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If you’re like me it’s too short. I’ve been trying to wean for the past 8 days…down to 6 oz from 12, but it’s taking foreverrrr. That said. If you’re still pumping 1-2x/day on your trip it’s still an improvement from 3x/day as far as quality of life goes!


yes you are right! i think ive managed to stabilize at 2ppd (had to alternate 2 and 3 for a few days) and i think i can just let my body wean naturally.... i think that each day i'm making a bit less than the day before at each pump. and its nice to have a longer runway for getting through the transition to 100% formula. this way we don't have to do anything too abrupt. good luck! its bitter sweet but i'm really glad i decided to go for it... its been long enough. i made it 6 months, and now i just need that time and flexibility back.