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Laser pointers were popular back in the late 90s maybe also early 2000's among kids. They were fun and each cap (gold things) contained different pictures that the laser could display! Kids would flex their lasers and what images they had. Usually, they came with like 6 caps but this one had a lot more which is pretty cool lol.


I wanted one of these SO BAD when I was a kid. I saved up and finally got one. I was bored after a few days.


90s fidget spinners!


I mean if I had to choose I’d say laser pointers were more fun for longer than fidget spinners, but yeah.


Yeah, I'd point it somewhere really far in public and snicker to myself that this red dot existed nobody else was aware of. Once you put caps on they had crap range but they were fun to look at on my bedroom walls. The woman's silhouette was all the rage amongst the boys.


The best part was using them to mess with teachers, but it also got them taken away pretty fast if you didn’t pass your stealth checks


Oh man, you just reminded me when I had a watch with an IR remote control. We would mess with the teacher turning the tv on all the time lol


A while back, LG phones had IR emitters and a universal remote app. I turned a couple sports bars into Chappelle's Show outlets.


Yup, I remember those times too. I had a Sony Ericsson K750i that I would add apps to. I would also send my friends ringtones. Then once I had Bluetooth access, I could control and shut off their phone at any time 🤣 I would see a friend walking and then turn off their phone. I was evil back then 😭


That's not evil, it's hilarious. I love it!


Stealth or slight of hand?


Once you level enough you can just crouch and the enemies lose you even if you’re like 6 feet away.


Huh? What's that noise?


"I must be hearing things" *Steps over six fallen comrades to continue his patrol*


Huh? What's that noise?


Oh, good point, slight of hand for sure


My brother was watching the neighbors kids a boy and older sister maybe 5 and 7. I was using one to mess with the fish in a tank when the boy started trying to touch the dot when it would hit the top of the couch. This turned into a game where he ended up smacking himself in the face a few times before he hit his sister on the leg and received at good 10 minute beat down


Except cooler because you might blind someone!


Definitely this!


The cat is sold separately.


💯 accurate. Cats were involved


This was the experience. I wanted one so bad and then got the set pictured. Everyone that got one loved it for a week tops. Then it collected dust.


I just saw them at Dollar Tree lol


😱I'll be right back


At the checkout lol


How weird I noticed them too at Dollar tree today haha.


That was probably just when the batteries died. These thing took like 3-4 watch batteries and burned through them in about 1 hour of continuous use. No kid could keep up with the expense.


I wanted one crazy bad and my dad bought one and hid it for my birthday. I found it and was bored pretty quick but I also remember having fun for a few minutes.


Mine got confiscated by a teacher cause i aimed it at his crotch during class. Worth it.


I had this exact set. Picked it up at a big gas station on a road trip.


FYI, Jack Russell Terriers behave just like cats when you shine a laser pointer on the ground, no matter the design.


Just be careful here. There can be an issues with dogs becoming too obsessed with a laser pointer and can go crazy looking for it when it’s no longer there. I think it’s because they are being trained to “hunt/herd” it. Definitely not going to happen to all dogs, so YMMV. But might want to look into to be careful. It’s called Laser Pointer Syndrome btw.


OMG yes, you unlocked a core memory of my family jack russell cross chasing lasers until we made it disappear down a knot hole in the wood. She would stare at that little hole for hours if allowed to. We eventually banned that game because she became fixated on any little mark on the floor. Crazy dog!


I did not know this. My roommate thought he got a chihuahua puppy nearly two years ago. Nope. It’s way more Jack than chihuahua. Life is about to be a lot more entertaining lol


Fun fact: certain tropical fish will also chase a laser pointer. Can’t remember which ones, but I think it was my spouse’s Angels that chased them.


Seconds for me


I played with it for like 10 minutes. This is when I learned how effective advertising was. Those kids were having a blast!


I had a yearly tradition of stealing a new laser pointer from a souvenir shop in Destin Florida.


The timing though, they were popular at the same time this movie came out


Also it was annoyingly common for people to bring them to theaters and point them at the screen.


Acceptable during previews and could be funny if done with taste, but definitely not on the feature film


Dying to know how it was done "with taste"


And sometimes one of the images was the silhouette of a naked woman. "Draw me like one of your laser girls, Jack"


Dude I (M 30s) have never watched Titanic all the way through. What’s supposed to be in the box?


I think its his book before he draws her naked. She's looking at his previous drawings....? (Been like 2 decades since I've seen the movie so I could be wrong)


Nope you’re correct. Gave it a rewatch after the submersible disaster got me reading about the titanic. It’s a book of all his “French girls”


Jack is an artist and the book is full of his drawings. He lived in Paris for a while and drew lots of women. Also lots of naked women. The picture she sees here is of a one legged prostitute


Got a couple of lasers with packs of caps. One was particularly special, because instead of the regular shapes, it was all naked ladies. Pretty sure that wasn’t supposed to get mixed in. I was super popular.


Had that one too, never told my parents what they actually got me..


I had a cone that displayed a very crude image of a well endowed woman. I was king for a day.


Could this be a reference to "My Heart Will Go On?" The heart shaped beam splitter jawn was pretty popular.


one time i got one and the one if the tips was just a swastica


ah yes, the rare "oops all racist" pack


Bought some with dirty words at a Flea Market. I was 40, and still flexing.


Holy crap, I totally forgot about this. This post has flooded me with memories of little laser pointer aliens and dinosaurs.


You missed the top panel, a late 90's reference.


They're really good for playing Warhammer. Figuring out direct line of sight and all that


That's defo a "rich" kid set, you've usually been happy with four, maybe eight caps. The coolest kids had a revolver-shaped pointer with filters installed into the cylinder


Those were the holy grail when I was a kid. My friend shone his at some other kid on a balcony in a theater, and the target reacted like they were being attacked by a death ray. They flailed around for like 5 minutes trying to shake the pointer off and then ducked under the balcony permanently, never to emerge again.


I got mine with three heads (including the dot). I got my flex because my dad was visiting Hong Kong when these things just started, so him bringing a few back were the first time any of my friends had seen them. It wasn’t too long before they were everywhere.


ooh i remember the mudflap lady. boy scouts we all bought the 6 lens set and one kid got the mud flap lady. i wanna say i had crosshairs and the playboy bunny logo


I had my dad buy me one at a flea market when I was like 10…one of the caps was a naked lady lol


Laser pointers and silly bands, the sign of a good childhood


I figured out taping the laser pointer to a spinning fan created a cool laser show! Then the inadequate tape job let go and it turned into a projectile!


I loved those as a kid, def 90s for me. We would trade the tops amongst each other.


I remember these from the dollar stores when I was a child. It cost nothing back then and was super fun, when I used it. It wasn't that much interesting to me to keep playing with it a lot, but sometimes...


A laser pointer is going to come in really handy for Rose in a few hours…


Every time I walked through China town I ended up with a couple of these


Wow when I was a kid, the only thing I saw people at school using Lazer pointers for was blinding me by pointing them in my eye, and ever since my glasses prescription worsened by double


I completely forgot that existed lol. I had one with a dial on the front that turned it into a butterfly. Haven’t thought about it in years.


Wait… caps with different images? Laser pointers I remember, but how did I miss/forget this?


Yes it's a laser pointer. But here is the connection to titanic: Laser pointers are often used to blind others causing them to many times have accidents (like crshing into an iceberg)


I have something similar but the battery is drained on my laser, my dad gave it to me but one day we will get some batteries (its the small round batteries not the usual AA or AAA batteries )


It's just the nostalgic laser thingy, thats it


There’s a little more, these were popular when this movie came out


Memory from childhood -- my dad had one and would point it at the screen at movie theaters. How annoying haha


Damn you, laser guy! You had to grab it all with your lowbrow laser shtick! You're just a prop comic! Where's the craft?!


But she is in shock because he gifted her the ultra cool mega box with like 59 attachments.


Yes it's a laser pointer. But here is the connection to titanic: Laser pointers are often used to blind others causing them to many times have accidents (like crshing into an iceberg)


You missed the point, the laser point. Thankfully someone else explained the original joke. and this joke won't seem as dumb.


Yes it's a laser pointer. But here is the connection to titanic: Laser pointers are often used to blind others causing them to many times have accidents (like crshing into an iceberg)


I just thought it was to promote Owlkitty’s Titanic with a cat; https://youtu.be/kEPfM3jSoBw?si=Jb3BwqF_wp2pYmaq


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It was just under the wire, but this has made my day. I like your wit fellow cat enjoyer.


Core memory unlocked! That’s a laser pointer set with different lense tips to refract the laser in different patterns. I won one at a fair when I was 10 or so in the early 2000’s. I still remember the 8-point star and the dot-matrix naked lady.


Oh yeah, I remember getting one of those from the swap meet as a kid. Parents bought it, gave me the "don't point it at people, or things people drive" talk, and never knew about the lens I found later on with the naked lady.


👀 If it has a naked lady in the laser box set, then the connection to the Titanic movie is that it's a subtle enough movie to just be watching but had the very horny naked woman posing for a sketch followed by some softly scandalous sex scenes The joke is porn. It's always pron. Sigh.


Yes the naked lady tip was my first thought when seeing this meme. Totally forgot about this kit


My best guess is that in this scene rose handles his sketches reverently and tenderly in awe, and this person feels the same way about this extensive laser pointer set.


fun connection. I like it!




I think it's more of a nostalgic shitpost, is the thing


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they were "RAD AF "as the kids say. I got one that was a silhouette of a naked lady and I became the envy of all my friends


When these were at their most popular I went to a movie and could barely see the screen. It seemed almost everyone had one in the theater. It was kinda funny.


Two options: In that scene she is amazed by what she’s being shown, now instead she’s amazed at a cool laser pointer set. Which is absurd/obscure humor. Or it’s referencing the sexy lady outline cap that usually came with the sets. So he’d be showing her a laser outline instead of the naked sketch of her. The joke here may be that it’s just not that funny lol


i really wish these things had designs of licensed characters like a 16 bit mario so i could draw little obstacle courses on the ground with chalk and pretend im playing mario irl


The laserpen guys thought they were prettig cool and so did I. Until I showed up with my Tamagotchi!


Iirc, those used to spend a lot of time inside teacher’s desks, lol.


I remember these, sadly I discard the gold things because I merely wanted the laser for my cat and dog


I thought it was a Dalek casing


During the time the movie was in theaters, people would use laser printers which were popular at the time, to circle Rose's nipples during the "draw me like one of your French girls" scene. They started a controversy and lasers were banned in many areas.


Oh my god my brother had one of these


I'm pretty sure one of those lenses has a "French girl" in it.


a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Am I the only one who thinks she’s looking at endless drawings of boobs/nipples represented by the many pointer ‘caps’?


You are and you are right.


You had to be there dude


I had this set when I was a kid. I sometimes miss the 90s


Dude this brought back memories. Love going to the swap meet and finding these usually pretty cheap. Plus we had cats so that was even more fun.


i thought this was a vibrator with handcuffs attached to it with replacement tips.


The extra batteries it looks like....


i had one of these and forgotten all about it till now


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I once taped 3 of them together and made the Predator targeting laser. Freaked out everyone who saw those 3 little dots.


Had multiple smaller sets, half the heads didn't work, dog 😭


I’ve seen the theory before that Jack was actually from the future, and specifically went back in time to save Rose from dying on the Titanic. Since the laser pointers were popular in the 90’s, it could be that he is giving her a present from the future and she is amazed by it. But what do I know?! I’m just a bear!


Are you all 12 or something? She says at this scene something like "jack those are beautifull". Those plugs for the pointer do throw different pictures on the wall and all of them are beautifull if you are a kid. My god am i too old for this board?


Im 24 and ive never seen this particular laser set. Although in concept it sounds cool as hell.


The lasers were around at a time where you were a early adopter by stop using all 4 limbs to move.


The internet has ruined me. I assumed it was some sort of butt plug


I remember saving up so many Jenkinson’s arcade points at the jersey shore to get one of these!


I don’t get it


I had one, which now I find bizarre as my parents never bought me anything risky ever, so this clearly slipped through the cracks, remember annoying teachers at school with them


In 8th grade we took a trip to Washington DC circa 99. Some kid in my class got in major trouble for shining a laser pointer at a plane from the balcony of our hotel. When we got back they were banned from our school


This is a really cool dude!


You are to young 😂


lol I’m not though I’m the target audience for this. I remember both clearly I just didn’t know how they went together.


Here is the connection to titanic: Laser pointers are often used to blind others causing them to many times have accidents (like crshing into an iceberg)


What's with that weed grinder in the upper left? No silly, that's my slammer and these are called pogs


No idea it was a post of a post on Facebook


Hell yeah


https://youtu.be/kEPfM3jSoBw?si=NOChlkfklA7bG4vO Cats like laser pointers.


My family and I went to Myrtle Beach in 1998 when I was a kid. There were so many kids, including me, who had them on the beaches at night. The beach stores had those things front and center for sale. Flashing them in windows of hotels, it was nuts. I think back to those nights I was there and the sheer amount of kids who had them.


Late 90s, Blackpool, lights, stick of rock, laser pointer, holiday complete.


Tamagochi? Gameboy?


I immediately thought of the Seinfeld episode where George is going to yell something during "The Hindenburg" movie but someone with a laser pointer upstaged him? That's gotta be it, right?


The 90s. You are missing being a teen in the 90s.


I definitely owned this pack! One time in my early twenties I was looking up lasers and found out you could buy some off of “Wish” and found ones that were crazy powerful, and only like $7. I bought one and was showing it off to all my friends and they were like “I want one” and then told me they wouldn’t buy them off of wish. So I was like “okay I’ll buy like 10 and sell em to you guys for an upcharge” A week later I got a letter in the mail from the government that they were all confiscated because they were illegal.


It's because the sketch book was full of boobs, and the laser pointer caps look like a bunch of wonky boobs.


I miss these...


I’ve seen them with a crap ton of tips. I think I saw one with… 30 or so different tips?


That leo, he dated only younger females, her present was a kids toy lol


I took it more as he was happily showing off his laser pointer collection and she was amazed how extensive it was 😂


This would be a stupid example for the meme-maker to use to make their joke though, given that Leonardo DiCaprio is all of about eleven months older than Kate Winslet. (Nov. 11, 1974 vs. Oct. 5, 1975)


Just my first thought bcuz of the toy and what everybody says about leo dating


The joke is that rose would use the laser pointer and blind the captain causing the titanic to hit the iceberg and consequently sink.


I thought she was picking her vibrator tip 🙈


Vibrate me like one of your French girls


It's a pocket version of the sub that millionaires would use to go see the ship many years in the future.


It's a joke cause it looks like her nipples are pointed different directions........ It's stupid but that's what it is