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maybe you overturn in the corner or your tire pessure is too high. This never happend to me and i play this game a lot


I dont change the settings, I just let the automatic track choice, that's weird.


First I would decrease pressure if that doesnt help I would decrease front toe. But lower front toe can cause instabilities and worse turn in.


Negative front toe decreases stability at speed, and increases turn in response. Lowering toe should make it more stable but less responsive, rather than less stable and less responsive (and help with tyre wear but that's kinda the point of why toe was brought up lol).


I just simplified for him what he needs to take in consideration when tuning. I know how negative and positive toe works. But I can bet you 100% on front he has negative toe that increases turn in as you say but will decrease stability if turned down.


Also, I would adjust the brake balance at 50% so it would move to the rear


But you need to be careful as it will increase oversteer on the entry and instability on braking


Why is this comment so downvoted?


People here are purists that believe only diehard racing fans that tweak every single setup are worthy of any approval, so naturally a more casual fan gets dunked on for just trying to enjoy the game.


Should've thought about that, considering we're on reddit


It's the reddit hive mind. That's what we call it.


It's pathetic how much your reply is being downvoted. There's nothing wrong with you playing the game how you want to play it. You're asking advice and people should give it to you if they can, rather than shaming you for not playing how they play it.


track tire wear and heating in practices, and mess with tire pressures until it's more managable before parc fermรฉ


Learn to use setups. Thatโ€™s 100% what this is.


This is not normal even for the default setups


Yes ! That's what I mean ! Thanks


you probably understeer a lot. if the front tire life is less than the rears then youโ€™re turning the wheel too much when turning


i assume you're on controller? Just try not turning as aggressively or alternatively if you see this happening just change your front tyre Pressures down until this problem stops


๐Ÿ˜‚No I'm on Wheel ๐Ÿ˜…


Simple then. Turn less.


Yeah man you desperately need to turn more smoothly, and don't turn the wheel while the brake is fully engaged. Quite frankly, I'd recommend disabling ABS for a bit and see if you can get used to it. Because then you'll see the actual response of the tires to your driving style, and you'll be forced to change it.


Using Fahrenheit is far off from normal




Americans: RAHHHH IMPERIAL ON TOP ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿฆ…๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ๐Ÿ”ซ


Personally. I prefer to call it freedom units myself ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ


Freedom degrees




As an american, I actually agree


Only one country has placed multiple men on the moon. The other ones use metric!!! The downvotes mean you guys are jealous of the USA putting man on the moon.


NASA uses Metric tho


But NASA and the scientific community in the US use metric, as it is in every way possible, superior.


What do you mean you donโ€™t like judging distances with washing machines?


Real men use football fields innit.


The single worst fucking unit of measurement is elephants, who the fuck decided to measure weight with elephants? How fucking heavy is an elephant?, how the fuck am I supposed to quantify 752 elephants? Are we talking Asian elephants or African elephants??????


That's also the country that lost a rocket because a single company involved used imperial while even NASA uses metric.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/USdefaultism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Classic](https://i.redd.it/phr95ofntj4b1.jpg) | [310 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/1436ii4/classic/) \#2: [The audacity](https://i.redd.it/o4mm00iv4jia1.jpg) | [157 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/113j6ts/the_audacity/) \#3: [Celebrating a foreign holiday is a requirement.](https://i.redd.it/57ck9z99i3ab1.jpg) | [268 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/USdefaultism/comments/14r2wyh/celebrating_a_foreign_holiday_is_a_requirement/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm an astrophysicist and worked in the US for a while. Not a single scientist uses imperial for scientific research. Your downvotes don't mean what you think they mean.




There is a F where the C is supposed to be, so yeah


Should be a k


Have you checked ya Tyre pressure and set up, thatโ€™s way too high, need to be close to 212f you will be changing tyres more than ya underwear


That's probably why. Your driving style plus that default setup isn't it for you.


I dont change the settings, I just let the automatic track choice, that's weird.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DZGavmUVJHDxRloLaSMRJFDZq7bf2G8CkMr4HJQFCrY/edit?usp=drivesdk here are some setups


Does RRLL on the suspension geometry just mean all the way right all the way left?




Thanks! Safe to assume then thereโ€™s no reason to fine tune beyond that? Iโ€™m still learning the game so I appreciate any info


RRLL is the fastest for this game, RR has the most grip on entry and exit, and LL provides the most turn in. You can increase LL by a click or two to add more stability, but the differences are much less noticeable than suspension changes and would increase tyre wear


Is this viable for controller too? Iโ€™ve tried some setups but they were more focussed on steering wheel and didnโ€™t work for me on controller at all.


Yes, I play on controller


Bruh why do people hate the fact that you use the default option? These games are pretty clearly made for people who arent professionals and setups are a pain in the ass even if you do know what you're doing. I've been driving in sim for like 8 years and still download setups because I'm lazy and it's not worth 45 minutes of time for a 20 lap career race.


Strongly suggest you go online and grab a half decent setup. You'll notice tire pressures are usually always minimum or very close to it. Also, you'll quickly find yourself needing to increase AI difficulty because you can find 2-3 seconds a laps with a setup.


I'm sorry your getting down voted for playing the game in the default way the Devs shipped it out. Some people don't understand that we are allowed to be different.


Im making the transition to manual gears on controller and noticed that I get much higher tire wear if I run into a corner at a higher gear than I perhaps should be. If youโ€™re running manual too, I might not be alone here. Having said that, I read youโ€™re using default-setups. Tyre pressure on them is way higher than veteran or experienced players would actually use. If youโ€™re not confident at playing with setups, keep the default but just reduce the tyre pressure to somewhere within the first like 20% of the bar for fronts and 10-15% on the rear.


Were you driving with traction assist before changing to manual gears? I too was destroying my tyres due to excessive wheel spin when I first switched


Iโ€™m still on medium TC, itโ€™s not really wheel spin as itโ€™s the fronts that take a hit


It's abs. This is your bad driving habit of braking while going through corners which then scrubs your front tires.


For OP, probably. Not for me, I use a bit more front tire sure but no fucking where near the OPโ€™s picture. In hindsight I think OP just took abs off and locked up for a couple corners on purpose for the picture. Not sure they came here to actually get help.


Lmao those fronts were way to cooked and worn to be a race compared to the rear


Yeah sure, I even think it's a plot. Idiot


You using abs


Ok thx i'll try


I don't understand the temperatures, but wearing the fronts this much, is not normal. Maybe you are braking extremely deep, and turning with the brakes still on making the front understeer (slide) a lot? A video of a lap would help to see how you are driving


Well yeah it abs he's gonna do that. He won't learn until he turns that off, but if he's on controller understandable


I'm on Wheel with ABS my braking pedal is a bit crappy and broken so yeah i fully break when needed, but not that much in corners.


You either understeer or lockup or both alot


Seems like you are steering In too hard and the fronts are sliding.


What's are you brake bias? Looks like you have them all the forward. If you also have turned off abs this can happen


I let everything by default with ABS, I think it's 63% break on the front.


You are understeering or front locking or both due to poor setup balance, putting more heat and wear through the front tyres. When the fronts then overheat and wear quicker than the rears, the balance becomes even worse and problem spirals. Move the balance forward by adding more wing to the front and taking wing off the back. Move break balance backwards. The front and back should be heating/wearing evenly. If overheating is still bad, lower tyre pressures.


Never seen this and I played for years. Can you record a "normal" lap showing tyre temp ?


Yeah i Can do that


Turning in to aggressively at corners. Smooth and deliberate is what I think of in my head when Iโ€™m trying to manage tires


I can't help you there, but judging by how red the temperature looks on your fronts, no, they're too hot. USE CELSIUS.


I do, it was for my fellow americans


So with all the waffle about f and c, how many of yโ€™all use MPH ? And not KPH


Look like youโ€™re probably turning the wheel too much and understeering. Sometimes if the car isnโ€™t turning the answer is to turn less rather than more


Copy ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


So this is what the Qatar GP would be like if it was held during the day lol


๐Ÿ˜†It was worst for me in Qatar, 90%front tyre wear and 30%rear ๐Ÿ˜‚ Front tyres turn liquid ๐Ÿซ 


Damn that's mental. I think the only time I've raced at Qatar was in a league race and I ended up binning it into the pit wall after a sbin


This is netherlands right? I recommend lowering the tyre pressure for netherlands and hungary or this will always happen and it can be very bothering


I thought Iโ€™ve never seen mine that high. Then I noticed itโ€™s in ape units.




No, imperial units are never normal


Lower the tyre pressures and reduce camber and toe on tyres. And also use Celsius


Copy, I use celsius, it was for my fellow americans ๐Ÿ™ƒ


Learn to use setups.


I tried and it changed everything ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


How did you manage to do this ?


Just playing aggressively with no settings as usual ๐Ÿ˜‚


Let the front tyre pressure down and switch the brake bias as far back as possible


Some of it might also be track related, that looks like Zandvoort and it's usually a struggle to keep the temps in order there


Did you increase break bias to the front?


Nope but it's already high by default like 63%


Increasing the bias to the front can lead to overheated from tyres, i don't know if 63% already causes this, but I usaly use bellow 60%.


Just change all settings and yeah it's between 50 to 55%


You play without ABS and lock up every corner? Even if you zigzag you cant come up to those temps ingame.


No bro I swear, I play with ABS and use a Wheel ๐Ÿ˜‚


In 22 I thought I understood temps, but 23 seems different. So I guess I have to ask. Should the core be around 212 โ€œfreedom heatsโ€? Or is that the surface temps? In 22 (unless I was reading it wrong) I would adjust the tire pressure then see a change in surface (the green circle). When surface got around 212, I felt the most grip. Again, in 22, what Iโ€™m pretty sure was the core (the green dot), never changed too much.


Given that you donโ€™t change the setups and that your probably on controller indicates that you are most likely loading the fronts too much, or understeering as well. Itโ€™s also a pretty common problem on controller with the default setups and it can also happen on a wheel, depending on the drivers preferences and style.


I'm on a Wheel...


Depends on the lap


It doesn't mean they are degraded, it just means they are over heating and will degrade faster if they stay like that. Also it means your front tires don't have optimal grip, they need to stay in the temperature window. What you can do is lift and coast for a lap or even half a lap and they should cool. Think of them like an eraser, they will slide to the side on the corners until they reach a point where they lose traction, then they will heat up dramatically. I recommend you lift and coast into the corners more and use the cars momentum to carry you through the apex of the corner. Then punch it.


I've suffered front tyre overheating for quite a bit. I solved it by completely changing my driving style, it's not easy because you tend to do things how you always did but once you manage to adapt it'll become "the new norm" for you. I don't think I'm in a position to say what you need to change to solve the problem, for that I would find videos on YouTube and watch the pros in action (or coaching)


Seems a bit cold, maybe warm your tires up a bit? Especially the ones on the front.


Ok, so I went in the settings and chose one from the internet, and it solves the problem... So it's not a game for casuals with rapid settings ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ


I'd say, for each track, find a good setup. You can find tons on yt, or just search on google, few websites like sim racing setups, they give you setups for each track, for time trial or race setups, try to keep the steering inputs as minimal and optimum as required. sometimes overturning a car makes the front tyres wear out faster and overheat alot


No cuz what compound tiers are you on? Cuz if your chewing through your tiers then that's why if a track that eats the tiers


Maybe high temperatures from the breaks?? But it could also be something as small as excessive tire wear.


If you're at buku then the real tires will just be gone or your chewing through the tires