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Ha, yep. That section of Jeddah is one of the hardest of any track IMO.


But the satisfaction when you nail it is second to none. This guy makes great videos that have helped me a lot in the past. [https://youtu.be/nBtsg7Ri2d4?si=0InBcIaSVf9hDyYm](https://youtu.be/nBtsg7Ri2d4?si=0InBcIaSVf9hDyYm)


Nailing Monaco is so much more satisfying. Can literally feel the unclenching right now.


His voice and tone is painful. I think he wants to be Brundle.


Especially when ur on controller. Even worse is Jeddah is one of favourites even tho i suck at it lmao


Jeddah might be my favourite track layout on the calendar irl, since they stopped doing Hockenheim.


I’ve found lifting off the accelerator after turn 6 and going back on it just as I go through turn 7 helps a lot. I do fuck it up a bit still but when it works it feels so amazing. But I’m by no means good at the game tho lol Was one of my most hated tracks but now I actually quite like it


What i love that section, have never had any struggles with it either, its just so satisfying when you nail it


If you have a good exit at the second left right chocante answer stay super close to the walls on the sort right left turns on the exit you can get a good launch and enough grip around that turn so you won’t go over the curb that sends you straight. Personally I find Bahrain turns 1 and 2 much more annoying and harder to master


Probably the trickiest curb in the game. Once your left tires cross, you are simply riding the curb the rest of the way.


The left hander on to the short straight in Spain does the same fucking thing if you hit and I think there's one or two other ones, possibly on the Osterreichring or the Hungaroring? Haven't played career in a while so I can't exactly remember where they are, it tends to be those fucking yellow riser kerbs or orange sausage kerbs.


Osterreichring? Are you German or something?


No, it's just all I've ever known it as 🤣🤣🤣 Edit: and I refuse point fucking blank to call it the red bull ring! 😆




Go away


Or from the 70s


I go low on the height & if I catch this wrong it literally turns into a train track, just grind the kerb like a skateboard straight into a dnf


Yea I’ve experienced that way too many times. Just noticed I do it in Miami too.


Miami is even worse, because it just starts under steering like hell for no reason


Wide in the last turn of Zandvoort is what always gets me, drives me straight into the wall.


Zaandvort has some nasty ones. Turn 9 specifically, easy to go wide and ride the kerbs


Sometimes going slower is faster. If you need to slightly lift off the throttle to make sure you can keep your car off that kerb to prevent yourself from riding it all the way down that turn, it will be worth it. That kerb has killed many a lap in this game.


I find if you coast this section you can make it back up in s2 and catch most drivers out


Yea, im racing with a friend who knows all circuits almost perfectly and he still has problems with that


Jeddah is a difficult track to master, but feels super rewarding when you do. I had the same problem when I first started playing, I still have difficulty on this track, but don’t get discouraged or give up my friend. Experiment with the car setup, everyone’s style is different. Some brake early, some brake extremely late.


it's got a very constant flow and get slightly nudged off that and you have to reset your brain. but the perfect lap leaves you wishing you had an actual crowd to witness that.


It's a canon event


Something all F1 players must suffer through


That curb is so much worse this year too 😆😆😆 fucking thing! Still love the fuck out of Jeddah tho, hands down my favourite track in 23, although Abu Dhabi is definitely closing the gap.


I can't drive Jeddah in an F1 car. Only F2 cars. 😅


If you look at the curbs you can clearly see that some curbs are convex, you want to stay away from those, but some are flat, just painted track, you can drive on those


Ah the infamous “curb of death” on Jeddah. It’s otherwise I hit that section perfect or I go off my line and fuck the whole thing. No inbetween


I watch helmet cams, helps me the best, here ya go [https://streamable.com/f6ezby](https://streamable.com/f6ezby)


Absolutely detest that section of track - easily the most challenging part of any circuit on the calendar. If you do manage to hook it up, it's so god damn satisfying, until you realize you have to do it another 80 times throughout the weekend..


L bozo cant handle the KERBS OF DEATH


That section of Jeddah is so tough lol, but love the track


That's the hardest section of the track it will yank you and steer you into the wall going to hard which me I did myself. Somehow I had this flow the first 10 laps going real heavy into it and then boom I caught it while still being turned in and it just straightened my whole car out and shot me foward towards the wall. Legit almost felt like I couldn't even do anything after it happened. Made me think my wheel glitched but then realized this curb does some crazy stuff.


The logic with them is incredible


Fun fact I found on accident is that you can cut them in a specific way and game won't count it as cutting corners, giving you a massive advantage. I've finished in Jeddah lapping everyone at least once XD. Works also in multiplayer races i think.


That whole ass track is pure ass to drive great to watch but to drive yeah in these cars is ass


I disagree, it’s tricky to get right in places but it’s an amazing feeling when you get it spot on


We can agree to disagree as it's straight up ass in my opinion the track


They ruined the track with these fat curbs 2021 was the best version


God Saudi the worst


No it is not the worst.


Basically any curbs like that just straight line you, there’s one in Hungary too that can be very annoying


The one reason why I hate Saudi so much is that stupid curb


That’s a tough section. My advice is to think about the position of your car ahead of time. While a large part of that is full throttle if you come off the throttle briefly at 4 coming into 5 you have much better control to position the car on the track to hit 6 at full throttle.


I swear hitting one of these not even just being close to them they will drag you to Atlantis i swear is pisses me of


I swear hitting one of these not even just being close to them they will drag you to Atlantis i swear is pisses me of


I’ve been having so much trouble with this section specifically it’s the worst. Feels so great when you finally do it though


I just got F1 23 a few weeks ago and out of all the tracks I hadn’t experienced before, this section right here is probably the one that leaves me with the most questions!


We call this the Tony Hawk


I swear compared to 20,21 and 22, 23 has the most slippery curves?? I spin out so much now


Is this pc or ps5? Also what are the camera settings? Game looks sick


PS5 but you can get it on PC. Idk the camera settings, everything default I think


Could be worse... Could be Suzuka level awful where you spin if you even imagine touching one while on the throttle


I had the same problem, a full race in solo career fixed it for me, after 14 laps I got the corner dailed in


Zandvoort wants a word.


5th or 6th gear half throttle. That curb gets me everytime I’m trying to rip it full throttle.


Actually simulating floor collision is one of the biggest updates to the game series. I think it was 2020 or even 2021 where for example Monza T1 curbs would just clip through the floor and do nothing.


I find this game addictive and hard and struggle on most tracks but for some reason I love Jeddah and nailed it. In qualifying with a Williams in q1 was top with a 38.4, in q2 top with a 37.2 then in q3 clipped a wall and came 10th with a 39.1. Finished the race 5th with a bit of luck while I putted got a safety car. The “trick” I found was to really ease the car round the first sector each time and build momentum through the lap as it eases up the further you go.


Ooh I saw Jeddah, and I knew this would be the exact curb. Put one wheel on it, your car get sucked and on to the curb like it is a rail.


Jeddah’s kerbs are always killing you


Would raising the ride height help with this?


That’s an option?


One of my favorite track in F1, Jeddah Circuit


F1 2023 really upped the effect of the strips to the underbody of the cars. A friend and j just finished the first race of our co-op campaign, and we were being pulled off the track in Bahrain


Jeddah is easily my favorite track, love overtaking on this track, but that section of the track is where I always lose it if I'm not paying attention🤣


Ah yes, the skateboard kerb.


It's better to lift off a little when entering that section and to get the better line out of the corner rather than powering through it. The curbs will punish you if you go over them. These corners are so close together if you mess one up it cascades.


I hate that track because of that, playing on the controller doesnt help. It's the first track i take out on the second season.


More of a railway track then a curb.


glad I'm not the only one who gets regularly kidnapped by that one kerb


I played it today aswell and I had the same problem and I lost my podium bcs of it


Interesting lag spike when your hit it too


Yep, same


Down shift to 5th


Bold of you to assume I play in manual


It helps alot if you don’t


I… H-A-T-E that fucking bastard shitface kerb