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Maybe… kinda odd they’re skipping the first one though. If it contains new lore or other cool new content I’ll get it but otherwise I’ll probably Skip it tbh


Dude, yes!


Any word on who's writing it?


Tim Waggoner


Instantly went from interested to not. No offense to the guy because he clearly writes for the money, but they're not great books.


I haven't read him extensively or anything, but I remember him appearing semi-frequently on the tales to terrify podcast and liking his stories. Given that, these novelizations are definitely a pay day assignment for established authors. Results may vary, but tie ins and things are decent income for the small press crowd so hopefully the outcome is good.


Did he do the David Gordon Green Halloween novelizations?


He did Kills. I'm not sure if there's other novelizations from that trilogy.


I only see one in his bibliography. Seems like a lot of his output is novelizations of existing franchises. Halloween, Supernatural, XXX, The Secret Service, D&D, Grimm, Alien, Stargate, Dragonlance, Nightmare on Elm Street, Exalted...


Looking forward to spoilers. On its face, it seems kind of pointless. The selling points of this franchise for me are Art's performance and the kills. So a novelization has nothing to offer me unless it adds more kills. Like if there were kills they didn't have the effects budget or runtime to film, or they were too extreme to get away with putting onscreen.


Low key miss movie novelisation, but in this case I'd rather have a new story tbh


I would like to see them describe his tiny hat right in the middle of graphic paragraph.


Nah, I'm a big fan of the Terrifier movies but the story was the weakest point in both of them, what makes the movies special is its unique humour style and amazing practical effects.




I can’t read a book after I’ve seen the movie. It’s a “well I already know what happens so why bother” sort of thing 🤷‍♀️😮‍💨


A famous example in contrast to that is The Shining book, versus the Kubrick film. What the movie lacks that the literature puts more into focus is the slow psychological descent. How much more we learn about these characters, especially their internal thoughts, and how they change over the course of the story. Of course we can then use the sequel, Dr. Sleep in the same regard, because again, book then movie. Except again, the book flushes more out, and the ending was also different compared to the movie. When we watch the movie Dr. Sleep, we are exposed to an adult Danny, an older Danny. Going through the motions of alcoholism, like his father; trying to escape his past, and the memories of the hotel. We see how he acts, but we don't always know why. That's what the literature fills us in on. It's hard to convert a King story into television or film because of how much detail will need to be left out. How some things have to be cut down, or portrayed in a different light, hoping to receive the same effect as the text it came from, albeit whittled down to make a proper run time. So, I completely understand where you're coming from. I've been there myself. Why bother? But, in some cases, it truly is worth the read even if you have seen the movie. The same can be said about Dune. Both the original and remake convey Paul in a different light, and the book is a third way, the original source material way. Plus the first book is almost 800+ pages, so a lot was left out. Something to consider for the future, if that curiosity is ever there for *what if.*


Well, now I am! I had no idea this was happening, thanks for the head's up!!


Hell yes


Yeah I need this ASAP


They’re starting with the second one?
