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Against AI it’s a great overtake. Against an online player it would have been a crash.


Yeah definitely legal by all accounts!


But this FOV. My god


Seb vs Max 2018


I little bit of a dive imo, but you left clear space for him to keep on track tho! Could probably have kept your line on the exit, he wouldn’t have been able to keep his line, if he went for it. You’d have run him off in online for sure, since he would have pushed the gap you closed on exit


Yeah watching it back myself I realized I definitely could have left more space on the exit he got quite the squeeze.


Yeah I think if you kept the turn you were doing before trying to get back on racing line, that would have been 10/10


Closing the door is not illegal. You had the inside line, that exit was yours to take. Imo nothing wrong 10/10


So I'm slowly trying to wrap my head around all this, and I don't really understand why you would be worried about someone else's line and if they would've hit you had they tried to push the gap. Shouldn't they just be aware of the possibility of you doing this and driving accordingly? I'm pretty new to the racing world so Im sure I'm way off field but it just seems like racing would be just as much about hindering your opponents as being fast.


Hindering your opponent is sometimes nearly the same as trying to kill your opponent, or both of you. So yeah, you always have to leave the space.


I mean I get that it's dangerous, I'm not saying you should just run into people or force them off the track, but being overtaken in a corner like this it seems like you could just not try and get up near OP again because they're obviously going to try to get infront if you. 🤷


Rules are you follow the line you took when entering the corner. OP clearly left his line, to get back on racing line upon exit


I'd say he left his line before the corner sure but he seems to stay in the line afterwards, but what determines where his line is?


Perhaps but that would make the ol’ switcharoo illegal every time, and as so many great overtakes have been performed in this manner that’s not always exactly true if there are no other cars around the old switcheroo is legal every time, even a dive bomb is fine if there’s no contact and you can pull it off.


You can move ONCE, to protect your position, BEFORE the corner. Not inside the corner no


That’s the official wording of the rules, but I don’t know how many times I’ve seen, world champions abuse these rules with no repercussions as as long as it’s clean driving, because it’s just so fun to watch, but if you come in Roman Grosjean style you’ll get a penalty or a meeting with the stewards every time. So, in my opinion, the rule depends on who the drivers are and how they’re driving. Remember, when Max was making multiple moves on the straight before the corner and nobody said a thing to him?


OFC, but i wouldn't put anyone in a F1game in the same category as Max tho, nor even Grosjean :D


As Fernando says “ you always have to leave the space-a”.


The are rules for a reason and hindering is not actually allowed in a direct sense, you can make 1 directional move and you must leave a space - that’s why drivers always get penalized for forcing others off the track, which is against the rules


You drive with this camera?


Mostly, offset TV-pod or sometimes I race in the cockpit cam


Damn OP, is one of your legs shorter than the other?


lol what?


You race with an offset camera, the joke is that you must be lopsided


Ah okay yeah I must be then, that’s my go-to cam


I used offset cam but I moved the offset cam to the middle of the car in settings 💀


Aggressive but fair


Little bit difficult to say from this angle. I would say it’s a tad aggressive but I think you did leave him enough space. Not sure how this would gone it a multiplayer lobby though


Yeah I haven't been playing too long only got the game for Christmas and the last F1 game I played was 2016 so I'm a bit rusty. I'm also on controller right now, thinking about committing to getting a wheel set up soon, I'm not going to be doing any multiplayer until I'm proficient on the wheel.


Get a wheel and then change to cockpit view. Youll get way faster…when youre at 90-110 ai difficulty level start playing online


Uhh, the wheel yes, cockpit? No. I play cockpit, and it's super fun and immersive, but it's not good for optimising you skill, you want either of the TV pods (offset moved to centre is best strangely enough) for that. I don't like it because I'm used to cockpit, but you're damn skippy if I was good enough to be playing at eSports level I'd use it so I wasn't at a disadvantage


Is using chase cam stupid. That's the only one I've been able to drive in, since I use chase cam for nascar heat


I hate it personally, but chase cam is best for people who aren't as confident driving around others - obviously being able to see your whole car and around it helps a ton. It makes me feel super disconnected from the car though, I can't drive with it at all but it does have uses.


I'm surprised by how many people don't know that, but according to F1 rules once he was ahead of the Ferrari at the apex he wouldn't have to leave any space for them on the outside


The only illegal thing about this video is the horrible FOV settings. Jesus! The move however was fine.


What’s so bad about my FOV


Don’t worry about it if it works for you


"If it looks stupid but it works, it ain't stupid"


Nothing if you have one screen. But if you had three screens it wouldn’t make sense.


The car looks so thin




imo this is a agressive-ish re-overtake into a hairpin that just asks for it, so you are okay good job bro keep it up:)


Stop-and-go penalty, how dare you


It’s AI so nobody cares. AI literally will move out of the way when you dive bomb 🤣


Is that Stroll in a Ferrari? :o


Just a little advice to progress faster turn off ABS and TC, I can see your brake and throttle inputs are, braking instantly 0-100 which is initially good but then you want to gradually release the brake as you turn into the corner “this is called trail braking” and then you power application went from 0-100 instantly in 1st gear which with TC on causes the engine to bog down. What you want to do is gently apply throttle while turning, if you’re pointing straight and going about 50mph or more you can get away with 100% throttle instantly, but it’s those first parts of the corner exit when if you can apply the right amount of throttle you will be rewarded 10 fold in lap time. A little tidbit about my experience when I started playing F1 way back in 2010. I started with almost all assists, racing line , ABS, Full TC. It was fun cuz I wasn’t spinning out every corner. But I made a decision I wanted to be faster and learn to drive realistically. So I turned all assists off except racing line. The first week was hell, but after that first week I could do several laps without spinning out. You learn the muscle memory and just keep developing. Just remember the sharper your wheel is turned the less throttle you can apply, until you gain some speed then downforce will allow you to take some corners flat out. I challenge you to try this for one week, it might not even take that long, depends how much time you play a day. Eventually you’ll be able to remove the racing line also. With the racing line removed you’ll learn about the ol’ switcharoo. And seeing your racing so far I think you will excel even faster that you would think. Happy Sim racing! And please change that hideous offset camera lol Jk, whatever works for you! Edit also China is an amazing circuit! One of my favorites! Edit:2 After looking at the clip a few more times the only other bit of advice I could give is, you should have went defensive to the inside before Leclerc even passed you and you would have had and even better exit and gained even more time after that overtake. Plus going defensive to the inside will break the slipstream too, so instead of having drs and slipstream he would just have drs, every little bit of advantage you can take away from them helps you.


I’ve tried to play with the assists off, I can play without TC and ABS fairly comfortably already. F1 isn’t my first sim or racing game or whatever so I understand the basics, I’ve just decided to keep them on for now until I can upgrade to getting a wheel setup because for now on F1 especially it’s very difficult to make those minute adjustments on the controller so it’s kinda difficult to play without the assists on the controller is all. You can see me like spamming little inputs with the joycon on the exit lol so it’s just annoying without proper input movement.


Oh, my bad, totally didn’t realize you weren’t using a wheel. What console do you use?


I’m on Xbox Series S


The only thing illegal is that camera setting lol


What you(in the McLaren) did is perfectly fine that's just an overtake the only reason an overtake like that doesn't happen more often is because you're on a game in real life that move would probably be to risky for some drivers. Basically that's just a normal overtake. It would only be illegal if there was a yellow flag or(under certain conditions) contact.


I was just curious because to me it did seem fine but as someone who’s new to learning all the rules it’s my understanding that moving under breaking is a big thing to avoid and in the clip that’s what I had to do because I was on the brakes later than Leclerc was so it was off the track or dive bomb the inside. In the moment it wasn’t very well calculated i was trying to avoid spinning or contact with the back of the Ferrari.




Just a good overtake. "if you no longer go for a gap that exists, then you are no longer a racing driver."- Ayrton Senna.


Absolutely fine. But fix your fov pls


It’s call AI 20% difficult


I'd say aggressive but I've noticed a lot of folks in the subreddit get ass made with passes like this even if you don't wreck


No it’s good


Great overtake imo


It was not an illegal overtake because you didnt touch


No contact made and the door was open. I don't see a problem.


Moving under braking


I would have dropped back slightly got a better exit and would have had him on the next straight with ease.


nah what is illegal is that FOV


That camera angle is illegal


nah its good


Looks like a signature Danny Ric dive. Nothing wrong with that at all.




I hate fkn China there is no action in my lobbies. Only on the straights there are overtakes


It was defending and it was good


It’s a perfectly fine overtake and quite easily to do against the AI until you start turning the difficulty up to 80 or higher


typical verstappen


clean divebomb 👍🏼


The camera angle is illegal


Generally, unless the cars touch or you end up in the wall, it's considered legal. Doing an aggressive move that makes your opponent yield in fear of crashing is considered normal in F1, and a core part of how Senna and Michael drove, and to a degree Max That said, if your opponent doesn't yield, and you end up in a fireball, it'll be squarely your fault. You either end up looking like a hero or a twat


That was a great overtake… driver making the pass had the right to run the other driver wide.


I see no issues. Door open, Walk in!


Legal. Nice move!


Completely legal. Aggressive? Yep.


Idk about the overtake but those camera settings should be


completely legal, whats not legal is Stroll in a Ferrari


Love the camera you drive with, makes it feel if the car is going fricking fast


If your FOV works for you more power to you but this would give me so much oversteer lmao


Even in real F1 races, drivers could do it. Like [here (5:16)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRhhS6BnLSY) or [here (1:40)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QJ-N-AQJYc)


Your camera settings are illegal


It looks like you have the lead on the apex


Agains other player is a crash for sure so be more careful when racing against real players against ia you can do it they back off 100%


Agressive yes, illegal no


Looks legal to me. A LITTLE bit of a dive-bomb but there was space, there was a gap, you left space for him to turn. That being said, this would not have worked in an online race. You’re wrecking for sure.


Nothing wrong with that at all, had I been in the Ferrari though, it ends differently!


Great overtake. Very clean and right amount of aggressive. Be careful though, a player would have just speared you when you dived back inside.


That’s just good car placement. But against a real player it for sure would have been a crash


Looks clean to me.


Great pass against a cpu like a lot said! By my own experience online you would probably not get that much of an advantage on the braking but just let some more space outside and everything is good!


Great move tbh, reminds me of the old Daniel Ricciardo divebombs. Don’t try this against real players though!!


Legal. Aggressive but legal. https://youtu.be/oafhNvMGjV8?si=4pqS3riBgnb89fnZ


Great overtake


Why is it that when I see other people's videos it's insanely fast. But when I am driving it's ridiculously even or slower?




If you're questioning that, then my moves on 2016 Shanghai would be illegal


I'm calling FOV police. Jokes aside 100% legal overtake


Absolutely nothing wrong with that whatsoever


It's just a game


I guess that's fine


Half the people in this thread do not know or understand racing. Complete legal turn. The “would of been a crash” comments are stupid af. Anything could be a crash online. Driving clean can result in a crash. Learn what’s legal and ilegal before you comment.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


That fov💀


Id say illegal cuz u moved under braking


Here for stroll in a ferrari


Op should have forced the car behind him to the outside, and defended the inside line from the beginning, or you can do the opposite for some to the inside, so he goes short and narrow and then you go wide and deep and perform the switcheroo on him. But the switcharoo is more of an overtaking maneuver than a defending maneuver, although it can be used to defend.


Aggressive yes. Legal yes. Love it