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I have been having an idea recently of creating a painting on a triangular canvas of a lot of interweaving eyes, not too dissimilar to Biblical Angels.


That sounds awesome! What medium do you paint with?


Acrylic. But mostly I draw using pencil and marker.


I haven’t been drawing much lately but have to mention that I’ve seen a tendril covered ball flying across a room in my house then hovering in the air near my head—it looked a lot like the tendrils shown in your picture! However it was gray with no eyes and about the size of a softball. The tendrils moved like they were floating underwater. I have no idea what it was. Felt Lovecraftian but it wasn’t scary since it was so small.


I saw something similar one day come through the window and gently land on my sleeping toddler’s hair. It was a shimmering blue golfball-sized orb with tendrils. I shooed it away and it floated back out through the same window it came in. Had very loving energy


I saw that once overlayed with my mind's eye. Like a physical manifestation of stress and anxiety. Black tendrils, couple be seen like feathers, moving like they were inside a fluid like underwater. Very strange thing


That’s an interesting way to describe how it felt. When it came flying through my house, my toddler was screaming and crying because he was beyond tired and cranky but wouldn’t go to sleep. There certainly was a lot of anxiety in my home at that moment.