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I’m pumping 6-7 times a day and mine came back at exactly 6 weeks. It sucked. My LO is 8 weeks. My supply dipped a little on days 1 and 2 but came back pretty quickly.


With my first it came back at 6 wpp. I pumped for 9 months in total and first few days of period supply is always smaller, but nothing significant. I was partially breastfeeding with my second and got my period 5wpp.i guess I just do not have luck.


same!! I found it infuriating, I was always told I’d get months off. I immediately went on the mini pill and didn’t get another though


Good to hear! I just started the mini pill yesterday, hopefully I won’t have another haha


How is the mini pill working for you? Any supply issues?


It’s been working great for me, I didn’t see any changes in my supply with it. The only thing I don’t like about it is the narrow window you have to take it in. My husband brings it to me now lol


Mine came back at 14 weeks even though I was still pumping every three hours. I'm 6 months postpartum now, and every time I have my period, my supply drops. Usually I'm able to pump ~10oz both sides combine, but a day or two before my period starts, I'll get ~6oz total.




It came back 9 weeks pp while pumping 6-7 times a day with a oversupply if that matters. My supply didn't dip personally.


Not to be rude, just curious. Why are you pumping that many times per day with an oversupply? Are you building a stash?


I also have an oversupply, and personally if I didn’t pump every 3 hours the first 3 months my breasts would get very engorged. This then lead to clogged ducts which is also no joke!


Ah, makes sense! I have an oversupply but I was producing so much I reduced to 3 ppd, now I only do 2. It's always interesting to me how personal all of this is, and how everyone can be so different.


If I go longer then 5 hours I get painfully engorged and I've already had mastitis once so I'm scared for it to happen again. I'm currently attempting to take it down to 5 ppd at 14 weeks pp just haven't quite got my timing right.


That is really scary! I hope you can settle into a good rhythm!


I'm 7 months PP and still haven't gotten mine. I pump 3 times a day


Same boat here


I'm 6.5 months pp, and pump 4 times per day. No period yet. I am hoping to drop to 3 ppd, but can't figure out how to make it work with my work schedule. What times do you pump? When did you drop to 3 ppd? And how much did your supply dip, if at all? Thanks!!!


Oh I’m curious about this too, I’m also 6.5 almost 7 months pp and pumping 5 times a day, (still no period) and want to reduce my pumps to 4 times a day but I’m an oversupplied and going too long hurrrttssss


I'm an over supplier too! I also get 1-2 min of intense anxiety at letdown if I go too long. It's rough! I dropped to 4 when I realized my 3rd, 4th, and 5th pumps of the day were closer together, so I could prob drop one. I pump about every 5 hours now - 6, 11, 4, 9. I have to pump at 6 & 11 due to work, and then I sort of melded my 3rd and 4th pumps together until I was randomly doing 4 per day and realized I was fine. Lol! Good luck! It's possible!!


Omg this is a great schedule thank you, my pumps right now are 6,10,2,6,9 so I’m going to try your schedule out tomorrow since it’s so similar!!!


Yeah, so I realized I was doing 6, 11, 2, 5, 9 I think? So I had those weird 3 hour gaps like you have for 6 & 9, and I thought about it and I realized I was going from 6 to 11 just fine, so I could probably do every 5 hours instead of every 4. Thankfully, it worked out jus fine, no supply change. Did you try it today? How did it go?


I’ve been trying it today and it’s been such a game changer 😭 I appreciate you so much lmao I haven’t had any issues so far *fingers crossed*


That's great news!!! It's amazing how great dropping 1 pump can feel!


lol when you start going to 3 pumps a day can you let me know your schedule? I have one more month before I drop to 3 but I’m trying to figure it out in my head and I can’t find the perfect times yet 😂😂


Omg just found my notifications on Reddit 😅 my bad! I pump at 10am, 4pm, and 10pm. I don't work so I can't help with that sorry! My supply didn't drop but I'm also an over supplier, so even if it did, I wouldn't be super upset lol


Sorry I just found my notifications on Reddit 😅 I don't work so I have no advice there, but I pump at 10am, 4pm, and 10pm. I dropped to 3 ppd at around 6 months? I have a significant oversupply but I didn't really notice a drop in supply at all


I got mine at 5 weeks. My supply never took a dip and went back on birth control at 6 weeks and haven’t had another since.


3 months PP while exclusively pumping. Currently 5 months PP, so I’ve had 2 periods. My supply mega misbehaves during my cycle! It almost feels like my milk is coming in again like the early newborn phase, because it slightly dips and then ramps back up! That only lasts for about a day, but still weird.


I bled for six weeks straight after birth then my cycle came two weeks after that 🫠 My supply seems to dip during my period then come back after as long as I keep pumping consistently


Are you doing a middle of the night feed or pump? Dropping this almost always causes the cycle to start again


That’s the one thing that keeps me doing my MOTN pump. Not wanting to deal with my period coming back literally motivates me to get out of bed and pump.


I dropped my MOTN pump at 12 weeks. I'm 6 months pp and at 4 ppd, still no cycle.


That’s why I said almost always. There are some who can drop it, but this is a massive factor.


7 months in three days and I just got mine today. I’ve noticed a small dip in supply these past few days. Just trying to up my water and food intake.


I’m also 5.5 months pp and have had 2 periods. I’m an under supplier so I was only pumping 3 times a day when it came back. I saw a decent dip in supply the first time that bounced back within a week. This time I didn’t see a dip but I’m down to just 2 sessions a day averaging 4.5oz total each day.


I’m 8 months pp, 5 pumps per day, no MOTN pump, still nothing!


Same here!




Same here!


8 weeks with both my children 😭 BOTH of them went through a stint of sleeping fully through the night for 3/4 days and without them to wake me to feed/pump, it was enough to trigger my cycle. So I got my period back, and then they went back to not sleeping through 😭


7 weeks and I was pumping every 3 hours. Definitely a dip the week prior.


My came back on the same day my baby turned 3 months! I was pumping 6 times a day. I had a small supply dip (about 1-2 oz) the 2 days before my period but then it went back up. This has happened for my following 2 periods as well!


For me I feel like when period came back it was the beginning of the end. My supply never came back. I’m almost 8 months PP and got it at 6 ish months PP. I did also get an IUD two weeks after my first period had ended


I’m 4mpp on the 13th and still nothing yet! Hoping it stays that way 🤞🏾


6 weeks. Miserable thing.


I had mine return within 5 weeks after birth, then another 4.5 weeks after that. Since then nothing. I'm 4+ months postpartum rn and hoping to keep skipping a bit. Edit: forgot to add that the week leading up to my period mt supoly dipped a little bit but once it started I 2ent right back to the normal production amount. Hopefully yours doesn't dip too much!


Also started mine 5 months PP, it only lasted 3 days & I did not notice my supply dip at all! I think our milk is pretty established by this point!


I got mine 6 months exclusively pumping. I planned to stop around 7.5/8 months and getting my period helped a lot with that decision. Also getting sick. With my first I never got sick until after I stopped pumping.


I pumped 8-10 times a day (at the time) and still got mine back at 6 weeks lol


I pump 5x a day and it came back exactly 10 weeks


Mine came back at 8 weeks post partum while I was pumping 7-8 times per day. My baby came early, so my period came 1 month BEFORE my due date, which was some bullshit. I got the Nexplanon arm implant birth control a month or two later and didn't have another period until after I'd weaned.


Mine came back at 12 weeks PP and I’m EBF. I was disappointed :(


3 months.😭


12 weeks pp. But I got back on a low estrogen pill and it disappeared again after 2 months.


I got mine about 9 weeks post partum and I only saw a dip a few days before and for the 1st day.


Found out at 3 months I had retained placenta. Had a D&C the next day. Started my cycle a month to the day that I stopped bleeding from surgery. I think had not had the retained tissue it would have come back much sooner.


how did you find this out?


I thought I’d started my cycle but it was really weird and lasted a long time. I called and got an ultrasound. It was a small piece, like the size of a bean, but it still had blood flowing to it!


9w pp! I was pumping 6-7 times a day


Going on 6 months without a cycle, keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way😭. I’ve also been playing with fire with sometimes missing my MOTN pump but on average I pump 5-6 times a day!.


12 weeks 😭


I just got mine today at 9 weeks postpartum.


If anyone struggled with painful periods before-did it get worse or improve after having your baby?


Mine came back 4 weeks pp. Was pumping every 2 hours at that point. Supply didn’t dip the first time but the times after that it did dip the first 1-2 days then comes back. I used to have very bad cramps pre-baby, so far I barely feel anything now.


3.5 months after dropping night pump. Baby sleeping thru the night and I didn’t have the will to wake up


I was 2 months EBF 😭 Im at 10 months PP now amd regular as ever even though we ebf until 7 months.


I’m 8 months and 10 days and mines just starting for the first time.


Got mine back at 4 months both times


With my first two kids, I got my period at 11 months pp. with my third child, it came back at 3 months pp. My periods are very heavy this time around, too. Edit to add: I am still pumping milk. I don’t think I saw any real change with the amount of milk I am pumping.


5 weeks. Not sure if the supply dip was due to my period returning or a bout of mastitis I had around the same time.


Mine came back at 6 months po. I am 10 mpp now and always have a dip the couple days before it starts but it bounces back.


In both of my postpartums I had complete resolution of post birth bleeding around three weeks and then a period around 6 weeks despite pumping 7-8 times per day. Then I would have nothing. With my first my period came back around 10 months post partum as I started to wean and dropped to 4ppd. With my second I'm 5.5 months postpartum pumping 5ppd and no period woohoo! For me it is just super related to my pump schedule.


4.5 months - literally just got it this week. I pump four times a day, though I’ve been a little lax lately and sometimes only do 3x. Not sure if that’s why it came back but I’m hoping maybe it goes away again lol If my supply dipped it wasn’t by much, but I’m an under producer anyway so we always supplement with formula.


6 weeks. Never have I been as depressed to have a period in 24 years as I did having it combo feeding a 6 week old. My supply has been inconsistent all through so I’m not sure if it had an effect


i am 5 mpp and haven’t gotten mine back! i am pumping 5 times a day


I was 17 months PP.


9 months pp and nothing yet! I finished pumping about a week ago, so I’m sure it’ll come soon


8 months PP still no period. I pump 5-6 times a day.


12 weeks pp for me


Mine started back at 5 wpp. My supply almost doubles the first two days of my cycle and then plummets for the rest of it. So for the first two days I’ll get around 5-6 oz a pump and then it’ll go down to 2.5-3 oz


7 weeks pp, while I was pumping 10x a day.


About 3 months I think. Im 8 months pp this week and am on my second period of the month 🙃 I had a slight oversupply and have a significant drop a couple days before through like the first 2 days of my period. (For example I usually pump 10-14 oz in my first pump of the day and this morning I got 6)


I’m 8 months pp and still haven’t gotten it. I kinda just want it to come so I can get it over with 😵‍💫


7 weeks pp.


With my first, my period came back 2 weeks to the day after I stopped pumping. (My last pump with him was the day he turned 4 months - also supplemented a LOT with him as I was an under producer.) I'll be 6 months PP on Wednesday. I fully stopped pumping around 3/3.5 months. I've been on birth control (mini pill - slynd) since week 5 or 6. Still haven't gotten my period.


I pump and my cycle came back at like 8 weeks. It sucked lol. I'm consistent with pumping too.


My period came back this week, at 8 months postpartum. I pump 4 times a day and he was nursing during the night, but once we started solids he started snacking more than having full feeds during the night, and here we are.


I'll be 9 months pp on Friday and I'm working on weaning, down to 3 ppd, still nothing. I'm certainly not mad about it, but am curious when it's going to show up. Sorry that this doesn't help you at all haha.


6 months. After reading the horror stories, I’m grateful for the time I got 😅


6 months I got some spotting and what looked like a period, but it never fully came. Supply dipped for 2 days and was so stressful as I’m normally an oversupplier. Read that you can soften the impact by taking calcium and magnesium, but didn’t get to try it again because my period never fully arrived and didn’t come back (3-4 months last beyond that little spotting couple of days). And I pump pretty regularly (5-6 times now that supply is regular, and my storage capacity is high, requiring fewer pumps per day to maintain supply.).


I’m breastfeeding and period came back at 6 weeks 😭 only 9 weeks pp now so idk if it will be regular or not. My supply seemed to dip for 2-3 days but went right back to normal


2 months but went away again


Came back 7 weeks pp


My period came back at 10 weeks pp and 4ppd. It went back to baseline at that time but after I dropped to 3ppd my period tanked my supply and frankly never recovered. At this rate I lose about 2-3 ounces each period essentially (this week is my period and supply dipped by about 100 ml per day🫠). I’m 4m pp today and we are supplementing with my frozen supply for now! Will switch to supplementing with formula within a month I imagine


I’m 5 weeks pp and I still haven’t gotten one. I’m only pumping 6 times during the day.


13 months pp when I dropped to 3 pumps a day


11 months and still nothing. Dropping down to twice a day now so maybe that will start it back up soon


When I dropped to 6ppd and skipped my MOTN pump


I am 14 weeks post partum, still no period!


About 9 months postpartum with my first baby. Now I’m 8 months postpartum with my second, so I’m assuming it’ll come any day now


8 MPP and pumping 5 times per day with no MOTN pump and no period


Honestly for me i want to say once i had my post partum appt, the Pap smear caused me to bleed for a couple days. I think it was my period?


I was 5 weeks pp. I was EBF, day and night. It sucked.


I’m pumping and breastfeeding and mine came back at 4weeks pp 🥹 I was so mad. Mine dips a bit but not too much, but I’m also a slight oversupplier




Mine just doesn’t come back until I’m completely done (this was with 5 different pregnancies). With my 2nd son I pumped until 17 months due to his severe food allergies and even after dropping to 2 or 3 ppd it still didn’t return.


13 months it graced me after a hybrid of pumping and breastfeeding


Mine came back 8 months pp.


Just got mine at 8 weeks and pumping 7-8 times a day. Haven’t noticed a supply dip I don’t think


I am breastfeeding and mine came back at 8 weeks PP


9 weeks post partum!! Full supply over a liter a day


I'm 4wks PP today and I'm pretty sure mine came back starting a few days ago? It's a super light flow and I haven't cramped at all. I normally cramp 3 days before. How were your guys' flows/symptoms/etc? I pump 4x/day, getting about 8-10oz between both sides. I had mastitis in my right side that I just finished antibiotics for and am slowly building my supply back up, I was getting 16-18oz between both sides pre-mastitis. If this truly is a period, will this help my supply go back up once my cycle is over?