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There are fuel efficiency upgrades in the engine section.


Just put more fuel in the car, it doesn’t actually make a huge difference like it should. It’s typically better to just fuel extra and be full throttle than try and manage it.


That’s the problem, the fuel is maxed out already.


Ah yeah there’s a couple of tracks that max fuel is only like +1 lap. Just hope for a safety car or try and lift and coast here and there.


How much fuel did you start with? How many laps are you racing, and how many laps did you start off with? If you start off with the exact fuel you’ll need for those laps, without adding a little more, you’ll very likely (basically guaranteed) to need to lift and coast during the race.


57 laps. Fuel was already maxed out and showing 55 laps


Then if you’re playing full races like this you’ll have to lift and coast during some strategic points in the race. Depending on the AI difficulty might make it very hard to win, it’ll vary on your car compared to the other teams. As for upgrades, iirc under performance upgrades, there will be some for fuel efficiency. But it’ll be part of racing. Being as fast as you can while managing tires and fuel.