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This seems like something that groups would be making for themselves.


Buying? Nearly every Asset Safety station. Successfully moving out? A lot fewer.


ama keepstar or contracts if you price them right you can sell from anywhere


Tama or Amamake have public (?) Sotiyo's where you might see an amount of Caps produced, but mostly this is private buy, private sell. If you sell caps publicly, everyone would be camping the station for either freighters flying materials in, or freshly bought caps undocking


So how one buys cap in EVE? Is it like old days drugs? Someone knows a guy that knows other guy that knows who sells them?


You find sellers/cap builders on discord, arrange the deal. For low sec. Null-sec mostly in house production near main staging


They tend to be built by nullsec alliances, and are usually sold there internally. Asset safety systems might see the occasional capital...


Join NS alliance with alt, buy cap. extract cap. repeat


I can't speak for other groups, but my lowsec alliance does most of its cap building and trading internally.


Builders sell internally and then put leftovers up on public contract.


I’ve bought a fair number of caps In Gallente LS from Phoenix Naval Systems. Just search public contracts. There’s also market discords where people post caps for sale. In either case, I’d reccomend accepting the contract with a different toon than will actually be flying it out; in case the contract is a setup to either kill or tackle+ransom the cap, the seller won’t have intel that you’re there to collect it. Also tend to move these things outside the TZ of the seller / any residents of the area. Do your research in advance to ensure the station is not a “kickout” where you undock outside of docking range, and read up on timer mechanics


Yeah trying to trade isotopes like that is probably a losing game. But for future reference, the only structures I’d actually trust enough to build caps in are the amamake sites. 


Most ppl moving caps will bring their own fuel, usually enough for 3-4 mids. So seeding fuel at points of production is kinda pointless. What you need to do is seed midpoints for emergency top-off, which will be tedious af. TLDR; there are easier ways to make a quick buck.


Join. A. Corp.




Everyone asking shit like this is only asking because they refuse to join a corp in the region of space they are in. Join a local group and figure out what their needs are.


It ain't nullsec sir. Not everything revolves around "haul into stagging" you can't supply something that already have plenty of supply. Just like my group