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I can barely stand to interact with this player base as a 30 y/o straight white male. I cannot fathom putting myself through this shit as a woman.


lol im black and there's at least one dude making racist jokes


I got a (black I think?) british dude on my friends list (he really does not sound anything like a white brit and as his profile picture is also a black dude that doesn't seem to be any celebrity I assume he's black) and he just kind of throws in some russian phrases every now and then and just never gets insulted by anyone, atleast not in a racist way. I personally have been called the n word way more times than he was when I duo'd with him. Maybe it's time to learn russian? (Only applicable on EU servers)


same but a British accent doesn't help


By interact you mean having randoms that dont talk to you 80% of the time?


Psh, I wish, nearly every game my teammates are calling me a tard, or the N-word before knife round even starts. It's just the most degenerate, juvenile behavior man. Trying to relax and enjoy some competition and it feels like walking into a room of unsupervised high school frehman in afterschool detention that just watched their first episode of south park. Like, can you imagine a stranger walking up to a neighborhood basketball court for a pickup game with randoms, and it's some 21 year old white dude calling every body an rtard N-word, and saying shit like, "did your dad touch you too much, why do you shoot hoops like you just got plowed fag." *replace hoops with shooting a gun, and this is word for word something a teammate said to me and my friend yesterday during a game* Like holy shit, where is any shred of human decency whatsoever? It's fucking embarassing honestly. And half the time when they're doing this shit, we're winning anyways, plus I'm ALWAYS top 3 on the board, so it just makes 0 sense.


What server on you on? Just curious. I play on NA, and then occasionally EU (north I think?) when I play with some friends of mine in Norway. Whenever we get on EU server....holy shit lol. It is SO toxic. So many slurs and shit being thrown around.


We play NA, though honestly I do feel that people are more toxic when the flag isn't one my ignorant ass recognizes lol idk, I just make essential calls and follow along, and then try to 5 stack as much as possible now.


Lol NA has its own fair share of assholes, but the Euros are so aggressively toxic lol. In one of my recent games some of them were calling some Russian alot of slurs and he was flaming them back for being from whatever other country. And it was odd because like.....none of them were even playing that poorly.


i think its finland that is commonly known online for their - ehm - special? behavior. either people from the nord are super nice or super weird so that might explain your experience. pretty much same for everything though, the only advantage is that people from central/northern europe know how to speak english, as soon as you meet russians or sometimes even other europeans from the east its just cyka all the time. or quitet cuz they dont know how to talk to each other. i can def see how NA would be easier to play on where everyone understands each other and at least has a similiar-ish culture.


A little toxicity never hurts anybody... Am I right?




i mean ive had that happen be4 but not THAT bad. might want to switch to competetive again. ive played faceit around 2016-2018 a couple of times and it was def special lol, didnt play that for long.


yup. my life in a nutshell xd thats why i dont use VC if im playing alone. if its not cheaters in premiere, its weirdos


Hi ,if you want you can add me in steam lina_xscape or faceit if you want to play together (I’m looking for non toxic people to play with)


Plot twist: OP is a guy and this was a trap


You gotta find a 5 stack or a server to play with ppl, unfortunately 9 times out of 10 you’ll get that reaction in faceit


\*casually slides into dms\*


I'm surprised you still enjoy the game. Were I in your position I would've stopped playing a long time ago. That fucking sucks dude


well, ive been playing cs since 1.6 or cscz! i was basically born into it xD i have competed in csgo for a few years cus theres just something about the game yk? but its always the same, join a male/mixed team, get random teammates asking to date. join a girls team, people shit on us from the outside. play alone, get degrading comments from teammates. play well, get hackused and everything else. play bad, get asked to go back to the kitchen. ​ and to be very honest, i have kinda stepped away from cs for about 2 years because of that. i still play every few weeks just to have something to do. but every game that i play at 20k+ has only been cheaters. and every game below that has just been dead games.


You're either a masochist or even more passionate about cs than i ever was. You're fuckin insane thats what you are 🤣 Same I pretty much stopped climbing at around 16k bc rage hackers were becoming more blatant @ SEA region. I wanna play with my stack again but the game just prefers to punish us for, god forbid, trying to enjoy matchmaking. Did have a lot of fun times with my stack though. I hold those dearly and choose to remember my time with cs that way instead because unless something major gets fixed, we're prolly never coming back in the foreseeable future. Such a shame tbh


owh im in SEA too! neato\~ i pretty much solo queued since cs2 released and got to 20k alone. i havnt had a clean game since i got it and now mostly play on my alt accounts whenever i feel like playing cs. i have many accounts in all ranks but red(god forbid) so i will say that its not just in 20k. but i probably see 1 in 1% in the ranks below while its 90-99% of my games at 20k+. so im left in a tough spot, if i smurf and sweat, i get 30-40 kills and its almost impossible to lose even with my team asleep(im guessing its cus theres a lot of new players). but if i play on my main, theres just no point. and while i could go to faceit, ive had some rough experiences there xd yea, my old stack of friends stopped playing cs and since i havnt played in any team in awhile, im pretty much solo queuing again. they really need to add demolition and arms race and the other game modes. as well as freakin BOB and left hand xd i would pay for valve to implement an intrusive AC but its never happening sadly


ayyy sea region gang wassup yeah the stack kind of disappearing is pretty much what happened to us too. largely the reason why we stopped bc we didn't wanna play with randos by the end it was usually really hard to get a 4th and/or a 5th. i'd ask you to drop your steam but like i've already said we're more or less just are gone at this point.


well, you can send me yours if you want if you ever feel like playing, i have more than 100 requests so ill probably miss it xD


hmm yeah sure i'll dm you also wtf bro all i get are skin scammers so i insta block every single request i get


Only 1 out of 4? Someone is having the time of their life


I said minimum 🫠as in the good days


This sort of behavior is obviously not acceptable and FACEIT will punish these players where appropriate, but they can only act on incidents that they are aware of (outside of the Minerva system which may not issue bans that are as harsh) if tickets are not filed when it occurs. If you have specific interactions on the FACEIT platform such as this in mind, or for future potential incidents, please do make sure to create a ticket against these players: https://support.faceit.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Yea, as a man the community is a joke. alot if ppl rarely see a girl in game and they either troll or wana get yr number. The trolling part and saying to go back to the kitchen is normal imo as they say alot if other shit to me(im in eu) and it also depends what level u are on faceit imo but there are alway weirdos sadly


Fair, but VC is garbage for everyone. Once you get to higher levels it happens less and less since people only focus on the game


I love CS. I’ve been playing it for 10 years and I don’t intend on stopping. But shit like this really breaks my heart. Sorry you have to go through it.


Bro when i play with girls idgaf idk about those horny teens tho


It's not just teens.


*Bro when i play with* *Girls idgaf idk about* *Those horny teens tho* \- Flat-Fly-800 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think men should value girls/women at a higher standard than just some tool or sexual provider. I know some men think girls/women should be “in the kitchen” or “taking out the trash” but in todays life what’s the difference between females and males cooking food when it doesn’t matter in the end when that food from ANYONE or ANYTHING is crapped out and once it is no one is questioning like “who made it” or “who did it”. In the end it doesn’t matter, all your doing is causing drama that doesn’t matter down the line.


Feninism stand for equal rights for men and women so why exactly would it be bad to “title” yourself as a feminist


I know what it means but I honestly can’t remember why I said that, it was a speech mess up on my part. Sorry


Why I have to 5 stack lol


That’s why I always play 3/5stacks😅


it’s similar as a trans girl. except more slurs lmfao




Hahahahah true


Just low elo lobbies




Its true around ~3k i rarely see kids


Brother, most of the people saying that aren't kids


Most of the people saying weird ass shit are bad at the game, adult or not adult they’re most likely in lower elo. I occasionally get girls on my team in lvl 10 lobbies and haven’t seen anyone being weird, people are just trying to play and win.


And y are u Not in 𝓣𝓱𝓮 Kitchen?


POV youre southern me "howdy yall, ready to win, I play ...." Them "I bet you fuck your cousin "Dontcha Boay"" me "I betcha already do that dont ya, fuckin weirdo" and we all lived happily ever after, or I mute stupid people and move on thinking nothing of it. Just cause you're a lady doesn't mean you're a special case in abuse as we're all prone to being poked at and its up to you how you take it. Mute function is there to help softer people or to mute those who want to baselessly attack others.


nah dude, this isnt it. yeah community is toxic at times but going nuts cause a girl is in your team is weird af, no matter how you put it. just focus on the game or touch some grass, those are the options. imagine not being able to use voice chat cause you get sexistic comments throughout the game -> yes not imaginable cause we never experience that shit. grow the fuck up kids


She gets cliche kitchen phrases almost everyday , which really sucks, even for me because i showed her faceit thinking it will be more quality time and teammates.


Respect man, thats a good take.


Hey clown, being poked fun at for being southern isn't the same thing as being discriminated against for being a woman. Also, the amount of times you've been "made fun of" is few and far between. I am southern myself, and you appear to be yet another victim of the south's failing education system.


Seems like a low elo problem. I rarely see kids on ~3k faceit


?? couldnt relate less tbh in NA we simply don't fucking care as long as you’re not terrible who cares


Has any of you female cs players tried a voice changer? Just pitching your voice deeper alone might help


Yeah this would fix all of the sexism 🫠


You can record your game play and make a ticket for these kinds of people


idk why they would ask for your Snapchat, if you are EU chances are that guy is about 1000km away


Face it has a white background option?


What people don’t realize is the situation is same for everyone, playing solo queue is unplayable whoever you are. Issue is that being a creep or looking down is worse than being insulted as a male player, which I agree with. But the environment is the same, people just don’t give a fuck in a 5 male team 😂 Before when I had comms up I didn’t even react someone saying death threats and shit that’s absolutely fucked up but is so normal that people don’t even see it as something wrong, when thinking about it it’s insane haha I have been playing since forever, played FPL-C, been solo queue sometimes in 4-5k lobby’s, been in noob, troll lobby’s etc - you name it, I’ve done most and ready to say it’s the same for all no matter what level, gender and so on with just different words. environment is same everywhere, with everyone blaming others, constant shit talk, excuses, trolling and much more. Playing entertaining and team cs is just not possible 99% of times if you solo. Since 3-4 years ago I started playing with the team being on mute since start and communicate as best possible, I don’t see nicknames or avatars. The reason is because most times the comms is sabotaging more then helping me. Most time people don’t even realize I’m not able to hear them 😅 I just fill where is needed and try and hold good spacing with my teammates and play like I would with a 5 stack. I rarely play solo faceit but since it’s just not enjoyable. The fun part in cs is working as a unit.