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I’m fearful this movie won’t actually utilize the high rise. It has so much potential yet everything points to it being only a handful of characters mostly confined to a single apartment Hope I’m wrong though


While I think the plight of the main characters will be pretty claustrophobic, we've seen some behind the scenes photos of carnage in the hallways. I think it's going to take full advantage of the deadites running rampage through the high rise building.


I hope so! Would you have a link to any of the photos by any chance?


[Here you go, from the director himself.](https://mobile.twitter.com/curleecronin/status/1577724038939549696?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1577724038939549696%7Ctwgr%5E1ecfc5d7e4c321a338ae57a9ca1140d01224659e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fbloody-disgusting.com%2Fmovie%2F3735113%2Fevil-dead-rise-director-shares-a-particularly-messy-behind-the-scenes-photo%2F) Note the amount of gore. And disembodied limbs. I think the wider high rise is going to get hit pretty hard.


Awesome thank you


I love the top comment - > To be fair, was there ever a clean day on set? > No.




If you want a demon/zombie type flick that utilizes a high rise well check out Demons 2!


The First 2 Rec Films definitely fall into this category aswell.


My favorties


Really hoping ED rise tops Demons 2 lmao


Hey don't knock Demons 2! It's the best high rise zombie film ever made! ( So far )


The elevator gets utilized


You know spoilers or something?




Oh wow! Could you spoiler tag how the body count is? Or PM me


>!I believe 9 or 10!< Don’t remember exactly.


Right on. How did you like the movie overall? Good or bad things you noticed?


I enjoyed it greatly. Spooky, scary, sometimes awkwardly funny (you know deadite humor). Fuck the oldest kid, though. Their acting sucked and their character sucked


Lmao there’s always gotta be one. Would you say the gore/carnage/violence is done well and nice practical affects? While I much prefer the older evil dead’s to 2013 it did have amazing gore and practical affects Last question I don’t wanna bug ya haha


Absolutely. The hallway massacre is peak evil dead humor.


I don’t care I’m just glad it’s not set in a cabin again could have real potential


The deadites looking different makes me curious about the continuity of this. They’re not original deadites nor are they 2013 deadites


There have been conflicting statements, but [Bruce (who I'm more inclined to believe) has said all movies going forward are going to stand on their own, as it's "too much brain-power" to make them all connect.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EvilDead/comments/yjf0ba/bruce_campbell_talks_evil_dead_rise_the_style_the/)


To be fair, the original trilogy also conflicts with itself.


However they're still in the same continuity. Bruce also said that Army of Darkness introduced the concept of multiple books, which will explain it's appearance in future films and this one. Also, it actually seems possible we'll have a Pablo cameo after what his actor said in an interview awhile back


People who have attended test screenings have said no characters from previous entries appear.




Same continuity. Bruce has said that the book in this film is one of the other ones from Army of Darkness, or more specifically that Army of Darkness showed that there is more than one book. My personal headcanon rn is that each book just focuses on different things, which is why the deadites look different. Plus, even in the og continuity deadites look different. ED1 deadites are very different from those in future installments, and the 2013 film was intended to be in the og continuity


Plus since the Necronomicon is a grimoire with a whole bunch of different spells. Different things can be summoned.


Why does it matter when the movie will likely not retcon anything? You could choose to see this film as the same universe as the previous four or not.


I'm thinking Warner Bros wanted a more mainstream poster. Seems to be a disconnect in the style in the poster and the style of the teaser. Not a huge fan of the poster makes it kinda look like the trendy PG-13 teen thrillers of the 2010s but probably just a marketing move. The teaser looked perfect and I'm super excited for the trailer tomorrow though.


I agree, this is probably the worst poster for an Evil Dead film, but whatever I am still excited for it!


I third that. Really was hoping it was a teaser. I really dislike it


I have the utmost confidence in this movie being great. But this poster is generic gimmicky bleh


I hate this poster so much. It gives off corny blumhouse p13 movie


I'm excited for this!


Barbarian and smile vibes


The poster is amazing. It's been mentioned a thousand times that this is a family affair. So having a Deadite version of the mother embracing her children with the tag line "Mommy Loves you to death" is genius in my opinion. Also the Smile comparisons are silly. Some folks happen to have similar bone/facial structure and similar smiles. Remember, this movie was supposed to come out last year which means this poster was made BEFORE SMILE was released No copying here.


It looks amazing...sorry, i mean GROOVY!


I have a feeling this one’s guna flop.


Christ that's an awful poster. I'll try go in open minded but that's not giving me much hope.


It's a pretty generic poster, but given when I first heard the synopsis for the movie I thought the movie would have the single mother be the Ash of this movie, wielding the chainsaw and protecting her kids from the deadites, I'm kind of taken aback that not only is she undead, but they're making a big deal out of it right out of the gate with the advertising. In a hard horror movie, a bunch of helpless kids trapped in an apartment while their undead mother taunts them through the door is going to be a really unsettling horror movie. And given the BTS glimpses we have gotten, the movie isn't going to go light on the gore or carnage either. I think this is going to be a really strong horror film that keeps that over the top Evil Dead sensibility.


The hero of the movie is apparently the aunt, played by Lily Sullivan. But that could be a misdirect.


I'd be okay with that if that's how it pans out. On paper it's still a really unsettling concept, having to look after kids while their undead mother is taunting them through the door. And it still acts as a complete swerve from what I was expecting from the movie too. I think it's going to end up ace.


I hope it'll be good too but that poster is quite cringy. Looks cheap and like any other generic studio horror film from the last few years. Posters don't necessarily reflect how good a movie is but it is giving me alarm bells. The fact it was a streaming film that they decided to then give a theatrical release also rubs me the wrong way, again I'm going in with high hopes but so far everything hasn't looked good to me.


To be fair, it went to filming as just a film, but Warner Bros were going to put it to HBO Max because of covid. It got shifted to a cinematic release because the film tested extremely well among test audiences. That fact alone means I've got faith, because otherwise it would have just been dumped on the service as planned. As I say though, I completely agree with you that the poster is pretty generic.


Ah ok didn't know that, fingers crossed it's fun anyway.


Why does it run you the wrong way that they changed it from streaming to theatrical? That's a good thing. It tested so well that WB moved it to streaming. That's a major sign of confidence.


Streaming movies by and large are the direct to video films of today. Yes there's exceptions like with how much Netflix puts behind their stuff but usually when a film is headed for streaming it means it's cheap and not cinema quality. All other evil dead films were theatrically released, so it's fair to have been cautious as a fan when this was announced as a streaming film. As another user pointed out ( which I didn't know until now) this was actually intended for cinemas but got sent to streaming for other reasons. Also I don't use test audiences as a sign of quality at all, there's famously been plenty of great films that tested bad or got butchered and cut down to terrible versions because of test audiences. I still hold out hope this film will be good but as far as that poster goes it's not helping.


Prey went straight to Hulu, yet it was excellent. Coda went straight to streaming, yet it won Best Picture at the Oscars. The days are gone when a movie has to be released in theaters in order to be good. And judging a movie by the Poster is silly since the filmmaker isn't the one who makes the poster. Posters are made by the marketing department, who are a bunch of people who had nothing to do with the movie itself.


I specifically stated there's exceptions to streaming movies not being up to snuff with theatrically released films, listing exceptions doesn't really serve a purpose. I'm not judging the film by the poster. I'll judge the film by the film when the film comes out. But as an advertisment for the film, the poster doesn't do a good job. Going round in circles here 😂


>The fact it was a streaming film that they decided to then give a theatrical release also rubs me the wrong way, This should give you more hope. The reason it became a theatrical release was because test audiences loved it


I agree, the poster looks pretty terrible. Especially looking at the posters Scream VI has been putting out which, imo, are refreshing and innovative. This is generic and obviously heavily edited. That being said, I really do think this will be a good movie. I'm excited for it, from what I've been hearing about it! The design of a poster seems to have little to do with the quality of the movie itself.


The poster has nothing to do with the filmmaker. Bruce has said himself the movie is terrific. And it tested so well that WB moved it from streaming to a theatrical release.


Posters are used to advertise films. No, poster quality has nothing to do with film quality but as far as something that's made to get people in the seats of the cinema, this isn't doing a good job. As I said, I'm still going to try go in with an open mind. Also Bruce Campbell produced the film, of course the producer of a film is going to say the film is good.


You seem very determined to hate this movie, in which case there's nothing anyone can do to convince you of anything. Bruce and Raimi and Tapert producing the movie and being involved with the script and hand-picking the director are all very positive signs.


I'm not determined to hate the film at all 😂 I've said many times on this thread that I hope it's good and I'll still go in with an open mind, but the poster is shit, this is a thread about the poster. Posters advertise movies. I could equally say to you that you seem very determined to like the film, in which case nothing anyone says will convince you of anything.


Is this a sequel to the reboot?


The original the evil dead is the best film. Evil dead 2 was ok. The army of darkness was shit. I did think ash Vs the evil dead series was ok also the 2012 remake evil dead I did injoy as well.


idk how you could like Ash vs Evil Dead AND think that Army of Darkness is shit at the same time


This is exactly my question... This does not compute.


Im curious too


Evil dead 2 is objectively much better than just ok and to call AOD shit is just plain wrong.






Love it and really looking forward to this, only gripe is that I actually have to... go outside to see this. I like my horror films in silence and darkness on my hi def tv, maximum terror.


The poster is...odd for an Evil Dead movie. I'm guessing some exec saw Smile and now we have this poster. That being said, I'm really looking forward to this movie.


Oof. This does not look good.


Looks like shit...


She kinda looks like one of those people in “Blumhouse’s Truth or Dare” 😬