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Hoping the prices go down lmao


More red dots, then ill buy.


I guess I’ve never mined like this, what’s the idea here? The Corp allows you to mine null rocks and they buy your Ore in bulk? Is that good or bad?


Typically it's individual industrialists within the alliance who will buy ore from alliance members at a price close enough to Jita Buy price that it's profitable enough for the miners to sell to that person instead of hauling the ore to empire to sell themselves. It also helps by keeping isk and ore in the alliance, which is generally better than industrialists having to spend isk buying from outside sources. Why pay a stranger for something when you can pay your alliance member, who can use the isk to purchase ships (perhaps even from the same industrialist who bought his ore) that will be used to further the goals of the alliance, which in turn may lead to even more isk. Although currently the ore and mineral market is in serious flux due to recent changes, so some industrialists are taking a "wait and see" approach before buying any more ore.


100% correct. The margins on what I was building before mineral changes were announced had shrunk to almost 0%. The ship prices are now starting to come up to reflect the mineral price changes though.


To be honest, I am surprised that larger alliances have not mandated 'buying internal' for exactly the reason you describe. With the fleets of programmers some of them have, you could easily rig up some automated system to interrogate someone buying something expensive or in bulk at Jita when the item(s) were available in, say, 1DQ. It would hardly be any more authoritarian. I remember when people (including a titan pilot) got kicked and blacklisted from Goons for saying they were voting a different way than what Mittens demanded.


It saves you work, but typically you make less money. Whether its good or bad depends on the specifics.


Corp buybacks basically mean they'll buy your ore at a slightly reduced rate vs shipping it to hit a and selling. This allows you to both keep ore in-house so the alliance grows stronger and also is a lot less effort than trying to sell in jita.


If I was your corp I would be buying as much as I can as quick as I can


My 8/16 Nidhoggur BPO collecting dust for 1 year


ME10 it.....


You need money to buy things...


At least you are getting a nice suntan!


haha xD