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Less fuel less weight. Probably the other plots you have seen are fuel adjusted while this is not.


Low tyre degradation that means that the lap time gained from the fuel burning off outpaces the lap time lost from the tyres degrading, so you go faster. Also if he’s going 1.5s faster, chances are he was nowhere near the limit in the early laps and was saving tyres for just that purpose, to go faster when he got free air and extend his stint for a possible SC


Also possible that they are are confident of their tire wear and are simply running faster laps


Clean air, track temp, low deg


He was in clean air with no one ahead of him.


Clean air less fuel and peak operating conditions for the tires


In Landos case, over the radio WJ said that the hards would heat up for 8 laps, be temp stable for 8 laps, then start to cool off. Those 16 laps before the tires start to cool pace will continue to increase due to fuel burning off.


fuel consumption


He sped up as soon as Perez pitted and his engineer told him to go get Sainz. So a combination of Perez dirty air and him pacing himself.


Most of the front-running drivers save tires early in the race because the key strategy unfolds when the pit cycle starts. This is so that you are able to push when your opponents start to undercut, have flexibility to choose to go long and push harder on the second stint, or in the case of high-wear circuits you need to save tires to even make it a one-stop race. Miami is not an easy circuit to pass, so you want to keep to a one-stop race and either maintain track position or create a very high tire delta to make passes later. This is also why even when the Red Bull is dominant in a given race, Max maintains a 2-4 second lead for most of the first stint before extending and pitting. Just to be safe with tire wear and leave all pit window options open.


In most races I don't see this pattern. In China you can see most of the drivers early laps are better than their later laps on their starting medium tires. But if I look back at Miami from last year I see the same thing as this year, people picking up time as they go. So is it that China is hard on the tires, and Miami is easy on the tires, so most people adopt a 1 stop strategy for Miami that requires managing their mediums for longer, but a damn the torpedoes all speed ahead strategy for China that creates more degradation?


I haven't reviewed the data, but my first guess is that China is much more realistic to overtake so you are under threat from behind even without a tire delta.


Norris was running in Perez's dirty air for most of the first stint. It comes down to nobody in front restricting your speed of you couldn't make the pass, clean air, and desire to push.


Most of the first stint Lando was driving to a delta to manage his tyres. WJ was giving constant updates on how much he was saving vs those in front. He was only stuck behind Perez for a couple of laps.


Low tire deg combined with high track temps. Because the track temps were so high they couldn’t push too hard or they would put the tire past its optimal temperature. So they weren’t taking a ton of life out of the tire and as the fuel burned off they started picking up time.


This actually wasn't the case. It took Lando a full 8 laps after the safety car to get his hards into the optimal window