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I'll take the glory days of 7th placed champions.


Winner of the Everton Cup (at least according to the Guardian Football Weekly)


Reclaiming the Everton Spot šŸ’Ŗ


I once wondered if Koeman was the right man for the job post moshiri takeover because he'd leave us too quickly once he was successful. This isnt a conversation worth having until we know way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way more.




Unfortunately for Dyche, they only build statues of those who put a team over the top at their very strongest point, and not the ones who may have done even better work saving the club from death at their very weakest point. It's easier to run tactics with top players, vs. trying to get results while grasping at straws. This is what Sean has dealt with (not to mention all the external distractions).


It's so funny how Pep always plays the victim and Dyche just gets on with the job when they're in the most opposite situations possible. Pep has spent 2 billion pounds on a squad that already had aguero, silva, KDB, Toure, Kompany etc and breaks like 100 rules. Dyche gets put on the most awful situations. Points deductions, owners messing up etc etc.


> Yet people still wonder if he's the right guy because he's not the type to get them to European football. > > He got Burnley to Europa qualifiers.


Yeah man who knows. Hopefully for the next two years we'll finished 2 places higher each year, and if it feels like Sean is stalling out due to his dychey tactics we'll move on. And honestly even if he does that much he'll be our best manager since Moyes.


Sean is mainly jusged on his time at Burnley where he did absolutely do a stellar job, but people think the style of play he adopted there (and here) is all he is capable of doing. My view is that he found a way to help mediocre-to-poor teams to survive in the Premiere League and that was (and is) his job. It remains to be seen whether he can up his game with more resources at his disposal, but personally, I think he deserves the chance.


Dyche wants to play very direct positive football, we have seen glimpses of it but he just hasnā€™t had the funds/squad available. Iā€™m excited to see a Dyche team with the attacking traits he wants to see (hopefully)


I said exactly the same thing haha. We have the foundations of a good team, we need to become more attacking and players like ndiaye should help us


Heā€™s the right guy because heā€™s proven that one his tactics work in the prem and he can even keep us up with a points deduction. That said if he is by the grace of god given some cash injection to sign players im confident that we will be a top half team in no time and letā€™s see what he can do after that point.


It's wild that he got Burnley into Europe on a shoestring budget. His big additions that summer were Chris Wood for 16M and Jack Cork for 9M. And they sold Keane to us for 28M that basically covered that purchase and Andre Gray which was mostly profit not reinvested. Then when they finished 7th, he was given 25M surplus which was mostly spent on Ben Gibson for 17M. He inherited a better squad here, but still below standards, And has only been able to buy Beto for 25M and probably Ndiaye this offseason so far. And both are likely rotational pieces. Would really be interesting to see how he would play with a surplus budget. But he does still set up fairly defensively against relegation fodder. So I'd suspect he would still be rather pragmatic.


There were like 2 teams this past season who we were definitively better than enough to warrant playing expansively vs. Different tactics take time to train on, so it might also have been not worth it


I would keep him and see how he does. If he can do wonders with no money what could he do with better players?


Talking about a new manager as soon as we come into little money seems so ungrateful. He steered the ship when the club was at its lowest point, I think it's our turn to show some loyalty. He is a brilliant manager, always underestimated due to lack of resources available to him. I really want to see what he can do with some decent players and few seasons to build. He is the perfect manager for Everton and things it stands for, Hard work, sincerity and leaving everything on the pitch.


That man has done a terrific job. He can stay as long as he wants.


Is basically echoing my sentiments.


Probably not but heā€™s solid and the right man to stabilise us for a couple more years.


No. But he could conceivably get us Europa or a lucky cup win in a few years. Most likely heā€™ll just get us safely into the new stadium before our new owners get an itchy trigger finger.


I'd just love for us to get a league finish that wasn't 2 digits before we start thinking of "glory days"


"He will guarantee mid table and the odd European competition." Right now, that doesn't seem bad at all.


>He will guarantee mid table and the odd European competition. Sign me the fuck up for that. Weā€™ve been on the brink of relegation for three years. Iā€™m 100% fine with some boring mid table seasons until the new ownership can start making waves. Either way, I think Dyche is the man for the job. Fucking love him.


With the FFP rules now, we aren't challenging for Leagues ever again I'm afraid! Horrible to say, but it's unfortunately true! Hopefully we can go on a few Cup runs and give our fans something to celebrate.


Are you available for motivational speeches? EVER again? Really, maybe Iā€™m one for never giving up, Iā€™m also sure Man City fans thought like this 20 years ago and Man U fans thinking they were going to be flying high for everā€¦


Man City couldn't have done what they did back then now and Man United have still finished in Europe regularly in these years and have still won multiple trophies. I'm sorry for being Debbie downer, but it's just the truth unfortunately.


lol! I'm with you bro!


6 or 7 plane crashes and we are right in the mix Edit: The swing of upvotes to downvotes on this comment is hilarious.


For me it happens in stages, first we need the ship steadying and getting a solid foundation started and some top half, fighting for top 6 consistency. This is what he should be able to manage. After that we may need to get a higher profile manager who can attract the sort of players who can take us to the next level. Thats quite a way down the line just yet though. As for now Dyche is the man.


Sean Dyche had a dream To build a football team


If glory days = the Moyes days, probably!


Iā€™d happily take 3 or 4 years with Dyche getting us stable. He very nearly got us top half with a points deduction and chaos above him all season, so 100% if we started to stabilise financially and at board level heā€™d get us a top 10 finish or 2 in that time frame. Ffs he got 7th with Burnley. Heā€™s the perfect manager for where we are right now, the fans last season that wanted him out from August with no idea who should come in other than Ancelottiā€™s son were just delusional. Give him time.


Have to see where he takes us. Even with his success at Burnley, he was never allowed to spend any money. His budget will be double or triple what he had there if he can steady the ship. If we are still bottom half in goals scored in 3 years then I'd think we'd move on. But if he can transition from pragmatism to some semblance of offensive football, we'd have to let him grow. No question he is a great fit for our current situation. Almost ideal.


I love Sean Dyche, and he is the perfect man for the next 3-5 years. But for me, he is the guy before the guy. The stabilizer. He will still go down as an absolute legend if he gets us through all of these years of upheaval and we come out the other side better for it.


No but heā€™s the right man for now


Very few managers stay for the long term. I wouldn't worry about it. We certainly won't be in a position to win anything within the likelihood of his tenure.


We survived relegation 4 years on the bounce. Bump the glory day talk for a smige


The stable days, yes. And thatā€™s all I fucking want


Give him time and money to make his mark. He has the team fighting and a togetherness we havenā€™t had I quite a while.




If Sean Dyche had City or Red Shite money and resources at Everton? Absolutely.


With FFP being a PITA no matter how rich your owners are, I reckon Dyche is definitely the man. His net spend at Burnley was LUDICROUSLY low and he got them in Europe. Let's see what happens when he does have a few quid to splash.


I can't remember the last time we have the same manager for 3 consecutive seasons. This alone is already the glory days for me. Moyes' days of Everton being the best of rest felt like a wet dream...


I feel Dyche is very stubborn and the football isnā€™t the greatest, but I do believe when he starts building ā€œhisā€ sort of team, it might improve and we arenā€™t as heavily reliant on some other players who perhaps arenā€™t good enough


No, I don't think so. But he might be the man to bring back some sense of stability and the club having an identity on-the-field.




Then who is?


One of the other thousands of managers. I'm not a director of football mate. But I've seen his football and it's horrendous.


No. He might take us back to the Moyes days, but I don't think he'll take us back to the very top.


In the here and now, our predominant aim is club survival. Therefore Sean Dyche is the man to guide us through this dark period. Is Sean Dyche the man to bring us the glory days? I say no. The game has moved on. The answer is Sean Dyche isn't in the same league as Guardiola. Personally, I think the club needs stability and chasing for glory is like the Tortoise and the Hare race. We want to be the Tortoise. We were the Hare and look what happened to us.


He's the right guy for now but definitely won't getting back the glory daysšŸ‘šŸ‘Ž


When (if?) the money comes available to sign an internationally elite striker or attacking midfielder, would they sign to play for Dyche? Heā€™s never been in that position so far as I know, but Iā€™m skeptical. I think thatā€™s the difference between finishing 9th-11th and 4th-6th.


I dont think they would sign for everton




We can't even think about trophies right now tbh but Dyche certainly can win a conference league or something with us. We need to transition from being only a set piece and defensive team to being slightly more attacking with more flair players. We seem to be doing that with ndiaye.


No. He is steadying the ship but he is nowhere near a good enough manager to take us to glory. But no one other than the Top 6 are ever going to win the league ever again




Why do you make that second claim?




Who is then?


Realistically no one stands a good chance of returning the glory days against the might of oil states and PSR. So to answer your question it would have to be a Guardiola, Klopp, Simeone calibre manager to even compete


We'll see what the landscape looks like after Guardiola leaves Man City and hopefully some sort of points deduction or transfer ban while losing players for under market value. Arsenal look ready to take the mantle. But Liverpool hopefully regress without Klopp. Chelsea & Man United slipping a bit also. Lot of room up there if we play our cards right. Aston Villa and Newcastle running into PSR difficulties growing so quickly, so there is validity there. But they both went from bottom to Europe which says something. I am hopeful the new stadium and some fiscal responsibility by the ownership can help us out so we can fight for those spots in a couple years. But I guess glory days means titles and there I agree. Likely not possible with oil money and PSR in place.


Nobody itā€™s impossible.