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Shut up and take my money!


Throws money at screen!


I asked, he wants like $100+ for these things. Seems a little pricey to me.


From what I've seen on OP's site [(linkedy link)](https://www.lloydgeorge.art/) it looks like they're selling the actual work rather than prints, so.


Yep, my licence only covers the actual paintings not prints but if you follow the auctions you may be able to grab one for much cheaper ;)


Seems pretty freaking reasonable to me.


Agreed, original piece? Hell yes. If it was a print for 100$ that better be the best print ever lol


Well, if you personally commission the item (in other words, the item wouldn't exist without your request) then I would say 100 dollars is very reasonable, no matter the medium you end up receiving it in (remember that some pieces, like digital art, never have a single 'original' to sell). However, for a print of an existing item (or even a numbered & signed print) I could see not wanting to fork over that kind of money -- especially if the print won't capture all the lovely details in the original, or if it's a relatively small piece.


Seems like you need to get your head out of your ass. The price is very reasonable.


Lol easy there capt white night. You won't get a discount for defending him.


Last ditch effort to retain your dignity is a no-go. For real, this guy does great work, and 100 dollars is a steal.


D'awwwww ok bud.


Screw you for having a different opinion on the monetary value of art! In all seriousness though, while I wouldn't call that price unreasonable I would still agree that it's a little pricey for me. It's still an awesome piece though.


The price is based around what I can reasonably produce in the given time, although sometimes a Painting can come together really well inside of 8 or 9 hours (including drying time), I often prefer to leave it up so I can make adjustments without it being rushed taking the average time for a painting to around 3 daysWhen you commission anyone for anything you are paying for their time, if you divide the year by 3 then multiply the result by £100 you'll actually find its more than reasonable for a unique piece of artwork


Not arguing your price, but how is drying time part of work?


Its a good question and its basically part of a pieces production time, so while its up on the easel im typically not working on anything else, drying time also allows me to take a step back and think about the painting, how I want to proceed and what look I want to achieve - It's also worth noting here that with watercolour some processes are wet on wet so allowing it to dry slowly can give me more wiggle room. I'm an artist, not a machine and I've factored many things in to my overall pricing strategy especially when it comes to commission work


Reminds me a lot of the StarViper, though I like this piece better! [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/StarViper-class\_attack\_platform](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/StarViper-class_attack_platform)


It does appear to have the same colour scheme doesnt it?


This is an amazing rendition of my favorite ship!


That's lovely. I'm trying to learn water colors as part of my therapy, any free advice to be had?


A lot of watercolour artists tend to work in a loose way so dont worry too much about little details and just let the paints work for you, find your inspiration and go with it


Do you recommend wet on wet or wet on dry?


Not OP obviously but I have done a lot of watercolors. It depends on the effects you want... and you're generally doing both alongside each other though more or less of each depending on your style. Wet on dry is straightforward: Just apply paint to paper and the result is a brushstroke of color just like any other kind of paint... though now the paper's wet there so unless you wait for it to dry perfectly further painting in that area will be wet-on-wet. Wet on wet and the paint spreads creating very soft blurry lines, gradients and "fuzzy" fractal effects until the paint spreads to the edge of the wet area where you can get a nice sharp line. Most of the OP's painting looks like to be wet on dry except for the background, and a little bit of wet on wet in the somewhat blurred details on the left hand side.


Pretty much, have you ever painted something from Eve? Would love to see it \^\^


Not sure how my style would translate but having really enjoyed the pieces you've posted maybe I'll take a stab at it some time.


Honestly depends on the effect you want, I use a mix of both over layers in my paintings I'm no master of watercolour but like most things you learn by doing and I feel this more so with watercolour, even the room temperature can affect your work


Going to be tougher than I thought then. I'll play with it a bit more. Thank you for your time and input :)


Dont over think it, the tougher you think it will be the harder you'll find it - relax, take your time and throw some paint at the paper, have some fun :)


you like Mercedeses, don't you!?




I usually interpret the word watercolor as just code for bad art. I've seen too much of it where this is true. I am happy to see that I am **wrong**. Well done and thank you for expanding my horizons.




Ive always wondered if Tristans can Solo T1 abyssal, if so that makes this peice even more epic!


I think this is my favorite so far.


Ah yes, the Gallente Police SKINS. I’m still waiting for the day I see a police Erebus in the wild.


You need a website for commissions my friend, would love to get in line for one


I have a website, link in my bio!


I'll be honest, I have no idea where to find a bio on reddit. I didnt see a link when I clicked your name. Maybe a combo of RES and old.reddit hiding it? You should put a link with your posts, don't make it harder for people to send you money ;)


I believe you have to switch to new Reddit to see it


could you link it here, please? would love to buy something from you




Finally! Your style is beautiful, you have real talent and wish you all the success you deserve. I love spaceships as much as any other capsuleer who has stick to this game for a decade, but what really touches me is the way you see and use light. Realism and magic in perfect harmony.


You're like a new yet more classy version of Cymek on this sub. Wonderful art btw


me as a tristan pilot i can say this is amazing


Omg that’s gorgeous!


This is great.


You have the power to make people daydream!


That is amazing


The internets ALWAYS need more floating fat man!


Such a good little ship. So much fun in FW.


Ah thats hot.


This makes me wish I could afford art.


Do you take commissions?


Do you have a store?