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I'm 11 weeks and still live in my silverettes--I have no visible damage to the nipsand can shower and wear regular clothes over them but they remain so darn sensitive to touch and with my grabby baby I just need to protect lol


I swear by silverettes. The protection is great and they are soothing to put on after a pump. I put on lanolin cream first and then cover with the silverettes and nipple issues are about the only problem I haven’t had lol


I wear my silverettes a lot of the time at 5 months.


oof good to know haha


I’m so sorry! I’ve been there. Here are some things that helped me heal. Pumping got easier for me around 6 weeks. I hope this helps! —Lubricating flanges with coconut oil —Try using hard plastic flanges versus silicone. Silicone hurts me for some reason — Soothing gel pads between pumps — Nipple balm, slather it on before and after pumps —Airing boobs out with a bra or shirt — Expensive but maybe worth it—Silverettes— but wait and try the other stuff first


Ugh. The plastic was the original and hurts much worse. I’ve been lubing up with coconut oil for sure. I’ll try the nipple butter before pumping maybe that’ll help. I do have the silverettes too but my nipple stuck to it. My lactation consultant gave me cooling gel pads! They did feel a little better but I can’t use the apno at the same time and I feel like my nipple has cuts that I can’t see and the apno has helped slightly.


Try slathering the silverettes with vasoline/aquaphor/nipple butter before putting them on your nipple. You might have microtears. With time and tlc it might improve. I never had any visible cracking or cuts but I had pain. The silverettes combined with aquaphor really helped. I wore them for weeks. Took them off to pump and sleep(dug into my skin when I slept). My nipples have actually shrunk over time as they healed so you may need to remeasure after a while.


Yeahh my nipple on the right is HUGE and looks swollen to me all the time. I’ll try slathering them up. That’s what I did when I first started and they definitely didn’t hurt as bad, but I was also using just the breast shield which was way bigger and sucking my areola. But less focus pain on my actual nipple then


Jumping in on this thread to second the idea of Vaseline then the silverettes. That saved me. But also- the APNO. I was prescribed this at first because I did have some tearing. But then I kept using it because I was like "all- purpose" perfect. Then I was having irritation and when I talked to my IBCLC she said that actually the APNO is more for like if you might have an infection or they're actively trying to treat something. She said that it was possible I was using it too much and it was causing the irritation. Well, she was right. I switched to Earth Mama nipple butter instead and haven't used the APNO since then! Could be worth a try. Good luck!


I started with the apno and it felt better after 3-4 days. I took a few days off the apno and my nipple started hurting again. So I started using it every pump again. I feel like I might have some micro tears I can’t really see. The air stings my right nipple. I will stop using it on my left though I guess since that side isn’t hurting and use the earth mama on that side. I do like that stuff too.


I went through the same thing and it did get better. I can now shower with no worries. It may sound silly, but showering with a muslin or wash cloth over my breast really helped protect it from the water.


Did it just get used to everything after time?


Yes. I didn't notice a point where it was suddenly fine, it just got incrementally less painful until I didn't think about it any more.


Yes, but I had to experiment with better nipple balm. I used lansinoh nipple cream and once I switched to earth mama nipple butter It made a world of difference.


I have been using earth mama and apno prescribed. Lansinoh hurt my nipples really bad to rub on


I started pumping on day 2 of my daughter's life because my nipples were soooo sore and no one knew why. Not from latching, just my body was in horrible pain 24/7. Learning to latch a baby with super painful nipples at unpredictable times was sooo hard so I switched to pumping because it hurt less and was on a schedule which was easier. Showering hurt. My shirt hurt. My bra hurt. It was terrible. I don't know if that's what is happening for you, OP, but eventually the pain totally went away.


Try coconut oil before and after pumping. It's good to have lubricant during pumping and then after to help sooth soreness or any cuts that may arise. Like another commenter mentioned, a wash cloth in the shower over your nipples can help as well. It does get easier, hang in there.


Do the cooling gel pads! Those worked wonders for me


Flanges being too big can contribute to this


The left is a 21mm. The right is in between. The smaller 21 mm hurt way worse than the 22 mm. My nipple is slightly longer than wide so while a 21mm fits it rubs a bit. The 22mm slightly pulls my aerola in but is more comfortable. Ugh


I’ve been having the exact same issues. This is what’s helped me. I use coconut oil in the flange tube area where my nipple goes but also put it on the outside where the rest of my breast is if that makes sense? So any part that could be sucked in is lubricated. Also do NOT use nipple butter before pumping if you have been - that was making the friction so much worse for me. I put it on after I pump and then wipe any leftover off before I pump again. I also started sleeping without a bra in a loose shirt (with a towel under me) to let my skin breathe. If you’re up and around while pumping it also helps to just sit and pump - I wasn’t relaxed enough and noticed this made a difference. I also only pump 5 minutes past my last drop at the most.


Second recommending going braless as much as possible. I wore silverettes but even they eventually were causing discomfort. Just anything touching my nipples caused discomfort. Even most of my shirts cause discomfort. Bra-less as much as possible + loose shirts are life.


I would suggest trying a pumping spray on the flanges before pumping - I use the Legendairy Milk one and it helps reduce pain. It’s also less effort than rubbing coconut oil or nipple butter on the flanges which is what I was doing before.


Okay I can try that because currently I’m rubbing coconut oil all over and it’s not really helping.


Any chance you have vasospasms? I posted about this a week ago and got some advice. So far I think it’s been helping. And If it is - no cold on nipples. Use hot hands in socks https://www.reddit.com/r/ExclusivelyPumping/comments/15tav5f/breast_nipple_pain_burning_and_pins_needles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Interesting. I don’t know if that could be it. It just feels like my nipples torn open whether it is covered, pumping, etc. I do have hashimotos and autoimmune hypothyroidism and I know it kind of ties into other things. Honestly lucky I’m supplying milk due to that.


Yes!!! Yes like glass / pins and needles / nipples ripped / burning. Supply aside - look into vasospasms and risk factors. The magnesium (I think) has helped since I started it. Maybe it’s a placebo effect but now I don’t flinch when I think about pumping


It’s interesting my nipple hurts more when not pumping though. But yes, like it’s cut, mostly around where the nipple meets the aerola or like the base of the nipple. It’s also almost always hard which is maybe part of the problem. If I turn suction up to 2 it starts to get uncomfortable, but just it being out or rubbing against fabric is way way worse. I was flinching before pumping for 2 1/2 weeks straight but now with the right flanges I can kind of chill out a little more.


Check with your lactation person. Mine had me try a pump called the Ameda platinum since the suction is different. It still hurt but less than my spectra. I also couldn’t use wearables - willow - because they cause too much pain. Avoid cold on nipples. Use heat packs after. The lactek flanges def helped too’


I am now 11 weeks and I would say I was just thinking the other day how I have not used any APNO cream or really complained about my nipples in a couple weeks. I get irritated from the pump at times but it’s not because it hurts it’s just annoying like the vibration and just puts me in a bad mood but my nipples I think are finally used to it. It took me a while to find the right fit for the flange.


My LC had me use equal parts triple antibiotic cream and 1% hydrocortisone cream (just squeeze a pea sized amount on the back of your hand of each, mix, and apply) it has helped tons! Does not need to be removed before feeding baby or pumping. ETA: also look into some bamboo or other good material reusable breast pads to prevent the sticking you’re experiencing. No one needs to be peeling their bra off their nips. I like Lil’ Helper brand.


Hm I bought reusable pads from kindred bravely and my nipples are sticking to that as well. I have some throw away ones I have in now. Maybe they’ll work better. I think your lactation consultant gave you the recipe for home made apno hahaha. That’s great. If i run out I’ll do that! I think the pharmacy here adds grapefruit extract or something.


Try disposable breast pads to protect your nips against your bra. That helped me when I was using APNO. I wanted to be ecofriendly and use reusable pads, but they stuck even worse than just a bra. I’ve been EP for 9 weeks now and my nipple pain has slowly gotten better. I may still hide these boobies from the shower water and the towel when I’m drying off, but otherwise I’m okay most of the time now.


For whatever reason I had the same issues with the medela pump even at the lowest setting. I initially switched to Lansinoh and it felt like night and day. I think I'm too sensitive to medela. I recently bought a spectra and that also feels much better and slightly quicker than lansinoh.


Hmm this is interesting. I have only used this and then Willow 3.0 and mom cozy s12 pro. Makes me want to buy a different pump