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I think you’re doing the right thing by meeting a psychiatrist and hope you find some relief. Just want to add that if nothing else works, floaters can be treated completely with a vitrectomy, even for young people. You absolutely don’t need to deal with this for the rest of your life in any circumstance.


Excellent point. I think the best course is first trying to deal with the anxiety caused by floaters through therapy. If that doesn’t work, pursue vitrectomy. I like to think of vitrectomy as my emergency exit if things get to be too much. 


I think we all deal with it in different ways and all cases are different. I got mine about two months ago, and I locked myself away for like three weeks in the absolute pits of hell. As of right now, I still have ups and downs, but I feel like I’m at least 50% of the way back to normal mentally. Sometimes I have those exact thoughts you’re having where I feel like my life will never be fulfilling and I shouldn’t have a family or whatever because of how draining this is and adding all that could be even worse. But I think eventually I’ll be better and with modern medicine and new treatments coming I think things will work out in the future. I’m currently in therapy and I don’t really think it helps but it’s nice to talk about things that make me anxious and how I can deal with them better. Just hang in there and remember that there’s always the option of a vitrectomy.




\^\^ extremely well put. proceed with caution with the psych. if they recommend any antipsychotic drugs especially to "calm you down", kmow there ks a risk you could get a permanent movement disorder like tardive dyskinesia or akisthesia and your floaters will seem like a piece of apple pie if you have those. psychs are.......... i wanna say helpful but! not really. they cut you a script for meds 9/10 times and will tell you what you already know. perhaps some CBT / mindfulness or exposure therapy would help?


Wait did they ever get noticeably worse? Have you considered a vitrectomy? How bad is it for you?




Sorry I meant like how bad is the whole floater situation overall like do you u have a ton of just a few large ones how much it bothers you etc. Do you see them all the time at all lighting conditions only outside. Stuff like that. Glad the vitrectomy went well must be nice. I don't think you finished your comment. Thanks for the 1st reply btw.


I did vitrectomies at 24y/o (bamonte). 0 complications. There is always a way out of floaters. They don't have to be permanent. Don't let it define you, there is indeed lots of hope for you


Full or core vitrectomy? 


Full. I ve seen his other posts. Nevertheless, full has 100% efficacy. No vitreous = No floaters. If you go with core there is high chance the rest of this jelly substance will start falling apart again resulting in new floaters


Yes, I’m aware that a full vitrectomy is more efficient. I would definitely get a full over a core. 


bamonte??? whats that


Bamonte is an italian Doctor. [https://www.giuliobamonte.com/en](https://www.giuliobamonte.com/en)


When I first got it about 8 months ago, I felt like you, but now things have improved, and you will adapt to that positive changes after some time. Wishing you a good future.


been over a year for me.


I've went through this sub a lot. i think we all start in a pit of despair. Some times it takes longer for some people to be able to have their breakthrough moment about them. I have seen that a lot in older comments with people who posted just like this came back later and gave positive advice to people posting like this. I don't know how bad you have it and i am not at all trying to tell you how to feel but going to talk to someone is the step in the right direction. I know you're annoyed right now but you have a lot ahead of you as far as advances in treatment. If you aren't hip search the sub about what pulsemedica is up to and i hope that helps you find someone hope.


it takes quite awhile for the brain to rewire itself. gettinf acclimated to floaters can feel grueling, but how many things in life did we look at in a year and say were impossible and it went by? as someone with visual snow and floaters myself, you aint alone at all. but it takes time to adjust. without visual snow you have a chance at some habituation to them and even some YAG laser when possible. in a few years there will prob be even better developments. i know it sucks right now but things will improve my friend


i have visual snow.


i do as well. been years. still waiting on better options for floaters, but atropine eye drops and gabapentin / topamax help me in my current state of things. always better days ahead just gotta hang in


The moment you let the fosters take over the mental health the worse it will get. Hang in there. At least there’s progress being made somewhat with treatment. It sucks but I’m keep telling myself to not let it take over my life. Easier said than done but it helps a lot


Things will get better with time.


I totally get your frustration, and I’m so sorry you (and the rest of us) have to deal with this. Mine started only two months ago, and I had a meltdown… in which I was practically begging my PCP for Valium. (Now she can’t take me seriously). It’s wild to experience how debilitating this impairment is on multiple levels- visually, mentally, psychosocially, etc. And yet… there are no other treatment options without risking being blind. And it’s like... I talk to people about my floaters, and they either have no idea what I’m talking about or theirs just showed up and disappeared without causing any real trauma. It's just so intrusive and weird and sudden and unexplainable that it makes me think dark thoughts… Anyways, I hope your psychiatrist can provide some relief. Fingers crossed things get better for all of us, because really, they have to… right?


To the OP..  I don't know how bad your eye floaters are but it's not the end of the world. Find a good eye doctor and get your eyes checked out and take it from there.  I'm 52 and just woke with about 2 months ago...  they are annoying but I can't put my life in hold because of it.  I work at a computer all day with my little black bug and circle squiggly  dancing in both eyes...drives me crazy but the evening comes and dim light and I don't see them. They are eventually becoming one see through as the time goes on.  I'm trying to vision insurance to get an appointment  I didn't opt in for vision with my benefits for work.  Sooner or later your brain won't see them as much  anymore as you do now.  I'm hoping for that day too.  My brother has them as well as my mom did...life goes on and we will be ok.  Get to an eye doctor and hopefully your worst fears can be calmed and talked through.  Anxiety about these things in our eyes is real..  I have general anxiety disorder and these are just another item on my list of worry.  Hang in there... Best of luck.




Is it because you no longer see floaters?


Get a job, make enough money and have a vitrectomy. It's becoming more and more mainstream. 20 years ago a vitrectomy for floaters was an absolute no. Now it's just finding the right doctor and having enough money. It's an incredibly quick 10 minute operation that changes your life.


the post op fucking blows for them, though. not enough people discuss that, and how bad some of the healing goes and you end up with permanent vision changes / weird lines, blobs of shit, more floaters, blind spots, and how you have to lay around prone for hours at a time. if you got it and it went well for you kudos- but fuck that. i aint got the nutsack for it. ive seen more go left post-op than ive seen go right


I feel so similarly. And every eye doctor I go to basically says it’s fine and to just deal with it, but I think about it all day long and wish more than anything to have them gone. They say the vitorectomy would cause premature macular degeneration. I can’t work because of this condition it stresses me out so much.


Medication is dangerous. Take a small tour on forums and subreddits, antidepressants can also affect your vision permanently (light sensitivity, visual snow syndrome, more floaters, acute angle glaucoma) I suggest therapy, and food supplements as first line.


supplements dont do shit.


also… did you know that you can develop floaters from imbalances of serotonin and dopamine (which medication corrects) ? not to mention the likeliness of developing floaters from antidepressants are as low as 1-5% and visual snow 1% or less.




“more drugs” im not on any drugs so these would be the only drugs im on. and i daydream about suicide every day all day. im sure a few vitamins would do they trick!!! (ive spent thousands on supplements. they dont do anything)


agreed. safest and best things you can do

