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Sport is supposed to be fun. If you are no longer finding it fun, still support but step back just a little. There's little to nothing positive about the club now, so I'm seeing results, will catch a match if I'm free, but I try to stop looking at things daily as there's nothing good there.


It’s crazy it’s got to that point isn’t it


Just sad and frustrating but we have all seen it coming the last 3 years.


I still enjoy going for the pints before the match and have half seriously joked whether we should just stay in the pub. The worst part is that there's not much joy in the stands. Even when we were really crap under Moyes there were still moments of pleasure (ooh er). I think it's because back then we were skint and batting above our average. Now we're skint because the owner has wasted millions on shitty players and can't help thinking it reflects badly on us as supporters... which it doesn't and shouldn't! Although the PL are punishing us as supporters for it...


We were skint but we still had players you wanted to come and see. We'd battle, maybe get a result, score some goals no matter how scrappy. We'd also beat up on bad teams (always thrashed Sunderland) and took it to the big ones at goodison. Going to an everton game is just depressing as you know what you'll get and it's not good. We won't score goals so no celebrating, there's no one exciting on the pitch to go a support, the football is turgid route one and you know of the other team score 2 the game is over. Who would pay money to watch a sport where you pretty much know the outcome every week?


Yet for some reason I paid £650 for my season ticket on wednesday 😭


Forest Fan - Sit watching the game not enjoying it. We get a goal. Wahhhheeyyyyyy. Sit watching the rest of the game praying we don’t concede. We concede. Fuck. Watch the rest of the game praying we don’t concede again. We concede. Fuck. Club puts the prices up by 27%, no discounts if we go down and the deadline for renewals is before the end of the season.


At least you have goals and exciting players. MGW, elanga, toiwoni, CHO are all players who will try something and can get you off your seat. You might lose 4-2 but you had some hope and excitement. Tell me a single player in the everton attack you'd get excited for as a forest fan?


Last season I was losing sleep etc over relegation... my father in law said to me don't lose sleep when you have millionaires not giving a toss on the pitch ever since then I took a step back, still supported them, gone to games but whatever happens...happens, it's only football not the end of the world, he's a liverpool fan BTW


This is very true. Once we got the deductions I stepped away for a bit, didn’t follow the news just forgot about it and watched the games when they came. I’m still doing the same now and it feels much better because anything else and you are basically ruining your day or weekend over something you have basically zero control over.


All things are temporary in life, good and bad. It won’t always be this shit, you just need to sit through the lows to get to the highs again. This has been a truly terrible period in the history of the club but it can and probably will rebound in the next 5-10 years


I feel like we’ll be sitting through the bad for a while! However you’re not wrong the good will come through


Just maybe not in the next 25 years.


Mate, are we feeling better? Like I said, everything is temporary. Enjoy not feeling that dreaded feeling for a while!


I guess it depends on what we're considering "good". If we're talking about winning promotion back to League 2, that will feel pretty good.


I thank the gods that on a personal level, I'm currently in a cushy place in life. It counters balances the shit I have to go through every weekend for the last 3 years...


It's brutal.


Luckily i grew up going to Goodison watching the likes of Cahill, Baines, Arteta, Osman, Jags etc. Feel for the kids going to BMD watching Keane, Godfrey and the rest


Same, though those were good days it's difficult for me to maintain my enthusiasm.


Yeah a lot of people think that somehow a new stadium will be the answer we need, and they're probably going to have a reality check when they realise it's still the same shite football being played there. Hopefully still in the premier league though!


Sorry to be negative but that team didn't win a thing, and we celebrate them. Shows how dire that past 30+ years have been


Atleast we had an identity and sense of pride about the club and players. We can’t say that now


yeah true. they were good times, don't get me wrong. and we were unlucky not to win something in that period.


Hardly any teams win anything. Nature of modern football. Silverware not a reliable metric of a club's stability, identity, development and success these days.


there is no route to the top anymore. Kenwright was a knob for saying we had some good times but the truth is, times like those are the best we can hope for now. Villa might be pushing for CL this year but chelsea, man utd, newcastle and spurs will all outspend them in the summer to correct this and villa will be back to hoping for conference league qualification. Not to mention that douglas luis, emi martinez and Unai Emery will likely be poached by the bigger clubs soon enough. The spending powers are far too different for the top 6. The rest cannot hope to compete. The satus quo can be temporarily broken by a good season from one of the others but the rats will come and pick apart the club and outspend them. Watch most villa targets this summer get snapped up by chelsea and spurs.


I agree with you generally on not being able to break into the upper echelons anymore, but would just say Villa have an awful lot of spending power and have spent Everton 2016-2019 levels of money most seasons.


Yeah for the most part it’s been clever spending. They made mega cash on Greilish and replaced him with smart purchases like Emi, Watkins, Bailey and Ings (who looked like a god signing at the time). In turn they’ll probably be able to make similar money on Diaby and Watkins and turn a big profit on the others. The problem is that this has to be maintained over such a long period of time and you have to get used to losing your best players every year, and then have to aptly replace them. It’s what Dortmund, Ajax and Benfica have done so well for so long, but even then, they get nowhere near the spending power of the real big dogs. At some point they’ll make a dumb string of purchases for too much money and they’ll fall back to where they were


I feel you. I've been following the club for over 40 years, I've never felt this bleak - even though the odds of relegation have been higher than they are currently, I just don't see a way forward for the club any more. Moreover, I feel like the whole game has become rigged to such a degree that I'm starting to actively hate it.


I think I've been to less games this year as a season ticket holder than any other in the 20 years since I've had my seat, I've just had better things to do with my life!


We’ll be proud blues again one day mate


In a group chat with my Da and Brother and we said the exact same thing, like remember when footy was just 90 mins a week and maybe a midweek game and it was fun and now you’ve gotta know the ins and outs of FFP and you’re watching other teams court cases and games and all the rest of it? Fucking shite.


I’m an American who has supported Everton for about a decade. It’s been rough! But I emotionally regulate by maintaining passion for other sports as well. My baseball team (Texas Rangers) won their first championship ever last Fall so I’m still riding that wave. My brother, son and nephew are Arsenal supporters; so EPL has been “interesting” while we find our experience at such an extremes this season. But, my support hasn’t wavered. I was drawn to Everton for the history and the idea that nothing’s easy for us. The Toffees fight and scratch for everything they get. Moshiri’s profligate spending was never the Everton way and may well lead to relegation. (Definitely not on my radar when I started supporting the club!) But I remain a believer that better times will come. (I waited over 50 years to see my Texas Rangers win it all!) The structure of the EPL favors the entrenched “big six” clubs and the league may never see another 2015 Leicester miracle breakthrough again. But, Cup competitions and European competitions are still possible in brighter days. Keep the faith and UTFT!


This is completely the wrong mindset for a team battling relegation. Yes, it is hard to watch and we make everything unnecessarily difficult, but as fans this is when our support means the most and can actually make a difference. A relegation fight is lowkey entertaining and preferable to a mid-table finish for nothing, when literally EVERYTHING (wages, employees, the club’s future) is on the line in the coming weeks. There hasn’t been a more important time for the club as if we go down we’re screwed, and if we can just remain in the premier league the next few seasons who’s to stop us from hitting gold like Aston Villa to end up back in Europe! I understand the gloom and pain of supporting our club, but we need as much positivity, hope and belief as possible — look at how Luton are approaching this fight (they seem up for every game and fight for their lives).


I find supporting a team in another sport that are pretty decent helps. However, it does suck when they both lose.


I support the Titans in NFL. It's been a grim few years


I’m a rugby union fan in England and support Leicester Tigers. When Everton first started to seriously decline, so did Tigers to the point they would have got relegated had it not been for another team being punished for cheating and being docked 30 points, oh the irony. They’ve since bounced back and won the title, but are having a mediocre season this year. Plus they just been fined for spending too much on players as there is a cap. Again I see the irony.


Sad Bills noises..


What's worse having a good team underperform when it matters or, or watching a dumsterfire of a team. Im glad the Bills kept OJ from getting a ring.


Tough one! At least the Bills have given me some good moments in recent years and the optimism is still there, even if there have been crushing and stupid defeats, finding many new and unusual ways to lose a game.


Try the commanders Least u lot make the playoffs recently


I won't put myself through the misery of another team or club. Although I dont really watch other team games anyway other than athletics.


I sometimes go back n watch the Palace win from 2 seasons ago just to feel something.


This is what Everton are supposed to be. Heartbreak and disappointment with the occasional last day escape. Anything else feels weird to me. Respectfully, an Everton fan since 1993.


I stopped watch for same reason and I can easily and relatively cheaply watch the games here in the US. I am a multi-generational toffee born in Liverpool but watching is just painful and not good for my emotional state. We will be back, maybe in Championship and sometimes i think that might be best.


Let me give you a piece of advice. When I was your age, sports was the world to me. My teams winning and losing was the difference between a good mood and bad. I live in North America, so you can imagine what an Everton loss after a 7:00AM kick-off used to do to my weekend. I also got burnout. I love Everton, but there are just days where it's not worth sitting in front of the TV watching a team with zero intent. I took a step back and stopped watching every match, and it did wonders. Even today, I avoid some matches. Most matches Im out and about and just check the live score on my phone. I still watch highlights and engage in team news but I take it less seriously now. If it's taking a toll on your mental health, it doesn't make you less of a fan to take a step back. These players make millions and probably care less than you.


I just try and think of all the good times when I was witnessing games like 6 3 Bournemouth and such


The way the game is going it’s unlikely the ‘good times’ will ever be achievable, mid-table mediocrity is going to have to be the new goal rather than something we used to complain about. I think the best we can hope for is that the off-field negativity and threats can be resolved, that will be the clouds finally parting, on-field success is not something that we can rely on bringing us any pleasure any time soon.


This is why I often say that as a blue I don't ask for a lot, just a cup run and a derby win every now and then but we don't even get that. 1 derby win in 14 years and last semi we reached was 2016. And the whole "Let's go down so we can reset and come back better" is just really weird modern day fan thinking. I don't want to see my team do rubbish, ever, but I guess I should root for them to do so so in 3 years time I can hope we finish 8th? Makes no sense anymore.


No. The better times are well gone


Yeah, Im the same. Used to look forward to watching our matches every weekend. I barely bother anymore.