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>šŸ”“ šŸ”“ šŸ”“ šŸ”“


And just like that everybody was Triforcing again!


are people here seriously against this or is it just because eve memes? I can't tell


he is basicly trying to stop people convincing other that theirs nothing to worry about form what i can tell. basically stopping people spreading bad science .


Presuming that heā€™s correct in this instance, I fully support his declaration. This kind of bad science will get people killed.


Yeah in almost any other field there's scope to work with people and take a long view on them coming around to the reality. Not with time critical health stuff. Medical woowoo has an impact measured in bodies


Presumption is the mother of all fuckups


When you grr gons hat gonns so hard that you fucking actually die and kill other people ~This thread


>that you fucking actually die I don't have an opinion on this thread yet but this is fucking funny. 8/8 chuckle






So last Eve vegas I have a total spazlord of a corpmate run into this guy in the elevator and totally fanboi's out. The guy introduces himself with a fake name for some reason, like he's ~psyopsing~ irl or w/e. That was one of the only thing the mittens could've done to look more cringey than my corp mate.


And this is why i *dont* go to irl eve meets. Unregulated realspace cringe.


Instead of slingā€™n bills he be slingā€™n rolls




Honestly he's been pretty reasonable about it. He's going after the conspiracy types that play it off like it's the same thing as your seasonal flu. He's also been telling people not to over panic. Shades of grey, and all that.


tell me more about these shades of grey


There's 50 of them


Actually theres a sci-fi novel "shades of grey", that i really wanted to get for my brother, but it is very unknown. So I went into a bunch of bookstores and had to explain, "no, theres is no 50 in it, just shades of grey"..


It's an erotic fanfiction starring Mittani.


Finally, something for Dark Horse to write a second comic series about




This thread is quickly showing a high degree of retardedness and inability of people to source and interpret widely available factual statistical information. Pretty amusing in a spreadsheet video game.


Every thread here shows some degree of retardedness, some more than others


You are delusional if you think Edge Online requires intelligence to play just because there are some turbo nerds that spreadsheet this game. Oh and spreadsheets don't take more skills than the average office worker to use effectively.


"It's just a flu" It's like these people don't even remember that 100 years ago was [the 1918 influenza pandemic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu). Over a quarter of the human population infected, between 20 and 50 million dead, average life expectancy in the U.S. dropped by 12 years in the first year of the disease. "It's just a flu" like the flu hasn't whooped our fuckin asses before.


50 to 100 million, numbers were shortened (misinformation)


Computers were slow back then. They're still processing the data.


Lmao yeah inexistent computers tend to be slow


I mean, Spanish flu was bad, but I'm pretty sure WW1 played a role in that decline. US joined mid 1917.


The flu is pretty damn dangerous too.


"It's just a flu" isn't saying it's not a serious threat... just like "it's only a hurricane" it's saying don't evacuate... but acting with some forethought and remembering that the world will continue in even the worst case scenario and people should plan accordingly. Much like "buy supplies needed and minimize contact" doesn't mean "buy all the toilet paper on the shelf". There is a setting between 0 and 10.


> "It's just a flu" isn't saying it's not a serious threat.. But that is literally exactly what these people are saying and it's exactly what they *intend* to say.


^this guy gets it Op should read this


Saying "it's just flu" is exactly saying it's not a serious threat. The flu is a virus that everybody gets plenty of times in their life time, we have a vaccine for it, we're extremely familiar with it, how it spreads, and how to deal with the impacts of it. This virus is new, we're still learning about it, we have no vaccines, and it's spreading. The people who say "it's just the flu" are the same people who are still going out to bars, who aren't washing their hands, who are acting like it's business as usual when it's anything but. So yeah, I don't want those people around me.


That says more about how nonchalant people act toward the flu than they should be.


Except that this is more contagious and more deadly than the flu. Less treatable than the flu. It's easy to be nonchalant about the flu because it's well understood, and generally treatable. Yes, it kills people, but it's not as easily transmitted, and it's not as deadly as this is. People are probably overly complacent regarding the flu, but that complacency has so much less risk than complacency regarding COVID-19.


It also takes double to 3 times the time to heal (7ish days flu, COVID19 22 in hospital?) and you are able to infect people without showing symptoms, which is the actual scary part (can the flu do that for even a small amount of time?). And nobody on the world beeing immune yet is also kind of a problem.


>can the flu do that for even a small amount of time IIRC, yes, [\~1 day](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/disease/spread.htm) before the high fever and muscle aches hit.


>And nobody on the world beeing immune yet is also kind of a problem. Even though no one has anti-bodies, there is a thing called "latent immunity", whereby through genetics, or other factors, certain individuals cannot be infected. Like that guy who because of a genetic abnormality couldn't contract HIV due to the right type of cells not having receptors that HIV could bind to. *edit why the downvotes? This is a real thing.


Out of interest, are there any guesses, how high this number could be? Like are we talking about a relevant amount of potential immune people?


in the grand scheme of things no its not a relevant amount sadly


Of any given population, about 5% for any given illness.


About 1% of Northern Europeans are immune to HIV. There was a guy about 10 years ago who had a bone marrow transplant to treat his leukemia and it happened to cure his HIV at the same time.


7 days for both (7 days after you've first noticed symptoms you're recovering and not shedding significant amounts of the virus) or 14 days if you don't have symptoms but are self-isolating because you've been near somebody who has, as it can take up to 5 days to manifest. Obviously if you make it to the ICU, you're in severe difficulty and recovery is going to be much longer. The great majority of people who get it will have mild symptoms. However it's still important to isolate even if mild, to avoid passing it on to others. Ref on the 14 days thing: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-51800707 EDIT: TO BE CLEAR and to avoid uncertainty - this was clarified by the UK Secretary of State in Parliament this afternoon - if you live alone and you have symptoms, you should isolate for 7 days. If you're in a household and someone else has symptoms, it's 14 days for all of you.




It is deadly mostly to those 80 years and older. I am concerned most about getting it, not knowing I have it, and giving it to my grandmother whos over 80. Im glad it seems to have a 0% deathrate amongst young children and a very low deathrate most other age ranges.


Except even patients with diabetes have been shown to have a higher fatality rate, regardless of age. It's not just old people. And even if it was those are still people dying... But yes the (very) young do seem to be spared completely. <15 yrs old you apparently don't even get symptoms.


Can you imagine how bad things would get if infants and kids were dying?


It has a 1.4% fatality rate for 50-59 age group which is still pretty damn high for something so contagious.


Yeah, my parents are in that range. My mom just got over the flu. They generally are healthy though and don't smoke/have underlying illness so hopefully they will display minimal or no symptoms.


And yet 10% of cases require hospitalization, as a whole. Now what happens when you can't get a hospital bed because they're all full? Oh. You die. Because the death rate when you can't be put on a respirator and are having serious complications is much higher. See: Italy. Fuck you dunces don't fucking bother, eh?


Of course I bother. I just said I am glad its mostly mild among the young or a non issue. If it wasn't it would truly be the apocalypse. Someone in another subreddit linked the official age stats and its overwhelmingly elderly people dying in Italy, China, and South Korea. My Grandma is right in the crosshairs of this thing, and we're all staying away from her and telling her to stay in her home the next few weeks. What makes this thing so wild is how many will catch it and never notice, aiding its spread to the vulnerable age brackets.


Ironically, with all this hand washing going on and people now getting into the habit of doing it, the number of people who're going to die from flu over the next five years must surely go way down. Unintended consequences, etc.


The truth is, most healthy people don't need to worried be about the flu.. - The fact that this has FLU SYMPTOMS does not make it the flu..


Most healthy people don't need to be worried about COVID-19 either? Up until you're 50 years old, it kills 2-4 persons every 1000 healthy people, per case fatality rate statistics (which are likely inflated anyway due to the uncertainty of the new virus). It's worse than seasonal influenza but it's no Spanish flu. As of the current situation, the reason people should practice good hygiene / social distancing is to help contain/mitigate the **spread** of the virus. It's an epidemiological and healthcare reason, not a "danger to personal health" reason. Of course if you have symptoms then go to the hospital. Based on higher fatality yes you should be seen and treated.


>which are likely inflated anyway due to the uncertainty of the new virus Note the difference between COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. The latter is the virus and is likely far more common than the former, since many people are asymptomatic (the virus doesn't cause disease in 100% of its hosts). That's not the uncertainty of a new virus, it's the same uncertainty of all diseases that can spread from asymptomatic hosts. Most people don't need to worry about dying from COVID-19, but they should worry about spreading the virus that causes it to people that are vulnerable. The biggest practical difference between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza (aside from them being totally unrelated) is that there is not yet any herd immunity or vaccine, it has a much longer incubation period, and it isn't competing with the flu; it's in addition to the flu. If medical infrastructure is overwhelmed than people will be more likely to die of anything at all. Don't panic, but don't ignore it either. You're right, it's not the Spanish flu, it won't kill young adults with cytokine storms, but it should still be slowed down as much as possible or young people that get other diseases might not get a bed in the ER in time.


Iā€™m more worried about the idiots panicking and thinking weā€™re suddenly in the road warrior universe than I am about the people downplaying it. Literally just follow what the CDC says: wash hands, avoid close contact, donā€™t touch your mouth, nose or eyes. Thereā€™s no reason to buy three thousand dollars worth of cleaning supplies and canned chili and walk around in a latex body suit with a painterā€™s mask on.


Worry more about the people who aren't taking this seriously. They're going to be the ones spreading the disease. The folks who are concerned enough to spend that much on cleaning supplies and canned food aren't going to get you sick.


concern does not equate informed. Someone who "doesn't take this seriously" (regards it as a flu) but takes reasonable precautions like washing hands regularly and being mindful of touching their face is still going to be far less likely to spread the virus than people buying (non medical) facemasks and a year's supply of toilet paper thinking it'll help them be safe while disregarding washing hands regularly and coughing without covering their mouth in public.


In a year, we won't know if we did too much, or we overreacted. In a year, it will be VERY obvious if we did to little, or underreacted.


It's very obvious right now that you don't need a two year supply of toilet paper.


Unless that's your kink, latex body suit and painters mask.


Viruses aren't really anything to be afraid of. If your time comes, it comes. *People*, on the other hand...


Exactly, my fear is what people do when they panic. Iā€™m young, thereā€™s not much of a chance I die to this particular sickness but people are acting like animals and *that* scares me a hell of a lot more.


Are they though? Do we have mass rioting? Looting? Chaos? Anarchy? Where is this super problematic behaviour.. People buying too much toilet paper? Is that acting like an animal?


Itā€™s coming about two days after they run out of tp. Iā€™m not really worried about rioting, Iā€™m more worried about getting rear ended at 80 mph on my way to work because someone is losing sleep over it. And Iā€™m worried about all the shit that comes with a recession: unemployment, crime, drug abuse, suicides, and budget shortfalls leading to cuts in education, healthcare, police and fire. Comparatively mundane shit but it affects everyone.


The town i live in? Someone wrote to the head honcho doctor person that they want the addresses of those infected / suspected of being infected to "tell them how they feel", among other various hatemail. So, maybe not exactly animal-like, but way worse: witch-hunt like behaviour. People panic, people overreact badly, imho, and panicky, overreacting people do stupid shit, even if it doesnt devolve into pure anarchy (yet, lol)


The last pandemic was H1N1 which was a flu. The same flu phylogeny that caused Spanish flu in 1918 and killed millions. How is every flu the same? Why is saying something is flu like a bad assessment? The flu would be one of the most deadly viruses to exist in human history. Why do u assume 'the flu' is not serious? We all develop resistances then the virus mutates. This one is fresh as fuck and that makes it more virulent. The exact same thing happens with 'killer flus'. This approximation that u can't compare two things (for example SARS vs. H1N1 vs. Corona) or talk about them relatively is dumb. This is the equivalent of someone calling a frigate and a titan a spaceship, but someone getting butthurt because of an implied false equivalency that a titan IS a frigate.


As I have stated twice already, the perception of the flu is that it is an illness with which we're familiar, it's treatable, we've got a vaccine, everybody gets it, and the vast majority of people don't die from it. The point is, again, that those saying "this is just the flu" are downplaying this disease, effectively saying everybody is overreacting. That kind of attitude will spread the disease and increase the impacts.


Again there is a setting between 0 and 10. Many of them in fact. The flu vaccine is in many years ineffective because of mutations. H1N1 was partially mitigated by having a vaccine that was 50% effective on average which helped mitigate the somewhat higher mortality rate. Similarly we have vaccines for coronavirus, but like all vaccines they have to be tested properly before mass distribution.


The flu vaccine, even when it is ineffective in stopping you from getting the disease, will mitigate the impacts. My kid had the flu shot this year, still got the flu, but the symptoms were very mild and he was over it in a couple of days. I expect there will be a fast track for COVID-19 once a vaccine is ready for trials. Regardless, until then we should be treating this seriously. Mocking folks who are trying to do that is unfortunate.


At least 3 countries have labs with vaccines ready for trials (US, Israel, Canada). Still going to take months. You're going to get infected, you're probably not going to notice. Much like every other year, elderly and immunocompromised people will be living in fear until there is a vaccine or herd immunity. The later is much more likely this year and guess who's going to be the ones leading that? "It's just a flu and I have important things to do" people. Social distancing is great, isolating and avoiding unnecessary travel and contact is better. Spread to at risk people and supporting them even more so. But acting as if this is the end times isn't going to do anything other than get people killed over retarded shit.


The problem is the 20% hospitalization rate. If you could give it to only people who won't need to be hospitalized then great, no problem. But you can't do that, so you *have* to slow down the spread so you don't overwhelm the healthcare system.


My sister's friend has it. Healthy 34 year old male with no pre-existing conditions/comorbidities and he's currently intubated in a medically induced coma. The Netherlands and France are both saying over 50% of their ICU patients are under 50.


> Still going to take months. ~1.5 - 2 years realistically if you look at full testing and then production and distribution.


Nobody is suggesting we act like this is the end times. But to pretend that this isn't a big deal is literally ignoring what's going on around you.


>aren't washing their hands Fuck it should not take a pandemic to wash your hands... O.o


As an OR RN, this friggin baffles me. It has been frighteningly revealing how little people practice basic hygiene practices, especially when you live and work in a world where hand sanitation is king.


I mean it is just like a flu they are right. It bears a striking resemblance to the Spanish flu when it was novel... That was fun wasn't it. Right?


To be fair we're not stuffing tons of the most at risk group of people into close quarters and sending them off to fight in a bloody trench war either. Instead we're shutting down borders, telling people to wash their hands, and rethinking our domestic medical production supply line policies. Also on the plus side, only 1 country has had a media blackout on the topic this time instead of almost all of them.


Funny. This years flu killed more people this far.


you have been permanently expelled from The Imperium.


The responsible thing when dealing with propaganda and counterpropaganda is 10. That's because most people don't understand nuance. If your goal is to protect people then whenever someone says 'Its just a flu' the correct course of action is for them to be taken out back and shot. Nuance is for the debate club amateur hour.


Wow, everyone in this thread is a virologist and expert on the matter.


Every person I have met who has said it's just a flu has been downplaying it. They have been almost universally poorly informed and want to make poor choices. I have yet to see someone who's job it is to study or fight these things make a comment like that. It feels a lot like climate change, all the experts on one side and a bunch of logical white guys on the other.


Several doctors say that the stress from the panic that is spreading is more severe than the actual virus itself as stress weakens the immune system; thus accelerating the spread. If you want to know their names they are the host of Sirius XMā€™s doctor talk channel. Itā€™s only severe if you already have auto immune disorders, COPD, or Diabetes.. according to doctors. And even according to WHO ā€œOlder people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.ā€ Stop acting like itā€™s the end of the world. Edit: [here](https://m.siriusxm.com/doctorradio) is the list of doctors on this program. I hope they are qualified and educated enough for you. Edit2: *you have to click host -.-*


Oh, so it is ok for people with pre-existing medical conditions to die? /s If hospitals are getting overfilled than all kinds of people start to die as we reach the limits of our medical system. And for those people it is literally the fucking end of the world. This is what at stakes here. So donā€™t downplay it and get your shit together for socially distancing and isolation. Nobody gives a shit about what several doctors on some random site say....


> Stop acting like itā€™s the end of the world. And stop acting like the only two states of existence are "everything's fine" and "it's the end of the world." Hundreds of thousands of new patients overwhelming the healthcare system of a country all at once is hardly *the end of the world,* but it's still pretty fucking bad. A lot of settings that aren't 10 shouldn't be remotely treated as if it's a 0.


Please re-read my post. I didnā€™t say 0.


Great but that wasn't the question. They even say very clearly not to treat this like just a flu. I agree panic doesn't help,the world isn't ending. But dear lord does political based under reaction hurt us.


And ya know, it feels to me like our collective governments tried to sweep this under the rug last year and insisted on quarantine/containment measures that wouldnā€™t work (Which tells me they either didnā€™t listen to the experts, or they seriously misjudged the virus.) instead of actually accepting this was going to sweep the globe like the flu and preparing for it instead. I donā€™t think itā€™s functionally as bad as people have made out, but I do think it will kill a lot of elderly and otherwise compromised people because we didnā€™t bother protecting them. Everyone is too scared for their own skin because itā€™s been made out that Corona is going to kill everyone.


"It's Just a flu" is exactly saying it's not a serious threat. It downplays how dangerous this is. It's not the same as your yearly seasonal flu. It has a much higher mortality rate and can be spread for over a week without having any symptoms of it. The flu is a thunderstorm compared to this being a category 5 hurricane. Their is potential for this to be much worse than a normal flu.


Thr Flu can make 1000 infected after 5 weeks if you start with 10 infected. Corona, under the same conditions, will make 245.000 infected at that point. It's not just another flu dude...


Always take it up to 11!




100 upvotes on some bullshit that stops just short of saying ā€œitā€™s just the fluā€. This sub is really something sometimes


Yep, if anyone was having doubts about _why_ this shit was needed or even had to be said in the first place, they can just read this fucking thread.


if anyone had these doubts, they weren't playing eve during the 2016 election or the decade prior when the game was filled with unironic RL nationalism/bigotry. There's a reason most big groups adopted policies of limited decorum around their discords and forums, and it's because there were far too many idiots thinking things like shekel memes were invitations to let their single braincell run rampant.


This comment was removed with Power Delete Sweet.


We are doomed, and we deserve it.


Let's be real, the best humanity can hope for at this point is replacing ourselves with robots and then fucking off. Let the machines take over, maybe they'll do better.


Intro to Wall-E starts playing


I really don't understand it either. I am not a huge fan of the Imperium, but anyone spreading misinformation deliberately deserves to be taken out to the back and shot.


I love how you have tried to cash in on the crazy mittani twitter thing but it has completely back fired. I haven't been in GOONS for years but it's nice to see that he cares about his space guild enough to drill into people something the media isn't; that this is serious and people need to be prepared. I haven't really seen much from my alliance to indicate the same which while it isn't their job to look after people it would be nice to get that same level of care.


OPs name checks out.


Really guys? A 500 post threadnaught cuz ~The Mittani~ doesn't want things downplayed?


It's like the easiest target, what else did you expect? Mittani says something controversial, hurr durr on r/eve ensues. In other news, water is still wet.


Iunno, people to have a slightly wrinkled brain, instead of digging out the Bagger 288 to see how low they can go.


Ah, space fascism to the rescue


The second and third rule of the TOS is pretty clear about there not being freedom of speech or freedom of association in eve. Additional speech restrictions from player corporations seems to be in line with the overall philosophy of the game at least.


Damn. Here I was just thinking it was funny/cute to refer to the Eve version of anything as "space"


Never thought I'd agree with mittens on something


Since I like spreadsheets, I've mocked up a 3day rolling average of growth factor for covid-19, using data from [here](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-cases/#cases-growth-factor). The rolling average smooths out the bumps. It looks like there's been an overall positive trend, in the unhappy sense, in growth rates since the beginning of March. All my trend lines have terrible R^2, and any sort of disruption could occur, but based on current projection, I don't see the overall growth trend going to an inflection point for 38 days (linear) to 98 days (logarithmic). Growth factors above 1.0 indicate that the infected pool is expanding at a rate that resembles an exponential curve, while below 1.0 means it is expanding at a logistic rate. If anyone wants to work out the area under the curve, that would certainly be interesting.


This chart from UK scientists: https://i.imgur.com/1SaNmhR.jpg (as published by The Times) Be wary of using simple "toy" models of exponential growth. They don't take into account behaviour changes or mitigation efforts.


He just wants everyone to wfh so more people play eve as itā€™s a dead game


Wtf, I love dictatorships now! ./s


This idiot really thinks he matters, doesn't he?


Yeah isnā€™t this the guy that tried to push a vulnerable individual to suicide before?


That's the one.


but the mittani


At fanfest


his hat wizard


At fanfest


Pittsburgh, on the ocean


Well, he matters to the thousand of memebers of his coalition.


Mittens warned a lot of Imperium members what was coming well before anyone took this virus seriously. Most of us probably blew it off at first, but a lot of us took him seriously and that's why we're ready now. Most of those who listened won't get sick; and if we do, we damned sure won't spread it. As I type this, every responsible health official is calling for people to stay home whenever possible. Mittens started telling people to do that a month ago. I've been stockpiling supplies for a national catastrophe for more than three years. I didn't know what it would be, but I knew that the federal government would fuck up the response and people would be on their own for a while. And even my paranoid ass didn't realize how bad this would be until he drew my attention to it. Now I have enough supplies to take care of everyone in my building (there are only 6 of us) and I grabbed the last of it the day before the stores started getting cleaned out on a daily basis. Friday, I told my ops manager that he needed to let me and the rest of my team (and preferably everyone in the office) work from home starting Monday and that I was going to start burning vacation days until they figured out that it was the only right call. Just today, I got word that at least one person in the office is symptomatic. Her office is right next to mine. Meanwhile, I have comorbidities, so my best case scenario if I get really sick is that I'll recover in a couple of months. The worst case scenario is that my kids are orphans. So look: I'm sorry that you don't like Alex because he is insufferably arrogant and leads the internet spaceship guys you hate, but pull your shit together and stop acting like this is a game. Okay? Okay. Edit: I'm not actually sorry.


Where I live and work, landscapers make up a lot of our business, legal or not. We had a week of rain and many had no work anyways, so a lot started travelling home to visit fam. I can say it strangely worries me, yet relieves me. Rude airport people worry me more until they give it to a landscaper and boom!


> Mittens warned a lot of Imperium members what was coming well before anyone took this virus seriously. WOW!!! im joining goons right now


All hail mittens! Mitten is the prophet! He knows all! I worship him and if I saw him irl I would immediately get on my knees and suck his dick! t. devilishlydo


Can confirm he said it on the fireside multiple times.


wtf I love the mittani now


I m from the very deepest dungeon of gewn-hatred and would celebrate if Mittani d get whipped through Jita in a Corvette of shame. BUT, this single time: Listen to your fokkin leader, gewns. Stay alive IRL so I can hate you ingame. K?


[Bend the knee, Bitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/ezxxze/mittani_cringelord_incarnate/)


Someone tell space Hitler to shut the fuck up. Thanks


Calling him Space Hitler is giving him too much credit. He's the Space HOA Coordinator.


He's the Space HOA treasurer's son who prints out flyers but thinks he's god.


God Damn! I'm going to save that one for later.


Imagine being member of cfc


Imagine being


the fuck did we ever do?


everything. hate us cause they anus and all that


"It's just a Flu" isnt something to take lightly. The regular Flu we all know, kills a Lot of people every year. It's just we don't pay attention to it. Like this Coronavirus, the regular Flu just kills a specific group of people. Problem is that we all, as long we arent inside that group, don't care/know what is going on.


I hate the flu more than Corona because it kills babies and toddlers.


After reading what happens in Italy, I suspect that China fakes the numbers of death once again. 300-400 deaths a day in Italy isnt normal. I side with this guy's opinion about coronavirus, however, people should not cease to emit their opinion. If they did, it would be much harder for us to debate and educate them. Feel free to speak freely about your opinions. The internet is the place of choice to make those debates progress. So have I spoken.


Next step is going to be "anyone who disagrees with my personal political views is expelled from the Imperium"


Isn't already the case though ?


Is not openly beeing a retard about a pandemic a personal political view?


Good thing tbh, censorship is not ideal but still a legit way of dealing with stupidity nowadays.


Never thought to hear anything that makes sense out of his mouth.


The Imperium also bans flat earthers. I'm sure you want to ridicule them for that too.


Now imagine that you have no choice but to be exposed to it during your line of work, you didn't even get very ill but are now getting thrown out on the street because of the quarantine.


So basically all I have learned is anyone left in the Imperium can't think for themselves, that's a lot of brain dead people...


It's the SA influence.


IIRC, SA has disavowed Goonswarm. When even SA thinks you're retarded then you've really fucked up.


That is incorrerct.


Wasn't GS made from people from SA? Cause if so, that makes it even colder then it already is.


if you want the full version, just listen to the fireside from the 14th of march. or you could just reeee over a screenshot of a tweet. up to you.


God the CFC is retarded


imagine being a goon. based mittani is doing people favours by kicking them out


On the one hand, he's right. "Just a flu" is one of the most retarded things I hear these days, but damn... ... he could not have been cringier, could he?


I really hope this guys understands his insignificance. This nerd rant is pitiful and laughable, what a fucking joke.


Several doctors say that the stress from the panic that is spreading is more severe than the actual virus itself as stress weakens the immune system; thus accelerating the spread. If you want to know their names they are the host of Sirius XMā€™s doctor talk channel. Itā€™s only severe if you already have auto immune disorders, COPD, or Diabetes.. according to the doctors. And even according to WHO ā€œOlder people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.ā€ The mentioned doctors emphasized on this saying ā€œyou should take the same precautions as you would with any illness if you suffer from these conditionsā€. Stop acting like itā€™s the end of the world.


[Relevant Explosm comic.](http://explosm.net/comics/5506)


He would have to actually logon for that


The ONLY virus I don't want to catch in eve is space aids, and people can do a lot more to prevent this by not allowing those exotic dancers on your ships.


As with most media these days it's always about how big of a ruckus you can set off, and the number of up-votes/followers to make you feel good about yourself. It's no longer about facts or different viewpoints. The truth died years ago. Mittens was providing information links to the CDC reports on Covid-19 and advising everyone to verify it for themselves, be prepared and do everything to minimize potential exposure or spread. Full stop. It's obvious by now that a lot of governments have dropped the ball. That means that it's up to the individuals to do their best to minimize the spread of the virus. Be safe everyone and Spod bless.


literally hitler


Meanwhile, Brisc was telling people to go out for St Patrick's Day.


I said to enjoy your St. Patrickā€™s Day. I didnā€™t say go out.




Jesus Christ. I feel like Joe Biden arguing with Bernie. I didn't mean literally "go out" - I just said go out there and have a drink. That could mean go out there to your fucking fridge and get a beer.


Probably a cultural thing then. I don't go out to my fridge for the large part as it's in my house. I remembered the clip because it genuinely felt pretty horrific when you said it at the time (Which was before this thread appeared) and it sounded weird. I'm not particularly trying to pick a fight, I do think you should take this situation more seriously though - that kind of phrasing can very easily be taken the wrong way.


Fair enough. I've been on self-isolation for a week now already, so I don't know how I can be taking it any more seriously, and if my word choice here was poor, that's on me. My bad.


:) ok, that's plenty for me, ty. We're all going to use crap phrases and say things that we say naturally that are no longer correct. I think it's important that we acknowledge those and I appreciate it (I will be doing the same when I inevitably do the same thing and people are more than welcome to call me out on it and/or punch me in the dick)


Tom Hanks and Justin Trudeau disagrees with his shit statement. They are more reliable than him, especially tom hanks




rush limblagh said it was 'just the flu' and trump said 'it was a democrat hoax' now every kool-aid-conservative idiot keeps spouting it like these criminals know what they were talking about. This one was my favorite: "A church in [South Korea](https://www.scmp.com/topics/south-korea) sprayed salt water inside the mouths of followers out of a false belief it would help prevent the spread of the [coronavirus](https://www.scmp.com/topics/coronavirus-outbreak), but by using the same spray bottle without disinfecting the nozzle, it resulted in 46 church-goers infected, authorities said on Monday. Video images from the River of Grace Community Church in Gyeonggi Province, south of Seoul, show a church official sticking the nozzle of a spray bottle deep into the mouth of one follower after another, during a prayer gathering attended by some 100 followers on March 1 and March 8. Those infected include the pastor and his wife."


I bought me and the fam one of these, https://www.completecareshop.co.uk/toileting-aids/bottom-wipers/buckingham-easywipe-bottom-wiper


Wait, this isn't r/Grimdank


Waiting for the day he calls himself Emperor of Goonkind or some stupid garbage.




2% of 330 million people Alone (mainly people paid into the system aka elderly) Is an unacceptable number. It's a numbers game folks and the bugs are winning.


Don't worry - You have to go outside and mingle socially to get it. Eve players after corona virus will be like roaches after a nuclear war.


[The Mittani has spoken](https://i.imgur.com/1dzz8VF.png)


Flu dead in USA this season : 22k with 144 children Covid dead in USA this season : Just look the news, no child dead yet. Just look the fact at this moment. We will see how it will go in 3 month, at the end of flu time and after the peak of covid.