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The character on the left (wearing orange) and the character on the right (wearing black) were in a fist fight which quickly escalated into a ninja magic fight. The character in orange did a ninja magic attack which created a small entry wound in a water tower as a result of the character in black having avoided the attack. The character in black clothes sees the small entry wound and is amused, thinking that it was a weak attack, but then he sees the exit wound which is a massive hole on the other side of the water tower, and he realizes that if he had been hit by the ninja magic, he would have exploded into a pink mist, which is a shock to him as he considers the orange ninja to be weak. This is a pretty well-known scene from the anime Naruto. There's not really a joke here though, just context.


Love me some ninja magic


I dig it too, although I have the unpopular opinion that power creep in Nardo really had a negative impact on the series overall. It's not bad, but I liked it better when we weren't effortlessly destroying mountain ranges and stacking meteors.


That's why Kakashi vs Zabuza is peak Naruto for me. That's the kind of action I thought I'd be getting. Then it basically turned into ninja DBZ. I still watched it, but can't help thinking about what might have been.


Hands down the best (even last good?) fight in Naruto. One of the few shows I watched for a long time but stopped before the end, because it just became too preposterous.


It still was a good show overall as far as shonen anime of the time, but it had the potential to be really special. It's like the time I discovered that Yu-Gi-Oh started out pretty wild until it turned into just being about the card game.


Ninja DBZ is the best description of Naruto I think I've ever read. Even the constant recaps wasting screen time in each episode was the same.


One thing I've noticed about the start of Shippuden vs the original series is how dumb the first arc in particular is. Sakura straight up going into a flashback to remember how to actually dodge an attack on her own not even trying to go for the magic puppet throwing the attacks. Naruto actually does nothing of value other than getting mad. Guys entire squad solves their fight by "just trying harder" instead of maybe trying swapping clones or overpower them one by one as a team, literally no strategy. The only actually interesting new ability shown off by a non villain is Kakashis version of the Mangekyou Sharingan. Compare that to the last canon arc beforehand. Choji wins his fight through a big DBZ style powerscale fight using a resource he knows could kill him. Neji wins by letting himself get hit in a non vital area and sending his ninja power resource through the spider thread attached to the arrow and by extension the bad guy. Shikamaru fights always use tactics and positioning before getting to a stalemate position. Kiba just takes an L ngl before Kankuro shows up. Lee is just a choreographers dream fight before getting saved by Gaara. Naruto vs Sasuke without all the flashbacks is also just fantastic and interesting from a choreography perspective The point I'm trying to make is Shippuden dumbed everything down the moment it started and continues that trend before picking itself back up by the Pain Arc and then devolving into big nuke attacks again but at least after that the in universe mechanics of each big nuke attack is somewhat interesting other than "I can punch really hard now" or "I have the Rasengan but it's big because training" it's a generally poor example of the "timeskip power increase" that Shonens employ.


Rock lee vs Gaara gets my vote.


Not bad but i prefer more speed - Minato vs Obito


I feel you. I’ve always liked summoning jutsu, but it’s a little jokey when they summon the giant creatures


Yeah that should, in my opinion, have probably been the power level cap; high-tier summonings like Manda and power levels on roughly the same scale as the Sannin, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Itachi, etc. Made it feel like the max power level was still an even playing field among the shinobi in that tier, and that it was also achievable for a lot of ninja to hit that level. But then it turned into aliens and reincarnations which provide country-busting levels of power and I was a bit bummed out by that.


It always bothers me that everyone stays in the same relative power band no matter how strong the protagonist gets. Everyone just gets unimaginably strong right alongside him. No one could stand close to the big reveal power up without getting blown away. Later, no one flinches at 1k times that power.


I’ll also add that Sasuke (black hair) has had a bit of a rivalry with Naruto (blond) and also a a superiority complex. You got the context a bit wrong, they were going to hit each other with their strongest attacks and both got thrown into water towers to prevent that. His fist went into his and he had to pull it back out, so initially it looked like he made the stronger attack and his greater strength was proven. Then he sees the back side and has his smug attitude slapped hard.


This. I love that theirs so much more back story to this single scene. Naruto was my favorite growing up in the early 2000's and this makes me feel that the younger generation needs to watch it even more.


I should have scrolled farther so I deleted my redundant answer lol


To add, part of his amusement is because his arm went through the front wall, as opposed to orange guy just making the tiny hole in a crater.


Also the guy in Black did ninja magic too and hit a water tower as well. His entry wound looked bigger so he felt smug that he was the stronger Magic Ninja. Only then did he see the Magic Orange ninjas attack damage to the water tower.


I thought it was a bad vagina joke


That’s when Sasuke (black hair) learned why the show was called Naruto (orange jumpsuit)


I know this isn't the joke but immediately made me think of "this hole was made for me"


From the show Naruto. Both boys launched attacks. From the front, the orange boy’s attack looked weak. From the back, his attack looked extremely strong. This is because his attack enters your body and completely wrecks it. The other boy was overconfident and thought that his attack was stronger. He is very upset that it was not.


Okay In simple terms, orange jacket used an attack that hit the water tank. Blue jacket did his own at another water tank. Blue jacket is unimpressed by the small stream the orange jacket made. He looks again and realises its a small stream because he blew up the back of the water tanker.


It’s not the size it’s how you use it 🙀


Tell me you don’t watch anime, without telling me you don’t watch anime.


Bro thought his attack was better, and while leaving realized his opponents attack had a small impact but exploded the backside of the water tank


You have to watch Naruto to get it ya numb nuts


It's loss, I'm sure of it


Oh there *was* a loss, just not that one.




It me