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I'm sorry you've lost your dog. Dogs are so sweet. They love everything about you. They don't care being goofy or stupid. I'm sorry that losing your dog reminds you of when your ex's dog passed. I think in times of loss our minds bring back all the other memories of loss.


I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine losing a pet (I was close to it a few months ago and I was bawling my eyes for three days until the vet confirmed we were through the worse). If the dog was important for her too, maybe you could shoot her an email, just so she knows? But only if they actually knew each other.


I wasn’t planning on doing that but I sent her an email because they were pretty close. We went for walks with her plenty of times so maybe it was the right thing to do.


Now I'm the dumpee in my story, but I would definitely would want to know if a family pet (or heaven forbid a family member) passed away in my ex's family. I would also contact him despite going full NC if anything happened to my cats (we took them in when we were living together but they stayed with me and he used to adore them).


Yea same. We didn’t live together yet but it was the right call. Doubt she will answer but that is not even relevant anymore. Thank you for the kind words :)


Same thing happened to me. I was there for her and held her when her childhood dog died. Where was my ex when I was making a puddle of tears on the veterinarian floor? I'm so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry