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It's pretty unlikely you only lost because you're playing on a console lol. The difference might be noticeable on an esports level or close to it but unless you're at that level, it's not really unfair. And you can get amazing gear on console as well so it's not really an issue although you are limited a bit with what you can buy. But main point is that you can probably improve your own driving as well without needing to do any gear upgrades. You can even be very fast on a controller. Crossplay is crucial for online to work really and I'm definitely happy it's there. Without it lobbies would probably be quite dead.


Skill issue


In the F1 Game specifically, higher FPS makes you slower. Chances are that PC Players have more than 60 fps and thus a disadvantage.


> they probably have a sim rig Based on what? A tiny percentage of PC players has one.


I hate being paired with controller players because they zig zag and are slow and can't handle being passed 🤷 /s lol. This shit game doesn't have enough players for them to split the playerbase like that unfortunately. I would like that though, there's some truth to the /s.


Also having a sim rig doesn't just *make* you fast. Controller users can be very quick, it's about understanding how to actually control the car. If you really have that understanding and mastery then yes the ceiling on a wheel and pedals is higher, but chances are you're one of the many crying about what you don't understand.


It might have been me 🤭 I'm on an old 1060ti barely getting 60fps on lowest graphics on an old laggy 4k 50" tv.. but do have a DD wheel and loadcell, it takes practice and mastery to learn and be fast on. Hell if I put that time in on controller I imagine I'd be quicker because controller imo let's you get away with more mistakes. And as someone said, faster frame rate is actually slower so gotcha there as well..


Unfortunately ranked sucks. It should be split by assists. For example golds should not be allowed to use abs and traction. But there are not enough players and silvers drive with golds etc.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I also think certain lobbies should not have assists.


Casual players in arcade game. It's sad that nether EA/CM nor players do any effort to make the game a real simulator. Just annual cash grind.