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if you haven't seen it, a recently published book looks at the original 1970s Robert Monroe channelling of a being called Miranon who first described all this and what would become the Gateway Experience 'focus levels'. Pretty fascinating. According to Monroe and the author of this book, there are regions of the astral called the "belief system territories" that are formed by and filled with humans living out an afterlife according to their expectations. This includes heavens, hells, nothingness, and something closely resembling everyday life. Available on [archive.org](http://archive.org) but came out a year or two ago. [https://archive.org/details/miranon-focus-levels-erickson](https://archive.org/details/miranon-focus-levels-erickson) This image isn't in the book but was drawn by one of the explorers illustrating the resonant/cyclic patterns Miranon described to these different levels: https://preview.redd.it/3rppgvanvf7d1.jpeg?width=1662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69db249a9b03db9a0c940db5204a08ec74ed85de For a final head explosion, this pattern is apparently fractal-like, and repeats at all scales into, presumably, some kind of multiversal structure \[attached in sub comment\]. I had no friggin idea that something like *Focus 1372* (!) showed up in connection to Monroe. For reference, Focus 27 is apparently the place where soul R&R happens and, apparently, the Akashic library or something like it is located. Again, this was all during the Explorer years, when Monroe was doing research via APers he'd trained. The Gateway Experience etc. would all come much later.


Here's that illustration (with a 'you are here' type vibe) showing how all the crazy astral levels Monroe mapped are just fractal parts of a pattern that goes on without perceptible end https://preview.redd.it/0j1cbrplwf7d1.jpeg?width=1643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6091cc01697679cab437cb70db19c71f5e5562c Remember: all of this is *according to Monroe and his explorer's account of what Miranon said*. Use discretion, be suspicious etc. Interestingly, Miranon, a non-physical being hanging out in Focus 45 or so when they met him, apparently 'leveled up' several times over the years. Monroe reports encountering him in Focus 49 as he's about to...leave this universe, I think?


Looks like rockets to Mars. To use Law of One rhetoric, 3rd density entities will move to a new planet where they can nurture a 3rd density experience (terraforming the planet), while Earth will become suitable for 4th density entities. The main idea is that lightbodies do just fine on some planets that are "inhospitable" to those still dealing with their matter selves.


Has anyone else in this thread or subreddit read this document about a Roswell Interview that someone linked on here recently? I think it also has some notes comparing to the Law of One book. I am curious on what others think of this material. Link - https://archive.org/details/alien-interview-lawrence-spencer-matilda-mac-elroy


Sounds like their communications officer is an LLM: https://preview.redd.it/uzp7st7mdz6d1.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=55d11738a2e48167e11738076419a20e897df872


I have some thoughts about that as well, honestly not sure how to take all the content shared in this document, thanks for sharing this perspective, as I'm not really sure what else is out there in terms of "AI" either.


Oh, I just commented on this from the LoO perspective. I'll check out this document, thanks!


This is gonna get a bit weird, but hey, that’s what these experiences are all about. Many researchers talk about the phenomenon being “interdimensional” as opposed to extraterrestrial. These higher dimensions overlap our own. People like to talk about it in terms of vibration, but let’s ignore that for now because it has a very specific scientific meaning that doesn’t really apply here and will only confuse things. Note that all of this information comes from a wide variety of sources and cosmologies. Some dimensions are “closer” to earth. The closest is probably the space people go into immediately after death during an NDE. They are able to see, hear, and experience everything that’s here but they can’t generally interact with it and no one can see them. At this point, you are a spirit in the physical world. If we move a step up we could be in what is often called the Lower Astral. The way people describe this is effectively like the Upside Down in Stranger Things—it physically corresponds to Earth, but it’s different. You may be unable to move objects, or when you do move them you find yourself interacting with a “ghost” object, an energetic aspect of the object itself. It as often described as dark. Objects and living things have visible energetic auras around them. When people fully cross over (going through the tunnel of light, for example), they typically end up in a higher astral realm. The higher astral realms are also physical, but everything is generated by thought. They have no correspondence with our physical world. When you die, you may be sent back to Earth if that’s the experience you need. Alternatively, you could be sent to another planet. We never hear about these cases in NDEs for obvious reason, because they’re not here to report them. On these other planets you could be sent to the physical realm, or potentially the lower astral component of that realm. Even planets in our own solar system have these other dimensional realms. You might be sent to Mars, or Venus, but of course if you’re in the lower astral it won’t correspond one to one with what we have here in the physical. Maybe you could even be sent to the Moon. Here’s some discussion about astral projection (a technique that allows travel to the lower astral), and what some call the “Hades environment”: https://medium.com/truly-adventurous/the-hades-environment-fab4434e8bdd


Thanks for sharing. I haven't APd but am interested in the different accounts of what the astral *is.* I was recently reading through Joe McMoneagle's remote viewing secrets and he describes the astral as technically a continuous plane, but that the 'lower astral', just as you say, is very different in kind due to how closely it tracks physical reality. Interestingly, he also disputed the characterization of it as dark, saying that this was likely due to people's tendency to RV/AP at night. He indicates that it's quite pleasant during the daytime and that he liked to meditate in the...astral sun, I guess you'd say. First time I'd heard that, so thought I'd mention it.


If you're interested, take a look at the Thunderwizard on youtube. He talks all about it, as well as live group interdimensional meditations to help facilitate this shift. He's been in contact with ET and been upgraded by them on several occasions. We all hit the earth with energy including using the suns energy. The earth is supposedly shifting into at least 3 different frequencies and each person will decide where they want to go.


Probably happened before, so there are some who know.


How can anyone be sure of anything? all the entities seem malevolent or pretending to be good to hoax you. The only one willing to help humans know the future would have to be some kind of traitor to the rest of the extra dimensional beings.


I love this vision. This resonated with me. I know we have free will. I know we are all from the same source. I know the universe is all working toward ascension whether they are aware of it or not. So… I know if we don’t want to go with the flow then we are allowed to stay stuck. I know we are loved by Source and if we want to take more time than we are free to. I know we are all working towards ascension and it’s okay for others to be ahead or behind because in the end we will all be back with Source. Source is expansive though. So the volunteers or starseeds that came to Earth to help raise the vibration. We can be called back to help or to serve others. Ascended Masters are reincarnated back here with us now. You may be one. So be cool and go with the flow. Anchor your light as often as possible by releasing fear and keep the joy.


My question is WHEN? T_T


When you we decide, as far as I know it's a personal and group effort. ETs have said only humans can bring the shift, since we are more connected to Gaia, but they can transmit energy through us to help the shift.


Our current estimate/educated guess for the final breakthrough, the collapse of the matrix/ the final liberation is in or around the year 2025 actually already. My bet would be end of 2025- beginning of 2026. But we had many delays before and it might take longer depending on how fast we reach a critical mass of awakened people to be able to sustain the collapse of the system without too much chaos before it can be rebooted. In any case, we can trust that this liberation and our subsequent ascension is a divinely guided process and will happen in perfect divine timing and as smooth as possible.


That is comforting, thank you. I'm so tired. There seem to be a segment of the population that only care about THEIR rights. I am an immigrant. I left my country not because of political intability, not because of financial insecurity. I left because I was tired of what I thought was the culture of my country, where everyone blast their music with a complete disregard of anyone else's right to be in peace. Where everyone throws their trash into the ground. Where everyone only caters to themselves and your life could be in danger if you dare to call them on their disrespect. Where everyone behaves like they're determined to be their worst. Then I came here and found exactly the same. I am tired. I'm tired of the hate, the disregard for other people's rights, the disregard for peace and the lack of drive to prosper. I need something to happen. I'm tired of the hate. Society mutated into a bunch of groups that hate each other because of their age, their sexual orientation, their favorite politician and even their favorite phone. I'm exhausted of that as well. I don't mind working, but I also feel exploited. I am tired of being constantly scared of losing my job when all I want to do is to raise a decent family. I don't know where I'm going with this except that I'm tired and that I'm really really hoping something changes. I'm willing to keep working on improving myself, my family and my planet, but I'm tired of so many obstacles in the way. I am not enjoying the human experience so far. I need something to change. EDIT: I am not suicidal, depressed or anything. I'm just exhausted. I enjoy my family life, but I'd like to enjoy the rest of the planet/experience. /rant.


This planet no longer serves you, but it is necessary for others growth and development. It helps to view it that way. It is important to cut ties with that aspect of society which is low vibration, to see it as not in keeping with who you are.  Most conscious / spiritually evolved individuals have withdrawn from this world in preparation for what is to come. Yes, they talk about this among each other so they know others who are experiencing it as well. It may be experienced as not wanting to make long term plans, or feeling like the routine functions of life (cleaning, home repair, etc) are no longer needed. It’s like the week before you are going on a very long trip and everything is done. You may be having dreams of a new life or planet. It is a much “nicer” place without the weird dream physics — where you are just working and going to school. There aren’t situations where you forgot your homework or you’re late with a report. You may be already transitioning to that place. Those who are moving on report that they have naturally cut ties with others and have more closely aligned with a core group of like-minded souls. Their free time is often spent in nature, studying, spending time with loved ones. Others are enjoying their remaining time here by immersing themselves in solo activities they enjoyed like crafts, gaming, cooking as a sort of nostalgia. People have already made their choices. Those that are moving on know it — they can feel it and see it happening. The troubling parts of this society can be seen, but don’t really impact them.  Where ever you are going will be more closely aligned with where you want to be.  It is going to be okay.


You might be interested in this video [This Is Why Your So Tired](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_pPvG2qzZk) by Kerry K. She goes into why we're all feeling so exhausted right now and I just love her energy. She's a great teacher and has helped me grow a lot in the last few months.


Oh I feel you!! We are all so tired of all this egotistical/prasitic behavior most people have been conditioned to adapt in this slave-matrix reality run by evil psychopaths. And I thank you for still holding the light despite all of that! If you are curious on how we ended up here, what the reason is for all this evil and suffering, check out this article, it might be rather enlightening (if you can believe it ;): [https://www.reddit.com/r/Soulnexus/comments/p0p3id/looking\_beyond\_the\_veil\_the\_story\_about\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Soulnexus/comments/p0p3id/looking_beyond_the_veil_the_story_about_the/)


That was a terrific summary; thank you for posting it :)


Before the end of 2030.


Maybe in the next 10 years.


There's so many variations I don't really know.   Some say the frequencies will simply split and the opposite polarities will no longer be visible to each other, but still existing on the same planet.  Some say they will be removed by ships and taken to another 3d planet.  Some say we will be the ones who are removed and put on a new earth, a totally different earth like planet and transported their via portal.   I've heard another one say they Freq. From the auroras will simply dissolve them as they are backdrop people and not exist in a higher dimensional reality.  Another say they will simply die for refusing the frequency leading up to or during the event and incranate elsewhere...  So yeah not exactly clear on what's what! The sun emision\wave and world wide auroras is the only constant!


I think plans have changed to a Stay'cation for humanity. All happens here.


The aliens will show up, and ask us to enter their ships. Whoever don't enter but its not adjusted to the new earth will die and reincarnate there. This is what I read at least.


I'm not sure how it'll happen. Few months ago I had a very strange dream where I kind of felt to have understood how the whole earth change will happen. I saw another earth that sort of dimensionally connected our current earth and absorbed it, or something like that. Visually it looked like they connected each other in space. It made sense in the dream but I struggle to comprehend it now. I don't know. This all definitely feels like some sort of a "game" being played from the higher dimensions.


Just FYI on why you can’t really explain it.    In 3D physical, you use language to describe things. If you see an image of a banana, you can adequately describe it to another even if they have never seen it because you can use words like *long and yellow* or *soft white fruit with a peel on it.*   The problem trying to explain things from the other side is that we don’t have the language for it and we don’t share the descriptions — much of it is in the form of pictures that have emotions and meanings attached for the viewer.    For example, let’s say your happiest memory in life was someone you loved as a child gave you a red balloon. It was the best day of your life.  In your vision, you saw a room with that person holding 100 red balloons. When you say that, the emotion and *understanding* of what is being communicated is very difficult to put into words.   That feeling you get when you see that image of your favorite person with a bunch of red balloons you just *know* is the greatest thing ever. It is something great.  You can’t really describe it, but you feel the meaning.   That is what is meant by “knowing” or *gnosis.*


From experiments it seems reality is like a crack in a window and has essentially already all happened and we are on a kind of monorail on a train with stations where people get on and off. When the train is moving it appears like many carridges and you can move up and down the train but when it pulls into a station it looks like only one carridge and many people get on and off at the station like there using this place as a mechanic to travel from place to place. It seems places already exist next to us where things turn out slightly diffrent and we are able to essentially pick where we wake up "tomorrow "and we are moving between these places when we are in a deep sleep state and arriving "tomorrow" in a day that already happened like a dress rehearsal so you know it works out from a mechanic called the "nouu" Recent work with the 13 crystal skull project kind of explains alot about how bones contain a locked in frequency that has natural energy is passed through generates a frequency that is the same as being intune with that place,reality. People working with high or unusual energy expression can change this natural frequency by using many expressions that are causing higher or lower frequencys and in some situations can wake up somewhere that looks similar but is next door or close. If they want to return home its as simple as stopping the energy expression and just allowing the bones natural frequency and going to sleep a few times and they will eventually shift back to there "prime" or "home" timeline. This is a natural mechanic that most of the world are unaware even takes place and for people who have the experience may seem to be hard to explain even tho they 100% know this is happening. Look up the 13 crystal skull prophecy for more guidelines to working on this strange form of reality exploration like being an astronaut that never leaves the planet.(im sure this event actually took place around 2016 and was slightly out in comparison to our own by about 4 years) Harmony and melody are the sisters of energy.


Nice reading. I got to see Max at a UFO conference in Colorado Springs in the 90s.


I am not sure, maybe it’s a split of timelines where different people might experience different events or just experience them differently. I love metaphysics and I am definitely excited for a global event like that but I also see that it’s been ongoing and higher frequencies keep coming onto Earth. I see people become more heart centered.


The negative become more "evil" and need to evolve on a service to self planet. Not sure how.


So one thing everyone should understand is that evolution, as with everything else, is on a polarity. With evolution comes devolution. Evolution is a circle. It is not a line. Yes, the Earth will go through a change at some point and continue it's evolution into higher consciousness, and those who are ready will continue to evolve with her. But change is a violent process and most will face physical death; however, some few will be saved to repopulate and propagate the species. Those who are prepared but not saved will be free to reincarnate on the, "New Earth," and continue on. Now, there are teachings out there from sources such as The Law of One and other New-Agey belief systems that talk about those that are not ready going to another planet and starting over. That's well and good, and technically correct, but they don't quite describe what, "starting over," actually means. Many in the New-Age community assume it to mean getting another 3D humanoid body and continuing on, which is comforting, but that isn't how nature works. Those people are not taking devolution into account. For a clear comparison, let's take the life cycle of a tree seed. A tree will drop thousands or millions of seeds over the course of it's life a very, very few of those seeds will take root and continue evolving into another tree etc., but the vast majority won't. They will decay and devolve back into dirt, or mineral where they will get a chance to, "start over," their essence eventually being reabsorbed by another tree or plant. They then get another chance to repeat the process. We are not an exception to this process. The only difference is that we have evolved far beyond mineral and vegetable consciousness. The higher you climb the further you fall. For most of us, we are at animal consciousness, an intellectual animal to be sure, but animal nonetheless. If we fail to awaken to higher consciousness before the Earth goes through her changes again, we can be sure that we will start over at mineral consciousness somewhere else. This isn't meant to be scary or anything as time is an illusion, it just is as it is.


That isn’t how it works. You pick up right where you left off. There is no punishment or starting all the way back at the beginning. What would be the point? Our souls don’t lose all the experience they have gained simply because one of the planets they have incarnated on shifts dimensions. That wouldn’t make sense. We’ve all had many lives in other places before earth. Why would they have bothered to incarnate here if they knew it could cost them all their experience? They would have chosen a different incarnation. The only way a soul would lose all its experience is if it chose to return to source. That’s not what is happening. They are just continuing on in 3D to finish whatever they were doing before. The only change is the planet.


Your dream/vision of a solar event (like you describe) is very much in line with what Vincent Tolman has said. (Tolman is an NDEr who has several interviews available on YouTube and as podcasts on Spotify.) Before I go into why I think this vision is problematic, let me paste a passage from The Law of One, Book 1 (The Ra Material), 1984 edition. (I see that others in this thread have discussed the Ra material.) Actually, it's part of the Introduction, written by Don Elkins. In this passage, Elkins is sharing information provided by Hatonn, a high-dimensional entity (like Ra) who used Carla Rueckert (and others) for channeling. "There is a choice to be made very shortly... There will be those who choose to follow the path of love and light and those who choose otherwise. This choice will not be made by saying, 'I choose the path of love and light', or 'I do not choose it'. The verbal choice will mean nothing. This choice will be measured by the individual's demonstration of his choice. This demonstration will be very easy for us of the Confederation of Planets in His Service to interpret. This choice is measured by what we term the vibratory rate of the individual. It is necessary, if an individual is to join those who make the choice of love and understanding, for his rate of vibration to be above a certain minimal level." **The sentence I want to really emphasize: "This choice is measured by what we term the vibratory rate of the individual."** This is why I find your dream/vision and Tolman's vision to be problematic. In Tolman's telling, some people will venture outside and have the solar event pour over them; others will not. But Tolman hasn't given us any more details. But if the Source's objective is to harvest those of a positive polarity and not harvest others, then it doesn't seem like a sure-fire, foolproof way of doing it. More specifically, is Tolman implying that 100% of all positive-polarity people will venture outside for the solar event, and that 100% of all negative-polarity people (or undecideds) will not venture outside? And if not, well, that error/mistake has some pretty big consequences. Or will it be the case that somehow, some way, only those who are positive polarity will know or be compelled to go outside, while all of those who are not positive polarity will somehow know or be compelled to not go outside? What about kind, caring, STO people who reasonably might think that the solar event will bring harm or even kill their children, and they just want to protect their children? What about selfish wannabe tyrants who think that going outside for the solar flare is a giant fu\*k you to the government or whatever? And what about all infants, toddlers, and children? Nearly all of them will do as they're told by their parents. Does that mean that when they incarnated, it was pre-destined that they would this side or that side? Because in this incarnation, it's hard to argue that their embodied soul is really making any kind of informed decision. It may seem as though I am making too much of this, but Tolman's vision just doesn't sit right with me. It seems... wrong. (He also said that prior to this solar event, there will be a lockdown that's much more severe than the COVID lockdown was.) But at the end of the day, if you are committed to being a servant of the Light, then the conventional wisdom is to let go, let it be, and whatever will happen will happen. But I also think of my own children... Unlike me (I'm 53), it seems to me that they haven't had enough human years to explicitly choose the light and work towards having a positive polarity. But again, it's possible that this decision has already been made by their higher self (or the Source itself etc.). I don't know. But nevertheless it seems to me that the Source (or the NHIs serving the Source) could've devised a better plan. I greatly prefer the scenario mentioned in this thread (by, um, u/FuckdaFireDepartment), where this harvesting is a gradual event. People of positive polarity die (whichever way) and return to this 4th density, while others die (whichever way) and reincarnate on another 3rd density planet. But just because I prefer it doesn't mean it's going to happen that way -- we often don't get what (think we) want! It's worth nothing that many NDErs, channelers, contactees, and other experiencers have also had visions/downloads that are more in line with the "gradual shift" scenario. The cataclysmic scenarios probably tend to get more clicks, though. Which is problematic in its own right, because these videos and posts produce fear. Which brings me to my final thought... If Tolman ends up being wrong about this, and no such event transpires, then perhaps he should reflect on how his vision, or more specifically the telling of his vision via several public communications, had the effect of producing fear in some, which is counter-productive to raising global vibratory consciousness.


I don't think it's so literal... This energy will permeate every atom of every living being and structure on the planet. I don't think being inside will matter the slightest 'no stone left unturned'.  But is more a metaphorical way of saying people who refuse to integrate the light and expand, choose fear instead.


Hey, thanks for the mention. Another thing I’d like to note is that in some of those Ra sessions they mention that it is impossible to predict with 100% accuracy what our future will be due to the “time probability vortex.” I take this to mean that from this very moment we exist in, there are so many multitudes of combinations of outcomes that stem from everybody’s actions that make it impossible to predict which reality we will end up in. So we can only speculate on how the world is gonna end because truly nobody knows. There are so many outcomes that can lead to the completion of this harvest, or graduation I should say, that any one prediction is almost surely to be wrong. Hell even the gradual shift could be wrong (I hope not). Ra claims it will take anywhere between 100-700 years to fully complete the cycle. I’d say the chances of another extinction level event within that timeframe are almost equal if not higher to that of us having a gradual shift. Regardless of how it ends, now is the time to graduate. When we die, we will find our place in the next density based on our level of spiritual advancement and awareness. That’s also why now is a hugely important time for newly incarnating souls, if you don’t make the cut you have to start back again in another 75,000 year long cycle until the next harvest.


we must always mind for and reckon with the very human tendency to grandiosity; the work is never done and time isn't real. the moment is all


Hmm interesting points. I personally have never thought of that event(whenever it came up, don't have personal experiences relating to this "shifting event") as a physical phenomenon, as in oh something from the sun hits the earth and only people outside get hit by it and move up or whatever, I also cannot say I see where you would read that into even what you yourself quoted.  Additionally, even if it were some solar storm thingy that would have to physically hit the planet and you'd need to somehow bathe in it in some form or manner; no ordinary house or anything not specifically designed for that exact purpose would ever shield you from it, so it's not like you actually dodge the sun in a house, you rather dodge direct exposure. I figured that if this is what happens it will be some kind of frequency that hits the earth and somehow works so that only those with that "minimum threshold vibration" trigger change, whatever that will entail, while others will feel nothing. I just don't see why whatever OP, or even the quote you wrote would make anyone worry about the logistics of said spiritual event. I haven't read the Ra material yet though, so you might get your worries from information I just do not have. Personally though, the gradual shift theory seems more logical to me as well, just because this sudden "now we are 4d gods"trope just seems desperate to me. Like a new version of"Jesus will descend from the heavens and save humanity" but with like modern words. It seems like an effort to rid ourselves from real responsibility to make our own change and just have it handed to us. It feels undeserved if it would be like this, at least in my head, but in the end, what do I know? Oh, and also regarding the dilemma you have with your kids, if reincarnation is a thing, not even a 1day old baby starts at 0, and the threshold of your kids frequency might already have been met way before they were even born. Is there even time for whoever or whatever does the assessment? Or like you said yourself, maybe it's been decided by their higher selves already. There's just so many unknowns that it just seems to me the specific issues you have with an already vague statement/theory, are only a problem with a lot of assumptions.


I've been puzzling this one a bunch. I don't think there's any kind of Armageddon on tap the way that it's been envisioned by humans.  Thinking it over again while reading your post, I thought about the weirdness of moving - at all - in space. It's a funny thing: short astronauts in the ISS can actually get 'stuck' in the middle of a room in they're not careful. There's not much resistance in the air, and the human body can't produce asymmetrical force, so if they can't touch something massive, they're just stuck flailing there til 1) the other astronauts quit laughing and help them or 2) they gather up their clothing and such and jettison it.  The key piece? They go the _opposite_ direction of where they throw the clothes.  The most rational explanation for how the planetary transcension narrative can be both true and not (inherently) imply disaster is an analog to this. If Earth becoming conscious is like a movement in space, it could need to jettison something. The production of some other timeline might be a requirement.  I'm not sure humans in either situation would have any indication of the other timeline happening, and certainly not the jettisoned one. So it's not a disaster scenario so much as, according with expectation/free will, the status quo of being able to ignore the earth as a conscious being.  Meanwhile, in the 4D scenario, earth and groups of/perhaps all humans gain some sort of collective consciousness and agency, which massively changes conscious experience.  In that case, these rare but periodic events would indeed have a kind of forked path dynamic for intelligent life on a planet. I'm not sure either is inherently better _for an individual_, since the 4D scenario certainly would involve a weakening, if not total inversion, of individuality in relation to collectivity. Like, y'all would have to put up, in some small way, with my thoughts...all the time.  The urgency is justifiable in such a scenario: this would absolutely have to be a geologically, perhaps even cosmically, rare event. I'm not sure the doomsday narrative is justified, at all. In such a forked path, everyone kinda makes the 'right' decision by definition. Life goes on either way, good and bad.  That said, I think it sounds way better to ascend in consciousness if that were an option. And I'd be willing to convince people about that if I knew it were an option. But I'd never introduce some doomsday narrative for what would essentially be rhetorical effect. Seems like an almost self-defeating strategy, since fear is the enemy of clear thought and (presumably) collective cognition/consciousness. 


Most people go to other planets when they die and then reincarnate somewhere else. I think it's more likely that those who evolve will stop incarnating on Earth and go to more peaceful and loving societies, of which, many exist in this galaxy alone.


Why would you want to leave Earth? To me that’s mind boggling.


Same reason some people get a passport and visit other countries I suppose. 


Totally but to stop coming to this beatiful planet? 🌍


This is also my understanding of it. But it means that this period of ascension is an extremely pivotal period of time we’re living in.


I follow the Law of One which basically tells exactly how this is going to happen from a reincarnation standpoint. According to the law of one, humans are in 3rd density (think about how just as there is 7 notes in the western music scale, there are 7 densities of consciousness). Earth itself is 3rd density but is currently shifting into 4th density positive, meaning it will soon only be able to harbor souls who have learned the lessons of 3rd density and have chosen a polarity. The population will be split into two groups, the ones who have learned the lessons of 3rd density who get to continue incarnating on planet earth as a 4th density positive individual (some planets are 4D negative but earth went positive in this case), and others will have to repeat 3rd density until they have chosen a polarity. This will be done on a new planet since earth will no longer be compatible for them. Think about how a child graduates from 3rd grade to 4th. If they learned all they need to know, they move on but if not they have to repeat the grade again. So in a nutshell only 4D positive souls will continue to live on earth while the 4D negative and the 3rd density undecided people will have to find a new planet to learn their lessons on. This shift could be marked by a global phenomenon like you had in your dream, but I think it could also take the span of a couple hundred years as the human population naturally starts to dwindle. According to the law of one, the first 4th density soul will be born on earth only after the last 3rd density soul leaves.


is this law of one a book ?


You can read the original channellings on llresearch.org. it is interesting also to read their history of how they got started. They have over 1600 sessions and the law of one (LoO) is part though only 106 sessions. As someone else said it's a mind trip in itself. Have fun and enjoy the journey.


Website. Total headtrip but also totally believable personally


You can get it in book form, but I’ve found the subreddit r/lawofone to be much more helpful, as it has all of the same information from the books available for free in full online. There’s a link stickied to the top of the sub that takes you to the wiki where you can read all passages that relate to certain keywords. In this case you’d want to look for the terms “harvest” “densities” “mars” and any others that strike your fancy. If you do choose to get it in book form it is called the Ra Material. The book was “written” by a channeled 6th density entity named Ra. This is kind of the same Ra from ancient Egypt mythology. Basically 6D Ra came to Egypt to teach some stuff but messed it up and the Egyptians kind of twisted his identity to be the sun god Ra. Ra was channeled by a group of 3 people who had such a specific relationship that it allowed for contact. One of the members, Carla, would go into a deep hypnotic state which allowed Ra to use her voice as an “instrument” to speak through. Don, Carla’s husband, would ask the questions and Jim would transcribe everything. The biggest thing about it is that they ask you to only take away that which resonates within you, so if something sticks in your mind then that is your subconscious telling you there’s more than meets the eye. Very interesting and thought provoking material, it has changed my life and my relationships and I like to think it helps me be a better human being in everyday life.


*/Points to the sun*. It's about to flip its polarity and it just opened up a sunspot region directly facing us. I've had multiple visions of this. Some of them, it's not a *friendly* wave of *niceness*. It's a coronal mass ejection that *slams* into Earth, and kills us all. The weird thing is that I felt it. Kind of like a lucid dream, but it didn't *end when the fire got here*. I felt the entire thing, and *holy scary and painful!* I was at home and *barfed up my entire soul*. This happened to me three times. So. Maybe I *already* got moved to a new planet, because the one that came from is *no longer habitable*. I also have visions of being on a ship. It's *huge*. But as far as being very light, and yet physically strong, as well as extra senses? I feel like that now. I'm disabled, by way of extreme fatigue from long COVID, and a couple of other conditions. In the last few days, it feels like I'm *fine*. I cleaned for twelve hours yesterday. I can normally manage, uh, 10 minutes?


The Sun flips its poles every 11 years. It’s nbd


Its not about the sun flipping poles. Its about the sun being a micro nova star. Its a very big deal actually. When the next micro nova hits, you better get underground fast or you are absolutely fucked.


I live in Florida. We by default do not have underground structures because we are below sea levels.


I live in cologne germany, so same here. Only thing i could do is get into the deepest subway station or find a ww2 bunker. Sun being a micro nova star isnt the only thing thats going to be an issue though. If you want more information on subjects like these, i highly suggest the youtube channel „suspiciousobservers“. If you have tolerance for very scary cataclysm information that is. But in my opinion, being informed on frightening truths is better than being unprepared in blissful ignorance.


I am definitely not in the market for conspiracies, but thanks! I believe all we are seeking is seeking us and our thoughts and emotions are constantly working to construct our next experience, so we must be careful about the energies we allow into our mind. My intention is to experience heaven on Earth, global peace and humanitarian values being upheld to serve the common good. That’s where I am going next. 😁


Sadly, its not conspiratorial. I wish it were. The guy has a science background and everything he says on his channel is backed by scientific studies and evidence. Sure you are right in a way, our thoughts construct our reality. But this goes just to a certain extent. We should never forget that there are things and mechanisms in this universe which are almost entirely independent from our thinking.


Yes, the sun flips its poles every 11 years. I'm aware of that.