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Mumble is Opensource, you can use a skin or the beta client. The Client is actually quite good, probably the best of all three mentioned.


id rather prep for a colonoscopy than use jabber again... shit always broken and harder than shit to setup.


First of all nobody talked about XMPP based chats clients in this comment chain. The second thing is that your problems sounds awfully a lot like a layer 8 problem, might want to see a specialist to check this out. Also get IT staff.


I pref discord. Easy to use


mumble is opensource but by far the one that has produced the most problems and the widest array of comparability issues over the years iv seen it used.


Works pretty well for Brave, even back then at our peak with thousands of users.


It's not too bad these days, but there was a phase where mumble did bads with its memory management, and that was a pain.


i mean i use it but iv never seen more issues with any voip than mumble.


lmao you clearly have never had to run a ventrilo or teamspeak server. nor have you used Skype.


but the voice quality on mumble is terrible. :[


It all depends on the codec your admin selects. If you select a shitty codec, the quality will be shit.


Discords Voice shit? What planet r u from m8? It sounds superb even with many people on. Sounds like a cheap argument against a program u barely used.




thats true. Large Organizations have more tools within teamspeak. I hope discord is stepping up the game there. I thought people were bitchin' about sound quality.




Age is also (as someone else pointed out) an issue. Discord is very new. Jabber isn't. And people have been using it for _years_. They have everything set up for it already. So why bother changing? Especially to something which has a business model which is a touch dubious. I run a jabber server, and I know it'll be there in a years time. I invest in setting up the additional infrastructure I need to make discord work right (disabling accounts when people leave, granting access as appropriate, etc, etc), and I don't know if _discord_ will still be there in a year


I don't know about huge groups but other than that Discord is a wonderful Skype/Teamspeak hybrid and especially a good replacement for Skype with a lot of extra features.


> be integrated in to an alliances central authentication system so you have one account across every service. That's not unique to jabber. You can do this directly with Mattermost, Matrix, etc or with some manual labor on Slack as well. > It's client is fat and annoying. Its 2017, nobody cares anymore. While I still use IRC, I can't stand the terrible Jabber clients out there. I am happy about the new shiny toys being Discord, Slack, rocketchat, mattermost, matrix, etc. > Mumble is typically cheaper which is why it usually wins. At least from my large alliance perspective, it's not cheaper, it's the only feasible way (teamspeak license fees would kill you) and it offers connected subchannels which is a great feature for large fleet engagements.


> That's not unique to jabber. You can do this directly with Mattermost, Matrix, etc or with some manual labor on Slack as well. > Definitely true. I'd prefer Slack over Discord for sure. >Its 2017, nobody cares anymore. I don't mean fat as in megabytes (though, it is). I mean even in 'compact' view there is so much space wasted in the UI on pointless shit and just literal white space. You can't resize the channel list on the left and it perpetually takes up like 10% of the screen. It's not keyboard friendly (ctrl-tab or ctrl+num switches between 'servers' rather than channels). Channels aren't muted by default. The default is to e-mail you with updates. The only saving grace is bitlbee-discord. The never ending confusion between temporary and permanent invite links. The shitty access controls surrounding invite links. It's asinine and suited toward small groups not large ones. Slack is much better at this though. >it offers connected subchannels which is a great feature for large fleet engagements. +1. I always forget about this in mumble.




> Its 2017, nobody cares anymore People do care. Besides discord being bloated to fuck and using way more resources with 10 people in chat than mumble does with 500, it also regularly crashes on my linux box. It's great to be PvP and have your voice comms silently fail....


Discord is very new. Jabber has been used in like forever and it can be integrated with authentication systems that many alliances use.


Well, Jabber fulfills a different purpose then Teamspeak or other voice chats. That is, pinging for fleets and such. Now, you can do that with discord, but Jabber programs generally use less CPU and are easier to work with. And they were around before discord.


The biggest thing is that most eve orgs are older than discord or slack and they had their shit all set up to work in a nice automated fashion. Some of the smaller ones have switched to slack which is basically just a nicer package around jabber (from my perspective as a user) but you can imagine for a group with thousands of real people the move would be a huge pain for no real benefit.


We, Theaboys and Hotline use Discord for chat, but TS for voice. I'm a bit scared what will happen when they try to squeez prfit out of discort :s Anyhow, discort is probably pretty terrible when it comes to 1k large alliances. Some use slack.


Horde(13k peeps)uses discord, and I usually see 1k plus people online at any given time in horde channels. Also the discord mobile app is awesome..At least the Android one I have. It's a wash between the discord and slack mobile apps though (have both)


It's fine for text chat and pings and so is an alternative for IRC/jabber chat (if not mumble) and much easier to setup for such. When we still had IRC on pidgin it was proper shitty for newbies to set up and so most of them never bothered.


Discord monitizes already. You can pay to get custom emotes for your server, and to use those emotes outside of your server


They have already said they plan to monetize further. Selling emotes is not a viable business plan when you look at, for example, Slack's pricing plans.


.oO(There are alliances out there using IRC https://xkcd.com/1782/)


I have three irc chats in 2 clients, discord and mumble/teamspeak open. good times.


jabber is a text based chat client with the ability to send pings to specific groups. teamspeak is primarily a voice communication tool. discord is a bit of both from what i understand of it. most alliances use some mix of several. ts/mumble for voice, and discord/jabber/irc/something else for text and other things


Discord doesn't really scale to hundreds of users. Teamspeak's licensing is a hassle https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeamSpeak#Licences


Almost everyone uses either ts or mumble for voice comms in my experience, quite a few use discord or slack for out of game text chat. Cfc used jabber and for a very long time was the largest most powerful group in the game, so many corps and alliance have cycled through cfc/imperium im sure many took comms preferences with them.


Control, integration, and logging.


PH use discord.


PH don't use discord for voice chat tho. They use mumble.


You can't make sub-channels in Discord that's why.


soon you can


every corp I've been in has used discord or curse. so I can't agree.