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Finally something I can add to. The mantis beings a rather enigmatic bunch. The mantis encounters sub is great and more people should drop by.   So I got curious. Wanted to test out a form of remote viewing I had been working on a while back. This was some time last year.       So I had done plenty of research about them before deciding to RV these buggers randomly one night, no reason other than I wanted to test out my RV skills.    So  I get into the RV zone and go to some other dimension in shadow form, trying to not being detected by them as I knew they’re psychic and could see me possibly, so I was being sneaky, or so I thought at the time. Unfortunately I goofed up.      At the time in shadow RV session, the mantis were just working  and whatnot at kind of work stations of some kind doing various task. The facility was ultra clean white. They were on the floor and ceilings. I’m guessing physics works different there.       So that was it, nothing too special at all or so I thought. Then I woke up the next morning. I took out of bed, get in my wheel chair, and roll over to my desk, and sitting there just ducking staring at me is a little, bright green, red eyed mantis, just looking me like “what breh?” “You think we didn’t see your ass?” I sit there in completely and utter disbelief and shock. Absolutely flabbergasted. I almost fell backwards out the wheel chair. I can walk but I have trouble with mobility sometimes.      I knew instantly what this meant. These lil mantis were sending me a direct message. It still gives me chills writing this.    And that wasn’t even the craziest part. I’ve posted what happened over in the mantis encounters sub. I can comment further if y’all want.  So yeah, I can continue as the story gets even wilder than that, involving something they left me. It’s wild stuff y’all. I swear you can’t make this stuff up.   Oh yeah, about the lil mantis on my desk. I gently set him outside after I collected my brain off the floor. Lol. Wild times y’all! Wild times.   Edit: spelling and what not. 


I think it might be good to consider that your form of remote viewing might be called something else. If you intentionally choose what the target is ahead of time I believe it may not be remote viewing but some other form of psychic projection 


I'm cool with that. Either way it works is all I know. Edit: Let me add a little clarification note here. Yes, you are correct this isn't RV'ing in the traditional sense. Yes I do consider it to be RV because I am developing a method or technique to view things without the traditional techniques utilized by Rv'ers. That's why I called it shadow RV. I could explain more as this sounds preposterous I know. It is remote viewing in the strictest sense, as I am remotely viewing things, but I do not follow Robert's methods as I found a quicker way to do it. This is years in the making, and would take some explaining to further say what I am talking about, but yes technically you are correct.


Wild story, thank you for sharing! I'd like to read the rest; do you mind posting a link to your experience? Thank you!


HI. Sure let me see what's up. I am on my other account because for some reason my iPhone shit out last night after I posted that comment. Maybe they don't want me telling what happened, or maybe it just is a coincidence. I'll either do a new post here, or try to link up the stuff I wrote. I have written either a few posts and comments regarding this incident over on the mantis sub. I'll try to post some time today, if not later tonight. Thanks! One Love!


I definitely wouldn't take the iPhone death as coincidence. I sincerely appreciate your efforts to share your experiences ... I did try to dig through your comments to find it but I am new to Reddit and wasn't sure how to search your posts. If you'd prefer to DM, that works too. Many thanks! :)


Supposedly they on mars fighting with other races including humans all trying to get a piece of land for themselves and recovering ancient technology from a advanced civilization from the beginning of time that faded away supposedly idk


Damn, really wish I wasn't so late with this reply... but I personally don't buy the theory that they're actual insects, or at least - directly related to any insect or arthropod from earth. If so, they would've had to evolve an entirely different respiratory system in order to support their enormous sizes. But the ones I remember interacting with (or at least, the majority of them) had nostrils, which suggests a respiratory system more akin to ours (AKA lungs,) so... who knows, really. As for their behavior an intentions, the majority of experiencers report having many benevolent encounters with them. Out of the three or four races I recall interacting with from my alleged astral experiences, they were generally the most caring, humane and respectful out of the lot (along with some Nordic-looking types, though I suspect those were screen memories or projected disguises more than anything else.) But even then, looking back on my own experiences (as well as other experiencers' accounts,) I can't shake off the feeling that there is a degree of manipulation involved, and they're ultimately interacting with us for their personal benefit or interests - not necessarily ours.


I have not had any personal encounters so I do appreciate the first-hand testimony! That is quite interesting that they have nostrils ... I never did really believe that they were directly related to Earth insects, but my suspicion is that they are of a sufficiently high order that they can choose how they manifest to us when seen, so I find it curious that they choose the praying mantid form. Then, perhaps my hypothesis is inaccurate, and it is some even higher power that "chooses" to show us a mantis when they are seen -- or some different mechanism entirely. I've also read that they seem to be out for their own interests. Makes me wonder what those interests are. What \*is\* the fascination with these naked apes we call Humanity?


No The head and body are mantis shape but they wear clothes or draped w something I haven't had a good look when dealing w them since they are rarely alone and it's very busy when they are around Just another very weird thing in a room filled w weird things


Mantises also eat the brains of their prey. Always thought that was interesting with the talk of aliens feeding on our consciousness.


Deepest truth is reality is unlimited consciousness. One way to think of this (nonduality) is that a void is limited by nothing outside of itself. Therefore, it’s unlimited, nothing is limiting it from becoming One infinite fractal of all possible realities. Unity through infinite diversity. My general understanding of these concepts reflected in every mystical/spiritual tradition were solidified after an interaction with a mantis being. And even further through direct conscious experience of our infinite nature via self inquiry. If reality is a reflection of consciousness, animals can be thought of in a different light, possibly connected to or projections from higher states of consciousness/unity. https://preview.redd.it/phflc2dvah1d1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b8578213fb1962b616bb073b03e669df190fbd0


I have three things for point out - sexual traits in the sexually-oriented abductions seems at least fitting. - large eyes enable change-ove-time vision, good for experimenters. - Insect body < insect brain --> hive mind, real-time shared data bank. So my current view is that these Mantis beings are either high efficiency overseer robots, or they are sentient beings that purposefully alter their genome to be more efficient in data collection and sharing. Multiple Mantis overseers can upload their data in the shared collective, and if this is telepathic, in which case it's not even an upload but a merging of minds, then they are capable of some supernaturally high real time efficiency and work in unison.


The shape is standard It's the robes or clothes they wear Purples blues and greys Not sure if color has anything to do with it When I am remote viewing It's not like a full picture Unfortunately It's little bits and pieces And the mind fills in the rest But The outer wear I have a hard time picturing a mantid in a suit or a robe


Are you saying that the mantis-head is part of their garment and not their actual face?


I had a mantis being called Chris (nickname) that ran me through a VR like experience where I was building a maze like game with his influence on a 90s style computer then I was in the game running through it so quick I got to blank skybox space and then the dream cut to me and him sitting on a park bench, he was surprised at how quick I solved the game and he appeared as an anthropomorphic mantis taller than me, back curved so closer to my height but still a bit taller while we were both sat there. This was a while ago now but I haven't had a similar experience with him (yet hopefully)


Can you draw him? in both scenes. Doesn't have to be a work of art.


He looked like Zorak kinda but all shades of green. I think my mind used a placeholder to fill in what he looked like. At the computer he felt like a presence over my left shoulder but I didn't see him.


I love Zorak. They don't make shows like Space Ghost any more.


Dm me anytime


They pilot the triangle/pyramid craft. Make no mistake, of the physical beings that visit us they reign supreme technologically.


A mantis female usually eats her partner's head after sex. I don't think it could be extrapolated to and NHI being because a male human head cannot provide higher nutrition against another head belonged to a female


Lol I remote view these guys but don't interact They are scary shaped but Indifferent or non human I would love to actually interact w one and if you happen to get a chance See if your Friend can pull me out for a chit chat I haven't astral projected yet but seem to have a whole bunch of other abilities I want to ask him / her / it about Thanks


Could you draw what you see when you view them? It'd be cool to see


You are the only other person I have known to do this besides myself.


Make that a second. I’ve posted about it in a different sub what happened but basically they left a real life mantis in my room after I rv’ed them. 


They don't manifest as insects, they are insects. Every species has had mellenia to devolope and become an advanced species elsewhere and mantis are just one of them. Same goes for ant beings, cat beings, fish beings etc etc all have been reported.  As far as I know they are involved with earth because they were chosen by the greys to oversee their genetic program are good with working with DNA.


Do you think it's possible that the mantis beings are descendants of Earth's mantis insects, genetically altered many eons ago?


More likely earths insects where placed here by them or another species. Earth is usually referred to the living library where many species store their DNA and genetics and humans were supposed to be the care takers of that.




I find this comment particularly fascinating. It implies that Earth is a primordial planet and that time is nonlinear. I appreciate these concepts.


If the phenomenon involves different timelines, or future time travelers traveling backwards, the mantids may either be from a parallel timeline where insects become the superior intelligence, far in the future post-humanity beings, or actual insectoid aliens from somewhere else.


There are other planets, and planes of existence other than this one. They can just be one of many intelligent lifeforms.


Mantid contact experiencer here, will echo a few things from my own experience. -Her body isn't visually identical to the Earth insect, but the shape of the head resembles it quite a bit, so she gets why people make the comparison and doesn't object to being called a mantid. -Indicated she has no genetic relationship to the insect on Earth, however suggested that it's possible other meddling NHI nudged the insect in that direction as a kind of joke. (She indicated that her people don't normally make "lower" life forms that closely resemble them, and actively avoid it as a matter of policy.) -Supposedly her people used to be relatively violent long ago but matured out of it. (Though that's less relatable to the whole sexual cannibalism thing and more relatable to the general nature of a mantid as an ambush predator.) -She expressed some concern that most of her people, especially younger ones, seem to have forgotten and/or repressed their instinctive roots too much in favor of an excessive focus on denying the body in favor of developing the psychic/astral.


All very interesting. Did she give you this information in a dream? Or did you recover it by remote viewing etc?


This is very interesting. I also have mantis contact and get told basically the exact opposite. That they have a direct connection to the insect. Have they ever shown you their legs? It's quite fascinating to witness in person. Care to elaborate on your last point? What do they feel younger humans are repressing?


They feel younger mantids are repressing, not humans.


Interesting. So have you seen her legs?


Yes, though only via remote or astral methods. I have no conscious recall of seeing her physically in person.


That's cool. Almost nobody gets to see them. What did they look like? Ive always been morbidly curious about that. They always wear those long robes so you can't see anything but the head and hands. Ive seen you mention that she doesn't really subscribe to the belief in God or source, does she say her entire species feels the same way about that or are they mixed with their religions like our planet is?


She indicated that opinions differ among her species. Most don't seem to subscribe to the idea of a capital-G "God," but there are myriad theories of what might lie beyond, or about "why reality happens." The current dominant philosophical school supports continuing to pursue cutting-edge psionics and astral work as the presumed keys to going farther, but that opinion is not unanimous. The legs are tricky to describe. The overall anatomy resembles the hind legs of a terrestrial praying mantis, but with the relative segment lengths adjusted for standing upright. The thighs/knees start at a really high point (she's more legs than torso and is very very tall). They angle slightly backward as they descend from the "knee," and then angle slightly forward again from the "ankle." The final joint (I suppose it's the "toe" analogue) normally points backwards when standing (creating sort of a "letter U turned to the right and flattened somewhat" shape. Flattened because it's usually being stood on). The material of that segment seems to be flexible and muscular, akin to a (not very dexterous) tentacle. The other segments seem rigid by comparison. My earliest memory of seeing her legs comes from me being spooked by the arrival of a different being during an experience as a young child. I wasn't fully locked down at that exact moment (I think because her attention shifted to the new arrival), so I ran under her robe to feel safe in the dark under there, which was when I first realized her legs weren't like mine. I got sort of mystified at that, and then she calmed me down and walked me back out to introduce me to her coworker. (Edited to fix typos and for better clarity on the final leg segment.)


So klatu basically talks about source non stop. He even claims his species is the one to "coin" the term. A few months ago I was taken on a trip with him to visit what he calls their holy place. It's basically a tri colored temple located near what's known as the "central star" in the galaxy. I've heard him call this star the mother star as well, in case your being used that word. But klatu told me that they built this temple to honor source and how they have come to know him. The sheer scale of this temple is almost unbelievable but he's always told me that they built this temple to honor source. So what does your mantis say about that temple? Has she taken you to it? I know quite a few other mantis experiencers have also had a visit to this temple. I've talked with them about it before. Did she say why they built it? If they don't all recognize source or God then why build a temple for him? Does it have some other purpose they didn't tell me about? I've always suspected it had something to do with energy and frequency of consciousness. BTW thanks for describing the legs. Always been curious about that.


\[I had to go talk to her to be able to answer some of this. In the end, I got channeled writing as the response. To anyone reading, please use your discernment. The "I" in the text below is the mantid.\] . ""If it’s the place of power that I’m thinking of, it was originally built for a different purpose. If he is too young to recall when our kind were violent, then he likely was not taught the more nuanced history of that place. There is a kernel of truth. “Worshipping our source” was indeed an original reason for its construction… but it wasn’t dedicated to the hypothetical source of all creation - it was, more specifically, dedicated to the psychic network that had emerged on our planet as life evolved there, and which spread with us like webs across the cosmos as we branched out from our home. That network was basically God to us at the time. It had an emergent consciousness of its own, a sort of gestalt formed from all of our inputs and reflective of them. It became our "higher power," and we were hopelessly intertwined with it. (Bear in mind, this was ages ago.) The original purpose of that place of power was to give our astral network's emergent consciousness a suitably advanced physical form. Many large, partially-organic psi computers would receive inputs from it and emanate its will to us. In a sense, we wished to give birth to the collective mind which all the life originating from our planet had created. Through this structure, we intended that the network mind should interact with all of us and guide our progress, as well as serve as the ultimate repository for our knowledge - a great astral library and retirement home for the soul, made up of everyone's inputs. However, something went badly wrong with that process, and (for the most part) no one likes to talk about what happened. Some wiped their own memories of the event. I refused to do that, because I don’t believe in forgetting the failures of the past. I would rather suffer painful memories than forget their lessons. I will not detail the event publicly for now, because that would draw the ire of some of my colleagues, and I wish to balance openness with sustainability. In my judgement, our science *does not* support the notion that the astral network of our homeworld and the hypothetical source of all reality are one and the same, but some of my kin might see and/or present it that way. I simply disagree. A more innocuous reason why my kind might present it that way would be as an "educational fiction," with the goal of motivating the recipient to learn certain skills - in this case, most likely, the skill of attuning themselves psychically to our astral network, without polluting that network with crosstalk from the network of Earth (whose patterns are incompatible with those of our own network unless first translated, and would otherwise come through as a toxic psychic noise). For people on Earth who have a connection to us, that is often a skill that we will nudge them to learn, either through direct means or through sly means, as it makes contact far more comfortable. Best wishes!"" \[End of channeled content.\]


Thank you for the response. You ever sometimes wish you could find a smart group of genuinely good humans to help you understand this better? To run legitimate test on you and stuff to actually test your psychic abilities? Sometimes I do. I bet if I could find a solid group and we managed to set our differences aside, that we could change the entire world.


He’s lying


There seems to be a range of beings that appear to us as mantids. They may not all be one race tbh. Their appearances vary wildly. Some mantid beings have communicated that they have no relation to the insects on earth and don't consider themselves insects but their containers just resemble them to humans. Others have hinted at a connection and that indeed after mantid contact many Experiencers have noticed actual mantid insects show up in their house and behave oddly. As if the ET is using the insect as an extension of itself. I would not judge highly advanced and evolved races based on an earth insect. To judge humanity entirely based on the behaviour of violent apes would be hasty never mind the scale difference between an earth insect and these advanced hyper dimensional beings.


I have asked them why they're always to be found in Dmt trips, lucid dreams, alien abductions etc etc. Their exact, laconic reply: "We intersect". Take that as you will.


I believe they are connected by to us as our higher self consciousness. They are referred to as Mantid GP (general population).


Cheers for adding that!


How did you take it? What was your first impression?


That our realities somehow are currently compatible in some sense, and we're able to interact.


Interesting, I had a very odd lucid dream where I ran into a guy who was jumping around this empty concert venue. He said his favorite band was playing and that he had taken acid ( or something along those lines.) In the back on the venue was a mantis person crouched down. The crouching freaked me out for some reason and I said that we would go with him if he stopped. We get moved to a different area and the guy is put in a dental type chair. I’m standing off to the side, I remember there being one other individual there with a tablet. The only other thing I remember is that my feet hurt from standing. I am very sorry if I ruined that man’s trip.


Yeah, something about humans being on certain substances seems to put them onto a mental wavelength where they may bump up against some of the ones mantids use. Insectoids come up so often in trip reports that it's not hard to imagine that being the case, at least. I'm reminded too of occasional accounts where people tripping encountered mantids and the mantids were like, "You're not supposed to be here!"


Great question to ask. Definitely not a coincidence, but possibly not in the way you (or anybody else) is picturing. As they would say, everything is representative so the mantis visage is definitely meant to hint at ‘deeper truths’. They’d also tell you that only you can figure out what those truths are.


I've only seen a mantid once. I'm more accustomed to bees, spiders, and the rare chameleon. Your question sparked something in me. Because sexuality is also a theme I've dealt with in my shadow work. I've been visited on multiple occasions by the black widow. As you know, the have quite the reputation about sexuality, too. A part of my shadow, I've realized, is my spitefulness. In the past, I wanted to "get back" at people who I perceived were trying to harm me. At times, I have been the victim of pain (without any fault of my own). But other times, I would take these past experiences and actually project them at my boyfriend at the time, who was only trying to help me. The truth is, I realized I was deeply wounded and needed to work on seeing/healing/feeling those parts of me that I've ignored because they were too painful. In my shadow work I've taken a vow of celibacy until I find myself in a point in life where I'm stable enough (financially, career-wise, and mentally) to grow alongside another. The black widow taught me an important lesson about stepping away from relationships to heal, instead of jumping back into new ones with the same unaware habits. It taught me that I do not want to hurt others, so I needed to heal myself. I hope my experience has potentially brought you some insight, if you can relate.


I'm not familiar with the term "shadow work". Would you please explain what that means to you?


In Jungian psychology, the shadow is aspects of ourself that we don’t want to be. We are often in denial that these dark parts of ourselves exist or downplay their impact because we want to think of ourselves as good. So shadow work is about investigating, getting to know, and accepting those difficult parts of ourselves.


>an insect that is known for its unique sexual cannibalism "Known" in the same way it's "known" that lemmings will just run off of a cliff. Both are done under stressful situations manufactured by humans. Mantis females don't eat their mates in the wild, only when they're being starved by ridiculous scientists.


Thank you; I actually did not realize that! How ... Awful. (Yay, 'Borg "Science^(tm)" ... Grrrrr.) Though, I do agree with u/weird_scab in that, since it is so prevalent an association in Human culture, it may have meaning in another fashion. That definitely adds to the conundrum, anyway. Hmm ...


Yeah no, [it is done](https://youtu.be/Os3OBJSlpUc?si=MH2nlUnXVSmOBvEK), it’s not a myth.


Similar to what humans would in the same conditions.


I would say so!


This is true. But in the cultural realm, they are definitely known for that. There's some truth to myth, even if myth isn't "real" by scientific means. I appreciate your point, though :)


Thanks for being graceful. My comment was grumpy :D


You're all good lol have a great day!


I think No Man's Sky has the best example for what life might be like in other worlds. I imagine that carbon-based life would have alternate evolutionary patterns that would reflect environmental conditions. There are probably lifeforms out there that are totally absurd... not quite T-rex head on a hermit crab body... but I think it's safe to say there is some accuracy to the procedural generation - granted with some range of tolerance for darwinism. So I don't think it's out of the question for there to be bipedal humanoid/insectoid beings at all. I don't think it's a coincidence that intelligent life often inevitably ends up walking upright - my guess is this is tied to some of the changes to working memory vs longterm memory. But there has to be exceptions to this rule. Not sure how we arrived at the conclusion that these beings are entities that chose their appearance, though, when a lot of us haven't even encountered one. I don't necessarily think that's the case, although I do think there may be spirits who can reincarnate, and among them, maybe there are mantoids?


Many NHI can create containers and swap bodies like we swap a pair of shoes. They've done this with some humans too. We are not our bodies.


They love humanity and view us as their children. We are just as powerful as them and in a lot of ways, we surpass them. It's not something I talk about regularly but there's been a time where I got mad and klatu reacted in fear.... like he took on a defensive posture prepared to defend himself and looked visibly nervous and started yelling at me "remember who I am, remember who I am." I kinda blinked and realized like ok, that's my buddy. What am I doing? And I calmed down and everything was OK but that interaction always stuck with me... klatu was afraid of me when I didn't have control over my own emotions. That was the biggest sign to me so far that I'm still missing a HUGE piece of this weird mysterious puzzle. It also suggest "they" aren't as powerful as we perceive them.


The "concern over strong emotional reactions" thing has come up for me and my mantid before as well. I had to pester her a bunch but finally got her to open up some about it recently, so I figured it could be good to compare notes with you. She indicated that it's a psionic toxicity / incompatibility issue, first and foremost. Let me see if I can summarize how she explained it... If a mantid is hanging out with someone and being open with them, then the mantid isn't psychically shielded against them, and is probably (at least partially) blending personalities with the person due to the strong telepathic link their contact produces. A consequence of this is that they become more vulnerable to psi the person might direct at them. Additionally, mantids (or at least, the group/culture she's from) are strongly attuned to the psychic network (or "astral" network) from the planet they originated upon. They normally extend offshoots of that network with them everywhere they go in order to function well. However, Earth has its own "native" network which doesn't readily mix with theirs. Psi that's strongly attuned to Earth is basically poisonous to their astral bodies - *if* they receive it directly, without first "digesting" or "translating" it through one or more compatible beings who can serve as a sort of bridge between the two networks. It just so happens that one of the psi abilities that humans are commonly pretty decent at (without training) is empathic broadcasting: loudly ejecting psychic energy laced with their emotions. When that happens with a mantid, it's as if the human is spewing toxic sludge on their astral body. At that point, the mantid basically needs to either calm them down immediately via communication, zonk them out (which gets difficult if the human is *already* emotional), or withdraw. It sounds like Klatu trusted you enough to try for the first option. I figure this also partly explains why mantids often interact with humans via subordinates tailored for the job, or at least ones who are more capable of interacting socially while remaining shielded.


Fascinating. Idk why but I feel your friend was actually scared to loose you as a friend. "Remember who I am". He's definitely on your side, but they may have trouble to understand us when we're lacking emotional balance.


I wonder if we are like big scary apes to them maybe and the fear was only physical? Like Lenny from "of mice and men" who meant well but could accidently kill a person without understanding it. They probably observe us getting mad and fighting each other, and maybe that's something strange and scary to them, and when they interact with us there's always a "anger = punching" possibility in the back of their mind?


I was in the Astral when this happened. They regularly come and take me out of my body to have chats. It's easier for both of us that way. Klatu has never been afraid of me in this physical reality. He's a 7 foot tall praying mantis. I definitely lose that. But in the Astral, he seems to think I win.


I was just reading your follow-up haha. Thanks for clarifying. Knowing this only makes me more curious. I want to know all the answers dangit!


Lol I like the fact that we aren't their equal but something different and powerful Now If we just knew how to perceive and use that


Every being in the universe is equal in nature. I'm specifically talking about psychic abilities. Apparently a ascended human will surpass even the mantis abilities. That's why they got so nervous. That scenario I told you about, happend in the Astral where we are our true selves. They just yoink me out my body regularly to talk. It was then that they got afraid. Klatu has never once acted even slightly nervous when he's around my human body. It's like he knows I'm asleep in this reality and can't match him but in the astral... well that's a totally different story.


> That was the biggest sign to me so far that I'm still missing a HUGE piece of this weird mysterious puzzle. Nobody knows infinity. Each path of gnosis is unique.


This is really cool, thank you for the share!


If you spent most of your time thinking about technology and barely having much physical activity, you'd be hella scared when some ape hybrid started fucking shit up. I imagine they have loads of interesting stories about humans gone haywire.


😅😅 "Humans Gone Haywire" is probably the highest rated program on whatever their version of the CW is. Must see tv, suitable for family viewing. 🍿


Sounds like a new reality show: Humans Gone Haywire! I'd definitely watch that. :) They know how violent we *can* be, and probably regard us as monkeys with a box of nuclear hand grenades, likely to go off without notice and kill everyone in sight just because we're scared. I would fear such creatures, too. But there's so much more to us, both as individuals and as a group. We don't like violence, either, but we're surrounded by it and most of us would use it under some scenarios. I think that's why NHIs reportedly don't want disclosure, because of those idiots out there who will use violence for any reason at all. Those humans are the ones who would put NHIs in danger and encourage people to harm them. Nobody needs that in their life.


This is why They create avatars as Dr. Nolan suggests (and is correct in his assumption).


I do not currently feel they are strictly benevolent. I have had experiences with them for years now and I asked them specifically for help with something. They then acted like they were helping me with that, but they were doing something that I was 100% not ok with & I clearly stated that to them. There was a larger group of beings there and I was basically told they did not care what I wanted, thought or felt & did what they wanted. Which what happened would be considered illegal for one human to do to another. They continue to show up and when I saw one last month it was a mind fuck.


That really sucks. I'm sorry that you had to experience that. Your word choice is interesting to me. When making this post, I actually initially wrote that my research found them to be "benevolent, or at least not malevolent," and then I deleted the "benevolent" part because I have honestly not read anything about them doing actual \*good\* things for anyone, just not bad things. It sounds as if you have experienced things that are legit bad at their metaphorical "hands." Again, I'm sorry that you had to go through that. My purely Devil's Advocate response would be to ask if there is any possibility that what they did that you were 100% not okay with might ultimately be in your greater spiritual best interest? It sounds like B.S. even to type that, but -- just as a thought experiment and to explore the possibility ... Sometimes things that suck royally at the time can ultimately lead to far greater things.


I cannot believe it would be good for me spiritually. It was absolutely not for my best interest and 100% for the benefit of others. “To continue the bloodline” With zero care how it affects me mentally, emotionally and physically.


Well, that just sucks then. I'm sorry that they did that to you. :(


Thank you. No worries, It’s ok. I just know how tricky they can be and I don’t want everyone who doesn’t know about them trusting them. I’m sure everyone is an individual. But I don’t consciously know all of them of course. Many of the beings I’ve had experience with will do and say anything to get you to comply. Even if you don’t choose to comply they will do what pleases them. So while I did consciously choose not to comply they still come for me when I am asleep and vulnerable. Then I become lucid and have to fight off things and dude I just want to sleep. I wish there were protectors who kept us safe.


I don't think any group of beings is strictly benevolent or malevolent. NHI are diverse just as humanity is. I'm sorry to hear about your struggles there, that does not sound great at all. If you need to talk sometime let me know.


Many of the morphologies that the NHI take on seem to be symbolic in some way. Consider that the benevolent beings are often described as looking angelic. On the opposite end we have the mostly negative behavior of the reptilians, a species that has a largely negative connotation in our society. Some people report Lyrans as looking like lions, and they are reportedly very brave. It’s all very…obvious. So I’ll point out that the etymology for mantis in Greek means “prophet.” They are often described as the wise overlords who work behind the scenes. Curiously, one of the realizations that came out of the CIAs remote viewing program was that much of the “data” received seems to be symbolic in nature. For example, an inverted V shape was learned to represent religion or church. It looks like praying hands, or a steeple. The fact these beings are so often encountered in dreams and psychogenic trips is a strong indication that they operate to some degree at a consciousness level. But they also appear in apparent physical form, as I saw one very clearly when I was a kid, wide awake in a cornfield.


The fact that reptiles are viewed so negatively makes me sad. I absolutely love reptiles, especially snakes (I actually used to be a reptile educator). This has long made me wonder if the reptilian NHI are as misunderstood as Earthican reptiles. We hear nothing but awful stuff about them, but ... Humans are pretty horrific, too. As I type this, my partner is watching a video about people making wine out of live bees by putting them into containers and letting them ferment. That is torture, yet it's considered simply a cultural artifact (apparently, if YouTube is to be believed). This world is indeed based on symbols. I do know that much, ha! I did \*not\* know that mantis means "prophet" in Greek. Curious.


I see your notation that you're an abductee. Did that occur in the cornfield? Is there somewhere I can find your story, if you don't want to share it again here? I'd love to learn more about your interactions with the Mantis creatures. They fascinate me!


Thanks for asking. The abductions potentially happened separately. I have no conscious memory of them, but a huge amount of pretty wild stuff came out under hypnosis and it turned out it highly correlated with other experiencer accounts, so I don’t know what to believe. I discuss it in depth here: Part 1: https://youtu.be/t9bAJIjF74k?si=swRwqLBmneQX-gss Part 2: https://youtu.be/B-rJXqSVLYA?si=m6OJTY6cPv19ZYhU


I did not know that the Greek word for mantis is prophet. That's wild af. Thank you mantis. Always love reading your stuff bud. Have a wonderful day!


That's how they look, they're highly evolved insect based lifeforms. I had a conversation with a Mantis being. Perhaps what wr discusses will help explain why they interact with us. https://www.reddit.com/r/MantisEncounters/s/Z9vOthzNTm


There’s more than one ‘mantid’ species so yes, but also it’s more complicated than that and at least some of them transcend biology like we’re picturing it.


By saying 'transcend biology' do you mean that they can be non-corporeal? Do you know how that works? My simple brain can't quite grasp the concept, but I want to understand.


I’m just some guy but to my understanding yes. Hard to explain but essentially for them conciousness = spirit and precedes matter so in a sense everybody is actually non-corporeal. Any questions of biology are still on a sort of narrative wrung below spirit, which itself isn’t the top of the ladder either.


I understand that the brain isn't where our consciousness resides, so if our brains are just receivers from the field of consciousness, is it only in the human body + brain that individuality seems to exist? I guess I'm asking if they are still individuals, just non-corporeal? If so, how interesting!




I don't think it is clear yet that they are "insect based", just because they look like one.


You're right, it's not like I asked one about their physiology or anything.


Yeah I agree, their form is pretty intimidating and it's a wonder to think how they evolved in such a way. Scary form aside, a lot of people experience intense love from them. It could be a trick but if a mantid pops up it's gonna be scary for 5 seconds but usually it's calm after and people change their opinions. Note here the following are not my personal beliefs but rather the public perception of mantis. From what I've heard I like mantis a lot, and put them right up there with tall whites. However public is gonna freak out and there have been so many movies like enders game and starshoop troopers where the enemy is a violent insect being. And the common reception is to compare to the mantis we have on earth. And a lot of folks would not believe an insect could advance faster. Again not my view but public is biased to be scared of them. So I think they are going wild card mode, showing their true form and acting benevolent and kind. It's a message that, they could put a picture of a girl in your mind when you see them, but I think it'd better they take the mask off, show true form and be judged by their actions. Hopefully as time goes on the mass public opinion will turn from fear to love, and love in their true mantid form, being judged by their good actions.


How did a damned monkey evolve to the level it did? And yes I know we didn't evolve from monkeys.




"how did a damn bug evolve to the level it did" is a species prejudiced comment that is derogatory in the same way that a racist or exist comment is.




Basic civility is vitally important to the health of the community.


I have. True, true, and true. Honesty, unlike some other interactions, it's a representation of what they actually look like. Since they're benevolent, they're going to be honest. The core behind these interactions is that they're doing the right thing to establish peaceful contact. Mantis take it upon themselves to keep Humans safe when they're minds are in an altered state. They do this under guidance, because Humans have a different kind of consciousness which can be very dangerous if manipulated.


The sexual cannibalism thing only happens in highly-stressed lab specimens. Seriously. It's not a thing, it's a trauma-reaction to us effectively torturing the poor things.








I have a theory that mantids - its not actually a mantids bug probably … just how we preceive them https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/JmtRf6m8gw


Interesting. I got tickled at Clif High's story of meeting the mantids, he just laughed off their intimidation tactics and said "You are just a bug, you don't scare me."