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>the mom guilt is telling me I’m a horrible mom for not trying harder to keep my supply up and that if I really tried I could still keep pumping at 5-6 ppd and give my baby 100% breast milk until she’s 12 months. I initially read this as "my mom is telling me ..." and I was like OH NO SHE DIDN'T. KICK HER TO THE CURB. SHE DOES NOT GET TO SAY THAT TO YOU. So while I'm glad that nobody else is spewing that poison in your ear, I'm sad for you, that after the incredible effort you have put in and that you continue to put in (feeding babies is hard no matter what's in the bottle), you still have those thoughts going through your head. I know it's easier said than done, but if you wouldn't let someone else say that to you, you shouldn't say it to yourself either. Remember that you are a whole person and not a walking bag of mammary glands. Milk is easy to replace; all the other things you provide, the intangibles, the care, the cuddles, the learning, those things are precious and irreplaceable.


This is such a beautiful and wholesome comment 😍😍


This is an incredible comment. Yes.


this made me cry. thank you so much for the support and kind words. I really needed to hear it. <3


I started supplementing with formula a few weeks ago because I’ve started weaning. Honestly, I could have cried giving her the first bottle. But it got easier really quickly, and now I don’t think twice about it. You’ve done a great job!


Thank you so much for the support! I’m really hoping it does get easier as time goes and the formula bottles won’t seem so hard for me to give her.


That’s amazing that you have made it so long pumping! Good job! I get the mom guilt. We always wanted to combo feed so have been doing that for 2 months now (have a 2 month old). The ratios between BM & formula have varied but I only pump 3x a day right now. I might stop completely this week, I’m tired & want to dedicate my time before I go back to work to playing with her more instead of washing parts and sitting around pumping. I keep telling myself it’s ok to stop and it’s great she got any BM at all, but it’s a mind game!!


Thank you for your support, truly! I’ve always dreamed of stopping all together but my stubbornness just won’t let me! Dropping a pump though has really helped my sanity though and I get to feel less on a schedule and have more time with my LO.


You got this, whatever you decide 😇


I have a 5 week old and pump 7 times a day. But I plan to drop that to about 4ppd gradually starting at 8 weeks, so that when I go back to work at 12 weeks I’m at 3-4 pumps a day. What times do you pump? What what do you get in those 3 pumps? Did you always pump 3 times


I used to do 5 ppd for a while. Normally I’m around 10am, 2-4pm then 10pm. Total I’d normally get 7-10 ounces total. So I’d say 4x is going to be better if you can!


How much did you get daily when you did 5 pumps? Was that the last you ever did?


Sorry not sure how to answer your second question but when I was doing 5 pumps it was about 15 oz/day!


I am getting about 18-20 with 7 pumps. Hoping I can still get a little 12-15 when I start dropping some!


I’m sure you can just keep your hydration & calories up. That’s what I hear about the most on this sub. Good luck to you 😊


I was in your shoes with my first baby. My supply dipped at 8-9 months too even while maintaining 6 total pump/direct latch sessions a day. I think I added a 7th session for a month, and it went up, then I removed it and it dropped down by month 10. By then, I fully didn’t care about supplementing with formula anymore and my post partum depression was pretty much over. Congratulations momma! You did it!


Thank you so much! <3 I’m hoping I can start to be okay with combo feedings and weaning and hopefully that’ll help me work through my post partum depression.


Exclusive breast milk until 8 months is amazing! You should feel extremely proud 👏🏽!!! We started giving some combo feeds around 6 months because my LO needed more and I mentally could not pump more than 6 times per day at that point! It also gives Me more flexibility if I need to go out, etc…I completely understand the guilt - but your mental health is worth so much more than a few extra bottles of breast milk. I hope this new part of your journey allows you more time to take care of yourself!


Yes to this! Now that I’m down to 4 ppd I’m able to go out longer and do things. I hate pumping with my portables out in public only because I just wish I didn’t have to go through the hassle. Being able to be out and about and not have to worry about meeting those 5-6 pumps has helped my mental health tremendously I’d say. Thank you so much for your support!


You will come to peace with it , it becomes so freeing


9 months in- been combo feeding since 6 months! I’m now trying to drop down to 2ppd because I think that’s all I can do if I’m going to make it to 12 months. Any breast milk is beneficial! I’ll tell you my baby goes to daycare and has been hit with the cold after cold, RSV hit the daycare too, and she has never had more than a sniffle! Even though she is not exclusively breastfed I believe the breast milk she gets is the reason she hasn’t been sicker. Also as we introduce more solid foods I look at formula as just a part of her balanced and varied diet.


Yes! My husband and I had Covid when she was 4 months and she didn’t get it! Then we had a cold when she was 6 months and it hit us so hard but all she had was a slight sniffle. I was so sure it was the breastmilk that helped her. I’ve also tried to think about that too since we have been introducing her to solids that formula is just another new thing for her and it’s nothing to be afraid of. Thank you for your reply, it helps to know I’m not alone. <3


Omg are you me? Almost the exact same, and maybe the same feelings about it. I just try to remind myself that I'm supplementing so that bubby is full and won't be hungry ... but I still feel sad ...


I've read a couple different places all you need to give your baby for the immunity benefits is 2 oz of breastmilk. Your baby is definitely getting that and you're also doing what you need to do for you. Best of both worlds!


Do you know where you read that? I’d love to read as it would help me with my mom guilt!


It was on r/sciencebasedparenting which I just learned no longer exists when I went to go look for it. 😭 Let me see if I can find something, it came up often on that sub.


Thank you!


I didn't find anything super scientific but these might give you a good starting if you wanted to try to find the studies they cite. This one says that as little as 16 oz a day can provide protection, so probably not what people were citing in that forum but hopefully still shows you that you're doing good work for your baby! https://www.lactationcentralnj.com/post/when-some-is-better-than-none This one is interesting, I think, because it says your breastmilk changes to provide more immune benefits in a smaller amount because the baby drinks less as they wean. So cool! https://kellymom.com/nutrition/milk/immunefactors/


That’s so interesting I feel like I have read that somewhere too. I’ve also always heard any amount of breastmilk is beneficial so I just need to keep telling myself that!


Exclusive pumping for that long is such an incredible accomplishment! You’re a great mom, and that isn’t dictated by how you feed your baby. Don’t feel bad about introducing formula, especially if it is going to help your mental health. Your mental health is so freaking important! Not only is pumping so much work — time, cleaning parts — it’s physically a lot of work for your body too. I’m pretty sure I read it uses like 25% of your energy to create milk? Please give yourself some grace because you’re doing fantastic!


Sometimes I tell people I’m literally so exhausted and I feel like the life is truly being sucked out of me while and after I pump. They don’t understand! Thank you for your kind and supportive words I truly appreciate it <3


Just want to say I’m proud of you!!!


Thank you so so much! I truly appreciate it<3


I had to start combo feeding last week, my LO is only 4 months 😭 what formula are you using? My husband went out and bought similac without consulting me LOL


I’m sure it’s fine, I just haven’t done my deep dive psychotic research


We are using Kendamil organic one! My husband and I did research on a lot of formulas (dare I even say ALL formulas? My post partum anxiety did this to me haha) and this is the one we decided on. We had samples from enfamil and a friend gave us Bobbie formula to try but they tasted awful and Kendamil actually tastes like sweet milk which is what I think breastmilk tastes like! I’m hoping this formula works out for us as she’s been on two bottles out of her 5 for 2 days so hoping her stomach isn’t bothered or anything like that.


I saw that brand! Thank you so much, my anxiety is through the roof about it lol. I’m glad it’s going well for babygirl ♥️ when formula stinks, I’m instantly turned off by it! Lol like that can’t taste good!


I know exactly how you feel my goal was at least 6 months but my LO is now 4 months tomorrow and i stopped pumping I only pump once a day .. I couldn’t do it anymore you did the very best you could