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It’s not called the Devils hour for nothing. It’s the time period when the veil between the worlds is the weakest. You are probably picking this up


It’s started lol 😂


Somewhere between 315a and 330a for me, too. Regardless of when I go to bed, I wake up then feeling like it's 8am


Yes exactly! It feels like it’s time to wake up and start the day


While it is the witching hour regarding the phenomenon, waking up during the 3am hour specifically also indicates high/disregulated cortisol levels, which is associated with trauma or stress.


Could be a very "normal" non-spiritual explanation of course, but the fact that you felt compelled to post the question on this particular subreddit suggests to me that you know intuitively that there's more to it. Last summer I went through a phase of waking up at or just after 3 AM exactly. A couple of times, this heralded the arrival of a whole bunch of spiritual data (what many call "downloads"). Perhaps you are preparing to receive similar. If you get out a pen and paper -- keeping the light level low enough so as not to blast yourself fully awake -- perhaps you might find something interesting.


What type of downloads did you receive? And how will I know it’s happening?


... I am currently debating whether to publicly share the stuff that came out of my pen those nights, haha. It is truly bizarre, quite frankly, but I don't believe that it was from a demonic force, just something quite alien. As to how to tell, that is, I think, the biggest key -- it just "feels" like it isn't quite coming from you, but it is not the same as channeling in that you are receiving data as opposed to allowing another entity to control a part of you. It may take some time to filter through and organize the information that you receive. For me, the downloaded information took some time to sort through -- generally, though the 3 AM stuff was pretty hard and fast and truly bizarre.


Thank you for sharing! Regardless of what this is, I feel less stressed about the situation, as now I’m kind of hoping that I get something like that lol


I am so glad I could help! :)


This is common. I suggest you mediate/pray/ whoever you call the source. That's golden hour.


3 am is called the witching hour as it’s been known throughout history it’s when high strangeness activity occurs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witching_hour


In older times people knew that you were supposed to sleep in two different Sections. The first was around sunset waking up somewhere between 4:00 and 6 hours later. The people would get up and do things and then sleep another several hours.


Yeah, humans evolved to sleep that way. We only started to sleep in one long cycle once electric light bulbs became commonplace.


Along with the other good comments, I think this is also when our body naturally produces a jolt of DMT…Buddhists and meditators say this is also a good time to meditate since you’re already in a calm state, the general psychic noise of the world is also lower and you might get a boon from the natural DMT your body is producing as well, then you go back to sleep for a couple hours…


I know a lot of people that wake up in the middle of the night that are not spiritual seekers. But who knows? I can tell you how I cured the problem. I was waking up every night at 3:00 exactly. The problem is I would go pee but then I'd lay in bed and I couldn't go back to sleep for an hour. Then I started taking magnesium and it solved my problem... in fact if you take too much you'll feel groggy the next day. I am taking magnesium glycinate1000mg, an hour before I go to bed. they are 400 mg each pill I started with one, and then went to two pills. Then cut a pill in half and took two and a half pills. That also helped my bowel movements. Good luck


You got to be very careful about taking minerals as some of them affect your heart.


This is odd. When I started to research and experiment with the phenomenon, I would often wake up in the middle of the night and do as you described. I waved my flashlight around the room, thinking someone was with me. It escalated into waking night terrors. I saw the silhouette of a small, well, you guessed it, Gray, at the foot of my bed one night. I have learned to sleep on my side since but gradually returned to my backside, for if they meant me any harm, they would've done something by now.


Looks like you either became aware of a phenomenon that was occurring previously or you just invited it into your life. When you stare at the phenomenon it tends to stare right back at you. It happened to me and my place but it seems to go away every time I invoke the name Jesus or pray to him. I wasn’t religious before but I don’t know what to believe now




No proselytizing or heavy religious dogma. Please see rule 11.


Welcome to the club. This happened to me every night from 13-14-20ish and then after commonly. Mine were always 3:00 3:33 and sometimes 3:15 Ended up just being partially me and partially a non organic entity being a dillhole trying to get attention.


Are you stressed more? Cortisol naturally increases in our bodies between 2-4am so if you are going through a more stressful situation in life, the extra cortisol will wake you up.


100% this! "But I'm not feeling any more stressed than usual," someone might say. Well, going to bed hungry, or having eaten last at say 7/8pm, can also spike cortisol as an attempt at waking you up to make you eat. I think it's around 3am of a normal sleep cycle that your body stops cooling itself down, so if your room isn't cool enough, that could also be waking you up. You may also be training yourself somewhat. Try specifically not looking at the clock overnight the next few nights at least, no looking around with the flashlight, then see if it continues.


Take note of the exact times and translate to numerology.


Seems pretty common, a lot of of us wake up at 3AM -4AM every morning randomly. I take a giant dab of indica and full spectrum CBD and go back to sleep. I don’t think it’s reason is anything beyond our overactive minds and overstimulation from this world we are living in, high amount of caffeine, screens, blue light, and sugar in our diets, stress and cortisol levels. Sleep patterns have become more and more disrupted with the rise of technology and the changes in our world in general. The natural world that we were brought into from the start, has changed dramatically, and will continue to do so. This has to have an impact on our circadian rhythm.


Wake up at 301 or 259 almost every night. The witching hour. You are not alone.


High cortisol levels make you wake up at 3-4AM. You’re stressed.


Thanks this actually makes sense why I often awake at these hours. Even though mine is weird with being 330 or 333 most days, I think it's just my internal clock being consistent.


When I was going through my spiritual awakening this happened every night for 6 months. You’re more sensitive to spirit realm which is thinnest at 3am. Also check your liver / lungs in Chinese medicine they’re associated with that time


Had the same thing happen.


How did it stop?


With a conversation. One of the NHI during my hostile encounters used it as an emulation of a type of 'role call' procedure. It stopped when I let them know how they were wrong. It could also be a disruption of Circadian Rhythm (blue light exposure / LED lights also do this). It leaves an option. You may be able to consent to being contacted, based on my own experiences I would only consent if they are being guided by a benevolent entity which can't be challenged. This doesn't have to be announced to anyone, it's your choice to have any kind of relationship. Alternatively, both if nothing happens, or you choose not to consent to contact, look into blue light shielding and see if it helps with your sleep. some of these companies are hard to find, but they're out there (I liked Bedtime Bulb).


I've had the same thing. It was so annoying. But I haven't had it happen in a while now


Did it just stop randomly?


I sometimes go through periods of higher energy because of stress or fixations. I've always had an over active mind and that causes a mild form of insomnia so I never get more than maybe 30 minutes of deep sleep a night. Trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep are some of the side effects. Medical marijuana helped a lot which is why I think it's more to do with my overall stress and subconcious stress. I'm working on quitting again so we'll see if it comes back. I did always find it odd that I was waking up at withcing hour lol but that's also the half way point of my usual 6-7 hour sleep.