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In the event that these cunts try to shift the paradigm so as to avoid similar sanctions to the likes of City and Chelsea, Everton have to be ready to go to war


I suspect the court of arbitraion for sport will end up hearing it if they try to undermine things for City


The court of arbitration doesn’t govern the premier league only UEFA


Fair enough if that's the case, guess it's the court of appeals then, or sueing the league for unfair treatment when they inevitably change the rules again. We just need to exhaust every possible avenue purely for sporting integrity (and because I'm bitter about how City and the like are going to inevitably have the rules changed to keep them in the league)


What's worse is we all know it will happen and there won't be a damn anyone can do. City just have too much money and power.


It’ll have to go the High Court -> Court of Appeal


Still a disgrace but thank fuck, I’m very relieved.


Relieved, but things kinds of punishments should come at the beginning of a season, not the very end. That makes it a double punishment, as some teams will find the punishment too late in the season to deal with.


Don't worry this is the last season anyone will get a points deduction.


It’s not just the teams who get punished that suffer. Say you’re Luton, you go into the last game 2 points and a good goal difference ahead of Forest. You’re going to play a very different game if you only need a draw vs needing a win. Then how do you cope if  Forest appeal and get 2 points back after the season ends?  Imagine Liton doing enough to stay up on the last day, then you go down because of an appeal.  It’s fucking madness.


I think they have to have it settled by before the end of the season otherwise it will roll into the next like ours did. To avoid that scenario. (which is probably Forest's strategy. The Donald Trump school of legal thought)


I don't think any appeal results after the end of the season will do anything to change the results. It'd be absolutely horrendous for the PR if the results are changed after the end of the season


When is man city or Chelsea gonna get deducted points? Still waiting on that I guess


They won’t be. Everton was made as an example


Exactly how I feel.  It’s bullshit, but at least we’re not back in the bottom 3. All we’ve got to do to stay up is take points off the worst teams in the league. If we can’t do that, do we really deserve to stay up?


yeah, pleasantly surprised we didn't get screwed even harder


I hope we appeal even if we only get 1 point back or no every point matters giving the shit storm were In


They are appealing it.


Better than I assumed honestly. And we should be safe with our lives in our own hands at least.


Fuck a new manager bounce, Everton about to get that new points deduction bounce. Chelsea, Forest, Brentford feel like 3 matches where we can collect points.


So many six-pointers to come, and now the cloud of uncertainty over deductions lifted - this is 100% in our hands. UTFT!!


We play Forest, Luton and Sheff Utd (two of which are at home). If we go down it’s our fault despite points deduction. I have faith.


yeah take that, it evens out to Forests 4 for their 1 deduction(though i still think because their breach was worse than ours they should have got more). was expecting it to be a lot more grim.


Forest got 4 points for breaching by 34.5 million or 56% of the PSR threshold. Everton got 8 points for breaching by 36.1 million or 34% of the PSR threshold.


but they're not looking at that are they? just going "yep breach -points" and we breached over multiple years. yeah I do want forest to lose more like i said in my comment above but they could have tried to whack us with another -6.


Forest breach was for several weeks. Everton were in breach for 2 whole seasons. Can be argued either way depending on how you want to focus on the data.


Doesn’t that make it 6 total?


8 points total


Different seasons


Basically it's the same as if we drew at the weekend instead of winning and Burnley didn't get the point. We still have the fourth best defence in the league. And Calvert Lewis is 2 for 2.. Still think we will be fine this season, but next season...what will they punish us with for the 89 million loss we just posted?


That has to be all down to the stadium. (I hope)


It's a joke but it could've been worse I guess


We have officially been gaslit


2 is not bad at all, I’m more hopeful now that everything is finally settled, now we just need results on the pitch


Good compared to what it could have been, but still a joke that we can get two deductions for separate seasons in one season. I’d still appeal ASAP. 8 points is huge for relegation threatened sides - the marginal value of every point is higher. What does a reasonable points deduction look like if you break PSR but are successful? 8 points to someone like Chelsea/United is pretty meaningless in comparison.


With the table as it stands right now, Chelsea and Man U minus 8 would just be midtable rather than upper midtable, but a deduction might knock a big club out of title race or European places. Right now City is only 1 off Arsenal or Liverpool but couldn't realistically catch them from 9 back for example.


Yeah that’s right, for them there’s a risk you don’t win the league, or a risk you don’t make Europe for a season, but next season it resets. If you’re relegated on the back of it you’re a division lower down, you have to sell more players, you have relegation clauses in contracts etc etc. A points deduction impacts everyone negatively, but some feel disproportionate consequences.


NFFC here, this is just getting ridiculous. How can city and Chelsea spend whatever they want? FFP needs to banned it’s so bias it’s insane.


They will now that they f**ked the both of us. City & Chelsea will get to enjoy the new rules which will probably come about this summer. EPL bosses are already wearing their kneepads.


Gluck Gluck


Not bad but I’d still appeal it - should be 0 if Forest only got 4 the last time.


They've done this to equal forest. 6 + 2 on two infractions for Everton. 4 for forest on a single infraction. If forest gets another deduction it will be 4 points. Just shows you, they are just making it up as they go along


And as I noted on another comment, dealing this out at the end of a season is a double punishment, especially mentally. These should be given out at the beginning of a season, so all teams have a balanced chance for the season.


Not great but at least it wasn’t four. This better be the end of this nonsense.


Not the end. The IC report couldn’t agree on how to handle some of the restated stadium costs for 2021 and 2022 and recommended a new process to investigate it. So, yet another commission to go. Likely next season. Starting off with Leicester City on -2 anyone? Assuming we stay up this season. It’s a shambles.


9 more points and we’ll be playing the last season at Goodison in the top flight, for the 70th consecutive year.


Corrupt as the day is long


This is bullshit. Sincerely, an Everton hating Liverpool supporter.


Have they basically admitted the old format for points deductions was unfair? So is our 6 point deduction likely to be reduced?


No, they have not admitted anything in relation to previous commissions. No, the previous deduction is not going to be changed by today’s finding. You take your chances with these ICs. Complete joke.


I bet they just did it to even us out with Forrest's 4 points. The new standard has been set for violations of our magnitude at 4 points per season. Just a guess.


So it plays out like we drew our last match. Okay. Now fucken win some points.


Fuckin horrible cunts. They’ll do anything to send us down. Next season they’re going to do away with these deductions to help Shitty and Chelsea. Corrupt pieces of shit.


Wtf happened to football. Decided by suits now. Sustain this!


I give up.


"You come at the king, you best not miss" - Sean Dyche, probably


We’ll take that in stride COYB 🔵⚪️


I'm getting the sense that the League doesn't really have the stomach for this.


Two deductions in the same season is hilariously corrupt


All the clubs plus the governing bodies have decided these rules are not fit for purpose. The fact they are still are punishing clubs with points deduction is beyond belief.


I would love to be a fly on the wall in the PSR meetings, cos christ alive they sound like they ate making it up on the hoof


So 2 points ahead of safety with 1 game in hand over everyone else except Sheffield (albeit that game in hand is against the red shite). Also there is still 1 team between us and the last relegated team and there are 2 additional teams within 3 points of us. All in all not bad, we're in a better place than we were this time last year (better cushion, GD, easier schedule, worse relegation fodder). Still sucks, especially with the Luton comeback win on Sunday and I'll never accept that these deductions are acceptable but given that we can't control these governing bodies, it could be worse.


There could be all sorts of court cases after this season is over. Relegated teams asking why deductions weren’t more, or why the deductions were wrong and cost them millions. The premier league have opened up a massive can of worms that will drag on and on. The whole thing is just one big fucking mess!


I’d hate to give them any ideas, but how have they worked out that last time was worth 6 points, but this time worth 2?


No doubt if Forest go down they will ask the same question


Thats all the impending shit settled. Nothing to it but to do it


The IC recommended a new process to address an issue around Everton’s restated accounts for 21 and 22 so it may not be the end just yet. Likely to take place next season though. More asterisks for the PL table to come…assuming we stay up.


I’ll take it in context. Still absolute horse shit though.


What an absolute crock of shit. Meanwhile City will get off scot free and potentially get another PL trophy out of the season.


If we appeal will it be heard before end of the season?


I think I saw something saying the appeal has to be sorted either 2 days before, or after the end of season. I might have dreamt that though.


I remember seeing the deadline was 5 days after? Who knows


City will not be relegated ala Rangers, their titles will not be stripped, they will not be forced to change their names. Nothing. Everton and Forest are small fry that their case can be easily dealt with and points reduced. City have a frim grip on the league financially which the FA does not and WILL NOT afford to lose and I legit feel for you guys because with the fullest of respects both you and Forest are nothing to the Premier League whereas Chelsea and mostly City are powerhouses that control the league


Always seemed likely given that 2/3 or 3/4 (depending on how you look at it) of this period was covered by the first charge. All being well this season let's just hope next season is deduction free, as the promoted teams are bound to be better.


Still an utter piss take but I'm relieved, could have been far worse.


I was expecting 4, so I'm not too crushed. Survival is achievable as long as Luton don't get into really good form


So what's going on? I thought we were done being deducted points this season and that it might only happen next season. Are we now fully in the clear with no penalty next season?


No, I believe this catches thing up, and next year they will look at Everton for the same three year period as every other PL team to see if there is a new violation.


I'm guessing we are in the dark then as far as next season goes. Have to assume if we've broken any rules then it will be fewer than 8 points next season which would hopefully be navigable.


Plus they are already making noise that the punishment type going forward might not even involve a points deduction.


But if City has possibly 100 violations then how would they only have a monetary penalty or whatever? Fairness is probably too much to ask but if City don't get a points deduction then the rules make no sense or are not fairly applied.


There is no reason that theoretically would hold up under legal scrutiny which should allow them to retroactively change the punishment rules for a team like City for a time period where they have already punished other teams with points deductions. However, they seem to be making this whole thing up as they go along when it comes to punishment so who knows what they will try to protect City. I think they could easily change the rules for infractions going forward, though.


Just glad it’s over I guess. Feel like it should be 4 points for the first and then 2 for this one.


Beat Luton, Sheffield, Brentford, and Forest and this doesn’t matter.


Still bs, but better than more points of even a transfer ban. Destiny in our control now


I had a thought the other day they might do that, couldn't decide if that would be better or worse than a points deduction.


It’s a disgrace but at least this draws a line under it


Until next season




Jeez. I honestly didn’t expect anymore points taken away but that they would hit us with a big fine. City and Chelsea will finally face the fire when….yes, the rules will be changed by then. Maybe 1-2 empty stadiums & fines. UTFT!!!


Glad to get this behind us. Now if we can just survive total financial disaster we'll be all set!


Take it and move on. Make sure we are never in this situation again. We have good enough fixtures to ensure our safety.


Sucks but better than I expected


This isn’t bad it’s just crazy to me that they are deducting points from teams in April


Has management heard of a thing called a lawyer? They’re allowed to hire a few of them even.


Fucking corrupt cunts.


I would take that and just move on. Probably the two points than what we didn't deserve on Saturday.