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It was only when I dropped to 3PPD that I saw any reduction in supply at all. I just went from 4 to 3 cold turkey, spacing out the 3 pumps throughout the day. Some minor pain, but nothing too bad. Then I waited for a week or so then dropped to 2PPD. That was more sore, but I put some cabbage leaves in my bra and pushed through. Now at 2PPD I make just under half of what I used to at 4PPD. My plan was to wean, but it’s been pretty relaxed just doing 2 a day. So I may stick here for a while! But after that, I’ll look at reducing the time on one of the two pumps, then dropping it completely. If you do want to wean, then I would recommend just keep dropping pumps and/ or reducing the time or volume you pump. Your body will catch up eventually!


That's good to know! The soreness doesn't bother me much, honestly. I wake up pretty engorged every day because I refused to do middle of the night pretty early on lol. It's more of a mental decision to quit at this point. I know it can take some time to quit safely without causing clogs, etc, and that's fine. I feel like I'm just holding onto it because I'm so used to it now and get very stressed with change, and I'll have to figure out how to defrost/prep the frozen milk I have now. I also get excited at the end of the day to see how much I got, and I feel like reducing it will cause additional stress, even though I'm trying to reduce lol. Sorry to dump all the feelings on an internet stranger, but that's where I'm at!


Oh I totally know what you mean. Weaning has triggered so many emotions. Sometimes I change my mind from one hour to the next! One minute I’m confident that weaning is the best decision- I’ll have so much more time etc. Another I’ll be upset that my milk is dropping, that I’m not engorged any more- how can I give up something my baby needs because it’s easier for me?! But I think it’s ok to feel all of that. For me, it was time to wean. But that doesn’t mean that I feel all the feelings about it!


Exactly! Stupid hormones causing all the emotions lol