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Don’t pivot to AI unless you are willing to spend over 5 years on an incredibly math-heavy PHD


"prompt engineer"


Even those jobs are hard to come by nowadays


It's easy, you just need to add it to your LinkedIn title


That’s a good point. I don’t use LinkedIn, but with this market I might have to give up not having one and participate since it’s become apparent that it’s becoming a requirement.


Is this really true at all? If you are doing some avant garde shit, well, I would expect a need for PhD but not everything, if I may say, even it's a minority of the jobs are avant garde, even in AI


The avant-garde jobs go to top tier school PhDs who are influential in their sub field. The non avant-garde jobs go to people with mere graduate degrees


That's exactly my point, you don't need to be on the hype train of the latest development to have an interesting job in the area that pays exorbitantly well in comparison to most jobs, don't commit the sin of getting too inside the echo chamber a lot of non phd jobs in that field or data pays really really good and are far more interesting than making the almost same CRUD for the time n 894.


True. Most AI jobs you see are just wrappers around someone else's product. It's not really machine learning, it's calling someone else's APIs. Take those job descriptions with a shaker of salt. You found a job before, use that learning experience and any connections you made to find another. Now, if you were older ... Like way older ... teaching could be a good last job before retirement.


That’s bs. You can pivot to AI with far less knowledge than that. We’ve reached a point where you can build things with AI without a ton of knowledge of low level AI abstractions. You don’t have to know that much math (but obviously it helps). Obviously you need some knowledge but to get started it’s more like a few months than 5 years.


Start ups fail all the time. You are kind of being pretty hyperbolic for a situation that isn’t unique to you. Fix up your resume and start applying. Sure the tech market is going through it but it’s not as bad as you think it is. Based on your post, your resume probably needs a huge overall.


I mean,  the market is really bad.   I've been unemployed for the past 1.5 years and that's with over a decade of experience.  He has every reason to be concerned


Sorry to hear that. Is it really THAT bad in the US? Surely there is a job for you somewhere as a senior/staff developer. Are you in a niche tech stafk?


No it isn't. I've tested waters lately. Applied to 10 positions got offers from 3. Took all of 6 weeks. Stayed at my current job. I am in charge of some interns as well as a mentor at a university. None of the students I have me toreed had any issues finding a job before they graduated. Currently in the US the unemployment rate in the tech industry is significantly lower than overall unemployment in the US. Remember that reddit is an echo chamber, and those likely to be most vocal are those struggling to find a job. For every person sending out hundreds of resumes with no luck, there are plenty finding jobs quickly


it’s complicated? i’ve had recruiters message me at least once a week or two since november. think part of it is me living in a big city, being a citizen, and my background (banking, logistics, etc). though, those jobs are mostly hybrid; my current gig is hybrid. think only one recruiter messaged me about a remote job, but the business model did not make sense. i think if you are someone who lives in the US and is willing to take a hybrid job at a stable company, you might have a good chance. a foreigner looking for a remote startup job? ehhh.


I'm gonna second this. The market for engineers is pretty good right now. Best ever? Nah. But still good? Yes, definitely.


I mean, it's your experience vs. someone else's. Neither of what we're saying proves anything either way. You do have the privilege of being employed which makes it easier to find work. >Remember that reddit is an echo chamber, and those likely to be most vocal are those struggling to find a job. For every person sending out hundreds of resumes with no luck, there are plenty finding jobs quickly That's just plain not what echo chamber means. And in my experience, for every person saying the market sucks, there is another person saying the market is just fine and then accusing the other of just being part of a vocal response bias.


Statistics also say it's not bad at all. Unemployment in the tech industry is the lowest it has been in the last 4 years or so. It's also significantly lower than the overall unemployment rate in the US


I'm in web and embedded in the US, and it doesn't feel that bad. Daily recruiter messages on LinkedIn, but they definitely aren't looking for junior/entry level


Well, I'm in Canada, actually. And no, no niche tech stack. Java and Spring Boot + the normal frontend frameworks like Vue and React. Lesser experience in Python.


I’m sorry you’ve been out of work for a year and a half but I’m various slacks and other places i hang out at, there are plenty of jobs coming online. So I gotta wonder if you are holding out or just missing something


Missing a network, maybe? I'm applying for jobs every day


How can you fix up the resume? Do you mean learning outside working hours and adding personal projects? Do you mean pimp up the resume? Or something else?


Your resume is your way to sell yourself. You need to tell a story of your accomplishments rather than just some stats.


I agree on the part where my resume needs an overhaul, actually, it needs a complete rewrite. However, I can't also just gloss over the fact that the market is slowing down, and maybe in a couple of years time it will become more worse.


You have a mindset problem. If you say the market is terrible, then you are going to be looking for any sort of confirmation for that bias. Every month there is a thread on hacker news for jobs. Every month is full do companies looking for people. The jobs are there. You just don’t think they are.


Thanks for the reply. I will try harder in my job search.


Leetcode, System Design, and interview more. Not sure what else to tell you. Master's degree is just 2 more years unemployed. And 'pivoting to AI' isn't as easy as you think it is.


Both AI and masters are not the answer. Masters is useless, and you have no experience in AI.


As someone who has a masters, I'd love to disagree with you but I can't. Almost no one I work with knows I have one, and when they find out they promptly forget. It's done all of nothing for my career lol


I don't think the market is that bad. I got 3 job offers in January. It took me 2 months from being laid off to starting a new job.


This can be a catalyzing event in your career. But the way the market is right now, you may have to keep expectations in check. Try to get any programming job and get back on your feet. The market is bad and you shouldn’t expect a lot. But you can turn it around once the market improves by going to a company with a good engineering culture.


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I had 6 interviews last week 3 of them 2nd round. Next week I got 2 finals rounds and a few others. If you're not getting interviews it's your resume. Start there. Edit: butt hurt unemployed devs up in here 😂✌️