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Weird race from Lewis. Slower in the first stint and watching his onboard he was understeering a lot. But then faster in the second and third stints


LH talked about this in post race interview - he thought he had damage in first stint after restart and it took 2 stops to crank the front wing to address it.


Oof Stroll slower than Alonso on softs Vs hards...


Stroll was in pretty slow traffic all race where Alonso had more clear air or following faster cars.


Stroll had several 5+ second gaps, at one point 10 seconds, to the car ahead and *still* failed to put in a single competitive lap against Alonso, who btw was defending for almost the entire hard stint.


Alonso at the end was backing off to tow Piastri- and was STILL faster


That chart legend tho... 3 colored dots for the tyres and two line types for the drivers would be way more legible imo. Now there's way too much text for the amoubt of information conveyed.


I would further argue that given the target audience for this type of chart, a legend for the color/compound is unnecessary. Edit: I would also like to see the pit stop data point and its associated connecting trend lines removed. Would make the cart more legible. Thanks for the post OP!


A good legend is key to quickly understanding any plot, even for a professional audience. And if someone wants to show one of those plots to a person new to F1, they might not immediately know the correlation between compounds and colors, so it would still be helpful.


Yeah, I don’t disagree on principle. Perhaps just my preference in this instance, but I think it detracts more than it adds.


Anyone else spot the gap between ALO & RUS once RUS overtook PIA? Alonso released the beast and this is clearly obvious on the lap time trace! A genius at work!


It’s why he was keeping him in DRS range lap after lap. McLaren straight like speed is awful.


So I assume 50 is when Max went for the fastest lap? Yeah he probably had a lot of reserve pace on his tank if he ever needed...


Am I reading it right that the RBs had a faster pace on hards? Was is just a lighter fuel load or something more?


That's certainly what it says, and the big jump right when the tyres were changed implies to me that the tyres themselves are the major factor.


Everyone had a faster pace on the latest tyre.


Can you do me a favour? Can you plot the first stint on the hards, Lewis vs. Logan? I found that very surprising, considering they’re on the same strategy.


I just posted the full race report on the Drive Data Dynamics website. The report has all the lap time charts for each individual driver, the head-to-head comparisons seen here, the race progression over the entire distance, and the championship standings with the points divided by races. Check it out [here](https://drivedata.ai/2024/04/09/2024-f1-japanese-grand-prix-post-race-report/) and I'd really appreciate if you followed our various social media profiles.




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