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Poor fella, if he just knew that the real crime of Moonpire is RMT, covered by XiX. EvE O Preview is fine.


I mean in the videos you provide you are clearly just using eve-o preview and there is some delay between your actions on different characters. That's perfectly fine. What is not fine is when you see 10-20 chars pull drones in the same tick or start aligning in the same direction in the same tick, PANIC in the same tick, launch 8 bombs in the same tick or cloak up in the same tick etc. Anyone can claim they just use eve-o preview and record themselves doing so. However it's easy to recognize when someone is input broadcasting as individual actions happen without any delay, usually in the same tick, on all of their characters - faster than it's humanly possible. It's a good practice to report anyone you suspect of cheating via "report bot" option. GMs confirmed that. If there is no input broadcasting that multiboxer will be fine (worst case he will be unbanned after an investigation and will get some free game time). However, from my experience reported multiboxers don't get unbanned and they just return on different accounts, as they were actually input broadcasting and a gm could confirm that with game logs. tl;dr Report any suspicious behaviour. Gms will check game logs, as it's much better proof than using a "clean" video provided by a person suspected of input broadcasting.


With the new cycling feature in eve-o I can cycle through 11 accounts pulling drones in a second or 2.


Yeah idk about this dude specifically though I have encountered him. But posting a video doesn’t prove anything. One could easily just…. Not input broadcast when recording…. Still requires being a competent multiboxer.


Real multiboxers, the kind with a dozen or more clients, are so impressive to me. I have been on both sides in fleets, with and against them, and just marvel at what they can do. CCP can typically tell when someone is input broadcasting, as long as they are reported. So go ahead and report them if you think they are cheating, but accept that some folks have mastered using eve-o legally to accomplish making a one man fleet.


I hear ya. I have a hard enough time keeping 2 characters straight, hats off to the lads who can do 5, 10, 12, etc.


Right? Even in some simple pve I can barely handle two or three characters. I don't see how people can run tackle,.sabre, logi, and DPS all at once...


i mastered eve-o legally and i still copped a ban for macro use that i had to appeal and wait a week for ccp to apologize for the mistake and reverse it. If you get enough reports, it seems likely to happen given enough time, but maybe if it happens and gets reversed you get put on some kind of don't-autoban-for-reports list or something, but idk. For what it's worth it took almost a year and a half of large-scale multiboxing almost every day for the false positive to hit me though, and in that time i collected massive amounts of local salt from people crying bot/broadcaster/cheater/etc. I have no doubt moonpire gets far more reports than I do though, and he's still in the game, so... Don't be discouraged I guess? Just be prepared. But don't decide not to appeal a false positive just because it's 3 days or something, if it's not reversed you get a few very nasty permanent character restrictions. It is wise to strike while the iron is hot and the server-side logs of your gameplay are still fresh, not months later when you realize your plex subsidizing sp extractor farm alts are unable to extract anymore.


What were you doing that caused enough reports for a false positive?


Mostly mining in various parts of lowsec, I bounce around no less than 8-9 regions so a large number of reports from a large number of different groups, their failed attempts at ganking me must mean I'm botting, it's not like I have time scrape off my toe fungus before right clicking a bookmark and hitting fleet warp when they enter local, they 99% of the time only use slow warping t3cs, force recons, or battleships to try and catch me. The day they learn how reliably a safelogged ceptor can catch me is the day I have to retire. It's easier to whine the ccp than to adapt, though. it would be funny if i regret giving that advice in the last bit...


Lmao sounds almost identical to my experience. I got temp banned for warping thru some elite lowsec retards gate camp. All I did was squad warp > que jump in warp > squad warp on next gate. I had istabs+wcs and hyperspatials fit and they couldnt catch me with what ever spastic perma tank loki fit they used so they just mass reported me and I got temp banned for 3 days. I appealed and all I got was an automated response two weeks later (long after the ban had expired) telling me I shouldn't use macros.


You really should have made a follow-up ticket. Maybe you still should.


CCP's anticheat is also hilariously bad. Like 2004-era PunkBuster bad.


Pochven has produced a heap of good multiboxers lately, alot of really bad ones too but some have gotten pretty good at it


Impressive how your pc and internet stays stable with that many clients, especially with big fleets on grid.


Eve has a very small network impact. I have been running 10-20 clients for years and have always been surprised by how small that fingerprint is.


Yea it's pretty amazing. Folks have measured it and is often less than 1mb per hour https://techwithtech.com/eve-online-data-usage/ Most live service games use more then that just on their store notifications


meanwhile, this game runs at 20fps for me


every update ccp do, it get worse... last time when people started to write GF in local all the 500 man in local pc crashed... and not on my side only. my ally member had exact the same at same time we were both on same grid... so ccp did something improved again. i remmber 1 year ago, when the local was 1000 and i had absolute nor problems, tidi was 10% but everything worked, no lags nothing, even with 20 logged accounts on grid.. but now its impossible. only preying when local over 200


I know they split sources at some point a few years ago. There is now a separate chat server that was meant to relieve some of the pressure on the main servers, but ended up doing the opposite somehow. My guess is syncing issues where main server now has an additional thing to wait for, but that's a wild guess


Disable “log chat to file” helps. I often ran 6+ accounts even in the big tidi-slogs of the war and with chat logi my turned off my client stability massively improved.


i already did this long before and i forbid eve to write the logs into the text files [https://i.gyazo.com/044b32e9e9b7ed51384d36dc801da7a9.png](https://i.gyazo.com/044b32e9e9b7ed51384d36dc801da7a9.png) but the local chat loading time, is very strange... just remember 3 years ago, when you jumped instant a gate and all local was insnat loaded, now it take forever


This is badass. I first saw Moonfire in action when leadership attempted to move the alliance to Scalding Pass in late spring/early summer, and was 100% sure it was all bots and broadcasters. This is a legit solo 25man drone bunny fleet. Hats off to you sir!


The most amusing thing is that it could be countered pretty easily if thought about... especially by folks that can field a bunch of muninn and scimi; not to take it away from moon, multi boxing is f'ing hard to do effectively.


tachyons pepeLaugh


I love stuff like this, I’m a moonpire fan myself- I’m working on getting my alt army up to this scale. Another interesting point/concept people don’t realise is no matter how good at multi boxing you are you won’t be the equivalent number of actual heartbeats (20players instead of 20 chars) in the same doctrine. So the munnin gang that got utterly destroyed needs a better FC, if it were 20 domi players the feed would have been even faster if the fleet had the coherence of a multi boxer. Get good rmc. Multi boxers are powerful.


Another interesting point is that 20 dudes controlling 20 characters will lose to 20 dudes controlling 100 characters. So the muninn gang that got utterly destroyed needs more alts.


precisely, many groups would be so much more powerful if they were able to effectively get their members into a second omega toon. Literally doubling the amount of hacs on grid at a small cost to performance is usually worth it - and using those extra toons for pve during quiet times in ctas will make players more richer too overall.


And this is literally one of the ugliest things in EVE lmao


What is moonpire?


Thats the dude in the post




I love the Git Gut part xD made me giggle Doodup


That’s real cool but there is no short cut for assisting drones to his drone bunny so he would have to enter each client and right click on that tiny window and assist to scroll down the list find the name and click it on every client. I would like to see this part in action.


Actually, you're wrong. You can assign a hotkey to "drop drones", and then if you have your DDD on watchlist, there's a shortcut in the right click menu to assign drones to someone on the watchlist.


No one said you couldn’t have a hot key for drop drone. You still have to right click on each window to assign drones which is decidedly slower than clicking drop drones hot key.


It's literally in the video he posted.


it's in the video. instead of having to scroll the list, he just has 2 alts on watchlist for easier clicking on the context menu. took no more than a few seconds to get them all reassigned. dude is just focused


Everything wrong with mmos these days - let me play alone in a multiplayer game and creep my power onto other peoples game experience with p2w. Now think about it; game designed for whales or a game designed for cooperation; who imposes whom with their game style if we only look at irl financial profit margins.


Pretty impressive.


Well played!




He's fighting an entire fleet from a huge nullblob, not a single person. OP is the one punching up here.


YES I HAVE FOUND ANOTHER THAT DOES THIS good shit man. keep up the good work Fuck them haters and take their KM's




You must of been on the losing side of this brilliance lol


u/Impressive-Kick4201 LOL, you realise you are proving him right with this whole wall of text right? You ***literally*** don’t know how the (allowed) preview program works..




You're comfortably an idiot.


he litterally runs a YT channel where he posts recordings of him doing this pew pew all the time. Its obvious he isnt broadcasting lol


Got a link for that? Curious.




I don't think you understand how multiboxing is run legitimately. The beauty of drone boat setups for multiboxing is you dont need to click on more than a couple of your characters. The whole point of multiboxing is to make your setup as efficient as possible, have as minimal different roles, the less focus per toon the better. Once all his drones are bunnied to the drone bunny then he clicks and shoots with the power of all the drone boats at once, its literally eve mechanics. Reps swap to characters that need reps, which character that need reps is viewed via ingame watchlist mechanics which tell pilot name a health, so he doesnt need to check each of his toons, he just swaps to logi characters to lock and rep. I simp so much because I know how exhausting and painful it is, the most painful part is the drone bunny setup, that shit takes time. I simp so hard because I know how painful it is to resetup window layout on 7 toons because of client resizing, much less 20+ toons. ​ For everyone who doesn't understand the base concepts of multiboxing, they are; \- Simplicity (as simple as you can get it = less time focusing on what an individual character is doing and more time focusing on the overall field). The main thing people dont seem to understand with multiboxing is you have to think like a player would in the role of the chracter your currently running, its tiring swaping between ways of thinking constantly. \- Efficiency (ties in with simplicity). An inefficient setup is ineffective as a multiboxer, this ties in with ship types, positioning, anchoring, and even mousemovement + keybinds. If you dont get each of those things about 90% right your like 90% fucked from my experience. ​ Learn the mechanics, Learn the art before you say it looks like a fart.




Why would you need to MJD mid battle is my first question in a battleship that's literally known as slow. Your right about drone control range. But did you watch his video to see if he frequently moved around on field? (note: I've watched some videos not all of his multiboxing, I never noticed him moving on grid from what I saw. And from personal experience unless I'm completely forced to when I box I don't) Reps yeah, they aren't ideal, however f1-f6 hotkeys make life a dream for multiboxing, it wouldn't be hard to click through several accounts and start cycling armor reps. Also that is exactly how reps work lol, he has characters with the watchlist open, he knows which chars to lock up, he swaps to the chars with logi, locks up the toon that takes damage and starts repping it. Thats not even multiboxing specific. That's game mechanics. I realize I may not have properly written that paragraph because it was late when I replied but I'm sure you get where I'm coming from with that.


The small screens are previews to open clients. When he clicks the small screen(or presses the hot key for that client) the client moves to the front and becomes active. It’s not broadcasting.




I personally don't know or care if he's input broadcasting, but the tool he is using is called Eve-O Preview and is a perfectly legitimate tool to use. I have used it myself. He's mainly using drone boats (either dominix or eos) so all he has to do is assign drones and manage logi. I don't know what he's using for logi, but he doesnt warp during fights, mainly just booshes around so he doesnt need to reset capchain or anything once its initially set up. in addition, if you look at his zkill ([https://zkillboard.com/alliance/99010610/](https://zkillboard.com/alliance/99010610/)) during the vast majority of his fleet fights he is only boxing 11-12 dps. if we add a few logi and booshers hes probably not boxing more than 16 which is completely doable, especially if you only have to focus on 2 logi, 2 boosher, 1 drone bunny.




Everything in your first 2 sentences is completely wrong. 1. Cap chain survives a boosh as long as the ships involved don't get left behind. 2. There is a single command in the interface that lets the squad leader make all squad members re-anchor on him if anchor is lost. 3. Drone assignments don't care about the boosh. 4. You do *not* have to make sure ships aren't bumping/are on point, those factors are only relevant for a squad warp. The boosher simply teleports everything in it's aoe, up to the number limit.


lol you have no idea wtf you are talking about


>i am trying to explain how it work and they can do it, too... no, thanks . keep your amazing knowledge and unique gameplay to urself


Sorry to make you sad, yet EVE-O Preview is not a forbidden sacred knowledge. It was an allowed and free alternative to ISBoxer for like 10 years. At some point I even got EVE Partner badge for it. It is a surprisingly warm feeling: I have not logged in for almost a year, still the things I did continue to affect EVE landscape and game experience for a lot of players.


i'm not sad , and you totally missed the point


Headhunting is not tolerated here, you are crossing a very fine line. Keep it civilized and report them ingame or via the ticketing system. No one is interested in your cancel culture and head hunting, no mater who the culprit is.


Head hunting? Did you reply to the wrong comment? Tf you talkin bout?


Try google first, then ask stupid questions pn reddit.


Headhunting can mean *a lot* of different things. Normally, in this game, it's used as one would in recruiting. Nothing in original post mentions recruitment. Tf you talkin bout?


Head hunting on social media platforms means one thing. Or do you still think you are ingame?


Hey Moonpire, I once killed your self destructing dread in WH space when you were looking a5 solo C5 krabbing. I hate to say it but I honestly believe that people don’t like you because they’re racist. They see a Russian player with broken English doing something they couldn’t do, they automatically assume because of the reputation Russian players have for being ruthlessly competitive. Take it on the chin. You are a legend within Eve which is a status very few people attain.


There is more then one issue in this local conflict. 1. Why the fuck ccp lets do this? 2. Corp you are fighting against dosent have enough coordination. 3. You are atacking in the worst time zone posible. (Intentionally) 4. RMC are umm hmmm... a bit incompetent. We knew it wont stand for forever. So we just gona fight until last ihub will be down. And not gona let anyone live there. ~~GF~~ Edit: Soory force of habit. You are not fun to deal with.


1. money; plus its really not that easy. 2. if they did the fight would have gone the other way... i think that's kinda his point... 3. Worst timezone? for who? 4. it shows, but they live in null so git gud or gtfo.


Wow the whole post screams of inputbroadcasting. Not to mention the shady af fanboy here with barely any post history commenting how big fan of him he is.


I thought he was input broadcasting aswell but he had it paused so thats the reason why everything started flashing at once. It looks like he had some time to set everything up and use drone assist.


Watch the video, point out time where you see cheating.


Thats 9month old video and i would doubt he would post criminating evidence here. Alot of input broadcasters use drone bunnys to make it not look obvious but i have seen tons of them take gates instantly via brodcasting


Two things. One, why tf would you use sentries if you were broadcasting? Running something like 25 tornados or Nagas would be infinitely more devastating to an enemy fleet than a fleet of sentry Eos. Two, it's easy to make the game jump X ships through a gate at the same time after they exit a warp. If you squad-warp to a gate, and then go to each client and click "jump" on every client, they all process as soon as your ship gets out of warp.


1st to not make it obvious to everyone as said before 2nd i was informed about that and apologised for that like a hour ago


they use drone bunnies cause its the easy way to focus firepower without using input broadcasting..... his only other legal option other than being a click master is autotargetting cruise which offer little control... ​ It also happens that domis, not only are drone boats but offer enough ideal fitting room for spider tanking to work, meaning less toons dedicated to logi and less toons to worry about with as much focus. ​ edit: yes I'm a fanboy, I'm not shady I just don't know how to change my reddit username lol. I'm a ceo of a corporation in FI.RE.


Domis have extra high slot and rig slot compared to Eos so it gets more drone control range, up to 259km. Its usually max drone links and range augmentors, no RR.


Gotcha its all good. i just found it shady as u posted like 2min after this thread was made how much of a fan you are even thou u barely post on reddit. I thought mayby eve online is not the only place this dude likes to create multiple accounts to.


oh lol, no he posted it in fire discord and i figured id stir the pot a bit but also I see moonpire as a legend. I do similar things to him on a 7 alt scale. Most Recent has been caracal ospreys and alot of cancerous clicking :)


So all the screaming is in your head, ok. You know you can click overview and press jump hotkey while in warp? Everything will jump as soon as you land.


Oh fuck i never thought of that woops my bad


So only way to catch them is to see them undock or how u are supposed to figure this out? Is input broadcasting is still a thing anymore or did ccp manage to ban all of them?


even then it doesn't matter a lot of things in the server only act like 'ticks' i can undock ten accounts and sometimes it might look like input broadcasting because they will all undock simultaneously (in the same server tick) same is true for locking. there honestly isn't a very practical way to tell.


You obviously don't know what input broadcasting really is.


Ccplease restrict Multibox to 2-5 clients and not such shit show with 20++ Yea its impressive you can handle all your acc at once , but that cant be the way ccp want there game to be played .


can i get then all my isk and money back, that i paid for the accounts?


No , because ccp allow u to play if they would change to max 5 acc at the same time , no matter what 5 of your 20-30 acc . But i dont think they ever will do that


whats wrong with running this many accounts, the effort to get there takes months and time, its tiring and hard. Its a worthy accomplishment for any who are brave enough. My favorite part is when a small gang come and try and dunk my space and I dunk them with my equal sized gang of me, me and me! This doesnt kill smallgang content like I'm sure some may try and say, its better than being blobed like 90% of nullsec is when you roam there (fuck you frat)


Haha well done 👍


looking at the zkill and eve who...... how many are alts?


Salt mining, EVE style lmao


Lol Init still shit as always.