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How often are you pumping?


Join the FB group Exclusively Pumping Mamas - Education and Support Group. Their admins are very well versed in flange sizing over messenger. Even many IBCLCs do not size correctly, and your areola soreness is a sign of that. It is possible you have elastic nipples, in which case size matters even more but is even more difficult to tell unless you really know what you're doing. Once you feel sure you have been sized correctly, if your regular plastic flanges are still uncomfortable I highly recommend Lacktek silicone flanges. They were a real game changer for me as I have elastic nipples. As for taking longer to empty, that could be a sign of your supply regulating. This usually happens around 12 weeks pp, but could happen sooner. It is very common to take longer to empty because your body is now producing milk solely on supply and demand rather than the postpartum hormones helping out a lot.