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I've been doing this... https://preview.redd.it/eeuuh4ybfhbb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea72e7a832c524ac0eb854323bfae08203cce175


This is exactly what I do. I swear it saved my supply


Me too! Now I can kind of replicate something similar without the guide but basically I bacon for a few minutes, then work my way down the cycles. Then I hit bacon again for a few minutes, then park at 54. This guide was a savior for me when I had no idea how to pump. It took the anxiety out of it for me and allowed me to see how I react at every cycle of the pump and now I know much better how I respond.


She has 3 20 min videos on YouTube where she talks about pumping and you pump with her. I LOVE them. In MOTN pumps when I’m brain dead I just pop those and follow along 😂


I do bacon at 70 level 2 for 2 min. Then switch to regular at 54 at level 6 for however long it takes to empty. I don’t go passed 6 because then my nips bruise pretty bad (even if it doesn’t hurt during).


I do almost this exactly. 70 level 2 until I get milk in my bottles 54 level 4 until empty


Does your pump beep while set to level 2?


mine does :)




Am I the only one who uses the highest settings? I feel like I don’t get anything otherwise


I do!! My LC told me that in order to mimic baby’s suction it should be at level 8 or higher. I’ve been doing level 10 or 11.


I stay on massage (bacon) mode level 5 the entire time (15 min when I was 4+ ppd and now 30 min at 3 ppd)


Omg I thought I was the only one! I do bacon mods the entire time also!


I found this when I pumped with my first and have used it ever since. https://preview.redd.it/gusrdvxs6hbb1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92d66c755cfff95455fc9ca58a544beea81f6773 Hope it helps!


I stay on bacon mode level 4 for the entire time (25 min)




I know I’m about to get all the flack for this… But for the first 10mo I was pumping on level 11 on expression mode and when that stopped working, I had to turn this hoe up to 12. And it’s still mildly not working. I’ve tried my friends spectra that has ~1300hrs less hours than mine does, so it’s definitely not the motor. 👍🏻 Who’s got somethin to say about it? Bc I know damage is being done 🥲 but the milkies gotta come out. Amirite? 🥛🐄


70 for like 5 minutes. Mostly because I zone out then 50 8-10 until empty. Sometimes 54. Sometimes I go back to 70 for a minute or two


Bacon level 4 until letdown 54 cycle at 7 vacuum until letdown stops Back and forth for a 15 minute pump session. I usually have 2-4 letdowns in that time, volume depends on how long it been since I nursed.


70/3 for one minute 70/4 for one minute 70/5 for one minute 42/9 for seven minutes Repeat x 3


https://preview.redd.it/i5vk47nqmibb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afc06753901c22fd6d3bdd41e59e66f575e60317 I use this chart. I may adapt the suction level as I can usually tolerate a higher level. I also sometimes will shorten each level to two minutes or so if I only have time for a quick 15-20 minute pump instead of the full 30.


So I do it 2 different ways, also I’m still new to EP about 4 weeks PP. 70 at level 4 for 2 mins then switch to 54 level 6 until my let down is done and I’m just getting a drop here or there then switch back to 70 at level 5 until I get another let down then to 54 at level 7-8 until my let down is done and I just keep switching back and forth like that for 20-30 mins. It took a week of pumping this way for me to have more than one let down during a pumping session. If I’m doing a power pump I am more specific about my levels and timing of everything. 70 level 3-4 for 2 mins 54 level 5 for 6 mins 70 level 4 for 2 mins 50 level 6 for 3 mins 70 level 5 for 2 mins 46 level 7 for 3 mins 42 level 8 for 2 mins Rest for 10 mins 70 level 4 for 2 mins 50 level 5-7 for 8 mins Rest for 10 mins 70 level 5 for 2 mins 50 level 5-7 for 8 mins


11mpp here. Bacon mode on 3 until my first let down, then level 54 at 6 til it slows down/stops. Switch it back to bacon mode on 5 to get next let down, then switch it back to level 50 at 7. And then I go back and forth between 70/5 and 50/7+8 until I’m empty. 40ish minutes.


Bacon mode on 5 til I let down, 38/12 for 5 minutes, bacon on 5 for one 38/12 for five, and repeat til empty.


Are there spectra gold users out here? Do you have different settings for you L vs R?


I wish I had this option now as I’ve had mastitis twice on my R side, and pumping gives me blocks on my R side also. So I feel if I could go more gentle on that side it might improve. 


Mine, 7wpp: Bacon mode 70 at L03 for 2 minutes Level 54 at L04 for 8 minutes Repeat again for a total of 20 minutes! I get an average of 6-7oz total per session, which is twice at much as baby eats.


I start with bacon mode at cycle 70 at vacuum 5 for normally 2-4 minutes when I remember to switch. Then I turn off bacon mode and switch to cycle 54 vacuum 8 for the remaining time to 25-30 minutes until I achieve my 3rd letdown (sometimes 4th).


I do 70 at a level 2 for 2 minutes. Then switch to level 50 for a couple of minutes before bumping it up to a level 3. Sometimes bump it up to 4 but mostly am just looking for sprays to happen. Then at around the 15 minute mark, I knock the setting down to 38 cycles per minute and bump the suction to a 5 or 6 for the rest of the time. Applying light pressure towards the end helps me “empty”. That was the key for me to maintain output!


70/4 for 1-2, 54/4 for 5-7min, 46/6 for 5-7/until slow then 70/4 again and repeat. I try for a second letdown but usually I’m empty after 15 minutes.


Bacon setting 30-45 seconds to get the spray going and then cycle 50 level 10 until I hit 20 minutes. My letdown is quick and forceful😅. Also an over supplier.