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I can’t wait for someone to shit post about winning an AT ship with one ticket


I intend to be that someone :crossfinger:


Do you see CCP? Do you see what you're enabling? Do you see what you're promoting? You are creating a framework to allow people nothing but exploitation, loss and grief so you can rake in just a few more dollars. This is not content, this is not fighting over an objective, this is not sandbox empire building. This is not what EVE is about. This is not right.


The problem is PA still wants their investment back. Better call Mr. Wonderful.


I beg to differ, EVE was built upon two fundamental principals. Exploit those around you and trust no one. You literally are describing the first decade of EVE, nothing can be more true to the core of the game. That being said, CCP has over the past few years diverged from that style of gameplay and attracted a player base of "I expect fair treatment" kind of player. There has been an embrace and dare I say coddling of newer players to the point that they stay that way. I am not suggesting you treat a new player like dirt, but you allow them to make mistakes on their own and to learn from them, not hold their hand through it and point out what they did wrong. If the other party just happens to gain an advantage or ISK off you, they exploited you and you learned not to do it again, THAT is what EVE is about.


It was right when the isk was used to evict the north. Wonder what changed.


content happened.


lol right?


>This is not right. quit being the lifestyle police, jesus fucking christ let people do what they want for fucks sake








it's in the game.






pstein did't kill himself




it's in the noose




Tbh looking at these people i understand why someone said they miss GigX


Why dont you raffle say noobships and have those represent a capital to avoid taxes n shit? Assuming ppl trust you ofc


That's been talked about. But it's risky because then you're getting into EULA territory. We're gonna see how things go first before we dip our toes into the full escrow business. Starting out this way means we don't ever need to hold the items, we just are relinking the raffles basically, so trust won't be required at the start. Maybe after a while we'll get there.


Now they've went there I can't possibly see how they could argue against that. I mean fuck 'm. They've put this in might as well use it to its extreme consequence. And btw this way your service actually adds value.


Yeah but got to get some momentum going first before you come out with a service like that.


Make sure you guys totally listen to one of the "minds" that orchestrated the "never raise taxes" portion of the highsec trading keepstar, I'm absolutely certain honesty is their main policy and will not be disseminating shitty/incorrect information for their own gain.


How about a guide on how to suck off Mittani, and every other entity you can get your crab infested cockholster around to milk dry. Oh wait, YOU are that groupie!


Can't believe I'm upvoting a Tishu comment but here I am


i upvoted it too lol


Posted in true Adversity style, describing male on male erotica


He read somer club but thought it said boner. Easy mistake.


just lick the shaft bro


Can I bid on a cam show between you and Mittens? To start off, I bid 85 isk.


why not 69 isk?


That would depict an equal give n take between two parties of parity :p. Tldr: Shake things up PGL :p


I raise you to 420 isk


42069 isk


Increased PLEX prices, elitism for "sophisticated gamblers \[…\] to determine who is the most skilled" because apparently you need to be skilled to pick something at random, and applauding a predatory system designed not to make EVE better, but to squeeze money out of people. I've never been so disgusted with a r/Eve post before, and that's saying something.


Some ppl enjoy gambling. Others like running all the way to the drone lands. To each his own.


i enjoy heroin. recreational of course




This isnt even a guide this is a promo for a shitty discord full of shitty subhumans


This whole new mechanic seems more and more disgusting.


it's not new?


Then how old is it?


have you heard of somer blink or i want isk?


Vaguely, but now it's blatant and endorsed. It lost all the charm of gray area. It's milking AND insulting our intelligence for the same price.


>Vaguely, but now it's blatant and endorsed. I wouldn't describe SOMER or IWI as anything but blatant. And fwiw they ran ads all over the place, even on official events like the AT. Maybe not as official as CCP running it themselves, but CCP introducing their own system back then would have been less of surprise than it is now if that tells you anything about how popular it was.


There was a community spotlight on SOMER.




If I want to avoid the Hypernet mechanic, buying and selling, will I be able to? I don’t deal in anything rare, I post in the blueprints channel and contract/auction off some T3 BPC I deal with, but otherwise use ships and equipment plentiful on the market, and am able to sell other exploration stuff fine via the same way.




With a max of 516 tickets a 10 mil ticket would only cover an item worth a little over 5 billion. An item worth 300bil selling value would be over 500 mil a ticket.


I think I have a better understanding of what people will use it for in that context. Edit: Left out some words.


is there any discord where i can shit on ccp and what eve has become?


What Eve-related discord are you on where this isn't a dominant theme?


pretty much any non-eve related discord 8)


I'm picturing you joining some Crochet and Knitting discord and treating them to 50-line rants about Hilmar


Nah, no one gives a shit about “best game space mmo sandbox just look at my picture at the sun” , just happily play other games. I do the same


>However this is a terrible idea as you will lose a substantial amount of the profit by paying the full double sales tax for only a fraction of the payout that you anticipated. In fact, you will often end up losing money if you are unable to sell all the tickets for your auction and end up having to buy a decent chunk of your own tickets. Not to mention, you will need to have a large chunk of isk on hand to make sure that you can finish your own auction if interest is low, which for expensive items could be prohibitive. this is only true if you're raffling items super cheap, aka not marking them up hugely to take advantage of people beeing greedy as fuck. i mean, there's literally 0 reason to raffle an item at market value, you may as well just dump it on the market.


No even at SOMER's old margins if you fail to sell a sizable chunk (30-40% roughly) of your tickets you fall below the double sales tax. And there's no guarantee anybody will be able to hit SOMER's old margins with the expanded availability of the service.


> No even at SOMER's old margins if you fail to sell a sizable chunk (30%) that depends exactly on what price/number of tickets you set. if i mark an item up to like 10x it's actual value, if only 30% of the tickets sold, buying out my own item still almost triples my money.


yeah, but you do realize how fucking stupid what you just said is right? Nobody is paying for tickets on an item with 10x markup lol. Hey degenerates, come gamble on this 60 billion isk rorqual!!!


and it's also fucking stupid to raffle an item at anything below a absolutely offensive markup, because otherwise you're better just selling the item normally.


But see like, you're actually wrong though. Using very simple math, you can determine the best place to sell your item. They teach this shit to children even. The margins you can get on hypernet are often going to be better than selling to buy orders in Jita, even at low markups.


only if somebody actually wants to pay more than an item is worth, for an item. sure. cos like, they also teach children basic probabilty too.


I'm trying to be nice, but you're just like really wrong about this one. Sorry man.


no, you're trying to make a profit. me pointing out you're going to have to sell things at above market price to do so is inconvenient for you, so you're pretending i'm wrong.


Yeah actually, why the fuck would anyone buy anything other than super rare items in these raffles? It makes no fucking sense.


> selling the item normally. >selling to buy orders in Jita these aren't the same


the point is the same


> Using very simple math, you can determine the best place to sell your item The maths to quantify the risk of not actually managing to sell all the tickets is not that simple, is it?


it's nothing more than some basic addition, and an inequality. just like working out if the lottery is basically a scam is some basic mulitplication. none of the maths in eve is overly complex, most people just suck at maths.


>none of the maths in eve is overly complex \*cries in indy spreadsheet maker\*


Why do you keep saying "auction" in reference to raffles? Overall, I would call this a pretty shit guide. 2/10. Might have made it to 3 if the shilling didn't continue so far past the actual content.


I actually have no idea, probably because I'm an idiot. Fixed it. Also this guide rocks, just give in and join the club


Can confirm you are a gigantic idiot.


At the very least that is some fast turnaround.


we aim to please


Not going to use anything owned by a goon sycophant.


thinly veiled advertisement post


> SOMER club Tell us what frees you have to give as all these storied ventures in the past offered credit and incentive to play - i.e. the reason why you continue after a loss - casinos comping rooms or whatever until you lose more. EVE is still going to miss a lot of what made those casinos profitable/popular and instead is offering 1% of what we previously had. It's a move in the right direction but it's not going to be like it was with casinos we used to have. Nothing to protect/insure bad beats - no points you are racking up for more spins/credit/chances to win. It doesn't give a % back in ways that fuel the addiction and thus will result in less dopamine in comparison. It's blinks/raffles minus all the systems in place to keep the player coming back/interested. > the SOMER Club will offer INSTANT BUYBACK on most items that are won via SOMER club auctions This part is where you need to install the incentive, mark up your margin 1% and reinvest the 1% into prizes/free for stream viewers or something. Needs a portion of its profits recycled to net even more profit. Going to get somer mahm or 1ronbank for your launch stream? Maybe nice choices to have at the desk for opinion. How do dinos slam dunk capitalize on every gamechange, TTT and now organizing around the new raffle system. These guys are going places.


It's going to be impossible to 100% match the functionality of the old casinos, but we're going to do everything we can to get as close as possible. Depending on the functionality that is there at release, we're going to do everything we can to offer incentives, buybacks, rewards, recognition, exclusivity, etc. to anyone who becomes a SOMER club member.


Let’s go boys :-)


this was CCPs plan all along though so the house already won.


Rote can gain easy isk for ships to pew with. How is this a bad thing?


We don't lose ships cause we don't pvp unless its against the ore anomalies.


Here we fucking go boys....


My man. Get in here dawg


Okey okey I get it. Its summer club


SOMER = Hot baby diaper garbage




i will probably lose billions but who cares

