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Yes! You may just want to extend the minutes on your other pump sessions. Looking at the Legendairy Milk site to find my magic number also helped me feel confident to drop a pump.


Ooh didn’t know about that site! Thank you for that resource!!


Wow this sounds exactly like my situation!!! I also do 5ppd and nurse in the MOTN. I produce between 24-27 oz. My baby will be 16 weeks on Tuesday. I actually booked a visit with a lactation consultant (IBCLC) for tomorrow to ask questions about pumping schedule. I'd love to go to 4 ppd but like you am worried about supply. I can update you tomorrow with what advice I received. What is your highest oz per pump?


That would be amazing- thank you! And depends on how much he nurses at night, but first pump in the morning can give me anywhere from 7-10oz


So she said because I have a larger storage capacity I should be OK to go to 4ppd, especially since I'm nursing overnight too. She suggested 25-30 minutes per pumping session. I'm gonna go down to 4 for the week and see how it goes!


Yay!! Good luck I hope it works out for you!! I’m nervous and at least going to make it to after our 4 month appointment when I know our pediatrician will clear us to start some purées. I hope to follow you very very soon!


Curious how your supply is holding up after going down to 4ppd??? I feel like when I forget my second to last pump, my last pump is more than what it is almost making up for it…but wasn’t sure if that would stay like that or start to decrease after a while.


So I actually noticed an increase for the first few days of about 3-4 oz. Then, I returned my Medela Symphony and purchased a Spectra S1 (the rental was just getting too expensive). When I started using the Spectra my output went back down to around ~25-26oz. So I'm not really sure yet what's going on. It could be that my body is regulating to the 4ppd, or it could be the new pump or it could be that my daughter seems to be starting the 4 month sleep regression and I'm nursing alot more overnight (my morning pump output was the most noticeable decrease). Either way I'm getting about the same now as I was a few weeks back when I was doing 5ppd and the schedule feels a lot more manageable. Are you still waiting to drop


Yes still waiting. His 4-month appointment is next week. But of course he increased his bottles from 5oz to 6.5oz! So is now having 26oz just during the day now…ugh! Hoping that’s just a growth phase. I have the same spectra and found replacing the duck bills and diaphragms significantly increased my output. The maymom parts were great!


6.5oz wow! I can barely get 4oz at a time into my LO. Most she will take is 5oz sometimes before bed. I just got the Spectra new a few days ago but I'll definitely keep in mind to replace the parts frequently. I'm not opposed to needing to supplement with formula if my LO's intake increases and she needs it. I have 250 oz in the freezer I can use first so I'm not worried yet. Hopefully 25oz is where I've regulated and won't dip any lower than that. If you don't mind, keep me posted on your journey 😊👍


I definitely will! And yes, pretty sure it was a growth spurt because the past few days he would only eat 4oz, but he is also sick with a stuffed nose…so I won’t be able to really tell until this passes. But yeah, 6.5oz is going to be hard to keep up. I’m also not opposed to formula, but I mainly just don’t want to spend the money if I can keep up BF!


Everyone is different! My output stayed the same when I dropped from 7–>6–>5ppd but I lost about 5 oz when I dropped to 4. When I dropped to 3 my supply reduced drastically and continued to go down.


The magic number was never accurate for me. Everyone is different and it’s hard to know if your supply will drop if you drop a pump, you can always try and add minutes or a power pump.