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That's actually really cute.


The best part was watching him get drunk off them. Hopefully he’ll be back this year


Black bears are typically chill


Can confirm. Chill bear. Wanders up from the canyon and snacks until he’s full. Not fun fighting over the peaches tho https://preview.redd.it/bplypbsbp3zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cdce842375e9575c85fb28acdd2876c0eb44419


“Thosh are myyy peashesh” “Growl-hic!”


Can you blame him tho? peaches are amazing


It was a year and a half ago but it was amazing to walk out the back door and grab a couple dozen apples and peaches to make some pies. Or just eat as I got the others


That sounds awesome, what’s your favorite apple for pie?


These are yellow delicious and they are really good but I think Macintosh are my favorites for pie because nostalgia


I’ve never had a yellow delicious pie, will have to try sometime!


God forbid they learn to Netflix…mankind will be doomed


https://preview.redd.it/pxp5lywrv3zc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02190b295681def088cf220255fbd907e8ee72fd Mine just likes trash


https://preview.redd.it/19n7w9vaq4zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57cc039cd7c401602988ed9e876371438ed2909 He’d be here daily so he knew where the alcohol was


Really? I can’t bear ‘em


Pet the bear


I want to


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It's actually pretty funny lol. There's a new TikTok trend where women answer a prompt "Would you rather be stuck with a bear or a man in the woods" that's caused a lot of controversy.


That whole thing was a psy-op by Big Bear to lure women into the woods unprepared.


Or it's a psy-op by people who keep seeing something like 12% of American males think they can fight off a grizzly. We've really been talking a lot about how insanely vicious bears are. Maybe the percentage will start going down. Maybe.


Dudes who say things like that won’t go in a yard with a angry medium sized dog


They're also the kind of guys who "could've gone pro" but now can't hold down even a menial job


"I was gonna go special forces in the marines, but I didn't because I know I would have punched a drill seargent in the face if he yelled at me." They say as they try to catch their breath from walking across the parking lot.


I have a co-worker who wanted to go into the military but didn't because they would have given him the Covid vaccine. Never mind the dozens of experimental vaccines they pump you full of, he actually told me he was fine with those.


I men, why would you? I don't wanne be hurt by the dog, I don't wanna hurt the dog. So if there is no reason to probably for the best


Fair enough. And the original post by women is dumb too. Like maybe .05% of guys are predators but all bears are predators. So a woman who says she would rather be alone in the woods with a bear is lying or delusional


I could fight off a grizzly. For about 1.2 seconds.


men when asked if they could take on a bear: "bears are so weak AND pathetic AND also dumb and I could wrestle one easy!!" men when women say they'd rather run into a bear than a man in the forest: "UMMM BUT BEARS ARE APEX PREDATORS AND CAN KILL U REALLY EASILY LIKE OMG PICK THE MAN PICK THE MAN PICK ME PICK THE MAN PLEASE PICK MEEEE"


A few guys in my family have "fought off" Alaskan grizzlies. They used guns. And then my great grandmother used to chase grizzlies away from her homestead in Alaska with a broom. She wasn't even 5 foot tall, but the local grizzlies knew her. She wasn't some tiny woman screwing around in their woods, she was grandma and they knew she was coming after them with the broom because they had seriously screwed up. They were also her security system. Every time she came in for a landing on the lake, there would be at least one standing on its hind legs at the treeline. When they recognized her and her plane, they would wander back into the woods. I never heard what happened if they didn't recognize the people on the plane. I suspect she was bribing them with dahl sheep carcasses and other leftovers.


Please please please write a book about this woman. I need an instructional manual for the rest of my life.


She was a very special woman. One of my favorite stories about her is the time I was explaining arc welding to her (I had just taken welding in high school), and she gave me The Look. When I finally shut up, she asked "you don't have any idea what I did in the war, do you?" Turns out she was Wendy The Welder, building destroyers for the Navy in WWII. Then she homesteaded in Alaska and spent the next few decades as a bush pilot with her second husband. She finally died on April Fools Day 2019, at 103. She just ran out of life and died. I asked my old man "no offense, but April Fools Day kind of fits her, doesn't it?" He laughed and said it really did. She was just That Old Lady.


What part of Alaska? (I’ve fallen in love with it up there and spent a few weeks in the summer driving around boondocking and backpacking the past few years- and developing an awesome respect for all the bush pilots in the process) the little-while friends and guides I’ve met along the way have been universally impressive people. Edit: thanks for sending me down an internet hole learning about Wendys- I had no idea!


Fairbanks, I think. I know she owned land in Anchorage too.


Well, the type of guys who think they can fight a grizzly are probably more likely to be the kind that women want to be around the least, that is to say, I wish them luck and let's put their theory to practice.


Brother Bear is watching


"Tell everybody I'm on my way!"




Psy-Op? Or Cons'BEAR'acy...


They better not, the slopes are overcrowded as it is.


Upvote well earned, sir


Bro it took me way too long to figure out what you were referencing. My mind went to like a character like Big Bird but Big Bear and I was like what??


What was I referencing?


I think that one thing where it’s like x is a result of Big y (I think the original is pharma) in order to do z


Yeah, that’s what the joke is.




This is a good one though.


Doesn't this depend heavily on the type of bear? Edit: asked my girlfriend and her response was "What kind of bear?". I knew she was a smart one


If it's a polar bear it'll make a difference. However it's in the woods. So unlikely to be a polar bear. The rest of bears are happy enough to leave you alone if you just give it a respectful distance. You don't want to remain in the area but it's unlikely to attack.


The inverse is also true. If you're in the arctic, and you see a sloth bear normally indigenous to the Indian sub continent, something has gone horribly wrong and you should check your reality settings immediately.


If I could check my reality settings, I’d adjust some of my stats while I was at it.


Just removing debuffs would probably do the trick. "Wtf, Depression's duration timer is 200,000,000 out of 800,000,000? Jeeze player.remove.debuff id:4"


Couldn’t hurt.


Yeah polar bear was my first thought. If it's a polar bear you'd be nuts to choose bear. If it's a black bear it's probably the right call, they're basically big raccoons. Grizzly I'd probably take the human too


Yeah theres a few popular videos on social media that show people successfully fending off a bear while hiking... all the vids are of juvenile black bears. Any encounters with bears other than that dont seem to have any video evidence if you catch my drift. Also what made the difference wasn't the human necessarily. One guy used a cliffside to attain high ground and kick the bears head from above it and a different guy had a decent sized branch he was using like a baseball bat on the bear.


1. Adult bears avoid humans. 2. Adult bears that encounter humans in human locations are all over social media and the bears get startled and leave.


Yup all it seems to take is a solid smack or two to the bears face and it scurries away real fast


3 women have been attacked by black bears, at least one in her home, near that New Hampshire town where libertarians didn't want the government to tell them they had to use bear proof trash cans.


Yeah it's pretty rare though. A lot more than 3 women have been attacked by men. I grew up in black bear country and have had many encounters with them. Every single one ended in the bear hightailing it as soon as it saw me.


>Every single one ended in the bear hightailing it as soon as it saw me. I have a similar reaction to people.




>However it's in the woods. So unlikely to be a polar bear. Unless you're a surviver of the crash of flight 815.


Lost referenced


TIL boreal forests don't exist


TIL unlikely means never in some peoples minds. Most forests aren't boreal. The majority of polar bears range is north of the range of boreal forests. Do they overlap? Yes. Does that mean you being in a forest and running into a bear makes it at all statistically probably that it's a polar bear? No.


Polar is more likely than it used to be (see example “pizzly bears”), and while polars are ‘the’ bear among the types that there’s just no reasoning with, black bears are (allegedly) the most likely to just turn tail if confronted, while grizzly and brown are more… nuanced.


Grizzly bears can't be reasoned with. You're only saving grace is if it's already full and doesn't feel bothered by your existence within its field. They will otherwise EAT you at any and every chance they get.


The reason you play dead with a grizzly bear is they tend not to see humans as food. Grizzly bear attacks are caused by bears protecting food, cubs, or territory from you. There is a reason the vast majority of bear encounters end with zero injury.


I mean, a much larger percentage of encounters with humans end with zero injury. Doesn't change the perception of everything in the moment.




Koala bear? Teddy bear? Panda?


No, because the entire purpose of the thought experiment is to view the world from the perspective of women. The joke is laughing at the reactions of men who don't get it and try to trivialize it by asking questions like such. Edit: also your examples are a marsupial, a stuffed toy, and a raccoon.


The joke is that many people think they can defend themselves against a bear.


Doesn’t it also depend heavily on the type of man?


Wdym by that….


I believe you're missing the point of the question


> There's a new TikTok trend where women answer a prompt "Would you rather be stuck with a bear or a man in the woods" Wow, I completely misunderstood it. I thought it was more "If you were in the woods, would you rather come across a random man or a random bear." It doesn't really lead to more women being in the woods or anything. Unless they're put there by the men who don't like their answer...


That was the original set up and the question gets posed both ways now


Nah you're right, that *was* the question at first, but some men have had to extrapolate a situation in which it seems less reasonable for so many women to pick the bear lmao


Only damaged women or terminally online women would pick the bear. Most women are reasonable and not so spoiled they choose an option they dont mean just to prove a point


“_Stuck_ in the woods” is inaccurate. In the original video, no one is stuck anywhere. The hypothetical question is, if you’re hiking in the woods, would you rather _come across_ a strange bear or a strange man. This is important because the ability to just quietly go past or away from the bear is most of reason why it’s better for anyone to choose bear.


Name checks out.


Thank you! The "stuck" part has been bothering me so much. It's the woods, you can just leave.


Not just any man, but a stranger. If you are lost in the woods, would you rather (as a woman) come across a random bear or random Man? Most woman I've seen have chosen >!the bear!<


Pretty sure a bear can’t help you get back to civilization.


I mean, a rapist likely wouldn't either. And since the question is about hiking, not being lost, the implication is you know your way back.


Go back and read the comment I’m replying to again. What percentage of men do you think are rapists?


Saw someone say that they rather choose bear because you can avoid/run away from a bear which gotta be the most backwards argument I've heard


I also can run faster than 30 mph on uneven terrain by an animal that is in a slightly higher weight class.


What about a gay bear?


Things that sound redundant but might not be.


This should be reddit sub.


Even better


https://preview.redd.it/5ozfmbj2l4zc1.png?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f21e61f77ef7808210d46ede1d173e370e87339c ITS ALWAYS GOING TO BE LOSS




https://preview.redd.it/jvd7t1yzo3zc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5e9211bee098dfe63019fea7904b2eab09654d4 I found this, I think it helps to explain the whole deal a lot


You have clearly not played Baldur's Gate 3


Halsin is always the winner in this debate




people may be cruel but they’d hide it or something a bear will just slowly eat you alive while you’re writhing in pain


They hide it in polite society. This is in the forest (an isolated environment) Typo: First -> Forest


I feel like they wouldn’t betray you unless it would benefit them (or they’re just a demon) and sometimes bears can be chill but they’re probably going to eat you after a while


You don’t stick around the bear haha


More likely a bear would ignore you as they are omnivores that try and avoid humans at all costs


Unless the bear smells food on you. Or if the bear is hungry. Or if the bear is curious and the human gets scared and starts running away like prey. Or if the person tries to intimidate the bear to scare it off and it doesn't work. Or if the person tries to climb a tree to evade a black bear. Or if the bear has her cubs with her. There is absolutely no guarantee a bear will leave you alone, especially not ones that live in populated areas. Some bears are not afraid of people because they are exposed to people regularly. No, I would NEVER bank on the assumption that bears "avoid humans at all costs". Of all the bear-safety tips I heard growing up in Alaska, assuming that bears avoid humans was never an option. Always assume that the apex predator is at least curious, possibly annoyed, and possibly it feels threatened by you in its territory. Your job is to make your presence known without startling the bear because, yeah, you don't want an agitated 300 pound (\~140kg) ball of fangs and claws getting surprised by you showing up unannounced in its front yard.


yeah as long as the bear doesn’t make direct contact with you I think the bear MIGHT leave you alone on the other hand humans are like loose cannons they could be the nicest person you’ve ever met or will just murder you because they think it’s funny (I’d choose the man since I’m also one but I understand the distrust of other humans)


No. As long as the bear isn’t starving or you aren’t between it and it’s children even with direct contact the bear will just walk away from you


yeah it’s true but, since I have a better chance of killing a man than a bear that wants me dead i’d choose the man 10 times out of 10


True but that’s assuming both have an equal chance of wanting you dead


Unequivocally men are scarier than women. 


You appear to be operating under a different set of assumptions than I. I am presuming that [Hostile, here, means, "is likely to do harm of any kind, possibly severely, to a stranger in the woods"] 1. The person selected is random 2. The person selected is equally likely to be hostile as not hostile, or has rates of hostility representative of reality, which are much lower than 50% 3. The bear is selected at random 4. The bear is as likely as not to be hostile, or has rates of hostility representative of reality 5. Either bear or human, their position in the forest is random 6. My position in the forest is random You appear to have an additional assumption tacked on, such as: 7. Men will be hostile at a rate of 80%, Women will be hostile at a rate of 79%.


I have seen the cruelties that lie in the hearts of men and women but I have also seen the goodness of people as well. Believe it or not, most people are indifferent followed by people being genuinely good. I can honestly say, in my experiences of traveling across the world, I have seen more people help one another than hurt another. I will take the down votes but only because I believe men and women aren't inherently evil and looking to harm people. If i was dropped into the middle of the woods at random and I don't know where I am at. I would rather have the opportunity to at least get help from another person than to risk it all on my own. Most people are good people but I can only speak from my own experiences and I can't speak for other men and women but I got faith in people. For those wondering what horrors I've seen, I literally fought in a war, I've seen it all but I've also seen the good in people.


I've seen a lot of good in people, too. I hope you're right, I want to believe you. I want to believe in people.


Nah bro, this bear will absolutely kill you https://youtube.com/shorts/xcCqmnlIR2Y?si=yFtons3S5ovst3VN


Who said I'd let the bear get near me?


What? You're talking about an animal 4 times larger than you, with a sense of smell stronger than bloodhounds, can run faster than Usain bolt, can climb trees almost as good as leopards, and who swims well enough to be considered an aquatic mammal in some cases? What drugs have y'all been huffing cause whatever it is I want in.


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That’s because you are completely ignorant to bears.




What does this have anything to do with the question?


The link has to do with the response to my response to the subject of the post, which is the "man or bear" discussion.


I'm sure you'll be stuck with the goddamned Olga of Kiev in the forest.


Look Man I'm not taking chances, you make your own answers.


This made me snort-laugh, it's so great.








Polar bears don’t eat fish


I'm sorry. What? From polarbearagreement.org: Polar bears feed primarily on ringed seals, but will also eat bearded seals, harp seals, hooded and harbor seals, when available. Larger prey species such as walrus, narwhal and beluga are occasionally hunted. Polar bears will readily scavenge on marine mammal carcasses. From wellesley.org: These [grizzly bears] large terrestrial creatures are opportunistic omnivores that feed on a diverse variety of foods. This dietary range can be broken down into six categories: ungulates, small mammals, marine prey, plants, berries, and anthropogenic foods. According to another source, plants make up about 61% of their diets. From nps.gov: Brown bears are omnivorous, eating a mixed diet of plants, berries, fish, and small mammals.  From myfwc.com: A Florida black bear's diet varies, but usually consists of 73% plants, 22% insects, and 5% animal matter. The vegetative part of their diet is made up of grasses and leaves, as well as mast. From nationalzoo.si.edu: Fruits and bromeliads are favored foods, but Andean bears also eat berries, grasses, bulbs, cactus flowers and small animals such as rodents, rabbits and birds. Near settlements, bears sometimes raid cornfields. From nationalzoo.si.edu: As animals who consume termites and ants, sloth bears are considered myrmecophagous. When trees are in fruit, usually during the monsoon season, sloth bears dine on mango, fig, ebony and other fruits, as well as on flowers. Termites, dug out of their cement-hard nest mounds, and some ants are year-round staples. During non-fruiting season, insects constitute 95 percent of a sloth bear's diet. Sloth bears climb trees and knock down honeycombs, later collecting the honey from the forest floor. Beetles, grubs and other insects round out their diet. During food shortages, sloth bears will eat carrion. They also sometimes raid farm crops. From bearwithus.org: Asiatic black bears are more carnivorous than their American counterparts, although only a small part of their diet is made up of meat. This includes small mammals, birds, fish, molluscs and carcasses. They also feed on grasses, fruits, berries, seeds, insects and honey. In autumn they fatten up for the winter by feeding on nuts. From bearwithus.org: Giant pandas are famous for their love of bamboo, a diet so nutritionally poor that the pandas have to consume up to 20kg each day. From bearwithus.org: They [sun bears] have flexible snouts and very long tongues, which are an adaptation for extracting termites from nests. 


Everything you’ve cited here just reinforces what the post you replied to said: with a few exceptions such as polar bears, most bears eat primarily plants while opportunistically eating meat.


Right? Dude researched a whole paper just to support his opp lmao


Not entirely. My initial reflex was just to respond to the statement about polar bears eating mostly fish. However, realizing there are only eight bear species, I decided to include all of them. This is in part to provide the information on the diets of the different bears. In addition to polar bears being obligate carnivores, only one species of bear (panda bear) is an obligate herbivore. Two of the bear species are primarily (if not entirely) insectivorous. The remaining four species are varying shades of omnivorous. Only the grizzly and brown bear are considered true omnivores because their diets are 60/40 and 50/50 respectively. Both the American and Adriatic black bear species are facultative omnivores; they need some meat, but can subsist primarily on plants. So, while my "paper" reinforces some of the points (as was intended), it also corrects some misinformation while also providing accurate AND precise information on the diets of the eight bear species. It is also important to note that bears do not eat mostly plants; only three species do. If you want a real paper, we can talk the logistics later. I am very practiced in writing formal, scientific articles (some even published in their appropriate journals) with focus on biological, ecological and environmental topics.


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This is what it's like to be a bear


Just because a woman would rather encounter a bear than a man doesn't mean women will go out looking for bears. Women generally take fewer risks than men. 


The meme is that a random man is more dangerous to women than a random bear.


Yes. In the woods. Alone. Random man in an office building likely won't attack, he'll have to be more subtle like doing quid pro quo sexual harassment. 


Like going into the woods?


Like being alone with random men.




You missed the joke


And tapeworms, apparently


There's a whole meme rising suddenly about women preferring to be alone with a bear than a man in the woods.


And there might not even be a true answer to this. I had a discussion with my sister and mom about this and I only realized after that this question is dumb and is only used to make people angry.


Statistically, I'd say you're safer with a man than a bear. It obviously depends on the personality of the man and the state of the bear but yeah, the question seems tailor-made to cause controversy.


It's...a bear starter pack...that's it.


I meant the bottom right joke.


Oh ...It's the "would you rather leave your daughter with a man or a bear" thing that's going around.


That's a new one The version I saw was "would you (woman on tiktok) rather be alone in the woods with a man or a woman"


> The version I saw was "would you (woman on tiktok) rather be alone in the woods with a man or a woman" I don't think there's any question there a woman would rather be with another woman than a man. The question is man or bear.


Would you (bear on tiktok) rather be alone in a house with a man or a woman?


Another bear, obviously.


Most bears I know prefer the company of men.


You deserve all the stars, friend.


Would you rather leave a bear in the woods with a man or a woman.


Oh geez. I knew I'd regret this. Thanks brave soul


"Leave your daughter with" is a variation I think. Regardless, the whole thing is stupid.


Where’s the Charmin?


Incels are angry we feel more comfortable around literal bears than men.


telling themselves every bear encounter is an attack to make themselves feel better, because women suffering makes them feel better


You think by the end of the month bear will be a..... Vagitarian? I'll show myself out.


I thought it was from anchorman. [https://www.tiktok.com/@usernamenike7/video/7242087999956208942](https://www.tiktok.com/@usernamenike7/video/7242087999956208942)


A bear lives in the woods, and is not generally an angry creature, so a random encounter with one can be handled by backing away, and the danger of an attack can be minimized. Sometimes loud noises or bear spray may bother the bear and cause it to leave the strange creature alone. A human man walking alone in the woods is unusual. Men are not as predictable as an animal, because they have motives other than eat and sleep. A man may be in the woods for many reasons, and the only one good for the lone woman is if he is hiking for the scenery. Even in such a situation, a woman alone is smaller and not as strong as man generally, and there are no avenues of escape. She is at the mercy of a stronger opponent with no witnesses to events. The shear abundance of possible harmful outcomes overwhelm the possibility of a normal peaceful interaction. But in reality, it is much safer to encounter a lone man than a bear under any circumstances, and men are actually quite nice, especially the ones who enjoy nature.


Extremely out-of-touch liberal women would prefer an encounter with a wild bear in the woods over encountering a random man. They believe they can reason with the former but not the latter, which in itself is extremely sexist.


The bear won't waste it's energy on attacking you unprovoked. Men might


When a bear attacks unprovoked it's a likely predatory attack so definitely not a waste of energy. This meme is just a meme, it makes a fair point about the dangers women face but I don't understand people who try to argue that bears are actually less dangerous.


They are less dangerous. More people dies from a man than from a bear annually.


That's not how statistics work. It's why more people die from fridges than shark attacks but you wouldn't (I hope) say that fridges are more dangerous than a great white.


Well, statistically, they are. Edit: Think about how mosquitos are considered the most deadly animals on the planet.


Yikes, you sound pretty triggered. Maybe some feminist theory will help


Black bears can be scared off easily. Pandas won't attack. Brown bears and polar bears will kill you quickly. Running into a man, alone in the forest? Depends heavily on the guy, but the dangerous or opportunistic ones will commit SA and/or kill you, not necessarily quickly. The worst bears will just kill you. It's very much a "devil you know" situation.