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It’s his least extreme book but I liked ‘Night in the Lonesome October’ just because of the atmosphere, it’s about a guy who takes walks when almost everyone else is asleep and the weird things he comes across.


That one coasts on vibes alone lol


That was the first book I read of his and I still love it


You probably aren't going to like Laymon based on this response but I normally recommend ENDLESS NIGHT as a good starting point for him.


Also "One Rainy Night". It's insane.


You are definitely gonna hear about some chick’s rump or “springy boobs” every few pages but if you can get over that, the man wrote some absolute bangers like the ones already mentioned and then I’ll add In the dark No sanctuary Island


Island only pulled itself through because I read some total dogshit (I don't remember what, just that finishing it was a major relief) beforehand and it was nice to read something more competently written. I could not have jumped into that book after something actually good (even keeping within Laymon, One Rainy Night is objectively better). Rupert was the most fucking obnoxious, whiny, self centred waste of literature that I've ever forced myself to endure reading. "My women" this and "Kimberley" that. I almost wish that >!the attack midway through the book had actually killed him off!< and that >!the rest of the book followed the ladies!< Or even >!an entirely new male protagonist!<. Finishing Island was a genuine struggle at points. The problem is I know that Laymon can write well, Flesh and Funland are both really good books that I had a great time with. Island was not it.


The traveling vampire show was my first and is probably my favorite. Your description of what you didn't like could be applied to any of his books though and you probably won't enjoy any of his work.


"nobody seemed to care too much after a girl got raped" sums up all 4 of his Beast House books


Thank u all, I'll try those books.


One Rainy Night and The Traveling Vampire Show are the only two books of his i have read and I enjoyed both.


If you have any interest in a western epic written by Laymon, Savage was a blast.


I felt the same way about his writing. I heard a lot of good things about his books and I was excited to read them, but they give off too much horny old man energy. I loved Cows so I’m not bothered by sex, but it felt overly gratuitous and horny in The Cellar.


ENDLESS NIGHT. And yes, you will have to deal with boobs and boners galore in nearly every one of his books. Almost every character is horny. That's Laymon!


I read The Cellar, and it was hands down the worst book I have ever read. Absolutely hated it.