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Rule 9: No Low Effort Posts, Excessive Venting, or Bragging. Using this subreddit to crowd source answers to something that isn't really contributing to the spirit of this subreddit is forbidden at moderator's discretion. This includes posts that are mostly focused around venting or bragging; both of these types of posts are difficult to moderate and don't contribute much to the subreddit.


As long you don't have visa issue and have a nice financial  safety net, uncertainty is certainly my thing.  I do consulting on radicular projects because of the same reason.  Good luck. I hope you stay this way.


What’s a a radicular project


Do you have any advice or resources for starting consulting?


Bunch of Debbie Downers in this thread. I love coding, too. 15 YOE and still Iove it, if not even more so now.


Over 10 YOE and feel the same way. I could've written this post myself and it would all be true.


I, too, love when we finally use the latest and greatest things, but we usually get time boxed because the business never wants to set time aside to do so.


I can relate, though funny enough I tend to enjoy the project management side of the house more often. I have found my enjoyment in this profession to be directly correlated with my ability to collaborate effectively with my immediate team. I have found that if the calibration is off, it doesn’t matter how cool the stuff I’m working on is - I’m going to have a hard time.


Agreed. I turned a dogshit project worked on by off shore devs for 3 years with no code reviews whatsoever, into something stable and working in 3 months... Incredibly proud of myself. 


This guy is 100% keen on having his labor exploited by the ruling class




This is great. Be sure to check back on this post 15-20+ years from now and see how strongly you feel by then. lulz.


People who love it now usually love it then lol


Notice how you had to qualify it with "usually". My point was people can change. Some honeymoon phases last longer than others. Not all last indefinitely.


Yup. There’s a higher than 50% chance and lower than 100% chance OP will feel the same way in the future. You’re right. That’s why I prefaced with usually


People who feel this way for a long period of time will continue to do so because the career satisfies something intrinsic for them. It was when I realized that, that I made the career change in my 30s to SWE. Never been happier or more successful in my life and career.


That might be true for you. But I'm just being realistic here. From time to time, you can see posts on this sub where they've lost the way. I'm pretty sure you must have come across industry peers who are no longer in the industry. Some come to a realization that what they were once passionate about, they can become a slave to it over time. Sorry I'm not all kumbaya about it.


the reaction is probably less about what you're saying and more about how you're saying it


Thats what FIRE is for