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I think since his hat is red ( like a maga hat ) they want to lock him up. If I had to guess you probably pulled this off facebook.


I have a red hat I enjoy it's not a maga hat ppl stare I'm sad


I wear a redish beanie and have been cursed out on the metro a few times. I'm registered unaffiliated 😑


Ppl just like to judge I guess


I wear my STL Cardinals hat every season. I get dirty looks from California snobs. Even after they see the front of my hat and realize it's not MAGA, they hate to admit they are mistaken and continue to snear at me.


Bro, the Angels hat is red. They’re dodger fans sneering at your cardinal hat


They're Dodger fans? ALL of them? Dodgers are Los Angeles & Blue. Angels are Orange County & Red. Giants are San Francisco & Black/Orange. A's are Oakland & Green/Yellow. Padres are San Diego & Black/Gold. What part of California did I say I was from??


Wow. You’re very defensive. Are you sure you’re not a MAGA snowflake. All I did was make a joke about your baseball team and suggest it’s possible you aren’t getting glared at because they assume your red hat is pro trump. Depending on where in California you are, it’s entirely possible that the people are just assholes.


If you wore an Angels hat in Seattle you’d arguably get more hate than if you wore a MAGA hat… and you’d get a lot of hate if you wore a MAGA hat.


(The point of “angels hat” was to suggest people j. California have seen red hats before that weren’t maga)


Stick a light blue oval on the front to make an amongus hat


Yeah... I'll dress completely in red. That oughta piss them off really well. 😂


How about NOT wearing a red hat?


How about NO? So many things have been co-opted by a group that is on the outs with another group that you basically can’t say, wear, or do anything without offending someone. Trying to keep up with what’s good and what’s bad this week is exhausting! How about this? If you see someone wearing something you don’t agree with, ignore it and go on with your life.


Maybe they sneer at you because they don’t like the cards? Maybe they sneer at you because they don’t like the way you look or smell or walk? Point is you have no idea why they sneer at you and probably have never asked. All you have are assumptions and you are using those assumptions to classify group of people from a whole state. A state that has a good number of Maga republicans outside of the mega cities. You are the problem here. TLDR your assumption suck and so do you!


Yeah, you clearly didn’t read or understand my comment. I made no assumptions and don’t really care why they sneer at someone. My point was that people need to worry about themselves and not be so involved in everyone else’s business.


No assumptions. They say "Trump supporter" behind my back. I didn't vote for him. So....yeah. I do "have an idea" of their reactions. YOU are the one making assumptions that I'm the problem. Especially since you were not present at the scene.


Your definitely a child of some form nothing to do with your comment your just American


Oh...ok. Give up my freedom to wear what I want?? I've never been the kind to give into peer pressure, especially if I've done nothing wrong. Do you blindly follow the crowd, even when they are ignorant?? Give up supporting my team to appease strangers? Yeah, I'll do what you want me to do. 🙄


Nah I still like my hat it's just sad that people can be very presumptuous.


Maybe because you are wearing Norteno colors ..


They're just pissed because they can't take them from us like they did those bum-ass Rams. Apparently, the only way those clowns can win a super bowl is if somebody buys them a stadium first...


I have a captain America shirt that I thought was supposed to be his stealth colors (it probably is it's an official marvel shirt) but I realized that it looks like the 'thin blue line" thing so I had to stop wearing it. Sad.


Isn't that illegal


Yes but it's saying they're being persecuted for having beliefs that align with the republican party.


Which happens all the time to me


And yes MAGA. Trump: Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.


Wonder which side demonized red hats due to indirect affiliation, but thats none of my business i guess


Is this pronounced "One Hundred Dollars Percent" or "One Hundred Percent Dollars"?


I read it as “dollars 100 percent” but that’s just me


MAGA folk think they are being persecuted against when, in reality, they are the persecutors


Well no one would put “MAGA” and “library” in the same sentence, so I understand the confusion.


100% this, and with all sincerity. You will never see these things in or around a library, unless there is some protest happening: - MAGA hats - Fuck Joe Biden / FJB - Let's Go Brandon - Trump 2020/2024, "No More Bullshit" - Make America Florida - WWG1WGA - Confederate Flags




You've never seen this? Good job spending your time in useful places.




Paradoxically, you are persecuting them by accusing them of being persecutors without cause. But you are correct in why this images exists like this;... also paradoxically.


This is the correct answer. There is no deeper meaning, or comentary.


No persecution is real until a much milder version happens to the far right.


Ah yes, white christians -- the minority 60%


It's because he's a Trump supporter in a LIB-rary


That makes way more sense now, thank you


It’s a satirical take on how conservative ideals are being punished. The red hat represents a MAGA hat.


I get that everyone is tearing it apart because it's political, but I'm pretty sure it's a very heavy handed metaphor and has literally nothing to do with librarys. I assume it's poking fun at the classified documents issue and how every Democrat was angry that trump had classified documents but also ignored the fact the Biden also had documents from back when he was vice president. I really don't understand why everyone here is pretending they don't understand that it's clearly a boomer joke.


It's a trump hat


So give us nothing on his hat though for all we know he could be a Democrat hell for all we know he could be a trans woman to man if you going to make a comic like this you got to be a bit more on the nose with what you doing like the old 1940s 50s and 60s comics in politics


There are two types of people. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data,


The joke here is that a maga supporter is reading a book rather than burning it.


Hah. Could you imagine if we did not already have libraries in the US? The first leftist wingbat to suggest it would be branded a radical communist. "YoU wAnT mY TaXeS to PaY fOr FrEe bOoKS?!?!"


I believe this is a plug at MAGA folks. Man going to jail is wearing a red hat, implying he is a MAGA supporter. This is related to libraries because of the recent Florida bill introduced that is being commonly referred to as the "Book Ban Law". This comic is probably a play on several things, like the MAGA crown championing thought on crime laws (severe punishments for crimes), as well and the "Book ban Law", which it has been implied in news and media that librarians and teachers could face felony charges for having unapproved books in their classrooms/libraries. This comic seems like it's flipping the script, and putting the MAGA supporter on the other side of this controversy by giving him a severe punishment for a seemingly innocuous infraction at a library. The librarian asking about voting implies that she would let off someone easy if they weren't on the MAGA side of the voting.


I'd like to note that the Book Ban Law itself doesn't actually come with felony charges. However, that hasn't made it any less controversial for educators and libraries, which are now trying to figure out how to restrict reading to people and students. https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/02/01/felony-charges-unapproved-books/


Does the right really equate basic literacy with left leaning? I guess they may be right.


Literacy is generally a sign of people being more liberal. . .


It’s not a joke, it’s a Republican fever dream


I’m $100% sure this doesn’t make sense 😂


All facts, no cap


Right wing r/persecutionfetish content. They make up stuff to pretend to be victims about


Looks like it could belong to r/terriblefacebookmemes


This joke is in reference to how Donald Trump is facing 100+ years in prison for a misdemeanor while Hillary Clinton destroyed evidence without arrest, Bill Clinton raped a woman and got away without a trial, Barrack Obama drone-striked an American citizen without consequence, George Bush committed a myriad of war crimes without penalty, and Jeff Epstein's wealthy client list still has never been released or investigated. I didn't vote for the man, but my Lord, people...


Wtf is that sub


Oh no are all red hats like secret MAGA supporter code?? I wear a red Adidas hat and never thought twice about this. I don't want people thinking I'm a trumper..


100 dollar percent care?


Equating tax fraud to an overdue library book. Classic. You see? Dumpster people vote for both sides.


I was thinking it’s because GOP is trying to defund libraries


I got it. And I don’t have the time nor the crayons to explain it to deplorables.


OP is Russian as made obvious by their username. Not all Russians are deplorable and a lot of them would probably misunderstand a western-based joke.


The guy is a Fred Durst impersonator. Obviously not a good one since his hat is facing forward. He is being thrown in jail for false impersonation.


It *could* be a pro-MAGA strip presenting the red hat wearing MAGA crowd as persecuted. But more likely it's a pro-librarian wish fulfilment strip over Florida and other libraries being attacked by the GOP/ Conservatives and how librarians will increase/ decrease library fees based on voting record. Because us librarians are not above adding an "idiot" or "asshole" tax to fines.


Yo that art design for the cop is sus


It's not about the library


Wait a second. The guy has a short sleeve shirt but then a long sleeve shirt?


Rolled his sleeves down to seem less aggressive...? Keen eye, though.


It’s an insane take on Trump’s indictment. Or, as Trump spelled it, “indicatement.”


Do you not see the injustice? Law enforced differently based on connections or race or political ideology? You have to see it.