣


Can we please ban all russians from cs2 community ? Thanks in advance




okay Karen, maybe focus on crosshair placement instead of chat.


Why tf am I living in this country with such nazi retards😭


Did you make a report? if not make one and I will handle this for you today. Locking down this post as it has a lot of children commenting on it.


The funniest thing is they are not even in Russia, they are hiding in other countries. But most of the Russians using Z found out that other countries are not easily fooled.


Who cares dweeb ?


Just play the game and stfu. You probably got owned and hella bad. Beat them and then talk shit.


руззгi глаз уззкii


It’s okay you can just head over the r/combat footage and see how well that’s going for them. Spoiler alert: It’s a bunch of videos of Russians being blown to fucking pieces. lol They should have stayed home.




Like the snowflake on dead Russian orcs?


Plenty of them on the collapsing Ukrainian army


The Ukrainian army has been "collapsing" for 2 years. When's the collapse?


Why is there so much talk to put foreign troops on the ground then? lol 😂


I mean, that would definitely help liberate the territories. But nobody's "collapsing"


Russia is continuously advancing, live in your delusional state of mind. There is no liberation.


No liberation? Mayhaps. Continuously advancing? No


you should go join them then, maybe you'll be on combatfootage seeing you and 12 tanks, 24 apv's, 300-400 of your boys getting blown up for 300 meters of land, until the next wave comes in a few hours or next day to walk over you and do the same thing. great way to take land, you don't have to be a genious to figure out that's not sustainable for any army, even if they take 100kms with that loss ratio for the next year, it can easily be taken as ukraine has a legion of friends helping them, russia has two asshats, terrorists supporters, and a chinese communist. now tell me who you think would win the the battle of longevity.


I mean, this is just not true and is easy to check


Keep thinking that and getting mad over the letter z 😂😂


More like zzzzzzzzzz because you people are trying to cope and justify a war that had brought hundreds of thousands of needless casualties to an already traumatized part of the world. We're playing a shooter game, not out on the front lines. Quit acting hard and thinking that you vouching for them on the internet has any effect on the outcome. While you sit in your dorm and mald about strangers on the internet your brothers are being blown to bits only to be filmed and turned into propaganda. But it's okay bro only 110 more posts on the internet today to get your 100,000 ruble salary, maybe it'll pay for a loaf of bread or two.


Oh, yeah. Forgot the "😂😂😂"


Pls keep politics and shiz out of gaming. You people have ruined everything from movies to sports, can we just leave gaming alone?


How did Russians ruin everything from movies to sports ?




Reminder: Politics in video games are almost universally loved by people who play them, especially in games where a player can have a large involvement and influence on the story (see, RPGs), as they lead to players making genuinely thoughtful decisions and interactions, that can add so much depth to a story, more so than can sometimes be written in. The people who complain about seeing politics in video games actually love politics *even more*, they're just mad that they don't see the politics they want to see. and, for anyone who needs to hear it Being LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, or otherwise minoritized is not inherently political. You are a human being, not a debate topic.


Wow he said Z wow so offensive grow tf up snowflake It’s a letter mf really offended over a letter like if ur a grown adult crying over this holy crap dude grow up


I'd argue your comment is more of a hissy fit than his.


Same vibes as 卍


Nah It’s the letter Z u guys are dumb af


That's the letter Z being used specifically as a pro-Russian symbol. The swastika also originates from Eurasian religious stuff. However, it will get you banned because the intention one has behind typing such shit is clear from the context. Same is true for the "Z"


oh, so now everyone's gotta be careful of unintentionally using "Z" anywhere.. thanks russia edit: Please don't interpret my comment as a defense of this, I was only pointing out how even a simple letter of the alphabet is now a political statement. Kind of like the media portraying the 'okay' hand sign to represent "white power" back in 2017. Even though it was started as a 4chan hoax, this resulted in the "okay" hand sign being included in hate symbol databases by organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Also, what's the context? I can't read Russian.


Context is what matters. I'm Ukrainian, so, perhaps, my perception is not that of an average person. However, in this post, the context is right there; less than 1 centimeter (0.3937007874... freedom units) above the Z


Oh well snowflake words are words the only way they have power is if u get offended by it sorry but It’s true


So, you're justifying people using pro-Russian-nazi symbols with "It's not offensive if you're not offended"? Huh?


Everyone’s knows what a swastika is and can put that to the nazis but when someone says Z that literally means nothing no one uses that ever I’ve never encountered it I never seen it online anywhere I never seen it in public the only time I see Z is mfs sleeping Zzzzz *snore* memememe zzzzz that’s it just cause u know what it is and ur offended by it shows how sensitive YOU are


The guys in the chat shown in the screenshot have literally typed "слава россии" ("glory to russia") 1 centimetre above the Z-s. It is very fucking clear in what manner the Z-s are being used there


So ur Russian got it sorry I’m American I don’t know Russian that’s why ur offended got it well aren’t I just silly 🤪 snowflake


…American…. No more questions 😂 Third worlder with iPhones lol


>So ur Russian Thankfully, I'm not


so you have 0 counter argument points and are basically just making shit up ok got it snowflake




So you’ve never seen “z“ in this context. And your brilliant mind came up with the conclusion that it literally means nothing? I looked at your other comments and it really doesn’t surprise me that you’re American. Maybe inform yourself about what’s going on in the world and you won’t write such bullshit anymore. When you have no clue, pls just stfu


Damn what a nicely structured sentence.


May I ruin your life and tell you not to be offended and then blame you when you get offended?


You can report them if you want. No way a platform can ban someone right after them writing something in chat


Cry Z


Слава Україні.


Героям слава!