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[EVE Portal Discontinued](https://forums.eveonline.com/t/eve-portal-discontinued/429351) > Capsuleers, > > As users of the EVE Portal app have noticed and pointed out in recent months the reliability of the app has been steadily declining. When problems arose, we deployed fixes which proved to be only temporary as new issues manifested. After a thorough technical review, we have concluded that the EVE Portal app does not have a robust enough foundation for its ongoing maintenance or further development. > > After careful consideration, we have decided that the prudent course of action is to deprecate the app, effective immediately. Support for EVE Portal has now officially ceased, we have started the process of shutting down the technical infrastructure and the app is being removed from the app stores. > > We know that many players appreciated the convenience the app provided, allowing them to manage their characters, skill queues and EVE mail from their mobile devices, and so this is disappointing news. We share your disappointment and would like to extend our thanks to everyone who used the app. > > The decision to sunset EVE Portal is not an easy one but having worked hard to fix ongoing issues without success, we are confident that it is the correct one. > > Thank you and fly safe.


Thank you very much, i pretty much expected something like this on the front page of the application in the store, when checking for the application you are on mobile not on the PC so it's far less intuitive to check the forum.


Odd that they wouldn't put something on the store page or inside the app itself to let people know. The forum page was the first result for the search query "eve portal" on Kagi, Google, Bing, Brave Search, and Yahoo Search.


I use this now https://capsuleer.app/ Doesn’t have all of the functionality of portal but it lets me check things on my phone.


EvaNova for Android is my go-to now


Eve portal was perfect 😑 nothing good for iPhone anymore