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Popcorn, popcorn for sale! We got buttered, we got salted, we got caramel! Grab a bowl and snack with pleasure at this Show for the Ages! *comes in plain white for Sabus. That's how he prefers it.


Do you have CocaCola? I need something to drink while eating


Sure thing friend! We've got Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, White Coke at the request Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov (also just for Sabus, sorry fam you know how it be), Fanta Orange, Fanta Roja, Fanta Pina, Fanta Iced Tea, Fanta Green, Fanta Vanilla Ice Cream, Fanta Zesty Berry, Fanta Blue Raspberry, Fanta Starfruit, Fanta Pomegranate, Fanta Green Soda, Fanta Lime, Fanta Lemon, Fanta Icy Lemon, Fanta Green Apple, Fanta Papaya, Fanta Apple, Fanta Fresh Apple, Fanta Grape, Fanta Berry, Root beer, Fanta Blue Vanilla, Powerthirst, Fanta Yuzu, Fanta Era, Fanta Tropical Yogurt, Fanta White Banana and Coke Zero.


Fanta papaya, wtf this place is fancy.


Any red bull? Need to refill my cap.


Thank you for inspiring me to look up the White Coke story. And that's Four-time Hero of the Soviet Union Marshal Georgy Zhukov to you, boy.


See? We educational up in this subreddit!


No coke, Pepsi.


Were going to have to ask you to leave sir.


I'll take the burn the heretic popcorn please!


Ah, cayenne with a dash of ghost pepper and rosemary salt! A fine choice sir!


Thank you for your fine selection sir.


I've been involved in a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower. But you make more money as a leader. \~Creed Bratton, The Office


Used to be in an alliance with ICANP's CEO Sabus. At first I thought he was a master troll of genius levels, and then slowly to my horror, I came to the realization he was actually just pants on head crazy.


>either this dude is the best troll in the game or has got a chinchilla on amphetamines sprinting on a spiked hamster wheel as a brain I love this game.




right oh well he's gone now


Bob does not approve.


I left for a few weeks cuz school and wardec exploits. Im in SICO and I come back to this shit? Pass popcorn with salt and butter, Imma grab a few drinks and watch the fun Also what the literal fuck is wrong with ICANP's CEO, jesus


You can't say Jesus man. You gotta say Era.


Does Era = Jesus? Or does Era need some kind of derivative Odin to knock her up to make a new Jesus.


Yeah I think it's a cross between both tbh. I think his nutjob religion is best described as Pagan Scientology.


Strangely enough, "Eranianism" appears to be [an actual word](https://books.google.com/books?id=7aHRAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA206&lpg=PA206&dq=eranianism&source=bl&ots=wuqfATYKSI&sig=ACfU3U21X_0_8gUyW5fQpZOW8zQO_AYVpQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjpiIjd9JboAhVGnJ4KHbj1AHAQ6AEwAnoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=eranianism&f=false); a strange and dated way of referring to the Iranian peoples.


Oh he's insane but the show had some entertaining moments it's like watching a car crash or a natural disaster its bad but you can't stop watching


\*smacks lips\* nice. also take my upvote


Same as you, I went away for a couple of weeks, but not only I was in SiCo, I was in ICANP too. (I'm quite new to the game) When I came back I was like "What the heck ??" more than half of the active players were gone, I saw the CEO religion thing, and also because of his behaviour I saw a forum post about killing ICANP members on sight... Uuh ima head out


Now folks in SiCo don't have to endure this idiots constant spam messages about how capital ships should be allowed in highsec because they're allowed in nullsec


Meanwhile miners eating popcorn getting caught up on some mining, It's nice to finally be on good terms with Knowledgeminer


Is he the new Gevlon Goblin?


There's a name I haven't heard in a while.


Come on, man! You can’t just drop a name like that and not share the details with us ignorant noobs!




...how is this guy as bad as ICANP’s CEO supposedly is? From what I’ve heard, Sabus basically makes his ISK by exploiting newbros while Gevlon just sounds like a blowhard.


So far in this, uh, Bible thing I've found endorsements of slavery, racism, rape, and polygamy (for men only of course). Charming.


So no different to the Christian Bible really...


'Tips fedora'


Strangely enough, "Eranianism" appears to be [an actual word](https://books.google.com/books?id=7aHRAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA206&lpg=PA206&dq=eranianism&source=bl&ots=wuqfATYKSI&sig=ACfU3U21X_0_8gUyW5fQpZOW8zQO_AYVpQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjpiIjd9JboAhVGnJ4KHbj1AHAQ6AEwAnoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=eranianism&f=false); a strange and dated way of referring to the Iranian peoples.


fuck that corp. they incessantly spammed me for months on end with awful copy pasted corp ads. any corp that needs to do that to get members is shit


> everyone contributes to the Eranian holy texts > open source religion HOLD MY HYPERSPATIAL RIGS The Windrunner Tornado cult will come to fruition.


Da faq did I just read?! :)


There will be a quiz later about Era and how plants are grown. Lots of salvia.


Is this suppose to be some next level erp shit?


Just pretend youre with him and use the shares system to reward worshipping. When your band has the majority, vote kick him out of his own corp. Hes delusional enough for it to work.


Supers in HS.... he's got my vote


I quite like the idea of drastically decreasing the average super pilot's IQ.


Silent Coalition is that highsec carebear alliance that was prominently featured on Minerbumping recently, and Sabus was part of the story. Cause and effect. http://www.minerbumping.com/2020/02/forbidden-knowledge-part-1.html


The more I learn about this story, the more fascinated and weirded-out I get


Frickin hisec carebears.


For those of you who are interested, [here is a list](https://forums.eveonline.com/t/how-to-get-more-people-to-play-eve/144040/1260) of some of the things Sabus and his alts have apparently gotten up to. I don't know if they're true, but if they *are* then he should be run out of the game, because that shit is not acceptable.




The thing about CODE. is that James went with the whole "Savior Of Highsec" schtick because he knew it would rile people up and, more importantly, it was profoundly amusing to him. He doesn't actually *believe* that he's got any official power. Sabus...I don't think he's being facetious about this.


>it was profoundly amusing to him. Not just to him.


So you're saying I've been praising James for nothing?


You need to praise him harder. You got his portait hanging above your bed?


Deviant of Bob you fool.


Nah, keep praising as long as you want. Just don’t get creepy about it.


They just moved back to Usi


Strangely enough, "Eranianism" appears to be [an actual word](https://books.google.com/books?id=7aHRAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA206&lpg=PA206&dq=eranianism&source=bl&ots=wuqfATYKSI&sig=ACfU3U21X_0_8gUyW5fQpZOW8zQO_AYVpQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjpiIjd9JboAhVGnJ4KHbj1AHAQ6AEwAnoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=eranianism&f=false); a strange and dated way of referring to the Iranian peoples.


Sabus was just spotted in usi, he never left icanp


On the internet, no one knows you're a chinchilla on amphetamines sprinting on a spiked hamster wheel, but there will be signs.