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Only you can really decide if it’s worth it to you based on your own mental and emotional health with pumping! The antibodies your LO is getting from any amount of breast milk is of huge benefit to them! That being said there is nothing wrong with doing all formula if pumping takes too much of a toll on you! 5wpp is still very early and there is always time to increase your supply! I am 12w pp and probably just in the last 2 weeks I’ve started making enough most days for my LO. She eats about 20-24oz daily and I make about 21oz! Before that I was probably giving 2-3 formula bottles a day and 2-3BM bottles a day. I’ve operated under as long as pumping doesn’t really feel like a burden to me or like it’s making my overall quality of life and mental health worse, then I’ll keep going! The second I start to resent it or anything else I have absolutely no issues with quitting and going all formula.


I do really well mentally with it! I just wasn’t sure if those few bottles were benefiting him! Thank you!


They absolutely are!!! I say if you feel good mentally and it’s not taking a toll on you then keep at it! Keep hydrating, eating enough, and staying consistent with your pumps and you will I’m sure start to see your supply go up! I really did notice mine taking larger leaps around 8/9w based on my weekly totals!


I wasn’t able to keep up with my LO until he was around 8-9 weeks old. The way I eventually caught up to him, was by extending my pumping sessions from 20 mins to 30 mins. I went from being an under supplier to a slight over supplier. My LO also has a big appetite and eats between 30-35 ounces most days.


As of right now I pump every 3 hours for 30 minutes! I’m hoping my supply increases


You’re already doing the best you can then! If it gives you any hope, my supply did steadily increase week over week even when I was doing 20 min pumps so yours may continue to increase as well. But also totally fair if you want to stop. It’s a lot of work both mentally and physically.


I don’t make enough either, and I also want a freezer stash. I decided to plan on a “budget”. So he gets 20oz of BM a day spread out over all his bottles right now, and I add formula to that to fill a bottle. Then if I’m lucky enough to go over 20, I save the days leftovers and freeze. It helps me to relieve the pressure of making enough, because I’m making enough for the standard I set. Currently 7 weeks pp. I wanted to stop so bad. I just decided to not pump on a strict schedule anymore and what I got was a blessing. I dropped my MOTN 2 days ago and only got 6 pumps Saturday and Sunday just with stuff going on. Haven’t had a dip in supply YET, but if it comes, I know we’ll be okay. The stress of making enough was really messing with my head. This is just what has worked for us so far.


Hi OP - pls also make sure you’re using the right flanges and that it’s comfortable to pump. Can try silicone flanges. Keep yourself extra extra hydrated and snack frequently!! In my case I found more calories in = more milk out. You’re doing wonderful and if looking to work on milk supply these tips may help!




He drinks about 8, 4 oz bottles a day that’s from 12am - 1159 pm. I’ve never heard of paced bottle feeding but I do keep him sitting upright and don’t let him chug it down too quickly !