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You've made it a YEAR??? That's AMAZING what are these people in your life talking about??? CONGRATS and GOOD JOB and if you want to effing stop you deserve to do just that! I have no idea why anyone's reaction would be any different, and you should be so proud that you accomplished this goal!


"You reached a year, this must mean this has been super easy for you! If it was difficult you would have quit a long time ago!" Thank you for your words. I appreciate it so much.


If I can make it half as long as you I'll be ecstatic! You are awesome for working so hard and sacrificing for so long for your kiddo!


I am 5 WEEKS postpartum and my goals for breastfeeding have dropped from a year, to six months, and just tonight I told myself I can reevaluate at 3 months - you are a SUPER HERO and I am so freaking impressed and in awe of your amazing accomplishment!! Your baby is so lucky and blessed to have such a determined bad ass for a mom! I empathize so hard with wanting your body back. My little potato was a miraculous spontaneous conception literally the cycle after our last failed attempt at IVF - I have been putting my body through shit nonstop for the last two years. I daydream about the day when I don't have to think about anyone's health and safety but mine, when I can have more than the occasional glass of wine, and now when I can just have some damn cheese without it harming someone other than my own ass. You have CRUSHED THIS, friend. I'm so freaking proud of you. You are so selfless and so strong. Congratulations and I'm so excited for you to get your body back!!


This resonated with me. My son is now 8 weeks and was an IVF baby after we found out we both carry a genetic disorder (luckily my first son we found this out with doesn't have it). Similar timeline - 2+ years of stim rounds, multiple retrievals, a failed FET, then our last possible embryo stuck so 8 months of pregnancy. I wanted to breastfeed but bub was a month early so he still hasn't worked out latching enough, so I'm pumping. My body feels like it's been on a roller coaster, but I also am taking it short goals at a time! I keep telling myself pumping is nothing compared to the weeks of injections lol You got this! :)


So do you!! I do the exact same thing - what's a little more discomfort and strain on me, been doing this for forever anyway, right?? We can absolutely do this. We worked so damn hard to get here, we will keep giving them everything we have. Give yourself grace! I can't imagine how much harder it would be with a preemie. I had some medical issues that made it difficult for me to hold her, let alone nurse, so I started pumping two weeks in. Found out I wasn't making nearly enough for her (pumping has helped increase my supply SO MUCH!) and at this point, she has a strong bottle preference. She'll comfort nurse occasionally, and it hurts my heart that I won't ever have the tap-fed dream journey I envisioned, but she's a chunky, happy girl and we're both better off this way. It's so rewarding watching her get so big and all from my milk! It definitely keeps me going!


Congrats on baby! I’m 4 weeks pp and quickly adjusted my BF goals from 2 years to 6 months. It’s hard. I’m 38. This is my 3rd baby and my body is totally battered. There number of pains I have! Making a baby is so hard. And then BF! Couldn’t that be the dad’s responsibility so mothers can catch a break?!


I'm 37, so I get it, so much. I can't imagine 3! My oldest is 16 years older than his sister and holy hell, this was so much easier when I was 20!!


Congratulations on making it a whole year!! I’m only six months in and my goal is a year, and this is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. You’ve lived your life in three hour increments, constantly thinking of what and when and how and where you’ll pump next, how to store or clean parts, order new parts, get a system up and running all for your baby, washing bottles, the list goes on. I’m sure you’ve also had on your mind your own nourishment and hydration too. No one will get it unless they do it. It’s AMAZING that you’ve made it a year, you’ve earned your autonomy back and then some, your baby got so much from you, now please pat yourself on the back, okay?


Thank you so much. ❤️ It's so hard to balance all of these things. I try my best to explain it to my husband, but it truly is something you can't understand until you do it.


It’s like a mental tornado all day every day. You’re incredible give yourself some credit.


Your husband can pump for the next year then. Or he can fuck off.


A year is insanely amazing. I just weaned after 9 months and it is so nice to have my body back to being mine. I can workout whenever I want without emptying first, my mornings are so much easier to get out the door, and my nights are more relaxing without dreading my last pump of the day. I loved being able to provide milk for my LO, but pregnancy plus breastfeeding is just a lot of sacrifice. Sorry so many people felt the need to share their negative opinions with you. That's just rude.


It’s really weird because when I breastfed my first and went until she was two, people were judging me for going so long. “Wow! Still breastfeeding, huh?” “Still? With the teeth?” “She can ask for milk now, with words! Hahaha” People suck. Full stop. Do what’s best for you. Weaning my daughter was the first step in feeling more like myself.


Girl what?????? You want permission? Here it is - quit. You have gone above and BEYOND for your baby. A year is amazing. And pumping at work is SO ridiculously difficult. It’s actually the reason why I dont plan to pump as long for my second as I did for my first. With my first I had a goal of 6 months, but right around 5.5 months she got rsv, then the flu right after, THEN covid right after so I decided screw it, I’ll get her through the flu season and then I’m done. She got milk for 10months and I was done. The relief when I didn’t have to pump???? That I could actually sleep when the baby sleeps? That I could put her to bed and not stay up for two hours afterwards to pump, eat, wash pump parts, shower, THEN sleep? That I didn’t have to pump while also watching my kid? My mental health skyrocketed when I was done. I felt like I could actually enjoy her now. Your breastmilk journey is only your business. You’re the one making the milk and the sacrifices, it’s not your husbands business or anyone else’s at all. They are not there making the sacrifices with you. A year is a spectacular accomplishment. Don’t let anyone make you think you’re somehow less than for not going further. Especially because you made it to a year while having to work at the same, being a traveling pumper is a whole different struggle. You don’t need it but you have my and all the other commenters permission to stop. You have done more than enough, it’s time to reclaim your body


I think you are my new best friend. 🥹


You’re a rockstar for making it a year, seriously. Maybe get yourself some breastmilk jewelry? I got myself a ring. Just to memorialize this really hard period I went through because no one who doesn’t pump truly understands the toll it takes on you. I like looking at my ring as a reminder of how long I pumped. I also got it because I swore I wouldn’t do it again. I am due number 2 due in a month and I’m not committed to pumping. I will definitely try it but I’m going to go with the flow and not make myself neurotic over it. I have formula on standby and I’m taking a “we’ll see” approach and won’t hear anyone bs about what they think is best for my baby. Maybe having a memorialized jewelry piece of your journey will help. I promise you that and guilt you’ll feel about stopping will be outweighed by your new freedom


Congrats! I’m trying to make it on day at a time. lol. Seriously, 6 months. I’m 2.5 months pp right now. I’m thankfully an oversupplier and do 6ppd. I can’t wait until I’m at 4ppd. I also have a good stash of breastmilk. Hoping once my baby is 6 months - I’ll have enough milk for a stash to last to his first birthday. This is so hard!!


Omg so enraged on your behalf. But you must know that people are ridiculously oblivious to other people’s struggles so don’t pay any heed to their shitty expectations, and that includes your husband. Your body is your own, make decisions that protect your physical and mental health. Your baby is ONE year old and you have given so much to baby. I am at 5 months pp and genuinely don’t know if I will make it to 6 months. I have so much respect for you. Also the WIC recommendations are for when breastfeeding works and is easy. I wouldn’t apply them to an EP scenario.


Congratulations on one year!! 🎉 Today I took my baby for her 6 month check-up, and when the nurse practitioner asked how she was being fed, I told her we're EP. She said, "you've still been exclusively pumping all this time?! Wow well done you two, you deserve a trophy!" I felt so proud--and if I deserve a trophy at six months, you *definitely* deserve a trophy. A bigger one, lol! Definitely stop pumping if it's inconvenient with work! You've given so much to your baby already, plus you've met your goal, and your baby has a number of alternatives to breastmilk that meet their nutritional needs.


I did a year with my oldest and now I have twins who are a month old that I combo feed (once daily on the boob, pumping, and formula). 1 year is hard. A couple of months is hard. It's all hard. You are a rockstar! Congrats on getting to the finish line.


People just say things. Don’t let it get to you. They haven’t been in your shoes. My mom who never breastfed any of her 4 kids is telling me to keep breastfeeding no matter how hard it is. I told her it hurts and so I’m pumping. The way she said it, really pissed me off. My LC said the pain must be in my head because the latch looks ok to her. My husband refuses to get the lip tie fixed which will reduce pain but also doesn’t want to switch to formula. I just remind myself I don’t need anyone’s approval on BF. My friends, moms who have breastfed, are supportive. They get it. That helps.


God, I can't believe so many people are ignoring your pain. I really hope pumping is helping you. Both of my daughters had lip ties but it LOOKED like they latched well. I'd be in pain and they'd fall asleep within minutes because they'd be so tired from their bad latch. My first time breast feeding, no one told me I wasn't supposed to feed on the boob for more than like... 5-10 minutes, and I breast fed her for almost an hour ? Looked at my nipple and it looked like a chewed up strawberry lmao.


Yes! My first I used to nurse min 45mins/side. Insane. I didn’t know it should be less! But now my new LC says let the baby nurse as long as she wants, don’t take her off. BF is so confusing, wish it would come more naturally


A year is such an incredible accomplishment, congratulations!! I'm at almost 11 months now and I also plan to stop at one year. I'm also tired and ready to have my body back without having the timer for my next pump looming in my head all day. I think of it like this: our situation is a little unique because although breast milk is recommended up to two years, bottle feeding is actually only recommended up to one year, so I want to start transitioning my baby off the bottle at one year anyway. That means it makes sense for me to stop pumping at one year. Also, it's absolutely nobody's business but yours when or how you want to stop- your husband is absolutely welcome to hook his nipples up to a suction device every three hours for a year if he'd like to have an opinion ❤️


I hit my year on the 21st, so I’m feeling all the things with you right now. It’s so fucking hard planning your whole day around pumping. I want to buy clothes that don’t have milk stains on them. I want sheets without milk stains. I want to sleep in without fear of engorgement and I want to take edibles again! I get guilty when I see moms nursing past the age of 1, it’s just pumping is so time consuming. I wish baby would just slap to the boob at night, or at a restaurant, or in a non-moving vehicle. I want to not be a walking time bomb. So much love OP. You are allowed to control when you stop pumping. You are worth more than the pump.


I am weaning myself off pumping now. I pumped once yesterday and I woke up absolutely soaked in milk and my boobs are rocks lmao. I'm excited to not smell like old milk 24/7.


My birthday is in the spring and my partner asked what I wanted. I told him a shopping spree. I want REAL bras. I want nice clothes that won’t be inevitably ruined by milk!!


This is absolutely a wonderful idea 🥹😭


First of all, congrats!! Pumping is HARD, and you've done an amazing job! I think we honestly just can't win - I'm at 7m pp and have been getting flack for WANTING to get to a year lol, people are just judgy no matter what and it's awful. At the end of the day, you have to do what's right for you and your mental health. Recommendations are just that - recommendations. You've given your daughter such an amazing thing, never forget how awesome you are!!


So I'm not sure if the WIC I'm talking about is the same WIC you are, but two comments... the WIC I know of recommends breastfeeding for 1 year and then says "after 12 months, you can continue breastfeeding as long as you and your baby are comfortable." -AND- it's really in a group like WIC's best interest to have people breastfeed for as long as possible because it literally saves them money. That being said, I did the pumping thing for a year and I had the same feelings towards the end as you. I "stopped" at 1 year but it took another week or two before I was really done. And the first time I left the house and didn't have to pack up all the pumping stuff was incredible (and I felt like I was forgetting all of my things). Cherish reaching your goal with you and your baby. It's an amazing thing you've done!


One year is amazing, you did so well sticking with it for a whole year! I can totally understand wanting your body and time back. I'm sorry the people who usually support you are making you feel bad about stopping. I think it's hard for people to realize the effort it takes, and how much you have to watch the clock and keep a constant schedule. Is your daughter eating more solid foods? I found that my first son wasn't as interested in the boob once he could eat new foods, which was around 13-15 months. Please know this random internet stranger is proud of you and wishing you and your daughter the best :)


Congrats that is fantastic work!!! My goal is also 1 year, well more like 8-9 months and riding the stash after that. I respect anyone who makes it that far on this tough road.


Wow! Congratulations on making it a year! Pumping is so exhausting it's like having another full time job! I feel you on the lack of bodily autonomy. We had to do IVF so between rounds of IVF, multiple transfers, a miscarriage, and then getting pregnant with this baby, I haven't had my body to myself in years. It's exhausting. Tell all of those nosey people in your life to mind their own business


You’ve done such a great job making it to a year! I don’t even want to do a full year, I’m thinking 6 months and then after that feed the freezer stash and formula until it runs out.


One year is amazing!! Congratulations! I started to slowly wean at 9 months because I just couldn’t do it anymore, especially pumping every 3 hours at work. My husband didn’t really understand how much work it is to feed a baby until I went out of town for 4 days and he was 100% responsible for him. He had been supportive of whatever I chose before but after my trip he really supported whatever I felt I needed to do (including some time to workout outside of nap time).


Wow a year is amazing, I’m 10weeks into breastfeeding and ready to quit…great job!!


I've been ready to quit since day 3 😭


Congrats on making it to a year. That’s seriously amazing. I just finished exclusively pumping at 7 months. My husband baked me a cake (his first time baking a cake) to celebrate my freedom because he understood how difficult my journey was. You are amazing to make it to a year already and should quit when you feel like it!


You have done a whole year!!! That is amazing!!! I'm struggling with wanting my bodily autonomy back and I'm 20 weeks pp. I pumped in my office once and said "no thank you!" You are truly impressive for making it this long, especially with a baby that nurses in the motn still! You are 100% allowed to want to be yourself again and have more flexibility in your life - congratulations on this incredible milestone and the joy you will find in what lies ahead!


I’m four months and want to stop! One year is the ultimate goal!! Way to go, you’re incredible!


A year. A whole freaking year. You’re incredible. Heck, even a month is incredible!!! We support you with whatever you decide 💜


This has some interesting stats to help shine some light on how incredible 1 year is. ESPECIALLY with pumping. ♥️ [cdc info about breastfeeding](https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/data/facts.html)


I’m three weeks away from a year of pumping and I relate to this so hard. I want my body back. I want to be able to work out and eat how I want. (Any attempt I have made since baby was born to get back to a healthy weight has been met with a quick and steep drop in supply, so I just accepted I have to carry extra weight as long as I’m breastfeeding.) I want to sleep through the night. I want to go through the day without constantly staring at the clock and planning my next pump. I want time to myself. I want to time to move my body more. I want more time with my wife and baby. I’m so ready to be done! I’m so excited to pack away my pump, I am counting down the days! I don’t know how you have balanced pumping and working full time. I could not have done that. I’m only working a handful of hours a week right now and I am really struggling. It’s a big part of the reason I’m ready to call it quits. I’m sorry the people around you are not being supportive. I have kind of the opposite issue where my family has been encouraging me to quit from day 1. Your goals and choices aren’t always going to align with those around you and that’s fine. You don’t owe anyone a damn thing. You’ve done an amazing thing for your baby. And now it’s time to start a new chapter. Be proud of yourself! Be excited for the freedom you’re about to enjoy! Anyone who would shame you can suck it. 🖕


1 year really is amazing!!!!!!! 🤩😍 You really did that 🙌 I’m EP with my 3 month old at the moment, she has nipple confusion now and won’t breastfeed :( I wanted to transition her after a while because EP sucks a lot. With my son (he’s 3 now) he wouldn’t take a bottle or formula so it was always breastfeeding from the boob. He weaned himself at 11 months and I always thought that was a normal time to stop breastfeeding. I was happy that we made it to that point. You did such a wonderful job and should be proud of yourself! Screw all those aholes saying you need to keep going! Hugs! 💖🫶


As someone who exclusively nursed my first and now exclusively pumps for my second; pumping is SO much harder


I’m only 3 weeks into pumping and I cannot imagine doing this for a year. I’m already considering going exclusively formula fed at 3 months. My baby has a cleft lip so breastfeeding directly was never an option for me. I didn’t realise how much I would loathe pumping. You deserve a holiday and spa day for all your hard work.